CajoleJuice said:
I'm sure there isn't enough room in these shelters for everyone in the wind path of the hurricane. I remember hearing on the radio about at least one shelter in the NYC area filling up, and that was just for those mandatory evacuations due to storm surge.
This was in Carolina, and high schools, big box stores and buildings with basements were all offering up shelter, I didn't hear of any over-crowding. Maybe it happened there too though. These folks were sitting at home watching tv. Apparently they were new to the area though, so maybe they have an excuse. Looking at that house they lived in though and that big ass tree next to it, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it's a dangerous situation. Apparently the neighbors disagree though, since they were sitting in there too. Dumb.
Anyway, enough of my complete lack of empathy, time for Greinkefest!
Most people have been moronic enough to say "meh, hurricane / Let's have a hurricane party!".
To be fair, that's probably exactly what I would have done if I didn't have a baby. I used to be the moron who'd run outside with a video camera during tornadoes. I accept my stupidity.