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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance



what the fuck is this shit?

ain't Bryan some pussy ass beta, standing over the great master AFTER the awesome Big Show took him down.


Nice! Rumble is always fun.

No doubt, even if I dislike the winner the match is always usually a blast. And honestly, as long as Cena doesn't win I'll be content. I'm pulling for El Torito.

It's an awesome PPV to see live. I saw the 2010 Rumble live. It was the one where Punk did the whole straight edge sermon during the middle of the match.

Gah - jealous. One of my favorite Rumble moments.

My GF and I are driving up from NC for it. Spend a few days with my parents who live outside PA and going to watch the show with one of my best wrasslebro's since middle school. Can't be worse than Battleground right?


The whole Cena thing is probably just to get him on TV for a bit to promote the Susan Komen shit they're doing this month. It might help HIAC buys a little bit, but I really can't see him being around come SS.

This is probably all wishful thinking and LOL CENA WINS will hold true again.


what the fuck is this shit?

ain't Bryan some pussy ass beta, standing over the great master AFTER the awesome Big Show took him down.

Well the "logic" is, no one "screwed" can touch the Boss HHH. But Big Show... HE'S FIRED! They can't touch him.

D. Bry is celebrating what non of the current superstars can do.

On that note. I guess the process starts for HHH to take custody of Show's children.


Well the "logic" is, no one "screwed" can touch the Boss HHH. But Big Show... HE'S FIRED! They can't touch him.

D. Bry is celebrating what non of the current superstars can do.

On that note. I guess the process starts for HHH to take custody of Show's children.

Kevin Nash vs Big Show: Ladder match for custody of Dominic.


Now THIS is the WrassleGAF I know and love. I was getting worried we were running out of things to complain about.

Well yeah, D. Bry is buried.

edit: I don't mind these connected storylines, but yeah... I can see how people think it somehow screwing D. Bry.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I've officially been jobless for over a week now. I woke up and thought 'it's awesome that i don't have to go to work'

but I'm starting to go stir crazy.


So not worth it
Now THIS is the WrassleGAF I know and love. I was getting worried we were running out of things to complain about.

There's is literally no wrestling dedicated place on the internet right now where people aren't complaining though.

I am, correct me if I'm wrong, considered one of the most positive people on WWE in this here thread and even I'm throwing in the towel in this 2-month long hiatus WWE is taking. It's like they were like, "yeah fuck it, lets do an off season and just send the entire creative team to Belize for a few months while we run on auto-pilot lol."

It's insane.

And now AJ is injured and I don't even get my five minutes of AJ every Monday and EVERYTHING IS RUINED!
I was really looking forward to starting a "Lets go Cena. Cena sucks" chant during Survivor Series when he wasn't there just to be a troll...


More importantly, HOW THE FUCK IS HE COMING BACK SO SOON!!?!?!?


I've officially been jobless for over a week now. I woke up and thought 'it's awesome that i don't have to go to work'

but I'm starting to go stir crazy.

Same here been enjoying time off. Now I gotta go try to apply today at some stores UGH.

He sold it well if that's what you mean



oops I mean look


She's something, I don't know her though.

And it looks like Big Show copied punch 04 from No Mercy


I was really looking forward to starting a "Lets go Cena. Cena sucks" chant during Survivor Series when he wasn't there just to be a troll...


More importantly, HOW THE FUCK IS HE COMING BACK SO SOON!!?!?!?


edit: personally I just had one of these. I don't feel any powers though. But it's tasty.

edit edit: Holy shit, I didn't know they had grape flavor!!!!!!!



Now THIS is the WrassleGAF I know and love. I was getting worried we were running out of things to complain about.

This threads general lack of focus can probably be entirely attributed to how fucking boring the product has been post-SummerSlam. Terrible is better than boring cause it at least looks like they're trying.

I'm just glad Cena is back to save us from discussion about anime, Dolph Lundgren, and shitty old cartoons.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
senzu beans are the biggest plot hole in all of dragon ball z.

it's like, if ONE grew a year or something i'd understand. but the way goku kept getting them from that cat why didn't he just bring a sack of them and just win via attrition.


So not worth it
senzu beans are the biggest plot hole in all of dragon ball z.

it's like, if ONE grew a year or something i'd understand. but the way goku kept getting them from that cat why didn't he just bring a sack of them and just win via attrition.

Actually, it does take a long time to grow a single bean. But since there's generally years between big fights in DBZ, that explains that.

Also, of course, he's been growing them for ages, so he probably has a big stock of them in the basement.


While we're referencing DBZ anyways, this comment from Best and Worst of Battleground really nails it:
Christ, the monthly PPVs are like those episodes of Dragonball where the dudes just keep charging and charging to stall until the next manga chapter comes out to adapt.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Same here been enjoying time off. Now I gotta go try to apply today at some stores UGH.

I applied to like 5 or 6 places, but I am kind of tempted to wait it out past Christmas so I don't have to deal with that bs. I might just also focus on going back to school full time.


I applied to like 5 or 6 places, but I am kind of tempted to wait it out past Christmas so I don't have to deal with that bs. I might just also focus on going back to school full time.

I might go apply at halloween shops that open during the month

Im going to go to Kmart too Dragon KMART! Oh god

Someone shoot me

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I worked Electronics at Target for like half a year
The people in charge were functionally idiotic. It probably would have been a decent job outside of that. Gamestop was miserable, but I liked my co-workers. I'm hoping to work at a book store since i've got all this retail experience, but I don't know. I'm kind of tempted to work a restaurant(not fast food) so i can pick up some cooking experience.


Why was it Big Show knocking out HHH? Why was Bryan standing over him chanting yes.

This angle is shit because Bryan is doing nothing. I don't give a shit about him being a good wrestler. I want decent segments. I want him fucking oveer HHH, I want to see him making HHH look like a fool not wrestling the Shield for the billionth time.

I was excited a month ago....now? I can't stand Bryan now.


I worked Electronics at Target for like half a year
The people in charge were functionally idiotic. It probably would have been a decent job outside of that. Gamestop was miserable, but I liked my co-workers. I'm hoping to work at a book store since i've got all this retail experience, but I don't know. I'm kind of tempted to work a restaurant(not fast food) so i can pick up some cooking experience.

That's what I'll do, I'll go to good ol gamestop. I'd love to work at a book store but I'm no good at dressing nice and am muy ugly


Why was it Big Show knocking out HHH? Why was Bryan standing over him chanting yes.

This angle is shit because Bryan is doing nothing. I don't give a shit about him being a good wrestler. I want decent segments. I want him fucking oveer HHH, I want to see him making HHH look like a fool not wrestling the Shield for the billionth time.

I was excited a month ago....now? I can't stand Bryan now.

Well kind of hard to have D. Bry be Austin 2.0, which is what people thought was gonna happen.



What's the rumor/story with Drew McIntyre? Getting away from 3MB?

He was a decent midcard guy until he was depushed due to the GF thing. Hated his insta-push on Smackdown years ago, but that was because of random ass booking they often do. Can't be any worse than Miz or Swagger right now.


Let's make some comparisons and not to that overrated tired of DBZ.

So Big Show punched HHH who is Lord Zedd and knocked off the shield ,the shield being green ranger, goldar and...insert 3rd monster here.


Well kind of hard to have D. Bry be Austin 2.0, which is what people thought was gonna happen.


Ok, I admit I was expecting Stone Cold style shinanigans. I didn't expect him to do the Beer swilling shit but this tame ass passive aggressive whining routine is boring.

Also, okay, we understand hes a vegan, he likes soy milk etc but this is make believe. Keep that shit out of here and just man the fuck up.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
DBZ was never cool, it's for children.

This place is a hugbox lately. Fuckin get mean, folks.




You are welcome to admire my DBZ figures any time. It will warm your heart.

Gift from a friend that went to japan

Look at that thing!

jmdajr I don't want you playing with something with such ridiculous hair.

awful awful hair!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Y'all can get your dollars together for a Royal Rumble ticket, but the GWF Avatar Rumble will be FREE on iDPPV.

I'm thinkin we should run it the night before the Ramble.
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