Lambda Pie
what the fuck is this shit?
ain't Bryan some pussy ass beta, standing over the great master AFTER the awesome Big Show took him down.
Nice! Rumble is always fun.
It's an awesome PPV to see live. I saw the 2010 Rumble live. It was the one where Punk did the whole straight edge sermon during the middle of the match.
Gah - jealous. One of my favorite Rumble moments.
what the fuck is this shit?
ain't Bryan some pussy ass beta, standing over the great master AFTER the awesome Big Show took him down.
No I just mentioned SH, I just want to know about Raw.Spoiling Sleepy Hollow here would not be good for business.
this tragedy
Well the "logic" is, no one "screwed" can touch the Boss HHH. But Big Show... HE'S FIRED! They can't touch him.
D. Bry is celebrating what non of the current superstars can do.
On that note. I guess the process starts for HHH to take custody of Show's children.
Shoe ultra 1 activated. gifthis tragedy
Well the "logic" is, no one "screwed" can touch the Boss HHH. But Big Show... HE'S FIRED! They can't touch him.
How did Hunter take being gently slapped in the face?
Now THIS is the WrassleGAF I know and love. I was getting worried we were running out of things to complain about.
Now THIS is the WrassleGAF I know and love. I was getting worried we were running out of things to complain about.
Now THIS is the WrassleGAF I know and love. I was getting worried we were running out of things to complain about.
I've officially been jobless for over a week now. I woke up and thought 'it's awesome that i don't have to go to work'
but I'm starting to go stir crazy.
He sold it well if that's what you mean
oops I mean look
I was really looking forward to starting a "Lets go Cena. Cena sucks" chant during Survivor Series when he wasn't there just to be a troll...
More importantly, HOW THE FUCK IS HE COMING BACK SO SOON!!?!?!?
Now THIS is the WrassleGAF I know and love. I was getting worried we were running out of things to complain about.
senzu beans are the biggest plot hole in all of dragon ball z.
it's like, if ONE grew a year or something i'd understand. but the way goku kept getting them from that cat why didn't he just bring a sack of them and just win via attrition.
Christ, the monthly PPVs are like those episodes of Dragonball where the dudes just keep charging and charging to stall until the next manga chapter comes out to adapt.
what the fuck is this shit?
ain't Bryan some pussy ass beta, standing over the great master AFTER the awesome Big Show took him down.
Same here been enjoying time off. Now I gotta go try to apply today at some stores UGH.
I applied to like 5 or 6 places, but I am kind of tempted to wait it out past Christmas so I don't have to deal with that bs. I might just also focus on going back to school full time.
I worked Electronics at Target for like half a year
The people in charge were functionally idiotic. It probably would have been a decent job outside of that. Gamestop was miserable, but I liked my co-workers. I'm hoping to work at a book store since i've got all this retail experience, but I don't know. I'm kind of tempted to work a restaurant(not fast food) so i can pick up some cooking experience.
Why was it Big Show knocking out HHH? Why was Bryan standing over him chanting yes.
This angle is shit because Bryan is doing nothing. I don't give a shit about him being a good wrestler. I want decent segments. I want him fucking oveer HHH, I want to see him making HHH look like a fool not wrestling the Shield for the billionth time.
I was excited a month I can't stand Bryan now.
Right before the lame punch why did The Shield leave the ring?
Well kind of hard to have D. Bry be Austin 2.0, which is what people thought was gonna happen.
Let's make some comparisons and not to that overrated tired of DBZ.
So Big Show punched HHH who is Lord Zedd and knocked off the shield ,the shield being green ranger, goldar and...insert 3rd monster here.
Hokuto no Ken is the standard bruh
DBZ is the standard bruh
Fixed that for you.
Probably already know I hate anime (if you don't, I do). And..frankly I'm tired of hearing about DBZ.
We also know that you hate pretty much everything that normal people consider fun and cool, so that's not surprising.
Probably already know I hate anime (if you don't, I do). And..frankly I'm tired of hearing about DBZ.
You are welcome to admire my DBZ figures any time. It will warm your heart.
Gift from a friend that went to japan
You are welcome to admire my DBZ figures any time. It will warm your heart.
Gift from a friend that went to japan