Developer: Oddworld Inhabitants (Original) & Just Add Water (HD)
Publisher: Oddworld Inhabitants
Release Date: 18 December (US PSN) / 19 December (EU PSN)
Genre: Action/Adventure
Price: $14.99/â¬11.99/£9.99
Size: 1.5 Gigabytes
OT by Tizoc and LiquidSolid
Subtitle suggested by Yagharek
Stranger's Wrath is an action adventure game with FPS elements. You play as the bounty hunter Stranger, who is charged with taking down outlaws using various Critters, found throughout the game, as ammunition. Each Critter has a unique ability which can be used to capture enemies. Enemies can be caught dead or alive, but are worth more alive. Money is then used to buy other weapons, upgrades and ammunition.
SixthAxis have provided their impression about the Vita ver.:
Also has screenshots of the Vita version, but based on their write-up the game looks much better than what the images show.
Allaboutthegames review
...and here's a review for the PS3 ver. from Eurogamer crica December 2011: