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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


Wyndstryker said:
They'll release one. It's one of their many cards to play when sales begin to drop off
If ever

Exactly my point. Look at sales. Look how long it's been. I WANT MY BLACK WII DAMMIT!
Concept17 said:
I really hope 360/PS3 pick up more steam during the second half of the year. I would much prefer they lead the way. Either way, as mentioned, I'm gonna go with the guess that the HD consoles will simply live longer than the Wii. Its just a matter of WHEN the Wii loses steam.

If I good remember, Sonycowboy said last month that try to affirm that Wii is a fad can be a motivation to be banned.
Well, looks like the HD fad's already fading away. Now all we have to do is wait for the DS 2 screen fad to fade, then the Wii will fall!


traynuvthawt said:
hell no, you're not. i love the hell out of boom blox and all, but i still wish i had never bought the console. it's a piece of shit.
If it has games you love, how is it a piece of shit?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
DeaconKnowledge said:
Funny, the second I saw the numbers I knew there would be meltdowns, but I never thought they'd be this delicious. Never.

Agreed. This is the worst month I've seen yet.


Hail to the KING baby
i have a "white" shelf on my media rack with the 360, wii, and cable box. it actually works pretty well.


PataHikari said:
Hahahahahahahahaahahah no.

The Wii will lead every month until it dies.

Look at the PS2.

See how it's still selling?

The Wii will live at least that long.

The Wii will lose steam when the heir to the Wii's throne comes and takes it. Hint: The 360 and PS3 ain't it.

mmmkay... I'm stating guesses whereas you seem to know the future. gtfo.


grandjedi6 said:
Videogames have proven themselves to be an inelastic good and recession proof. There are many complex reasons for this, but it is true neverless
There's no such thing as a totally inelastic good. Videogames are usually considered an inferior good, but I'm not sure whether that necessarily applies when the consoles are this expensive.
The Innocent X said:
Every month Nintendo fans in these threads saying, ooh, those third parties can't hold out much longer, every month they are in every other thread wondering why game X won't be on Wii.

I think that Third Parties will boycott the Wii still for a long time, even with such a level of sales. But I also think that they're making a big mistake.


I'm frankly a little surprised Wii sold that many units on the backs of 2 Nintendo franchises which did very little to turn the tide of previous console cycles.

I am however not surprised by the performance of the other platforms.


Oh, and it just bears mentioning again, Pachter bungles another month. If I ever feel like investing in video game stock, it won't be with Wedbush.

1. Wii: 600,000
2. DS: 550,000
3. PS3: 290,000
4. Xbox 360: 275,000
5. PSP: 235,000
6. PS2: 160,000

Pachter said that the software sales have been of $830 million, thus going up 113% as compared to the same month last year.


Master of the Google Search
Concept17 said:
True, but its different this time around. Wii is more last gen and has always been cheaper than the other two. By quite a bit. Only time will tell I guess... and at 700k+ during these months... who knows how long this will continue...

"last gen" is just talk fans use. The market as a whole does not react to any such description. The Wii is very popular and will only increase in popularity as it takes a bigger share of the market


j-wood said:
You know, maybe I'm just crazy but....I hate that the wii is doing so well.

It's not because of the graphics and it not being HD. It's because I know with it selling THIS well, Sony and MS are going to try and emulate parts of it next generation (be it lower technology, crazy controller, w/e) and I don't like that at all, because I really don't like playing the wii.

Am I the only one that thinks like this?
Definitely not...I think the majority of GAF thinks like this...even if they're too afraid to say it.

Not being sarcastic when I say it, but I really think MS and Sony should create a console, that sticks with traditional gaming, together next generation. Clearly, the way the market is now, there is not room for two "normal" systems.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
If I good remember, Sonycowboy said last month that try to affirm that Wii is a fad can be a motivation to be banned.

I'm not saying its a fad, I'm simply guessing the others will be around longer.
This brings out the best in all of us, that couple thousand in extra 360 sales over the PS3 feels soooooo goooooooooooooooood, I kid you not!
I never understand all the misguided hate at Nintendo...

Because that system sells doesn't mean the end of the line for the 360 or PS3. Just means there is a large market they aren't serving.


How did I miss this thread? Think my eyes deceive me into thinking it's a prediction thread.

wow @ HD gaming in the freaking month of GTA4 release


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Concept17 said:
mmmkay... I'm stating guesses whereas you seem to know the future. gtfo.

At least he's basing his on actual past occurrences.


Concept17 said:
mmmkay... I'm stating guesses whereas you seem to know the future. gtfo.
Actually, he's basing his posts on logic and historical precedence while you're basing them on fanboy dreams.

Edit: Wow, PataHikari beat me to it using almost the exact same words. o_O


Junior Member
jetjevons said:
So was this bump in preparation for Wii fit? Or we going to see even crazier numbers for May?

There have been no game driven bumps for the Wii in the US. It has been selling out every month since launch. The bumps are coming from more supply.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I see we're about to the bitterness stage of the thread.

"3rd party games don't sell on Wii" is now on deck.


LCGeek said:
Even if nintendo don't take action the publishers are screwed if they keep putting crap on Wii then in 2k10 finally get real stuff as they by then most nintendo consumers casual, non game, or hardcore won't give two craps about what's coming out from them. So knew this generation like the psx era was gonna be getting rid of a lot childish and immature publishers who don't bother to deal with nintendo because of bad blood. This time their own inept and conservative behaviors are gonna be their deaths bout time as it should cleaned out a lot the first time.

Oh for crying out loud. 3rd parties are giving Wii games, many of which get ignored by the Wii userbase in general. For all the people bitching that "3rd parties only give the Wii shitty games and ports", how many of those whiners actually went out and bought games like No More Heroes?

So many internet posters spend all their time crying about games like GTA or Bioshock not appearing on the Wii, yet their arguments fall flat because the good games 3rd parties put on the console sell far less than they should given the install base and go virtually ignored.

Maybe instead of bitching and coming up with conspiracy theories about the industry hating the Wii (and all the consoles get shovelware shit, but I know that's gonna be the auto response to my post) these people should notice and play the games right under their damn noses.

Now, as for the NPD numbers, wow, I thought GTA IV would have gave the 360 and PS3 a decent bump. I even guaged my own 360 prediction off of the Halo 3 effect last year. Guess it's time for some Sony and MS price cuts.

Wii seems to have no ceiling in potential, Nintendo should seriously ramp up their manufacturing ASAP.

GTAIV did less than I thought it would on both consoles, MarioKart did about what I expected, GT5 prologue did better than I thought.


traynuvthawt said:
still wrong obviously, but a difference of only 900 units is still pretty damn good.

Pachter has long said that GTA4 would be the downfall of 360 and lead to PS3 never losing to 360 again in America. So it's a lot more than 900 units.


The Nintendo brand regained its good name this gen. For the past two gens,parents and casuals referred to playstation when talking about gaming. Now it has shifted back to Nintendo, as it was in the 90s.

I'm sure Nintendo is stocking a few additional units for Wii Fit also. That NDP will be epic. prolly close to 900k Wiis will be sold I predict.


Sharp said:
PS2>>>360>Wii>>>PS3, in general. GH3:Wii LTD is on the first page I think. Maybe 2nd or 3rd.

Umm, no, the only system that the gh3 is still managing to be in the top 10 on is the Wii. :lol


Master of the Google Search
Sharp said:
There's no such thing as a totally inelastic good. Videogames are usually considered an inferior good, but I'm not sure whether that necessarily applies when the consoles are this expensive.

oh I'm sure the PS3 and 360's price had a part to do with their lower sales. But its not due to the slowing economy (even when the economy was doing better there was still this discrepitcy between the Wii and 360/ps3)


So does this mean on more Wii games like this?



Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
PataHikari said:
GH3 for the Wii is still in the top 10.

GH3 for Wii is only bundles. Sales of GH3 for 360 and PS2 are divided between standalone and bundles. Last I checked, (about two months ago) the Wii version was in third place.
Plus, GH3 Wii doesn't have competition from Rock Band yet.


Cynar said:
Umm, no, the only system that the gh3 is still managing to be in the top 10 on is the Wii. :lol
PS2 sales were over 3 million in the US alone last time it dropped off the chart. I'm talking LTD. And I know my Guitar Hero.


Great month for the industry. I'm very saddened to see so many people upset in here; our hobby is booming. It's as if the industry not only has to do well, but grow in exactly the direction one wants it to, or people aren't happy.

I don't like most of what the Wii has to offer (there are some exceptions! I will probably get one some day!), but I am very happy to see that video games are becoming an increasingly popular entertainment medium, because my loyalty lies with video games as a whole.

Please, someone join me.


Junior Member
schuelma said:
I see we're about to the bitterness stage of the thread.

"3rd party games don't sell on Wii" is now on deck.

I have seen it mentioned at least twice already. It is rounding second as we speak.


Sharp said:
There's no such thing as a totally inelastic good. Videogames are usually considered an inferior good, but I'm not sure whether that necessarily applies when the consoles are this expensive.

Video games are not considered an inferior good! What are you basing this on? As someone's income increases, they will consume more video games, not less. That makes it a superior good.
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