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Official 2004 "Admit Your Gaming/Console Biases" Thread

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
DJ, since you added me to the list you may as well get it right.

I am only negatively biased against FPS that are not UT2004, Midway games post UMK3, Acclaim games, Rare games post BK but also including Goldeneye, Silicon Knights games, non-Sega and non-Tecmo Xbox games and the CD-i. I fully support the PS/PS2, NES1-4, GBA, GameGear, SMS, Gen, Sat, DC, 3DO, Collecovision, Atari, and NeoGeo (all of which I own, even an Xbox). A quick glance at my previous posts will support this argument.

Thank you.

As far as defending games before they even come out is concerned then it definitely wouldn't be Nintendo. It would be Capcom.


I didn't bother reading the provided definition of "bias" since I thought I knew what bias was perfectly well...pre-existing inclinations towards or against certain things.

If bias is as proposed -- "If a new game/was announced by or for any of the above categories, if you were biased, you'd automatically defend it on GAF in a majority of cases. Also, if you actively seek out and try to discredit anything but what you like, that's bias." -- then no, I don't have bias. Irrational fanboyism isn't my cup of tea.


I'm more biased towards what I see gives more bang for the buck for gamers. This is the main reason Xbox has been my console of choice this generation (no memory card, Xbox Live + online push for tons of games, MS brought bundles back, HDTV/PS support for most games.)

I'm biased against console manufacturers ripping off customers. YES NINTENDO THAT'S YOU! No support for their Broadband Adapter, NES GBA games selling for $20 (when most companies are bundling games in a pack and selling them at that price, Atari, Midway, etc,) higher prices for their Hits line, compared to the other manufacturers. A note on this one: Nintendo games rule.

In terms of games, if it's good, I'll play it, no matter what. If it sucks, I don't care which platform it's released for. I play games, not systems.

Next generation, if MS rips the hard disk from the Xbox, I'll most likely shift my bias towards whoever gives me better value.


-jinx- said:
I didn't bother reading the provided definition of "bias" since I thought I knew what bias was perfectly well...pre-existing inclinations towards or against certain things.

If bias is as proposed -- "If a new game/was announced by or for any of the above categories, if you were biased, you'd automatically defend it on GAF in a majority of cases. Also, if you actively seek out and try to discredit anything but what you like, that's bias." -- then no, I don't have bias. Irrational fanboyism isn't my cup of tea.

I would probably make some snide remarks about item creation systems and assanine combat systems in TriAce games, but I wouldn't hunt down PC threads and insult the games. I just don't play the games, and have no interest to do so. So I guess my PC one can be stricken from the record.


Quite a lot of people here seem to have problems with games that rely mainly on story and cutscenes rather than "pure gameplay". I'll happily defend this genre, since I generally like these kind of games. That's not to say I'll defend ANY game of this kind - only the good ones. :p

Also, the Kururin games rock!


Nintendo. I like the company's philosophy into making games.

Capcom and Square come distant second. And third I would say Silicon Knights and Rare (though their lack of good games lately is making me change my stance regarding them).

Musashi Wins!

DJ, how 'bout you just fill in everyone where they belong because I trust that more than the dancing qualifiers from very obvious canidates? :)


Bias Towards: PC gaming, FPS, RPG's (both eastern and western). I don't do a whole lot of console gaming most of the time. I'd say coming in, I was probably biased towards Nintendo, but has shifted to the Xbox side. Most likely because it has the selection of games that are more PC-esque. I also, really like the HD, and I hope they choose to keep it next gen. It's so handy.. I hate having to deal with memory cards, and being able to save custom soundtracks is nice.

Bias Against: Quirky Games, Racing *SIMS* and to a lesser degree Sports SIMS. I really love sports, but for some reason I enjoy games like NBA Jam or Tecmo Bowl more than managing the day to day operations of a franchise.

On a side note: Some of the Nintendo fanatics on these boards make me want to hate Nintendo. Really.

edit 2: I normally have no interest in quirky type games, but I have a strong urge to give Donkey Konga a try.
Musashi Wins! said:
DJ, how 'bout you just fill in everyone where they belong because I trust that more than the dancing qualifiers from very obvious canidates? :)

I've decided to let each person's post speak for themselves. Most are honest (like myself), others try to hide/mask their bias. I'll let the reader decide for themselves and leave the thread as source material for future GAF threads.


Unconfirmed Member
DJ Demon J said:
I've decided to let each person's post speak for themselves. Most are honest (like myself), others try to hide/mask their bias. I'll let the reader decide for themselves and leave the thread as source material for future GAF threads.
DJ Demon J. As a Blaster Master fanboy can you comment on the PS1 game? I saw it the other day and wanted to pick it up but I was scared it might suck. I love the NES game.

oh and,

Biased for: Nintendo, Zelda series, Yoshi's Island

Biased against: Sony Hardware. Capcom fighters not named Street Fighter II
scola said:
DJ Demon J. As a Blaster Master fanboy can you comment on the PS1 game? I saw it the other day and wanted to pick it up but I was scared it might suck. I love the NES game.

oh and,

Biased for: Nintendo, Zelda series, Yoshi's Island

Biased against: Sony Hardware. Capcom fighters not named Street Fighter II

Absolutely. Here's my poorly-written, biased review for GA :D : http://www.gaming-age.com/cgi-bin/reviews/review.pl?sys=psx&game=blastermaster

I started a petition for a new Blaster Master game for PlayStation in 98, and little did I know that SunSoft Japan was reading it. I received a letter after a few months from SunSoft's US marketing people telling me that they loved the site and wanted to show me the game. At E3 1999 myself and another BM fansite owner were invited to meet with the SunSoft execs in Kentia Hall and they showed us BM:BA. I was shocked that the petition actually worked! They were even nice enough to send me a copy of the game and soundtrack at its Japanese release. I ended up buying another JP and US copy just to help support it (Crave Entertainment picked up the US release--and did a poor job handling the marketing, but oh well).

The game's pretty good, it looks great IMHO for a late-gen PSX game. I always wanted to play a 3D BM game, and it didn't disappoint me. And hey, for $10 or less, it's a great value.


Biased towards: Nintendo and especially the Zelda series. :)

Biased against: maybe Microsoft. I also don't get games like the Sims. I mean the concept of MMORPG doesn't sound appealing to me but at least I might like it when I try it. With the sims, you'll have to put a gun to my head to force me to play. Just some techTV footage and the concept is enough for me to hate it. :p

Undecided/neutral: I just got back into gaming and have not tried a lot of things.... Mainly PC gaming: I'm looking forward to trying RTS games like Warcraft when I get my new PC and I might try FarCry too though I'm not big on FPS. So I guess I'll know if I'll be a blizzard fanboy or hater a few months from now. ^__^


My biases:
Love quirky games, sandbox gameplay, overrated games.
Hate yearly iterations of games.
I've had a love/hate relationship with Nintendo for the past decade.
I am a sucker for games that have ambient soundtracks.
I have a bias against Japanese RPGs. This bias has come and gone through the years. 10 years ago, after playing FFIII (and loving it), I was exactly in the same situation.


Biased for: Nintendo, Halo, MGS, Morrowind. Bethesda made the most life draining game i've ever played... it hijacked my life heh.

Biased Against: If I had to choose, PSP. I like the DS, and i'm not buying both. I like to play on my consoles mostly anyhow.


6.8 said:
My biases:
Love quirky games, sandbox gameplay, overrated games.
Hate yearly iterations of games.
I've had a love/hate relationship with Nintendo for the past decade.
I am a sucker for games that have ambient soundtracks.
I have a bias against Japanese RPGs. This bias has come and gone through the years. 10 years ago, after playing FFIII (and loving it), I was exactly in the same situation.

I agree. FF6 was the game that made me love JRPGs.
My profile proudly proclaims me a fan of Japanese RPGs, especially Suikoden, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy, and Tri-Ace games. I have always loved Nintendo, even if that love was strained several times during the 64 era. Gamecube and even more GBA have rekindled that love once more, even if PS2 is home to most of the RPGs.

I love Square Enix doubly as I was already a huge fan of both companies.

On the Western side, I do like PC turn-based strategy (Master of Magic was always my favorite PC game) and adventure (especially the Monkey Island Games).

Prince of Persia, Beyond Good and Evil, Shadows of the Empire, and Rogue Leader are the only Western developed games I own for any consoles.

I strongly dislike FPS, Sports (just any type of sports on TV as they are meant to be played physically or watched in stands). I am not a big fan of games that are too military in nature or games that use guns in general. I do like Metal Gear and Front Mission games quite a bit, but those are very different.


Biased Against


GameCube sucks! (yeah I said it.....)


I still have not forgiven them for windows ME


cant make consoles for shit, always breaking!

Biased for


nintendo rocks! gameboy FOREVER!


xbox is great, had some good times on Halo.


best console overall for games.


Biased towards RPGs (and all of it's subgenre's) and Nintendo.

Biased against sports sims (don't mind the arcade-type).

Kon Tiki

Biased against:

RPGs with trolls. I see enough of them on my way to work. They smell bad and are always asking for things.

Games with Bling. Keep that shit on my rims.

Biased towards:

Games that let me rack up points for hours.

New ways to play old genres.
I have a bias toward Sega made Games. I have loved thier games ever since I traded in my NES for a Sega Master System. Even to this day, when people still say thier games are crap, I find enjoyment out of thier games. I also have a bias for arcade style games.
I have a bias against Gran turismo, and most other sim car racing games, I have never enjoyed that type of game.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Biased against -

RPG (both western/eastern/whatever), RTS, management simulations, or basically anything that is boring and has more to do with moving icons and clicking a button than actual dexterity or maneuverability

Horror games - it wasn't until recently that I realized how little I like the genre. The stories and characters are usually good, the graphics and music are usually terrific, but the combat in these games is always clunky, and the puzzles have gotten to the point of being downright bizzare. How many times do I have to move a bookshelf to find a book that has a small statue inside and then find the corresponding small statues and put them on a scale in the main lobby? Better yet, why would I even want to?

game company stupidity - if a company makes a string of dumb decisions that affects the quality of their games, I tend to stop caring about what they release. Most obvious examples would be whatever the story was with DMC2 (I believe the game director was some former famitsu writer that had never actually worked on a game before), the complete dumbing down of DX2's biomod and inventory, and most recently, id software's focus on showing off a lighting engine rather than making a game that's actually fun to play.

Biased towards -

PC online gaming - I still find UT2K4 and the dozens of mods available for it to be more fun than any online console game. The fact that you don't have to pay to play online and get gigs of content for free helps too.

SCEA Platformers - other than the Jak series which is really run off the mill, I find the platform games that Sony has published to be more fun and have higher design quality than a lot of the other garbage out there. Super Mario Sunshine was good but I think Insomniac is pushing the genre forward far more than anyone else at this point.

Established developers/franchises - I find "Killzone vs. Halo" or "Forza vs. Gran Turismo" arguments to be hilarious because you're comparing new franchises from unestablished development teams to some of most successful games of the past ten years that continue to attract new fans. Even if a new development outfit consists of people who have worked on good games, they haven't done it together yet. Once in a while you'll have a team like Valve or Retro that really hit it out of the park on their first swing, but that doesn't even happen on an annual basis. I just don't see the point in comparing question marks to definite, must-have purchases.

evil ways

Biased towards: Konami(Castlevania, MGS, Contra), Ninja games(Shinobi, Tenchu, Ninja Gaiden), and Mortal Kombat.

Biased against: First Person Shooters, Golf games, and the Gamecube controller.


Bias Towards: 2D Fighters, Xbox and Western games
Bias Against: PS2, because I've experienced first hand how it has negatively affected game development.


Biased Toward

RPGs (If there are too many random battles (eastern RPGs) I loose interest almost immediately *cough* SoA)

Arcade racers

non war-based FPS

Biased Against

Sports games (any and all)

Most Sim Driving Games (By most I mean the SegaGT series :b)


War based games - It was fun for the first PC Medal of Honor game and when I was younger, but to make so many fucking games based on wars, these developers must be severely starved for ideas

War Based FPS games - Look, we all know you've seen Saving Private Ryan or the Platoon...stop making bullshit games based on those movies - especially despise developers that base their game too closely to popular war movies

FPS games that require tactics - because we all know 90% of them are war based...I actually greatly enjoy the exceptions (FPS games that require tactics without a war theme)

Online Console Gaming -
Sony: with the exception of just about 3 games, your online play sucks
Nintendo: Some facts - Your idea of connectivity until just recently is the worst Idea you've ever come up with...you pushing connectivity over online is absurd
Microsoft: I can give you 49.99 reason why I say "FUCK YOU" to your plan and just play PC games...have fun guessing what those reasons are
For gaming, I like a lot of Nintendo games. Games like Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Mario Golf, those are games I will buy sequels of without even playing them first. There are few other franchises that I do this with (off the top of my head, SEGA's ESPN NHL series, GTA, Halo are a few others).

For third party multiplatform games, I will always buy them for the XBox. You know you'll almost never get the worst looking version.

For systems, I'm not sure what I'd rank as my top/favorite one, but my least favorite would easily be the PS2. Aside from a few choice games like Tony Hawk and Grand Theft Auto, I really dislike the controller. I really like my XBox for the plethora of online games (pretty much every XBox game I buy is XBL compatable, Halo being the one exception) and my GameCube for the aforementioned Nintendo games and good multiplayer ones. The majority of the PS2's popular games seem to fall into genres which don't interest me at all (RPG's, "action platformers", racing sims, etc).

User 406

My most important and overarching bias is against Microsoft. This has little to do with the console market, and everything to do with the horrible way they've conducted business for the past two decades and show no signs of changing. Of course, their knee-jerk entry into the console market by price dumping what is essentially an ordinary PC without a keyboard or mouse accompanied by their typical FUD assault is pretty much par for the course.

I'm biased towards Sony, since they've managed to cater to my tastes so very well ever since the PSX first launched. But I'd still sacrifice them and every other company in the gaming industry to get rid of Microsoft in a heartbeat.


I haft to say redirected favor towards Nintendo after the Sega/Dreamcast incident and unfair bias against sony and microsoft


I still have a slight lean to Nintendo though I play the other systems healthily.. just, the combination of GBA SP and Gamecube is, well, favourable to me. And the DS is going to rock.

My collection ratio is, gamecube: 3, gameboy 2.5, xbox 1, PS2 1.


Bias: Combat

Every game made after Combat sucks. From now on whenever I see a post that is even a tiny bit positive about a non-Combat game I will put all of my effort into proving that the poster is a complete idiot until he breaks down and admits that Combat rules his world. And cries. Please note that Combat does not 0wnz0rz anybody, because Combat doesn't put up with that leet-speak kiddie bullshit. Combat just rips your jaw off and then bounces it off a few walls before you can say "Hey, Combat, don't...rip my jaw off."


6.8 said:
My biases:
Love quirky games, sandbox gameplay, overrated games.
Hate yearly iterations of games.
I've had a love/hate relationship with Nintendo for the past decade.
I am a sucker for games that have ambient soundtracks.
I have a bias against Japanese RPGs. This bias has come and gone through the years. 10 years ago, after playing FFIII (and loving it), I was exactly in the same situation.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say that KH and XS suck, but that's not bias. That's truth.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I am biased towards Nintendo and slightly Sony

I am biased against Microsoft (not Xbox) Xbox fanboys, nerds, geeks and losers who think they're hardcore and Japanese because they draw shitty anime.


I hate the Halo and Grand Theft Auto franchises; Most overrated pieces of trash ever.

Oh, and Xbox sucks too.

Biased towards: Cheap games, "experience" games like Metroid Prime or MGS2 or Resident Evil, arcade style games.

Biased against: Sequels, Long games.


I thought I was teh bias towards Nintendo (and old school Sega 1987-1990)

...but according to the definitions of this thread, I just really like em'.


I really like GAF since it's the only forum I have seen where Nintendo doesn't get bashed like 8 threads out of 10. The bash ratio is definitley lower here.
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