Cena returning two months after suffering a torn triceps? How much steroids are they pumping into that guy?
Cena returning two months after suffering a torn triceps? How much steroids are they pumping into that guy?
Is this whole corporation storyline supposed to be putting over Bryan....or the Big Show? The man who's been given countless opportunities and is still completely irrelevant.
HHH vs. Big Show will main event Bryan's first show as champion.
Cena returning two months after suffering a torn triceps? How much steroids are they pumping into that guy?
Nothing compared to what Rock is taking
i'm gonna try to watch RAW tonight.
i'm hungry for poor booking, storylines that go nowhere and Kofi vs someone he faced dozens of times before.
i lied. fell asleep soon after Steph fired Big Show.
I always looked at it as HHH was the center, now he's just pushing in Show a bit more. Orton and Bryan seem like a side story to it all.Yeah, they've completely fucked this storyline all up by making the fucking Big Show the center of it now. Bryan is an afterthought.
I have to agree with what people have been saying with this Corp story.
They've forgotten that we used to root for Stone Cold and he would always get the upper hand very quickly and Vince would get fucked off.'s just pussy Superstars too scared to lose their jobs and HHH is not really giving an inch to be made to look stupid.
He won't lose any matches.
He won't conceed and be made to look stupid.
Love Bryan but he's too boring and limited in his personality for this one. He's around the same as Cena in terms of Face appeal for the IWC IMO. He can wrestle but man....I'm fucking bored!
Nothing compared to what Rock is taking
Just watching Raw now... So, the knee jerk reaction you have when AJ gets injured is to put Eva Marie in the ring with Aksana. A girl that has no wrestling experience and only a few months of training, against literally the worst main roster (well, aside from JoJo and Eva Marie, apparently) female talent.
What the fuck is wrong with this company?
Went to the bar last night to watch the Braves lose in the playoffs.....did I miss anything?
This angle seems to have taken a nosedive after the intro. WWE needs some good writers who can fill out their long term plans.
guys should i watch Tropic Thunder or Pain and Gain
I wonder if they are forcing Cena back. Can't imagine he's thrilled about it.
On that note I don't think they will unify the titles, it would make Elimination Chamber useless.
Anyone in this thread that's ever been "in love" with anything Triple H has been associated with deserves to be shunned.
The only reason Cena gets a WHC title run, is so he can win the title, and win against Sandow's cash-in as well.
As you may remember, Cena was the first person to lose a cash-in attempt, so him burying Sandow only makes sense.
Maybe they go with Sandow winning the title off Cena and feuding with Cena. I could see the back and forth with those two being a good secondary program, plus if Sandow is going to be upper mid card or main event he needs something big like a win vs Cena to make him believable.
very nice
Cena already put over Bryan this decade, he won't do it for someone else until 2020.
Cena already put over Bryan this decade
Maybe they go with Sandow winning the title off Cena and feuding with Cena. I could see the back and forth with those two being a good secondary program, plus if Sandow is going to be upper mid card or main event he needs something big like a win vs Cena to make him believable.
I find it very hard to believe that they'd rush Cena back just so Sandow can cash in him.
Why not? WWE looooooove their "did he return too soon from injury?" storylines.
I fell asleep earlier missing the end of Raw and Sleepy Hallow completely, what happened?
I fell asleep earlier missing the end of Raw and Sleepy Hallow completely, what happened?
It's true.
Besides, Cena doesn't exactly need that, or any, title to be the main event top guy. Also, if he wins it, then loses and then regains it from Sandow, they can call him a 15-time champion, which means he's only one short to equaling Ric Flair. Their end goal is clearly to be able to claim JOHN CENA IS THE MOST DECORATED ATHLETE OF ALL TIME!!!
Whelp, just got my 3 tickets for the Royal Rumble in January! I can't wait!
Any other gaffers thinking of going? presale code is RUMBLE
Whelp, just got my 3 tickets for the Royal Rumble in January! I can't wait!
Any other gaffers thinking of going? presale code is RUMBLE
B. It would make ADR look like a total putz