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Official 2011 MLB Thread v.2: The Mets are terrible.

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xxxstylzxxx said:
Walking Gardner? Are you serious?? lol
Hey man he's a really dangerous hi...


Parch said:
WTF? I switched to the Atl game because I thought the Yankee game was clinched.
This is nuts.

And some people were opposed when the wildcard was introduced. This would have been a boring Sept without it.

The Red Sox lost the division lead in September too and that would have been a more important event if they didn't have the 9-game WC cushion to fall back on.

I don't have a problem with the WC though, just the fact that is equal to winning the division
McNei1y said:
They need that NCAA Basketball thing when they put 4 games on the screen like they have in CBS studios. That thing should be incorporated in every tv for sports.

I have a channel that shows 6 sports channels.......but I don't think its customizable and is only showing one channel with baseball :(

Chris R

McNei1y said:
They need that NCAA Basketball thing when they put 4 games on the screen like they have in CBS studios. That thing should be incorporated in every tv for sports.
Can't due to blackout issues. Would be sweet if it could happen though!


DevelopmentArrested said:
last time i checked, both teams have to pitch
I'm just saying this is why dudes get beaned. MLB has the O's and Sox playing a game they would've called already any other night of the season and yet people are surprised when pitches are wild.

Thankfully there is only 2 1/2 innings left, otherwise someone would probably get seriously hurt.
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