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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

Hot damn.


I really wish they saved the image of Bryan standing over Trips for when he actually took him out. Him celebrating like that made me like it even less than when it was just a matter of Show getting to Hunter first. I think the fact Show got no reaction at all until he punched Hunter shows that he shouldn't even be in this angle and him flinging the SHIELD pile on off of him like he was Black Betty was just stupid.

agree. it was so cheap and unearned.

Did WWE hire some TNA creative people or something.

Also its a shame they have completely wasted they Cena free time they had. Seemed like a perfect time to shake things up but instead they completely stalled the show without him.
Not going to complain about Show getting his revenge, but it was a bit strange to see DB celebrating over Trips like that. Wouldn't have minded the show ending with Show towering over HHH with that smile he had on his face.
Poor Cena. Killing himself to come back to get booed by a bunch of dorks whose greatest physical exertion in the past year was moving their neck around to find the best angle to stare at AJ's ass.



WCW Monday Nitro 3/29/99

. Torrie and David talked about how Hogan is more of a father to him than Ric.

This is the first Nitro to originate from the great country of Canada! But what really is important is the Battle For The Beetle sweepstakes. Beetle Adventure Racing has been hailed of the greatest racing game of the year for N64. They're giving a away a Beetle with N64 logos!

Recap of Bret calling Goldberg out last week. It's been the talk of the town for the past week.

Konnan vs VINCE

Fuck. This is perhaps the worst way to start out in a new market. Konnan wins.

TO THE BACK. Hogan and Torrie are talking about what Torrie and David talked about. All of these segments are in black and white and they're revealing their plan to fuck with David every week, but no one has mentioned it to David. Does David not watch the shows? These kind of things really bother me. Torrie seems to be trying to stir something between Hogan and Nash.

TO THE MEAN BROTHERJACKDUDE. Hogan's return to Canada. Tenay and his repeated use of, "Think of it this way", really bug the shit out of me. He wants to know where his title shot is. Customs asked him who he was going to beat up tonight. His answer was Ric Flair!

60 seconds with Goldberg.

The announcers talk about rumors that Sting may have been spotted by customs. Tenay will have an interview with DDP later.

Highlight package of Steiner vs DDP.

A special interview with DDP took place over the weekend. DDP explains that he wasn't able to feel his legs for a few days after Superbrawl. Tenay asks stupid questions like "what about the 30 day stipulation??!?" as in, Steiner would get Kim for 30 days if he won the match. Tenay thought it was a legit stipulation. DDP says to stop it with the people's champion shit, but he's coming back when he comes back, on his time.

Wrath vs Kenny Kaos

This is the first time they've had Nitro in Canada and these are really the matches they're putting on? Wrath wins in an agonizingly long match.

Torrie is now with Nash and trying to stir it up with Nash and Hulk.

TO THE MEAN BY GOD GENE. Flair says that coming to Canada was a bad idea for WCW, because he doesn't like being there. Flair stops his promo for asshole chants. He brings out DDP. DDP says it is like Bischoff teleported into Flair's body. DDP is there for Big Papa SCUMBAG. He says something about Kim, which the fans react negatively to, so DDP calls the fans a bunch of JACKOFFS and SCUMBAGS. Flair says that DDP will face Hogan tonight. Finally, the blow off to their feud last Summer! Hulk comes out. He's okay with it. Flair is going to be DDP's manager. STING is in the rafters! Ric Flair demands he come down, but he doesn't. I'm not sure what just happened. Flair is full heel, DDP called the fans jackoffs and doesn't want to be called the people's champion anymore, and Hogan is full face in the arena, but heel in backstage promos.


Scott Norton vs Rick Steiner

Scott goes to work right away. Rick fights back and sends him to the floor with a Steinerline. Norton comes in and does some throat based offense. Powerslam/backdrop thing sends Norton back to the floor. We come back from break to see both guys down. Really weird attempted powerbomb spot. First, Rick dead weighted Norton. Then Norton wouldn't let Rick back drop him. Norton then kind of forced Rick up and dropped him in a dominator. It was weird. They tried the spot again and this time the back drop worked. It went back to the floor where both guys went into the ring post. Norton 3 or 4 times. Bulldog for the win. Norton kicked out at 3, but the match was still over and Rick got out of the ring right away. I think he was worried he was about to get his ass kicked.


TO THE BACK. Rey tells Kidman that the Horsemen have opened up a title match. Rey wants Kidman to be his partner tonight. Kidman is a little iffy, but agrees.

Chris Adams vs Booker T. WCW TV Championship

How is it fair for a guy to be in a tournament and having non-tournament matches at the same time? I thought it was weird that WCW was using Chris Adams in 1998, but I think it is even weirder that they were still using him a year later. He's acting like a pasty, pudgy English heel tonight. Book hits a huge drop kick and they have a handshake. No SWERVES. Just a handshake. Book hits an awkward lariatoo in the corner. Ax kick. Book's foot actually hit Adams in the face on the way up and down. Just clipped him, but looked like it probably hurt. Adams sends Book to the floor and throws Book into the rail. Super kick! Back in the ring, a powerbomb. For the pin! No. Book kicked out for the save. Spin kick. Spinewalkslambuster. Flapjack Norton. Harlem side kick. Missile dropkick for the put away.


Chris Jericho vs Jerry Flynn

Jericho gets a huge ovation coming out. Jericho talks about being Canadian, growing up in Canada, and becoming everything he is in Canada. But now, he lives in the U.S. Coming back to Toronto made him realize CANADA SUCKS. Lol, these two fans were legit shook. One guy in particular looked crushed. Flynn attacked Jericho. Jericho comes back. This is into the 2nd hour before the first Canadian shows up and he heels on the crowd. And the other two major Canadians are also heels. They completely botch a slingshot, but Flynn at least nicely recovers by turning it into a leg lock. Fisherman buster from Jericho. Lionsault. Liontamer is countered into a roll up. They botch a powerbomb into a roll up spot. Jericho was in the ropes as he tried to do the roll up, so he gave it up and rolled Flynn up in one of the other corners.



Gene and the Nitro Girls hawk this Beetle Adventure Racing sweepstakes. Spice looked BANGING in her outfit. God damn.

Bret Hart comes to the ring. Huge ovation for Bret. He talks about how nice it is to have people be happy to see him and have some kids in the audience. People are mad about DA RATINGS, but he doesn't give a shit, he just wants to recite "O Canada". He can't get a title shot to save his life. Hogan and Flair are both scared of him. He calls William Goldberg out. Ya big chicken! Apparently Goldberg said he'd put up a bunch of money to face Steve Austin (which I assume is the challenge from The Tonight Show that was hyped, but never actually mentioned on TV), but Bret beat Steve Austin every time they fought. Huge pop for that. Bret takes his Hitmen jersey off to reveal a Maple Leafs jersey. Shouldn't they be the Maple Leaves? Spear! But Goldberg isn't getting up, either. They're in an awkward position. Bret's legs spread, Goldberg mounted with his head on Bret's stomach. Bret stirs. He rolls Goldberg over. The crowd counts the pin. He then reveals he was wearing a medal plate around his stomach. SWERVE! He grabs a mic and tells Bischoff and WCW that he quits. Bischoff was briefly shown right before they cut to commercial. But Ric Flair is the president! Am I being SWERVED again? Bischoff's confrontation with Bret from the break was shown when they came back. So, are they acknowledging that Eric is still in control off screen, even though Flair is supposed to be the president now? SHOOT!



Recap of the Steiner/Buff break up.

Buff Bagwell vs Norman Smiley

Buff has his new music, but doesn't have the top hat or pyro yet. Buff cuts a face promo. I guess he's no longer part of the Wolfpac. Norman got a huge reaction. However, the crowd is terribly mic'd. They look like they're making much more noise that what we hear. Buff pops up in the camera to say, "I didn't know we hired Warren Moon!'. Buff is sent to the floor and the camera STAYS ON BUFF WHILE NORMAN DOES THE BIG WIGGLE. What the fuck. Buff does a SHOOT inverted atmoic drop. Norman gets his knees up on a splash and fucking decked Buff in the corner. Smiley Slam! I love Brain marking out for it every time. It's his favorite move. Chin lock from Norman. Tenay and Brain keep fucking with Tony for not pronouncing Smiley's name properly. Norman works on the neck for a while. Buff makes a come back. Blockbuster for the win.


Dean Malenko/Chris Benoit vs Rey Mysterio Jr./Kidman WCW Tag Team Championships

This is going to have to save the show. Besides the Hart SWERVE, the show has been not good. Fucking brutal chop and back drop on Kidman to start out. Backbreaker. Benoit is already in a bad mood. He's going to break Kidman's sternum with chops. Punch to the back of the neck. BK Bomb! Kidman wisely gets the fuck out of there. Tags are made. Rey doesn't have much more luck against Dean. Or Benoit. These fucking chops tonight. Rey makes a brief come back only to get caught in the powerbomb doomsday device that crushed him. Dean goes for the Cloverleaf, but Rey is able to make a tag. YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN! Tornado bulldog. Rey and Benoit go to the floor. Super gutbuster! One of my all time favorite moves. We go to a break with the Horsemen in control and they're still in control when we come back. Stalling suplex from Dean. He knocks Rey off the apron just for fun. Back suplex. Double Flapjack Norton. Gutwrench gut buster from Benoit. Heel Horsemen are fucking MEAN. Rey counters a tiltawhirl back breaker with a rana. He then back drops Kidman to the floor on top of Benoit. Rey then did a rope stunner, but definitely went flying off the apron and no doubt splattered into the guard rail, but the camera wasn't on him. Raven and Saturn walk out. Rey tries a diving rana. Dean counters it into a powerbomb. He locks on the Cloverleaf. Raven Evenflows Dean. New champions! Rey is now a double champion. This match was fucking boss. Probably the best match of 1999 so far.




Recap of some of the activities from Spring Breakout. It was actually just a plug for Cinnaburst gum. They had a contest for the UNBELIEVABLE prize of...$1000. That's not really that much. Certainly not unbelievable.

DDP vs Hollywood Hogan

DDP is jacked. Fans are 100% behind Hogan. It's so fucking weird that DDP takes two months off and comes back as a heel, literally for no reason. Hulk dominates the opening minutes. When we come back from break, they're fighting at the announce booth. Now they're up on the stage. They're trying to tear it apart. One side of the the WCW logo is knocked over. "Mark Ten...Sorry, Mike Tenay". "You were right the first time." Lol. They get back to the ring and Hogan has his belt off. DDP uses it. Flair attacks Hogan on the floor. DDP knocks Flair down. More belt shots. Discuss this lariatoo. Spinning neck breaker. Hulk comes back with a suplex and series of elbows. Hogan attempts the rolling cross arm breaker, but DDP doesn't roll with it at all, so it ends up being a reverse cross arm breaker. Small package! DDP with another lariatooo. Ref bump. Big boot. DDP dodges the leg drop. Charles Robinson is the new ref. Another lariatoo. But Hulk is Hulking up! Flair accidentally hits DDP with a chair shot that even Sid would be ashamed of. Hogan gets rid of Flair. Leg drop to DDP. Robinson won't make the count, so Hogan decks him. Mickie Jay makes the cover. Hogan wins. What a cluster fuck of a finish.



DQ Count: 0 out of 8 matches.

First off, Horsemen vs Kidman/Rey was great. The Bret SWERVE was pretty boss. Hogan/DDP was a wild brawl. Everything else was bleh. But let's really think about how we got here. Hogan is now the top babyface. Flair is the top heel. It happened because Hogan used Flair's son against him, and then Flair stopped trying to fix it a month later, so Hogan said that was pretty gross. Somehow from that, they switched roles. Hogan is the bad guy, here. I get Flair being crazy when it comes to Hogan, but he turned full heel against everyone and the Horsemen turned with him. Except for Arn, maybe. He prevented Flair from getting a cheap win on Thunder, but it wasn't mentioned at all on Nitro. The pay off to the Finger Poke of Doom, which was supposed to give Goldberg an angle because the chase is better than the win, is now Hogan being the top babyface while Goldberg got punked out by a dude who quit right after. And in fact, it seems like they're building to Nash vs Hogan, but for real this time. Remember they spent four fucking months of nWo break up last year? Are they really going to do it again?

DDP comes back and is a heel for no reason at all. Despite that, he still wants to face Steiner, who has moved on to a feud with Buff. Steiner wasn't even at the show. Goldberg has no angle if Bret is going to be gone. Scott Hall is hurt and no one mentioned why he wasn't on TV or why he was stripped of his championship. The US tournament wasn't mentioned tonight. But basically, the main thing to come out of the Finger Poke of Doom is that Hogan is back on top as a face.
The only thing that really bothers me about HBK's involvement with Daniel Bryan is, yeah they say he trained him, but we never ever see any segments where they interact with each other. I mean if anyone has any footage of it, be my guest, but everything about it just feels so forced and inorganic. Just like the product right now.

I guess they don't wanna let the truth out that the only thing Shawn Michaels ever did for Daniel Bryan was take his money for the wrestling school and then let him go. Unless that's where they're going with if HBK somehow costs Bryan the match, which I can't see them doing.


Nah Bryan learned from HBK and HBK got him his first gig in WWE where he got to meet Regal among others. HBK wasn't some grand mentor to Bryan but all the guys from Bryan's class were pretty good and did learn from him.

Biggest problem Bryan said was HBK would come in all pilled up and take bumps and then not show up days later. He was still "bad" Shawn.


Yeah, I think the most HBK did was get Spanky/D-Bryne jobs in developmental. I don't think he did any actual in ring training with anyone.
Getting them jobs was probably better than training them. Both would have been great but take what you can get plus WWE looking down on "indy guys" was probably Bryans biggest barrier no matter how great everybody said he was. Punk and Bryan have definitely made it better for all indy wrestlers not so much the companies since they just lose their best guys but at least there is hope for these guys and girls to get hired.


WWE never looked down on indy guys. That's how they got all their talent. ECW was definitely seen as an indy guy where guys would go on to the big show after being there. They just have never been big on pushing ANYONE huge right off the bat, no matter how popular they were somewhere else. See: Every WCW guy.
The one recent guy i was really disappointed the way they handled him and the way he handled it was Low Ki, I would have loved to see him more in the E. At least he got to kiss Layla I guess that like winning the US Title. Sin Cara was pretty disappointing too but that's hard to tell who's fault that is freak injuries followed by Sin Cara's laziness. Learn English dammit

Low Ki sympathizer?
I like to see him wrassle but he probably does have a bad attitude he was trying everything to get into the "doghouse". Mentioning TNA in his NXT rap was pretty funny though especially because of Micheal Cole's reaction.
HHH is awful and everything he touches turns to shit. I don't even care about D-Brine any more and I'm a complete mark for the guy, but Hunter's completely fucked this whole thing up, just like he did with the Summer of Punk II. Remind me, why are you all so in love with the guy, again?
HHH is awful and everything he touches turns to shit. I don't even care about D-Brine any more and I'm a complete mark for the guy, but Hunter's completely fucked this whole thing up, just like he did with the Summer of Punk II. Remind me, why are you all so in love with the guy, again?

I am with you. HHH and Step are just burring everyone on their path. This "it is good for business" story is made just to put those two clowns over.
HHH is awful and everything he touches turns to shit. I don't even care about D-Brine any more and I'm a complete mark for the guy, but Hunter's completely fucked this whole thing up, just like he did with the Summer of Punk II. Remind me, why are you all so in love with the guy, again?

Because the dude's a great heel? I agree his need to make himself the center of everything is bullshit, but there are few I've ever seen that can match him for "convincing asshole" credentials. He's a B+ overall, but a GOAT heel, especially pre-quad injury. Even today, he's been great as the passive aggressive PC counterpart to the 90s version of the "evil boss" archetype. The problem has more been the fact that Orton is such a bore that even Bryan can't make him interesting again, let alone credible, so they're throwing Big Show into the mix to try and "spice things up".

I kind of agree about Bryan, though. I think things'll get good again when they have to prepare for Survivor Series, but right now, Bryan's just kind of in a holding pattern as they slog through the three PPVs they just "have" to do. I don't think it's as bad as Summer of Punk, though, as the story has at least remained straightforward, without any stupid "fake text" storylines. And Trips is still the antagonist, with Shoe and Bryan as sort of co-leads. With these throwaway PPVs coming right after Summerslam, I'm almost tempted to say I can't imagine a reality where Bryan DIDN'T lose some luster.

I was really bored by most of Raw, but I give kudos to Damien Sandow for coming out and looking like a million bucks in that first match. Jesus, he was intense. Why is he jobbing to Ziggles, again? Dude has WAY more long-term potential as a main-event caliber player, as you could put him against literally any face and have a good chance of striking gold.

Edit: Damn, Trips really draws out the hate in some folk. Fuck.


HHH is awful and everything he touches turns to shit. I don't even care about D-Brine any more and I'm a complete mark for the guy, but Hunter's completely fucked this whole thing up, just like he did with the Summer of Punk II. Remind me, why are you all so in love with the guy, again?
Anyone in this thread that's ever been "in love" with anything Triple H has been associated with deserves to be shunned.

Is this the Bella that everyone thinks can wrestle?
In a perfect world, Brie concussing AJ will lead to some epic blood feud between D.Brine and Punk that leads to them having amazing matches with one another instead of trash they're associated with now.
With the announcement of the DQ games coming to mobile and the rumours of that sleeping dogs game being nothing but a iOS game I just realised Square Enix is the WWE of video games.
I don't follow Final Fantasy as much as I used to but is SE's adoration for Lightning supposed to be some sort of commentary or troll job on the fans who obsess over Cloud and FF7?

No. Lightning is actually the most popular FF character by a profitable margin. Or so I've been told by people who actually have knowledge about that stuff.


HBK will replace the Mad Ox as GM, occasionally super kick folks, but generally be HHH's bitch because Hunner seems to really enjoy making himself look like he was the guy in charge of DX in 1997.
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