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Official 2008 Diablo II thread of I can't get enough of this damn game!


Gumby04 said:
oh .. so the white text actually says "hate key" "terror key" destruction key" ...

do people ever party up to do this together?

I know I wouldn't. Then it would be a scramble for any keys that drops. Would suck if you do all the work and the person that was standing back grabbed the key because you were busy fighting. Best to do key runs by yourself or with a friend that wasn't interested in getting key drops imo.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
Er, that orb together with a +6jav skills/40%ias matriarchal javelin (yes, this is possible, mat javs can have a +3 jav skill on base white weps, then a mod giving it +3 more) are two of the rarest weapon, and they'll both go for 10000+fg each whereas an occy is worth like... 20? To put things in perspective.


Redd said:
I know I wouldn't. Then it would be a scramble for any keys that drops. Would suck if you do all the work and the person that was standing back grabbed the key because you were busy fighting. Best to do key runs by yourself or with a friend that wasn't interested in getting key drops imo.

i'm too weak for that .. they kill me with one or two melee hits.. and they're hella fast
i dunno. so is it even worth it to Mf extensively below say 85 because drops wont generate certain items. would a Pul bring in a shitty skulder or do i need some more leverage.


Shinz Kicker said:
i dunno. so is it even worth it to Mf extensively below say 85 because drops wont generate certain items. would a Pul bring in a shitty skulder or do i need some more leverage.

You could get a Skullders for Pul, sure.


i have 301% MF if i'm playing on NM cause i have the Gull or w/e which is 100% all by itself .. but i have to use better stuff for hell... so its only like 150 :(
im at 398 mf at almost full full power, i would only switch out the ring, belt and gloves which is 70 mf for a +1 to fire skills and more mana regen that i dont need when i have my insight merc so for all purposes im at 400mf at full power, to be better all i need is enigma, and +3 fire skills amy, anni and storch. which would be another +4 to my skills. puttinge me at max of 35 fire skills with magefists on. im pretty happy at the moment just need to level to 85.


Shinz Kicker said:
im at 398 mf at almost full full power, i would only switch out the ring, belt and gloves which is 70 mf for a +1 to fire skills and more mana regen that i dont need when i have my insight merc so for all purposes im at 400mf at full power, to be better all i need is enigma, and +3 fire skills amy, anni and storch. which would be another +4 to my skills. puttinge me at max of 35 fire skills with magefists on. im pretty happy at the moment just need to level to 85.

sounds pretty solid... i'm trying to get a sorc torch but nobody will give one up... currently using full tal's, and am lvl 82
my full set up is Occy, Shako ptopaz, skullder ptopaz, monarch shield, chance gloves, 30mf boots, gold wrap 30mf, 22mf ring, gheeds charm, and +2 fire ammy.
Anyone want to play w/ a guy starting from scratch AGAIN? I keep playing but I never finish beating the game (since 2001) and I lose my account. I like to finish all quests, map and kill anything that moves generally. Hit me up if you have a new character.


Been hectic around here the past few days, but I have the XP disc at the ready (bb vista), and I shall be back to ward off the DEMONZ!!


vilmer_ said:
Been hectic around here the past few days, but I have the XP disc at the ready (bb vista), and I shall be back to ward off the DEMONZ!!


I've been holding off on the uber runs just for you gg


The Frankman said:
Anyone want to play w/ a guy starting from scratch AGAIN? I keep playing but I never finish beating the game (since 2001) and I lose my account. I like to finish all quests, map and kill anything that moves generally. Hit me up if you have a new character.

I'll play if you're in my realm. I'm just about done with my Necro and would like to try either a Zon or Assasin. I don't like getting rushed so I'm all for doing all the quest and killing anything that moves.:D
Redd said:
I'll play if you're in my realm. I'm just about done with my Necro and would like to try either a Zon or Assasin. I don't like getting rushed so I'm all for doing all the quest and killing anything that moves.:D
You in US East? Post within next coupla hours. I'm game.
Would love to take part if there's still some action going on...

andrewjnyc/johnny_clueless/BrassKnight/Paladin/U.S. East

Hope to see some of you guys online soon...


PistolGrip said:
So if you come in and out of a room Blizzard will kick your connection off.

Just had some bad transactions :(
If you do it too fast you'll get a temp ban. Try to stay in a room for about 2 or so minutes before jumping around, you can usually get away with about 2-4 jumps very rapidly but after that you are walking a fine line.


I'm playing a few hours at least every day. Level 92 necromancer and thinking about doing either an Assassin or some kind or a WearBear Druid since I rarely see one. Seems to me that everyone and I mean EVERYONE uses a Paladin. God in every damn trade game I have to deal with Paladin items and it's really irritating me...............even though I have a couple of P torches myself.


sex vacation in Guam
Redd said:
I'm playing a few hours at least every day. Level 92 necromancer and thinking about doing either an Assassin or some kind or a WearBear Druid since I rarely see one. Seems to me that everyone and I mean EVERYONE uses a Paladin. God in every damn trade game I have to deal with Paladin items and it's really irritating me...............even though I have a couple of P torches myself.
I guess cause pallys are so damn invincible in this game. I see so many pally bots running baal runs is not even funny. They kill everything and dont take a scratch.
so far i really like the off classes even if it makes the very end game less viable. my 70+ assassin loves her 2600% boost to dmg combo, im sitting happy with meteor only sorc. somethings are kind over powered, but im not advanced enough in the gameplay as i was with Guild Wars to really discuss this indepth.


PistolGrip said:
I guess cause pallys are so damn invincible in this game. I see so many pally bots running baal runs is not even funny. They kill everything and dont take a scratch.
Hammerdins are pretty powerful but its also the fact that the primary Baal bot is specifically made for hammerdins.
i dont even think there should be a niche that small for a character to still own like that. more monster should be straight up IMMUNE to magic no sorc, or hammerdin hammer and no breaking the immune, i have a merc for ocassions like this. or IMMUNE TO HAMMER would be pretty funny seeing.


sex vacation in Guam
With all the rushes and the baal runs i am getting a little bored. I find great gear MFing everyday but i feel like its vicious cycle. I MF so I can get gear so that I can get more gear. The means is the End. With so many bots in hell, it kind of kills the gloating part of the game since everyone has amazing loot


PistolGrip said:
I guess cause pallys are so damn invincible in this game. I see so many pally bots running baal runs is not even funny. They kill everything and dont take a scratch.

Heh well I know they're strong. I used to use a smiter and hammerdin the last time I played Diablo but if I started doing that again I would get bored fast. I've never used an Assasin before or a summoning Necro and the game seems totally different to me. I can't believe I made it to hell mode and beat Baal without getting rushed and with no help at all. I got all 3 organ pieces and didn't struggle in the slightest with my Necro. Once I get the merc everything he needs I can take on the Ubers all by myself.

Not like I don't collect all the Pcombats I can find and trade them for alot of items for other seldom used characters.:D


It's not that all I'm saying is everybody seems to use them. In fact I would go as far as to say most of the gaf players in this very thread uses a pally of some sort. God I remember a time in Diablo when we at least had a decent amount of variety. I remember cow games where I would see WW Barbs, Zealing Palidins(rarely see this), Revive Necros, Bowazons and Sorcs of some kind in every game. Now not so much now, over half of the parties I see or sometimes I'm the only one are using hammerdins. Blizzard needs to nerf them like they did with Zons because it's getting pretty sad.

How many times have I gone to duels and just about everyone(i'm not exaggerating) were using Smiters and Hammerdins. If I'm lucky I'll see a rare Javazon or Sorc doing somewhat decently. At least Wind Druids seem to be making some kind of comeback though.


Redd said:
It's not that all I'm saying is everybody seems to use them. In fact I would go as far as to say most of the gaf players in this very thread uses a pally of some sort. God I remember a time in Diablo when we at least had a decent amount of variety. I remember cow games where I would see WW Barbs, Zealing Palidins(rarely see this), Revive Necros, Bowazons and Sorcs of some kind in every game. Now not so much now, over half of the parties I see or sometimes I'm the only one are using hammerdins. Blizzard needs to nerf them like they did with Zons because it's getting pretty sad.

How many times have I gone to duels and just about everyone(i'm not exaggerating) were using Smiters and Hammerdins. If I'm lucky I'll see a rare Javazon or Sorc doing somewhat decently. At least Wind Druids seem to be making some kind of comeback though.

Lots of people have a pally because they're very useful for endgame activities. They're pretty much relegated to those tasks, for me. To say there isn't much variety in games... just isn't true. Any time I'm doing hell baal runs I tend to see every class at least once or twice. Granted, it skews towards pallies, but there is plenty of variety.

More people use enigma'd hammerdins for mf'ing and Baal runs because they are proven to be the most efficient. Smiters are proven to be the most efficient for uber runs. If Blizzard nerfed them, another single build would be widely claimed to be the most efficient, and then you'd have another build to bitch about needing nerfed. The key word here is efficient. People don't want to spend any longer than necessary mf'ing and key hunting and killing ubers, so can you really blame them for seeking out the most efficient method?

You could certainly argue that hammers need nerfed. I'd have to agree. But smiters? Come on now. Smiters can get ripped to shreds in no time in hell if you aren't careful, just like ANY class. Hell, even hammerdins can get torn apart quickly. It all comes down to gear, and any class can attain godly gear. Also, PVP balance is of little consequence to me; the game wasn't built around it, so I don't bother.

My main fun from the game comes playing the other classes and experimenting with unorthodox builds.


hclflow said:
Lots of people have a pally because they're very useful for endgame activities. They're pretty much relegated to those tasks, for me. To say there isn't much variety in games... just isn't true. Any time I'm doing hell baal runs I tend to see every class at least once or twice. Granted, it skews towards pallies, but there is plenty of variety.

More people use enigma'd hammerdins for mf'ing and Baal runs because they are proven to be the most efficient. Smiters are proven to be the most efficient for uber runs. If Blizzard nerfed them, another single build would be widely claimed to be the most efficient, and then you'd have another build to bitch about needing nerfed. The key word here is efficient. People don't want to spend any longer than necessary mf'ing and key hunting and killing ubers, so can you really blame them for seeking out the most efficient method?

You could certainly argue that hammers need nerfed. I'd have to agree. But smiters? Come on now. Smiters can get ripped to shreds in no time in hell if you aren't careful, just like ANY class. Hell, even hammerdins can get torn apart quickly. It all comes down to gear, and any class can attain godly gear. Also, PVP balance is of little consequence to me; the game wasn't built around it, so I don't bother.

My main fun from the game comes playing the other classes and experimenting with unorthodox builds.

Again I used to run with a Hammerdin and Smiter could probably make some again with all the stuff I keep getting in trade games that are mostly for Paladins. Still imo it's about time for Blizzard to nerf the Hammerdin build. Yes I would welcome a new end all be all build, I'd even take the Sorc since she struggles with Ubers and the Clone. Why's the Paladin class getting the pass when the Bowazon got the homing arrow glitch nerfed? Makes no sense and almost impossible to duel unless your using a Paladin or Smiter.


Redd said:
Again I used to run with a Hammerdin and Smiter could probably make some again with all the stuff I keep getting in trade games that are mostly for Paladins. Still imo it's about time for Blizzard to nerf the Hammerdin build. Yes I would welcome a new end all be all build, I'd even take the Sorc since she struggles with Ubers and the Clone. Why's the Paladin class getting the pass when the Bowazon got the homing arrow glitch nerfed? Makes no sense and almost impossible to duel unless your using a Paladin or Smiter.

So you're basically saying that you want to nerf one endgame-viable build and buff up another in its place.


Besides, there is no "end all be all" build no matter how much you want to say there is. Hammerdin is just the most efficient class for Baal and key runs right now. Two things. TWO. There are sorc builds that aren't far behind in efficiency for those runs. Same for certain builds in other classes, if you have the right gear.

To answer your bolded question, homing arrow wasn't working as intended when it could pierce something repeatedly till it died.


hclflow said:
So you're basically saying that you want to nerf one endgame-viable build and buff up another in its place.


Well I can't think of a endgame-viable build if you nerf them like the bowazon glitch and keep everything else the same.................................unless I'm missing something. What's this insane build and why are you holding out on me hclflow?


Redd said:
Well I can't think of a endgame-viable build if you nerf them like the bowazon glitch and keep everything else the same.................................unless I'm missing something. What's this insane build and why are you holding out on me hclflow?

Well, let's see here... First and foremost for speed, pretty much any sorc with infinity merc or javazon with infinity merc. Alternatives for slower killing speed include crushing blow shapeshifter, zealot with dracs (hell, any melee class with right weapons and dracs), summon/revive necro with faith merc, frenzy barb with grief and death or last wish.

I mean, do I really need to go on? ANY class can be made ridiculously powerful with the right gear.


hclflow said:
Well, let's see here... First and foremost for speed, pretty much any sorc with infinity merc or javazon with infinity merc. Alternatives for slower killing speed include crushing blow shapeshifter, zealot with dracs (hell, any melee class with right weapons and dracs), summon/revive necro with faith merc, frenzy barb with grief and death or last wish.

I mean, do I really need to go on? ANY class can be made ridiculously powerful with the right gear.

Well maybe the Barb could with godly gear might be able to handle the ubers and clone with ease but I'm having a hard time believing the rest even with the inifinity can handle them so well. Besides it doesn't matter every one of them wouldn't stand to a well placed magic hammer in a duel, well maybe the barb could take one or two hits maybe but then he's going down too. Seriously the Hammerdin needs to be nerfed some because it makes no sense why he's so overpowered even with crappy gear.


Oh and again I'm not knocking the game. Been with it since Diablo I and again I'm on Bnet at least a couple hours each day and the only things I notice that have a high value are P Combats, P torches, Annis or some rare godly gear. I don't even have a Paladin anymore but I'm smart enough to collect those items because I know I get way more then some B Combat charm even if it's got a good mod. Seriously I'm not exaggerating this stuff.


Redd said:
Well maybe the Barb could with godly gear might be able to handle the ubers and clone with ease but I'm having a hard time believing the rest even with the inifinity can handle them so well. Besides it doesn't matter every one of them wouldn't stand to a well placed magic hammer in a duel, well maybe the barb could take one or two hits maybe but then he's going down too. Seriously the Hammerdin needs to be nerfed some because it makes no sense why he's so overpowered even with crappy gear.

I'm not here to shout you down or anything; I'm just showing you that other builds can be almost as efficient as hammerdins. I agreed that hammers should be nerfed, I don't think that's in question here.

But, I think you grossly underestimate the power of an infinity merc. As for the rest of your post...

hclflow said:
Also, PVP balance is of little consequence to me; the game wasn't built around it, so I don't bother.

And about prices, go here: http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?showtopic=21699802&f=169

It updates every few days, so just make sure to go to the forum every so often to get the new price list link.


On no the threads dieing!!!!!! I figured most of the people signed up in this thread would give up on Diablo II after a few weeks but I didn't think it would be this bad. We got maybe 5 gaffers at best still playing Diablo II consistently. Please tell me I'm wrong guys and making a mountain out of a mole hill.


So I just started a Freezing Arrow/Strafe Bowazon and it's been fun so far.

But I'm not sure what I'm going to do once I'm sick of her. There really aren't that many other classes that I feel like trying. Maybe a Lightning Fury Javazon or a Shock/Frostdin.

Oh and you can definitely feel the interest waning around here. I think once people got over the initial excitement of building a new character and the realization that MF-ing is a necessity in the game slowly sunk in, the interest started fading.

IMO, finding godly equipment shouldn't be as hard as it currently is. High runes and good equipment are far too rare.

Bots ruin the experience too since people who cheat with these things have a far easier time and it sort of cheapens the experience for everyone else.

In addition, the difficulty in hell is good but immunes spoil all the fun. Maybe they could have made monsters highly resistant to a specific element but for a creature to completely block out damage from specific elements spoils the fun for a good number of builds. Make it hard for us to kill some creatures, sure, but don't make it impossible.


ElyrionX said:
Oh and you can definitely feel the interest waning around here. I think once people got over the initial excitement of building a new character and the realization that MF-ing is a necessity in the game slowly sunk in, the interest started fading.

IMO, finding godly equipment shouldn't be as hard as it currently is. High runes and good equipment are far too rare.

Sadly I agree completely. Still MF-ing is the best part of Diablo II imo. The funny thing is when I'm not looking for stuff that's when the godly stuff and runes start dropping. The big thing that I think is killing Diablo like I've been saying the last few posts are hammerdins and how their a cut above the rest of the characters. If Bnet would nerf them somewhat other character specific items would go up in value and MF-ing would be more rewarding. Still surprised how rare it is to get a good rune drop. I celebrate when I find an um or ist every once in awhile.


Redd said:
If Bnet would nerf them somewhat other character specific items would go up in value and MF-ing would be more rewarding. Still surprised how rare it is to get a good rune drop. I celebrate when I find an um or ist every once in awhile.
I don't understand your logic. The godly hammerdin gear is gear that a lot of other classes also desire. Enigma's, Heart of the Oak's, Mara's, etc. are all useful to other classes and not only Hammerdins. Nerfing Hammerdins wouldn't take down the value of this gear. Over time as high rune duping becomes more rampant the prices of runes and gear will go down. Right now a high rune runs 4+ Ists but gear isn't measure proportionately to that at the moment. For example a 5% life leech Bul-Kathos ring goes for Ist + Mal (or more) right now but last ladder you could get 2 high runes for one. Prices will drop but only because of rampant high rune duping. The high runewords aren't supposed to be as widespread as they are now as they are meant to be extremely rare so if anything duping is kill Diablo.


Hmm good point. Can't really argue there since it's so hard for me to get runes anyway. Doubt Blizzard will do anything about duping but at least I don't know how to dupe. Over the years I can only count 5 times I've ever found a real rare rune. 1 Zod, 2 bers, Cham, and a gul(if that still counts). Doesn't mean I that's the only hi runes I've ever had thanks to trades.


I don't get it. Are people really duping high runes on Ladder? How do they do it? And if it's really doable, why aren't we seeing more high runes around on bnet now? And why didn't rune duping mess up the economy of the last ladder?


ElyrionX said:
I don't get it. Are people really duping high runes on Ladder? How do they do it? And if it's really doable, why aren't we seeing more high runes around on bnet now? And why didn't rune duping mess up the economy of the last ladder?
People are certainly duping items on ladder. The economy of last ladder was a little high-rune flooded but it is never as bad as non-ladder. Just take a look at price guides for gear last ladder and where we stand now. As more and more runes are flooded into the economy what you can get for gear will go up. So sometimes it is more beneficial to hold onto something that is really rare as later on in ladder it can be two or more times as valuable.

Not really sure how duping is done it is pretty much a close guarded secret that shops and certain individuals hold onto. Runes aren't totally flooded into the market yet because people do not have the items to obtain runes and the prices are still pretty high on pay sites. Once the runes trickle down to the normal users and are used to trade around you'll see some of the prices go down in the sense that unique items will be worth a bit more so you can trade them for high runes.


SleazyC said:
Not really sure how duping is done it is pretty much a close guarded secret that shops and certain individuals hold onto. Runes aren't totally flooded into the market yet because people do not have the items to obtain runes and the prices are still pretty high on pay sites. Once the runes trickle down to the normal users and are used to trade around you'll see some of the prices go down in the sense that unique items will be worth a bit more so you can trade them for high runes.

What what what, people actually pay cash money for runes. No wonder I rarely see anyone MF like they use too. Ahh I remember when the Arkaines Valor was the most coveted armor to find. You practically bragged for months when the Unique Balrog Skin dropped. People kept looking for the older models because some just preferred them over the new versions. Then the good runewords came into effect and everything was cool for awhile because it was rare to get every single rune u needed to make them. Then mass duping happened and well..................................


Alright this is getting seriously fucking old, son of a bitch.

Multiple times this week (at least 5 times), I get temp restricted from the fucking realm when I was doing baal runs (about 4 to 5 minutes each run).

And now, when I'm muling really slowly (I spend at least 1 to 2 minutes each time I bring in a new mule), I get temp banned again. I lost a couple of stuff that are probably worthless but that's hardly the point.

This shit is random as fuck and I'm getting punished for playing the game normally? And I'm not even sure how long I'm supposed to stay out before I'm allowed back in. Repeatedly trying will apparently cause the ban to go on longer. So, trying and failing after a 2 minute wait may cause the ban to go on for even longer. At least give me a fighting chance to get back into my game to grab the stuff, damnit.
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