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Official 2008 Olympics Thread - 1936, the Remix

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My favorite moments of this Olympic are:

Shawn Johnson, I love her mouse smile.
M. Steiner, the Germany weightlifter who won the gold medal with/for his late wife
Bolt, somebody get him on MIB3 please.
The Chinese girl who destried the Korean archery crew, damn!


Hopefully China gets the Olympics again in my lifetime, they did an amazing job and had the benefit of a lot of athletic history being made, I don't see how anybody else is ever going to top it


Phthisis said:
The end of the Olympics sucks. It leaves such a huge void in my life. For the last two weeks, my entire schedule centered around watching as much of it as I could. I sacrificed sleep to watch the late night events of every sport they showed. There were so many awesome moments of inspirational performance from every country. It's amazing to me that the best athletes from every place humans have ever existed come together and perform with each other.

I feel the same way; I missed plenty of hours of sleep, I saw sports I never follow (and the next time I'll see them will only be in 4 years time), and enjoyed it thoroughly. It was kinda sad when I turned the TV today and had actually to choose a channel, there were no games on for me to see.

This was an entertaining thread as well, and, like the games, it's kinda hard to part with, but it has been unstickied and now it's time to let it disappear among all the other threads.

Bye bye. Hooray for the Olympics.
nny said:
It was kinda sad when I turned the TV today and had actually to choose a channel, there were no games on for me to see.

This was an entertaining thread as well, and, like the games, it's kinda hard to part with, but it has been unstickied and now it's time to let it disappear among all the other threads.

I saw an interesting stat (I think in Time) that stated that the total broadcast coverage (dunno if this includes web) of this Olympics is greater than that of all other Olympics combined.


Hail to the KING baby
just have the olympics every few months.

"this is heartbreaking, she's been waiting two months for this opporunity and she just had a disastrous fall off the bar. it's going to be a long 54 days until the next olympics."


CharlieDigital said:
I saw an interesting stat (I think in Time) that stated that the total broadcast coverage (dunno if this includes web) of this Olympics is greater than that of all other Olympics combined.

If combined I think that has to include all the web broadcasting too. The television coverage wasn't that much greater than previous years.


AstroLad said:
just have the olympics every few months.

"this is heartbreaking, she's been waiting two months for this opporunity and she just had a disastrous fall off the bar. it's going to be a long 54 days until the next olympics."
Lolo Jones nooooooooooo!.


sorry if this is old guys



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
AstroLad said:
:lol exactly who I was thinking of at first. then alicia sacramone a bit.
nooo lolo :(

what are the odds lolo will be back for london? it seems like there is huge turnover in the track events...liu xiang was obviously toast.


Vaandaviii said:
The USA just gives free university careers, and career success btw, to their sport guys and girls, no matter how unable of studying they are. Which is far more democratic but equally stupid.

I didn't know all the US olimpic players had a university career except phelps. I think that doesnt happen anywhere else in the world, where, you know, people need to study hard to success on their studies, not play basketball.

(Anyways, that is a much nicer strategy "for the benefit of face")

There's nothing free about all the prestige and money student athletes garner for a school. It's an "even" exchange.


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shas'la said:
sorry if this is old guys

Dude... you have no fucking idea how hard this made me laugh :lol

I saw this .gif while I'm in the middle of a meeting and sitting at the front of the room. The moment "Phelps" started doing crazy shit, I instantly threw my hands over my mouth and started shaking uncontrollably with laughter.

I had to leave the meeting early and as I was walking around the hallway I just burst out laughing. I'm still fucking laughing at random just thinking about it.

... :lol


For those people wondering about HD versions of the Opening/Closing ceremonies...they're available in the usual places.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Kittonwy said:
No other country can spend 40 billion off the backs of its citizens, for most countries, the country belongs to its citizens, not the other way around.
It's the money well spent I say, and I hope they made some of it back.

In any case London could spend 10x less, like Greece did, and still have a great and artful ceremony, just like Greece did. However, what they had on show there at the closing, didn't seem promising. Looked more like an episode of "So you can dance", only with not as good dancing.
Marconelly said:
It's the money well spent I say, and I hope they made some of it back.

In any case London could spend 10x less, like Greece did, and still have a great and artful ceremony, just like Greece did. However, what they had on show there at the closing, didn't seem promising. Looked more like an episode of "So you can dance", only with not as good dancing.

Yeah, I've been told England is a fucking bollocks place to live. That's one theory why the world was colonized by the English: To get the fuck away from England.

In four years, if England wins a lot of medals, I'm going to talk about the English as "we" and "my people" following a precedent set by some North Americans of Chinese decent in this thread.


vas_a_morir said:
Yeah, I've been told England is a fucking bollocks place to live. That's one theory why the world was colonized by the English: To get the fuck away from England.

In four years, if England wins a lot of medals, I'm going to talk about the English as "we" and "my people" following a precedent set by some North Americans of Chinese decent in this thread.

Nah, it isn't. The problem is us English people love to moan, and thus we moan about pretty much everything in our country, even though it's pretty decent.
FFChris said:
Nah, it isn't. The problem is us English people love to moan, and thus we moan about pretty much everything in our country, even though it's pretty decent.

Haha, did I use bollocks right? I'm pretty sure that was the exact phrase that was used.


vas_a_morir said:
Yeah, I've been told England is a fucking bollocks place to live. That's one theory why the world was colonized by the English: To get the fuck away from England.

In four years, if England wins a lot of medals, I'm going to talk about the English as "we" and "my people" following a precedent set by some North Americans of Chinese decent in this thread.

A part of my mom's side of the family came over on the Mayflower. I think I'm going to celebrate my 10% English heritage as well. Hell, I'm going to represent all my heritages. It'll suck when I have to start talking about how "we kicked our ass" though. And what'll I do in case of a matchup like US vs England vs Scotland vs Germany vs Holland vs Ireland? No matter what happens I win and loose. Boo-urns.


vas_a_morir said:
Yeah, I've been told England is a fucking bollocks place to live. That's one theory why the world was colonized by the English: To get the fuck away from England.

Nah, England isn't a bollocks place to live. If I had the chance to be born again anywhere or stick with England I would definitely stay here. You could put English people in paradise and they would fucking complain about it.


woodchuck said:
nastia on leno now.

she's referring to the chinese girl as "that chinese girl" :lol

that is low. It is not like she doesn't know her name. But she is still pissed off that she lost by a tie break :lol


Marconelly said:
It's the money well spent I say, and I hope they made some of it back.

In any case London could spend 10x less, like Greece did, and still have a great and artful ceremony, just like Greece did. However, what they had on show there at the closing, didn't seem promising. Looked more like an episode of "So you can dance", only with not as good dancing.
or we could not fight any stupids wars and spend 40 billion on the Olympics in Chicago =D
That would be a fraction of what the war on terror cost us!


Hail to the KING baby
That's what makes Nastia so great. She also doesn't even give a shit about smiling for the cameras or congratulating teammates when the cameras are on her. She's like the evil Russian from an 80s movie.
AstroLad said:
That's what makes Nastia so great. She also doesn't even give a shit about smiling for the cameras or congratulating teammates when the cameras are on her. She's like the evil Russian from an 80s movie.

Oh dude... she reminds me of that one girl from Ranma. I want her to do a rich girl laugh.


shooting blanks
AstroLad said:
That's what makes Nastia so great. She also doesn't even give a shit about smiling for the cameras or congratulating teammates when the cameras are on her. She's like the evil Russian from an 80s movie.


---she's the finest one too so it's all good


I'm sorry but the truth of the matter is when somebody see's a guy with black hair and yellow skin they think chinese first (or other east asian ethnicity), american second. As history has shown when push comes to shove it doesn't matter if you're a citizen of an adopted country, ethinicty trumps everything else, ie Japanese, Italian, German Americans during WWII. Also remember that many of Chinese Americans are maybe only first and second generation with most of their extended family still living in China. Many of these chinese americans also have first hand experience with how life was like in Beijing only 20 years ago and to see the transformation of Beijing form a backwater communist lite city to a modern metroplis and hosting the Olympic games is something to be very proud of.


Huzah said:
I'm sorry but the truth of the matter is when somebody see's a guy with black hair and yellow skin they think chinese first (or other east asian ethnicity), american second. As history has shown when push comes to shove it doesn't matter if you're a citizen of an adopted country, ethinicty trumps everything else, ie Japanese, Italian, German Americans during WWII. Also remember that many of Chinese Americans are maybe only first and second generation with most of their extended family still living in China. Many of these chinese americans also have first hand experience with how life was like in Beijing only 20 years ago and to see the transformation of Beijing form a backwater communist lite city to a modern metroplis and hosting the Olympic games is something to be very proud of.

Fuck, so does that mean Nastia thinks she won those medals for Russia?
I know I'm going to catch hell for bumping this thread, but I don't know how else to communicate with the forum in asking for help on this thing:

My friend, and Olympian from Spain, appears in the March of Nations on NBC's coverage of the opening ceremonies.

If any of you DVRed it, is it possible to cut and upload the part with Spain's march?

NBC owns the rights, of course. If you object morally, I'm only asking for a tiny piece that I will not sell or distribute online. If you object legally, I will write a review of Spain's march or use it to educate someone on 2008 Spanish Olympians.

It's a long shot, but thanks either way.
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