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Official 2004 "Admit Your Gaming/Console Biases" Thread

With the recent threads on Xbox GOTY hyping and Nintendo's upcoming 2004/2005 lineups, I thought it would be interesting (in the vein of the US presidential election campaign jockeying over voting history/flip-flopping on issues) to put on record what your game/console biases are...whether it's a bias toward a particular console (or PC) or publisher or game brand/series. To define bias for purposes of this thread, if a new game/was announced by or for any of the above categories, if you were biased, you'd automatically defend it on GAF in a majority of cases. Also, if you actively seek out and try to discredit anything but what you like, that's bias.

I'll collect and update the top-line data in the first post. I'll start:

note: All biases are towards unless otherwise noted.

DJ Demon J--Xbox, NES, Blaster Master, Zelda 2, SMB 2, Unreal Tournament
Suerte--wang, sp0rsk's wang
FortNinety--hates FPSes, MMORPGs
RevenantKioku--Japanese RPG/Square
Prine--Western RPGs/Rare
DrM--Nintendo, Bungie (are these two possible together?), Peter Molyneux's games
DCX--ESPN Sports games, Dreamcast, XBOX, Blaster Master, Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Trigger
The Faceless Master--Nintendo (doesn't like Metroid Prime though)
jinx--Biased towards: PC gaming, PS2 (but only because it's the only console I own), GBA, Unreal Tournament (greatest FPS series ever), 2-D fighters, Rez, FPS games in general, Biased against: RPGs (especially MMORPGs), RTS, pirated contemporary games
mac--PC games
Grizzlyjin--anything Sony, Japanese RPGs
efralope--quirky Japanese games, Nintendo

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example



force push the doodoo rock
my biases are towards games that have depth and or interesting and new gameplay elements.

EDIT: FINE! games that take into consideration visual elements as well as gameplay elements are also a part of my bias


i dont like fps because they make me sick.

ya happy?
FortNinety - I think FPSs and innovation are two things that don't belong in the same sentence. To me, each iteration is just better graphics. "Oh boy, in this game, the guns are much cooler!" U-huh.

Also, I think MMORPG are a huge waste of time ,and when anyone tells me they're enjoying one, I feel they're lying to themselves and others. I don't find the appeal for playing an over glorified chatroom and killing squirrels for 90 hours to level up. Also, I play games to avoid assholes, not deal with them on a totally different level.


Haha, I'll bite. I have an obvious bias towards eastern RPGs, Square-Enix specifically.
Can't deny who you are.



- ESPN Sports games, Dreamcast, XBOX, Blaster Master, Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Trigger



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
JC10001 said:


LOL whenever I see these pictures I immediately hear that music and see all the Rebellion ships trying to turn around in my head....


Tag of Excellence
Fuck, I don't fit in any definition of the word bias. I mean I love Nintendo games (Capcom, Sega, whole slew of PC developes, etc) but I love everything else as well. I'm rather platform agnostic and make my purchases based on quality not the developer (although I do use the developer as a general guide for quality). I mean I don't know how else to put it, I've got an open mind for everything. The only thing I have a real hard-on for is independent developers and general growth of the industry. I want this to the dominant form of entertainment in the future.



Biased towards: PC gaming, PS2 (but only because it's the only console I own), GBA

Biased against: None (good luck to Gamecube and Xbox...I can't ever justify buying more than one console for myself)


Biased towards: Unreal Tournament (greatest FPS series ever), 2-D fighters, Rez, FPS games in general

Biased against: RPGs (especially MMORPGs), RTS, sports games (get outside into the sunlight, people!), pirated contemporary games


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Sony products...and Japanese rpgs.


I'm biased towards innovation, gameplay refinement, good-looking games, zero-loading times, bizarre/weird/Japanes-style games, and varied game selection

I'm biased against shooter rehashes and making FPS about all you can find at the store, marketing but no games to back it up, and companies that betray their fans (<cough> Square ditching the 64 <cough>)...


I have a tiny bias toward Resident Evil, or more appropriately, Capcom in general. Same goes with Nintendo, but that's simply from a "I'd try most of their games without hesitating" standpoint. And, Japanese products for me, never American or others. I prefer Panasonic brand of TVs, radios, CD players.

Uh, yeah.


Steroid Distributor
I'm biased towards the Xbox a bit I guess. Just because it looks better on my tv and sounds quite a bit better coming through my system. I'm not biase against the other two systems though. I own them all.


Biased towards nothing... I own every console and two operating systems (MAC and WIN).

However.. any Metal Gear series discussion will perk my interest ten fold.

I also love Cutscenes (surprised?)


Biased Towards mainly 3 game companies in this order: Konami, Capcom and Nintendo. However while Konami and Nintendo are responsable for the hughest dissapointments this gen, Capcom is showing me that they have some of the most talented people.


efralope said:
I'm biased towards innovation, gameplay refinement, good-looking games, zero-loading times, bizarre/weird/Japanes-style games, and varied game selection

I'm not sure liking quality is much of a bias. Bias is sticking up for or liking things just because of some frivolous thing. I mean I bought Driving Type Emotion S. I don't even like racers!


Biased towards: Xenogears/Xenosaga, ESPN sports, Xbox, Ps2, Most Japanse RPGs
Biased against: EA sports, Nintendo/Gamecube, Western RPGs
To define bias for purposes of this thread, if a new game/was announced by or for any of the above categories, if you were biased, you'd automatically defend it on GAF in a majority of cases. Also, if you actively seek out and try to discredit anything but what you like, that's bias.

Then, for purposes of this thread, I have no bias.

EDIT: By the way, had the question been phrased more along the lines of "what genres/types of games and what publishers are your favorites," then I'd have a more substantive answer.


Biased against: games where storylines are just as if not more important than gameplay; the entire Western gaming scene (but I have no problems playing a AAA Western-dev'd game)

Biased towards: arcade-style games; Sega hardware


is beloved, despite what anyone might say

Biased Towards: Japanese RPGs, tri-Ace games, Treasure games, quirky Japanese games, 2-D sprite based graphics, oldskool 8 and 16 bit games, "artistic" games like ICO or Rez

Biased Against: Sports games, EA, FPSes, GTA clones, Movie Licenses, MMORPGs... (I could've just said the all-encompassing "western made games" for this one, but there are some very enjoyable games of western origin (mostly in the PC realm), licensed music pisses me off too, with some exceptions (Wipeout, Rez, N2O)


Biased Towards: All 3 16 bit systems, obscure Japanese consoles, Dreamcast, Saturn, any console that's not Microsoft
Biased Against: Microsoft


I am biased towards good gameplay, and it doesn't matter if the game is violent or not. Nintendo is my first choice of preference since I have grown up with the NES.

I am allergic to games that are evidently rushed. Think EA.
Kobun Heat said:
Then, for purposes of this thread, I have no bias.

EDIT: By the way, had the question been phrased more along the lines of "what genres/types of games and what publishers are your favorites," then I'd have a more substantive answer.

OK, fair enough, I'll mark you down as "Nintendo."
DJ Demon J said:
OK, fair enough, I'll mark you down as "Nintendo."
If you're going to put me down for something, make it "Japanese games, music games, and Nintendo games," yeah.

With the important caveat that just because something's from Japan, has music, or is by Nintendo doesn't mean I'm going to jump up and defend it - ESPECIALLY if I've never played it.

And neither do I demean other games just because they don't fall into those categories.


Blizzard biased here. Everything they touch is gold, they can do no wrong. Im entirely convinced they are the best thing to happen to video games in forever, and I wont rest untill you feel the same way. Blizzard is right, everyone else is wrong. The Warcraft universe is perfect. Nothing else in the industry can match its creativity and style.

Biased Against:

Quirky japanese games. In any other part of the world the game would be considered a mess of trash, but because the main character has eyes the size of the dinner plates, spiky hair, shoots out magic crap, expresses his feelings through pictured chat bubbles, runs around in a world whose main color palette consist of bright pink, blue and green, all the while some equally quirky and eccentric music plays complete with "wah wah" sound effects and some 10 year old asian girl screaming at the top of her lungs. Who needs gameplay? The japanese version of Richard Simmons just threw up on a CD that I can put into my special Edition Hello Kitty PS2. GOTY!


Unconfirmed Member
I don't have a real bias towards any one console (though I possess as many games on the PS2 as I do on the GC and Xbox combined), but I will say I'm biased towards consoles in general. A game has to be pretty special for me to buy it on the PC. That said, I'm a big Blizzard fan, but the WarCraft series has never done much for me, so I haven't bought any Blizzard games in a good long while.

Otherwise, I've found my preferences lately turning away from "realism" and more towards the ridiculous. Developers have gotten too wrapped up in how "realistic" they can make something and have started to forget about new fresh ideas and general fun. Which is a good reason why I'm all pumped up about Katamari Damacy. :) Of course, this bias doesn't stop me from enjoying the GTAs and Gran Turismos of the world...I just need something a bit on the ridiculous side to go with it.

And finally, I really like my RPGs, and if I had to pick a bias within the genre, I would say it is for Japanese RPGs. I like my Western RPGs, too, but the classic JRPG franchises are the ones I hold dear.

Oh, and if it makes a difference, I was a dedicated Nintendo fanboy until 1997, and while I certainly no longer qualify as such, Nintendo still has a special place in my heart.

Oh, and you can put me down for a Dreamcast bias if you really want.
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