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Offical NeoGAF corporation Eve-Online thread


GAF's Bob Woodward
Buggy Loop said:
What ship you're using for salvaging? Im about to finish the skills required for it.

I'm using an Incursus - a Gallente frigate, that seemed to offer the most hi-slots, while still being pilotable at my skill level. It has 3 hi-slots (i've two salvagers and one hybrid blaster equipped).

You don't need a lot of cargo space at all for salvaging..that's the other nice thing compared to mining. Salvage takes up tiny amounts of space, so you can be out salvaging for quite some time before needing to dock.


JoeMartin said:
That's what I do for missions. I run my DuraMaller out there and pummel the shit out of everything, then run a Coercer with 3xTractor Beams 4xSalvagers in highs, an AB in the mid, and 4xCPR in the lows out there to salvage everything up.
I only had somewhat of an idea of what a CPR was (figured it was a power booster of some sort), so I decided to go digging. I've run across this problem before with terminology and being a noob, so I present to you, the list I found on the EVE forums:

Ships (by class):
AF/AS: Assault Ship
Inty/Ceptor: Interceptor
HAC/HAS: Heavy Assault Ship
BC: BattleCruiser
CBC/CS: Command BattleCruiser
BS: Battleship
DN/Dread: Dreadnought
SB/Bomber: Stealth Bomber; Shield Booster; Sensor Booster; Smartbomb
Indy: Industrial
Covops: Covert Ops Frigate, usually the ones that aren't bombers
MS: Mothership

Ships (Sorted by class):
Kessie: Kestrel (frig)
Cursus: Incursus (frig)
Ret/Retri: Retribution (AF)
Jag: Jaguar (AF)
Mal/Male/Diction: Malediction (inty)
Sader: Crusader (inty)
Ranis: Taranis (inty)
Manti: Manticore (bomber)
Arbi: Arbitrator (cruiser)
BB: Blackbird (cruiser)
Rax: Thorax (cruiser)
Ruppy: Rupture (cruiser)
Pilg: Pilgrim (recon cruiser)
Lach: Lachesis (recon cruiser)
Sac: Sacrilege (HAC)
Cerb: Cerberus (HAC)
Beagle: Eagle (HAC when fitted with blasters)
Vaga: Vabagond (HAC)
Harbi: Harbinger (BC)
Prohp: Prohpecy (BC)
Myrm: Myrmidon (BC)
Cane: Hurricane (BC)
NH: Nighthawk (CS)
Sleip: Sleipnir (CS)
Arma/Geddon: Armageddon (BS)
Apoc: Apocalypse (BS)
Aba: Abaddon (BS)
Scorp: Scorpion (BS)
Dom/Domi: Dominix (BS)
Mega/Thron: Megathron (BS)
Phoon: Typhoon (BS)
Temp/Pest: Tempest (BS)
Vindi: Vindicator (Faction BS)
Mach: Machariel (Faction BS)
Itty #: Iteron Mark # (industrial)
Bessie/Stower: Bestower (industrial)

MAPC: Micro Auxiliary Power Core
PDU: Power Diagnostic System
RCU: Reactor Control Unit
CPR: Capacitor Power Relay
CPU: Co-Processor

HS: Heatsink
GS: Gyrostabilier
BCU: Ballistic Control System
MFS: Magnetic Field Stabilizer (also Mag Stab)
Mag Stab: Magnetic Field Stabilizer (also MFS)
SB/Smarty: Smartbomb; Stealth Bomber; Shield Booster; Sensor Booster
DLB: Dual Light Beam Lasers
DLP: Dual Light Pulse Lasers
MPL: Medium Pulse Laser
AC: Autocannon
Arti: Artillery
Howi: Howitzer
Nos: Nosferatu (small/medium/large)
Neut: Energy Neutralizer (small/medium/large)

MWD: Microwarp Drive (1/10/100 MN)
AB: Afterburner (1/10/100 MN)
WCS/Stabs: Warp Core Stabilizer
Nano: Nanofiber Internal Structure
Istab: Inertia Stabilizers
OD: Overdrive Injector System
Poly: Polycarbon Engine Housing (a mass reduction rig)

Hardener: Armour or Shield hardener, both active and passive
EANM: Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
SAR/MAR/LAR: [Size] Armor Repairer
ARU: Armor Repair Unit
50-1600mm (when referring to armour): Xmm Reinforced Steel Plates (though usually referring to the best named Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates)

Hardener: Shield or Armour hardener, both active and passive
SB: Shield Booster; Sensor Booster; Smartbomb; Stealth Bomber
SPR: Shield Power Relays
Extender: [Size] Shield Extender

SB: Sensor Booster; Smartbomb; Stealth Bomber; Shield Booster

Electronic Warfare:
Web: Stasis Webifier
Scram/Jammer: Electronic Countermeasures; Warp Disruptor/Scrambler
Damp: Remote Sensor Dampener
TD: Tracking Disruptor
Painter: Target Painter

Ship Setups (by type)*NOTE, REV2 is current, it's generally bad to resurrect threads older than REV:
RMR: Red Moon Rising
PVP: Player vs Player
PVE: Player vs Environment
Rev: Revelations
NPC: Non-Player Character (see PVE)
0.0: lawless space (outside of empire and lowsec)
Ratting: see PVE/NPC
Bleeder: a pvp setup designed to outlast your enemy, slowly wearing him down while he's unable to take you out... mostly obsolete due to passive tanks
Mission: mission running, see PVE/NPC/Ratting (lots of similarities)
Solo: solo PVP, usually self sufficient with ability to tank, gank, and tackle
Lv4: level 4 missioin tested... Lv5 is probably gonna be the new standard once those come in

DB: Dark Blood
DG/Dread: Dread Guristas
Dom: Angel Cartel (Domination)
Gist: Angel Cartel
SS: Shadow Serpentis
TS: True Sansha

Item Quality:
T1: Tech 1, base item, usually referring to best named
T2: Tech 2
Named: Usually best named item
Faction: A rare version of T1 items, such as a "True Sansha Warp Scrambler"
Plex/Complex/Deadspace: An even rarer type of item, dropped by rats inside complexes, such as "Gistii A-Type 1MN Microwarp Drive"
Officer: The rarest and most expensive mods, dropped by very rare officer rats, usually with huge bonuses and sometimes drawbacks over T1 items, such as "Chelm's Modified Heat Sink"

OP: Original Poster (the person who started the topic, usually refers to his post)
QFT: Quoted for truth, usually does little more than spamming, but hey, it's there
Pwned: Owned, mis-spelled, and actually more common now

Vent: Ventrilo voice communication software
TS: TeamSpeak voice communication software
Eve Voice: Ensures I don't make enemies :)

Trit: Tritanium
Pyer: Pyrerite
Mex: Mexallon
Iso: Isogen
Nox: Nocxium
Zyd: Zydrine
Mega: Megacyte
Morph: Morphite

PVP: Player vs Player
PVE: Player vs Environment (??), referring to combat against NPCs
Rat: Pirate NPCs
Spawn: a group of NPCs, or the act of a group of NPCs appearing
Podded: Losing ones ship and the ejected pod. Usually to be avoided at all costs.
Bubble: Interdictor Warp Disrupt Probe or Mobile Warp Disruptor. Prevents the warping of all ships within its (sometimes huge) range. Only allowed in 0.0 space.
Camp: A gatecamp. Quite common in low-security space. Often a corporation or alliance sitting on a gate with or without bubbles, waiting for people to get trapped, and then killing them.
Gank: The amount of damage a ship is set up to do. ex: "I'm gank fitted" or "I'm in a Gankageddon". Can also refer to getting "ganked", or killed.
Tank: The amount of damage a ship is set up to absorb. ex: "I'm tanked to the gills". Can also refer to absorbing the damage from a complex or a rat spawn. ex: "I can tank 3 1.5 million bounty BSs while I mine".
Speedtank/Kiting: The ability of some ships (usually smaller ones) to move quickly enough as to not take any damage from larger guns. An afterburner-fitted interceptor can usually "speedtank" or "kite" an NPC spawn.
Tackle/Tackler: To Warp Scramble/Disrupt a target as well as sometimes Stasis Webify them, or to be the person doing it. Usually done by frigs.

BM: Bookmark, sometimes of a safespot, or other points of interest
Insta: A kind of bookmark set up so that it lands you at 0km from an object. Since warp to 0km was introduced, largely nonexistent.
SS/Safe: Safespot (spot in space that's not directly in line with any 2 objects)
Deepsafe: A safespot which is very hard to scan out, due to being more than 5AU from all objects
POS: Player Owned Structure
OP: Outpost
KOS: Kill on Sight
NBSI: Not Blue Shoot It (referring to alliances in 0.0 killing anyone not set as friendly)
NRDS: Not Red Don't Shoot (usually when flying through empire)
Cyno: Cynosural Field, generated by ships to be used by some Capital ships
From here:

I still haven't applied to the Corp. yet. Still working on the "Cash Flow for Capsuleers" missions. Will joining the corp interfere w/ agent missions? Should I finish all of those first?


venison crêpe
Thorax :D

I must be honest and that I'm already starting lose interest in the game yet again! We need to do some corp group stuff as it's the social aspect of mmo's I like the most and so far it feels like a single player game with people in a chat window I can ask for help when I need it :lol


I'm a bit torn between a Vexxor fitted to mission/rat/salvage and a thorax myself. I like the thorax but the idea of having an all-in-one ship like the Vexxor has me thinking.

That and I'm broke!

Wes, what kind of setup are you planning on using? A 1600mm w/ small hybrid blasters or a setup w/ some medium rails?


Wes said:
Thorax :D

I must be honest and that I'm already starting lose interest in the game yet again! We need to do some corp group stuff as it's the social aspect of mmo's I like the most and so far it feels like a single player game with people in a chat window I can ask for help when I need it :lol

We should go hunt pirates. Get a group of us, patrol some bottlenecks in empire space.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Anyone else have fairly frequent connection problems? It typically takes multiple attempts to connect, and I get dropped pretty frequently too.

Like right now, I'm about to try for about the tenth time to connect..


Buggy Loop said:
So, vennt and tek, you guys still play?

Seems like EVE's trinity frenzy didnt even last 2 weeks :lol
Haha, yeah, so few people on now. I still love it, though.

I rerolled because I wasn't happy with my base attributes. Bruce McFruppenheimer. This time I'm Amarr, this time. Got a Punisher, currently training to use a Salvager. So much lost money because I can't salvage yet. ):


I'm still around, just in the middle of a move right now and have inconsistant internet - the dependancy is rough.


Unconfirmed Member
Buggy Loop said:
So, vennt and tek, you guys still play?

Seems like EVE's trinity frenzy didnt even last 2 weeks :lol

New router didn't like me playing games online, although at least I have a replacement coming.

Until then, no Eve, No Warhawk and no CoD4 :(

Sad panda!

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Vennt said:
New router didn't like me playing games online, although at least I have a replacement coming.

Until then, no Eve, No Warhawk and no CoD4 :(

Sad panda!

Eh, odd coincidence, my d-link 624 died on me and all the problems started with Eve lol, first i had the problem of the client crashing because of no client response, reseting the modem and router fixed that, at the same time i upgraded the firmware to 2.76 and since then, the router keeps resetting every few minutes or so, i said screw it and plugged direction in my modem. Im not sure what happened to my network port either, since the router problems, even plugged direction in the modem, my local area connection in the tray bar has status "limited or no connectivity", even though the speed is fine... /mind boggle


GAF's Bob Woodward
I'm still playing, but really waiitng for some skills to finish up before really exploring more. On a 10-dayer at the moment.

I guess that's the nice thing about eve..you can leave it for some days, and still be making progress so that you have new stuff to play with later.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Anyone know what the language options actually do in eve? I doubt any of you tried it since 99.9% are problably english, but i tried to change it to french since a couple of my buds will join next week and they asked if it was in french. Anyway i select it, apply, asks to restart to take effect, i restart... and there's absolutely no difference, still in english. I tried other languages just for the heck of it, doesnt work either.

What's that option for? >_<


My excuse is that my fourteen days ran out, so I went on a shooting spree and destoryed all my ships before the game eats my soul. I didn't play anything but Eve for those fourteen days. I was right to avoid MMOs.

It was fun, though. Too much fun.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Uff. So the time it says it'll take to do skill training is actually the time it takes without taking into account your learning bonuses etc? Cos I left a skill training for what I thought was 10 days, but turned out to be maybe a day or so. Or maybe I'm just not reading the skill ETAs correctly at all!

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Most peoples often consuse 1D with 10 in the game due to the font :)

The time it says for the skill learning is exactly how long it'll take, and yes it takes into account learning skills.

Im currently on minmatar industrial ship rank 4 learning, still over 2 days left, been on it since the start of the week sigh. My mammoth is already waiting at some station.

Got a 2.5m stabber ordered, if i dont have a seller by the end of the weekend, i guess i'll go buy it at 4m, but it seems like a nice cruiser. Then i somehow have to get 50+ M for my hurricane BC, 30m for the ship, i guess at least a 15+m to deck it with a good mix of tech 2.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Buggy Loop said:
Most peoples often consuse 1D with 10 in the game due to the font :)

The time it says for the skill learning is exactly how long it'll take, and yes it takes into account learning skills.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh........now I see. :lol Thanks.


So I finally decided to check out the 2 week trial pass as I've been putting it off for quite some time. I used to hear and read accounts of these massive battles, cheap tactics and espionage from members of the goonsquad (I think they're thats what theyre called in eve) and I have always been very intrigued. Well, after finally giving it a go, I must say I am amazed. This game is by far the deepest and most involving MMO I have had the pleasure in experiencing, and the design is nothing short of brilliant. Though I swore off monthly charges years ago, I'm fairly certain Eve has changed that. Now I just need to figure out wtf is going on. :lol

Once this account expires I think I'll start over, and hopefully be applying shortly thereafter.


Well, the corp lasted a good half a week.. guess that's longer than most GAF things last.

Guess I'll have to find a new corp soon as I get my skills up to par.


If any of you guys need a vent to use, 50 slot I own. Feel free to jump on anytime. I added an Eve Online Channel.


Vent 3.x


Ferrio said:
Well, the corp lasted a good half a week.. guess that's longer than most GAF things last.

Guess I'll have to find a new corp soon as I get my skills up to par.

I've been running neogaf servers since September for TF2.. NeoGAF record :D


Ferrio said:
Well, the corp lasted a good half a week.. guess that's longer than most GAF things last.

lol right when I was about to try this game out... This is probably the first game ever that intimidates me.


Well, if anyone cares, I'm back online, and playing again, wouldn't mind doing some stuff with other GAFers since pretty much all I know how to do so far is mine, would sure like to learn some exciting things to do!


I'm still on damn near every day, still in the NeoGAF corp though I've never seen anyone else log in! Would love for everyone else to get more active.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
On a 18 days skill training, i dont log on much during those times, sucks to see a bar fill up so slowly, might log on next weekend.


I'm (rather unsurprisingly) Joe Martin in-game. Working my way through making assault frigs outrageously tankable (not skilling for anything else until I hit 90% resists across the board). You can find me ratting out in Sansha 0.0.


Just started out this game about a week ago. This game has so much depth compared to any other MMO on the market. I got 2 accounts, one im making a miner the other is a mission runner/manufacturer.

Some guy who has been playing the game for over a year started his own corp with me. the guy has made an incentive program for recruiting new players to help them get started. He basically has things for you to do and if you do them correctly you get items or isk. Good way to run new players through the basics.

If you are interested in joining look me up in game, im on either Pix Sirius or Pixxen.
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