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Official 2004 "Admit Your Gaming/Console Biases" Thread


For: Xbox, Sega, DC, Capcom, ICO, Riddick, DOA and Bloodwake.

Against: Nintendo cutey crap, Square RPG's, cutey crap, cutey crap and cutey crap!


I used to be a rabid Nintendo/Sony fanboy and would hate on the xbox any chance I could get.

Now I think the xbox is the bee's friggin' knees! I play my xbox most of all my consoles.


Son of Godzilla said:
Biased towards: ...Metroid Prime or MGS2 or Resident Evil...
Biased against: Sequels...

I find this funny.

As for me:

Bias towards: Good online games (especially ones which are team oriented), MotoGP series (the Xbox ones), arcadey racing games, Xbox Live Arcade, golf games, Solitaire Showdown

Biased against: Games with more story than gameplay (MGS2, most all RPGs), FASAs Xbox games (MechAssault = awful, Crimson Skies = didn't live up to the original), on rail shooters

Ranger X

I may be biased about some game franchises sometimes. Like for example the Castlevania and Metroids. I'm so a fan of Castlevania in general that I DID REALLY tought that Lament of Innocence would be a good game and i bought it at launch... Damn i was a fool.


Biased towards: Nintendo, NST, Rare
Biased against: EA, RPGs, FPS (mainly because I suck at them), licensed games, (annual) sequels, mature games
Taking pity on: Sega


Cutey crap with an attitude I can deal with. It'
s the "oh me so sweet sweet" cutey crap, that irks me.


Biased Towards:

Nintendo - Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Pikmin - what's not to love
Blizzard - StarCraft: Ghost woohoo!!

Biased Against:

Nintendo - Online please
Blizzard - where is my StarCraft 2 you bastards!!


KAOS said:
Against: Nintendo cutey crap, Square RPG's, cutey crap, cutey crap and cutey crap!


I always find it funny how passionate the "anti-cute" crowd seem to be about hating everything not T3H M4AT3RU!1!!


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more.


Companies: Capcom, Nintendo, Sony
Genres: Fighting, Racing, old-school style RPG's
Systems: Nintendo handhelds
Brands: Street Fighter (ok, anything Capcom), Virtua Fighter
General: Style over substance, co-op mode, asian art styles, simple concept w/dynamic and complex play (example: old-school games), games you don't "finish"


Companies: Microsoft (not X-Box, just Microsoft), Electronic Arts, Rare, NoA
Genres: Sports, Wrestling, MMORPG's, "realistic" FPS games
Systems: Non-Nintendo handhelds.
Brands: Tekken, Halo (though I'll play it with 8 people), Jak & Daxter, Tony Hawk, StarCraft
General: Capture the flag mode, objective-based/scripted gameplay, western RPG's, complicated concept w/simplistic play (example: D&D based stuff, collectathon/unlockable-focused games).


Biased Towards:

Xbox, PS2, GTA series, western RPGs, boobies.

Biased Against:

Nintendo, Japanese RPGs, games with metrosexual lead characters, games with chibi characters.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
PCs with keyboard and mouse are superior at RTS and FPS.

PS2 has the best eastern RPGs and platformers.

Gamecube has Nintendo's games, which can be great.

Xbox has Halo 2 and Fable.

Handhelds suck. :p

I consider these more truths than biases.


My bias is towards anything SquareSoft !!! There, I said it... pathetic I am Luke. I'm walking the path of the Darkside... "rip".


Running off of Custom Firmware
Against: Almost all traditional sports games.
For: Almost anything else.
Admitted preference: Nintendo.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I like this thread, it's allowing me the oppurtunity to see who I should ignore.


Bias : Neo Geo, Xbox, Sega, arcade sticks, Ubi Soft Montreal Studio, 2D fighters.

Negative biases : Nintendo, Sony (989 even more), Rockstar Games, Square-Enix, Bethesda, and I think most of all, Electronic Arts.


I suppose I could say i'm a bit biased against the PS2, mainly because I don't want any company to become a monopoly.

That said, I still lined up for a PS2 at launch. :D


Biased towards: Xbox and Dreamcast.

Reasons: Excellent software at launch and through life. Cutting edge technology. Lots of fanservice. Intelligent fanboys.

Biased against: PS2 and Gamecube.

Reasons: Poor launch software and/or too kiddy. Weak technology, requires mutiple hardware purchases to be comparably specced to Xbox and/or DC. Jaggies. Worst fanboys.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Recent console biases: Xbox's visual output. 3rd party multiplatform game comes out, I'm getting the Xbox version. No doubt about it.

Genre biases: Racing games are the best.

Controller bias: PS2 -- Dual Shock 2.

Franchise biases: Legend of Zelda: LTTP = Best game ever + best Zelda game ever. Wind Waker sucked. Metroid Prime sucked. Gran Turismo and Need for Speed are two of the finest gaming franchises known to man.

Console biases part 2: GameCube is the worst console I've ever owned. Dreamcast still rocks my cock. I hardly play my PS2, but am absolutely dying to play to play GT4. Sega consoles always had the best fighters.


hyperbolically metafictive
for: particularly shmups, but 2d games and arcade games generally. and by extension consoles and developers that are strong in those areas. i'm an abject saturn fanboy.

against: in terms of real antipathy, probably just ea. but i also dislike most jrpgs. and the gamecube, although there's no prejudice there - i didn't begin to dislike the system until i'd bought one, and there are individual gamecube games that i really like.


There should be a sister thread where we get to name other peoples biases in broad terms instead of listening to these miniscule biases. "I like Japanese RPGs, and some Western ones but only on the third Sunday after a full moon."

I like this thread, it's allowing me the oppurtunity to see who I should ignore.

Yes, it's for the greater good.



Online gaming
Co-op games
It's good to play together :)
Side scrolling games and shooters


Turn based RPG's
Kiddy games and I don't watch cartoons any longer either
FPS games without co-op
2D fighters
Memory cards
Short controller cords


I hate PC gaming pretty much so it's no wonder I dislike X-BOX *cough*4yearlifespan*cough*. MS has given alot and that's great, but their goal is to buy their support & fanbase and their fans just lap it up. Now...going into next generation they're taking away the HD, BC & the power "edge"...projects are being moved from X-BOX to Xenon and I just don't see X-BOX filling out it's life cycle due to (what I believe to be) premature jump to next generation...and yet their fans STILL follow...just 'cos they have a paid for image. Then there's the whole "let's do what Sony does and go for the same market Sony does...pfft...how boring is that?

I hate the Hollywoodized/popularized/mainstreamized of gaming...it's crap...and this is due to the Playstationization of the industry. Plus, originally, the Sony & Nintendo union was really suppossed to be about the beterment of gaming, but it ended up being a power struggle...and too me...Sony was the "bad guy" in that 'cos they were the bigger company who were trying to bitch Nintendo into becoming a part of them and take over the gaming industry with the sensationalizing of gaming as something "cool"...when deep down to it's roots...it was meant for dorks like me.

So I lean to Nintendo...the gaming company...I'm a dork and I'm poor (can only afford one console), so they've always suited me and despite having a bad image they've satisfied me. Plus...it's the only place I can get Mario, Zelda and my favorite game series...Metroid. Sure, I wish they were doing better, sometimes I wish they'd make certain moves...but I'm glad that've remained somewhat the same since the NES days...when I really got into gaming. Plus I'm into Japanese culture and while Sony is just as much an American name/company as it is Japanese...Nintendo was a driving force in bringing Japanese culture to the rest of the world in the '80's & '90's. They're one of the only peices of great nostalgia that keeps going and while I don't expect today's "gamer" to like Nintendo, but I wish they would respect them more and acknowledge what they've done for this industry.


I like this thread, it's allowing me the oppurtunity to see who I should ignore.

Which is why its evil. There is already enough pegholing and stereotyping of posters according to likes and dislikes already.

My only real bias is against stealth action games simply because the genre name has become an oxymoron.


Still Tagged Accordingly
DJ Demon J said:
Admit Your Gaming/Console Biases
I like most things Nintendo. Not the biggest fan of Pokemon, Mario Party and a few other games of their's, but otherwise they're awesome.

edit: Oh yeah, and I just want to take this opportunity to repeat my stance on using the ignore feature. It's piss weak. Learn to deal with people different from yourself :p
Biased towards:
Action adventures like Metroid Prime and Ninja Gaiden. Sony platformers(Ratchet, Jak, Sly...what the heck ICO too). Mario and Zelda. Sh'mups and 2d brawlers and anything in between(think Gradius V and Viewtiful Joe, i.e.). Games like Deus Ex, and PC styled games with a lot of branching options and interactive nuances. Games that are extra stylish like Rez or Jet Grind Radio. Turn Based RPGs that are not Final Fantasy X(I like Xenosaga, and Nocturne has me excited i.e.), Castlevania, Resident Evil, Metroid.

Biased Against:
Wrestling games, Sports sims(one exception, though are racing sims), Grand Theft Auto(it's not bad, but whenever I play it I just feel like meh), Final Fantasy X, Movie Liscences in games, Silent Hill, online 'battle arena' gameplay where there's not much exploration or stretegy.
For: A Jenna Jameson game made by Itagaki of Tecmo

Against: A Jenna Jameson game made by Nintendo.

And on a serious note,if I have a bias for anything it'd be that I'd give my left testicle if The Collective made a ton of Buffy and Indy sequels. The ones they gave us were full of greatness,I need more though.


Hates quality gaming
Types: Online. Handhelds.
Theory: Replayability through collecting. Custom soundtracks. Selling to specific demographics.
Genres: FPSs. Sports. Poly Fighters.
Companies/developers: Nintendo. Treasure. Squaresoft.

People that use the following words/phrases in conversations about videogames:
"Uematsu" and "genius" in the same sentence.
"If you didn't play it, don't complain."

Types: Home console. Arcades.
Theory: Replayability through difficulty. High scores. Form supplementing function.
Genres: 2D fighters. Shooters. SRPGs. Puzzle. Racing.
Series: DQ. BM-I/IIDX/III. SF. KOF. ST. Xi.
Companies/developers: Capcom. Cave. Takumi. Midway.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
dog$ said:
Types: Online. Handhelds.
Theory: Replayability through collecting. Custom soundtracks. Selling to specific demographics.
Genres: FPSs. Sports. Poly Fighters.
Companies/developers: Nintendo. Treasure. Squaresoft.

People that use the following words/phrases in conversations about videogames:
"Uematsu" and "genius" in the same sentence.
"If you didn't play it, don't complain."

Types: Home console. Arcades.
Theory: Replayability through difficulty. High scores. Form supplementing function.
Genres: 2D fighters. Shooters. SRPGs. Puzzle. Racing.
Series: DQ. BM-I/IIDX/III. SF. KOF. ST. Xi.
Companies/developers: Capcom. Cave. Takumi. Midway.

How the hell could anyody be against Treasure? Okay, Stretch Panic sucked but aside from that...

king zell


-console makers with videogames not being their major product (evil Sony & Microsoft).. yes and Dreamcast 4 ever! I wish I could live another Sega vs Nintendo
- complicated games.. I can't have fun with them
- most licensed games (Movies)
- Online


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Biased against -

Sports titles

Popular games that I don't like - That is, games that I would never care for...but end up developing an even stronger dislike of them due to the popularity (for example, Pokemon). I don't like Pokemon very much, though I gave it a fair chance...but the popularity has driven me to truly hate the series with a passion. I believe this applies to MANY people, however. When a game comes along that someone simply found "average" and it gains a lot of popularity, they begin to hate it. Halo would work here, for some people...

Nintendo fans - I actually enjoy plenty of Nintendo games, but the fans drive me insane. It often seems as if I hate Nintendo (though they really aren't my favorite company), when in fact it isn't Nintendo that I actually hate...just the fans.

People who refuse to let go of the Dreamcast. Damn it, I LOVED the system. In fact, it may be my favorite console of all time due to the memories it provided. However, these people that continue to believe that DC has so many advantages over other current hardware just drive me nuts and turn me against the system I so dearly loved.

As for things I am for, it simply varies too heavily. Basically, I support any developer and their games that have been able to provide incredibly memorable experiences.


Hates quality gaming
How the hell could anyody be against Treasure?

The only thing I actually like from Treasure since their inception would be Ikaruga.

Haven't played S&P or Gunstar.
I don't think of Guardian Heroes as much more than a 3-plane standard beatemup, with the annoyance of more talking between the parts you're supposed to be playing.
Didn't see anything to like about Silhouette Mirage.
I thought Bangaio controlled horribly.
Radiant Silvergun bores the absolute shit out of me.

I know there's more than a few others that I'm not mentioning but after buying into (and subsequently being irritated at) the hype surrounding Guardian Heroes and RS, I have had little reason to believe any praise that Treasure gets.


Fusebox said:
Intelligent fanboys.
I'm pretty sure the whole GAF thing was just a social experiment to try and produce an environment where someone would use this phrase in a serious post. Good job, people, I thought it would take a lot longer. We can all go home now.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
dog$ said:
The only thing I actually like from Treasure since their inception would be Ikaruga.

Haven't played S&P or Gunstar.
I don't think of Guardian Heroes as much more than a 3-plane standard beatemup, with the annoyance of more talking between the parts you're supposed to be playing.
Didn't see anything to like about Silhouette Mirage.
I thought Bangaio controlled horribly.
Radiant Silvergun bores the absolute shit out of me.

I know there's more than a few others that I'm not mentioning but after buying into (and subsequently being irritated at) the hype surrounding Guardian Heroes and RS, I have had little reason to believe any praise that Treasure gets.

Oh, I thought S&P and Gunstar were their best games (and Radiant), elegant control and amazing special effects for the system in question... And have you played RS at a higher difficulty? The first time I played, I played on easy, and it was a bit slower than I was expecting... but it's insane (yet still manageable) on a higher one. Then again, I prefer the pace to the bullet-hell to the point of overdoing it, in say a Cave shooter...


My first post here was what I like, now as far as what I hate:
Xeno series games
Sony/PS fanboys (how more of a fairweather fan can you be? "well as long as it's popular, insanely expensive and going to wind up technologically outclassed in a few months, I love it!")
People who try to claim that ICO is art and the MGS series has a good storyline
Bias For

Sega made games, even games others hate I tend to like becuase Sega made them and allows me to overlook the flaws.

Konami games

Tecmo games

Capcom 2d fighters

Old Nintendo Franchises, that got thier Birth on the Nes and Snes ( Mario, Zelda, Metroid, starfox and Mario Kart)

RPGs. I tend to like Japanese and western rpgs, and of late I love action Rpgs.

I like arcade type games. the games that critics call shallow in this age of gaming.

Bias Against
Sim car racing games (I have only like two Sega Gt 2002 and Project Gotham Racer). I tend to prefer arcade styrl racers like Daytona, and Mario Kart.

Sport games, ( I own one or two Sega sports games that I have bought cheap and only bought them becase they were made by Sega. I guess I collect Sega games becuase I have never played the sport games)

Grand theft Auto type games. These games just don't appeal me.

Tekken, I just don't like this series.

In the past I would have said Licensed games ( games made from a movie script for example), but this generation thier have been some good Licensed games.
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