
The person on the pole was Zippedpinhead, looking with a mix of confusion and fear onto his own which just gradually dissolved into thin air. He felt no pain, he just had some weird neutral feeling of his limbs missing.
"Oh, Peripseros, take our offer!", the people standing around him shouted, "Take this soul and give us the strength to sow even more despair into the hearts of those people. Give us the strength to crush Komena and her followers!" They ended exactly at the time when Zippedpinhead's head was entirely dissolved into dust, leaving nothing behind but a distant smell of rotten flesh.
Zippedpinhead has been killed
Magic is not just about waving your arms wildly and whispering senseless phrases. It's about channeling the fabric of our very reality, taming it into submitting to your will. And just as forcing actual fabric from its natural position into an artificial shape causes wrinkles that stay visible even after you let it relax again, altering reality with magic leaves its own tell-tale wrinkles. Wrinkles only few people can see. Wrinkles you can see.
You are an Aura Seer (Better known as Voyeur).
You are aligned with the Followers of Komena (That's Town).
You win when all Followers of Peripseros are dead.
Once per night phase you may send us the command View: <Player>. You will receive a list of all commands that were used on that player that night.
The game thread is here:
If you have any questions, please send a PM to YesNOnoNOYes or Royal_Flush.
Please post in the thread or reply to this message a confirmation that you received it.
Have fun!
Day 5 begins
The random votes are distributed as follows:
Blargonaut 3
Swamped 2
EzekelRAGE 1
Seath 1
*Splinter 1
Lone_Prodigy 1
Sophia 1
Majority is at 9 votes
The day ends in:

The deadline for the bets is in: