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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


Bish loves my games!
Rancid Mildew said:
It's sort of flabbergasting that the PS3 is still selling over 150k. I thought it'd meet sub 100k numbers again some time before MGS4.

Either you hate Sony or this is the craziest spin on dissapointing numbers I've ever seen.
Is no one shocked that Halo 3 outsold GTAIV (a few more days of sales yes) in its first week by a good margin. Plus Halo 3 was on one console not two.

The numbers for GTAIV are very disappointing.


donny2112 said:

I love you and I want to have your babies. I mean... uhhh :lol :lol :lol :lol


Narcosis said:
how many of those whiners actually went out and bought games like No More Heroes?
Quite a lot, actually. In fact, it's Grasshopper Manufacture's most successful game ever. (And yes, they released several on the PS2 last generation.)
donny2112 said:
Opiate said:
Great month for the industry. I'm very saddened to see so many people upset in here; our hobby is booming. It's as if the industry not only has to do well, but grow in exactly the direction one wants it to, or people aren't happy.

I don't like most of what the Wii has to offer (there are some exceptions! I will probably get one some day!), but I am very happy to see that video games are becoming an increasingly popular entertainment medium, because my loyalty lies with video games as a whole.

Please, someone join me.

I'll join you in that. It always amazes me the amount of hate people can give to certain consoles just cause it doesn't give everything they want.


Opiate said:
Great month for the industry. I'm very saddened to see so many people upset in here; our hobby is booming. It's as if the industry not only has to do well, but grow in exactly the direction one wants it to, or people aren't happy.

I don't like most of what the Wii has to offer (there are some exceptions! I will probably get one some day!), but I am very happy to see that video games are becoming an increasingly popular entertainment medium, because my loyalty lies with video games as a whole.

Please, someone join me.


Disappointed as some might be, I don't think anyone is particularly crying over any of this.

Except for the fanboys. :lol :lol
Htown said:
Yet another great day to be a Wii owner.

That's right, third parties. Scurry off of those sinking next-gen ships.

Name 5 good games for the Wii that have any depth to them at all that have been released within the past 5 months. Thanks.


Rancid Mildew said:
It's sort of flabbergasting that the PS3 is still selling over 150k. I thought it'd meet sub 100k numbers again some time before MGS4.

Yep. With all the negative comments, please keep in mind that the PS3 is selling so much better than it was last year at this time, well over a 100% increase in monthly sales totals in the US.

And also, everyone keep in mind how unusual that is. At this point in a generation (2 years in, if we give the 360 a bit of time by itself, but not the whole of its time), the tertiary systems are normally falling away in a clear downward sales pattern, which isn't the case here.

That's very good news, both for Sony and for the industry as a whole.


I dont get why people are so shocked about the Failure of the Playstation brands dominance.

The Wii IS this generations PS2. Its the Casual Gamers mega system. PS3 went total opposite of the PS2s purpose and is now religated to a niche system much like the gamecube.

I enjoy my Wii and the games i buy. Doesnt it have everything id like? No of course not but what it offers that I buy are good games that keep me happy.


PataHikari said:
My statements are based on facts and precedent.

Your "guesses" are based off retarded fanboy dreams.


Not really given what the Wii actually IS. Its much different this gen than it was last. Theres still a huge price barrier.
j-wood said:
You know, maybe I'm just crazy but....I hate that the wii is doing so well.

It's not because of the graphics and it not being HD. It's because I know with it selling THIS well, Sony and MS are going to try and emulate parts of it next generation (be it lower technology, crazy controller, w/e) and I don't like that at all, because I really don't like playing the wii.

Am I the only one that thinks like this?

I just think it'll be a matter of generating buzz and a low price point. I think the Wii is running off a never ending steam of hype at this point. Thats not to say that its a bad thing or a bad system, but I'm saying that the general public has the notion in its head that Wii is THE system, and the most interesting system (Motion) with a known brand and the lowest price point.

From the perspective of software, while I know Nintendo developed games help to sell the system and sell well, I think the Wii could actually release no first party games for a whole year and still outsell HD systems. Its just there now. That buzz that keeps the train rolling, and it won't stop until next gen.

I don't think from a hardware standpoint that Sony and MS consoles will suffer from the Wiis success or go waggle on us. But I do think price point and image will be an incredible part of their workload and strategy. They have to have a formula that is absolutely positive and affordable.

GC was shit in sales last gen even while being the cheapest console on market while the Ps2 was fucking king with shit graphics but tons of software.

And now look at Ps3 and Wii...

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Kusagari said:
Pachter has long said that GTA4 would be the downfall of 360 and lead to PS3 never losing to 360 again in America. So it's a lot more than 900 units.

Yessir, remember that bonus round on G4TV where he said that the PS3 would start selling around what the Wii is now.


MiamiWesker said:
Is no one shocked that Halo 3 outsold GTAIV (a few more days of sales yes) in its first week by a good margin. Plus Halo 3 was on one console not two.

The numbers for GTAIV are very disappointing.

Yeah, when I realized that I was shocked. This is just extremely disappointing for GTA4 with all the expectations.


Jag22 said:
think Shane just cried a little.

"More PS3 copies of GTA 4 were shipped than 360"

How does he still have a job? I'm dead serious. He must lead the league in flat out incorrect shit reported.


Sony and MS really need to drop the prices of their boxes :(

Good sales for GTAIV, but I am genuinely shocked at how few HD systems moved off shelves. Nintendo is just destroying everyone, it's not even a fight anymore, just a straight beatdown.


Guys, it was all because of Mother's Day obviously.

Nintendomination continues apace. And yet it's the console I care about the least -- strange.

Also, I wonder how Wii sales will be at the end of 360 and PS3's lifespan (7-10 years, lol). I mean it'll have to die down sometime before then -- everyone in the world will have one by that time.


Ulairi said:
Video games are not considered an inferior good! What are you basing this on? As someone's income increases, they will consume more video games, not less. That makes it a superior good.
Apparently people with lower incomes will tend to spend less money on other forms of entertainment and more money on videogames. This is according to some econ majors I know, so if I'm wrong on that it's their fault. I think it's pretty close to inelastic either way though.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I will never understand the hate Nintendo gets for expanding the market to appeal to more than just the ages 18-34 male demographic.

The "hardcore gamer" elitist crowd always shows up infuriated in these threads. It's quite precious.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Where are all these Wii systems being sold?? I have at least two friends that have been looking for at least a year now!


Who needs to play video games when we have threads like these! I root for the sales of the Wii just to see what it does to bitter fanboys when the NPD numbers come out. It truly is the best entertainment one can find on a Thursday afternoon.


Ulairi said:
Video games are not considered an inferior good! What are you basing this on? As someone's income increases, they will consume more video games, not less. That makes it a superior good.

He said usually. Typically Video games are considered "low class" entertainment and the tastes of those with more disposable income could easily shift to more "high class" entertainment. This has been changing more as time progresses and his mention of the new higher prices of entry to the market changes the game as well.

The market's changing at a fast pace. For the better, imo.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Yessir, remember that bonus round on G4TV where he said that the PS3 would start selling around what the Wii is now.

And there were some people that thought I was trolling when I asked if pachter was thinking Sony was gonna have their April numbers counted twice in the NPD period to reach 500K :lol
Deadly Monk said:
Name 5 good games for the Wii that have any depth to them at all that have been released within the past 5 months. Thanks.

Because the Xbox 360 has real exclusive games that aren't watered down PC ports. :lol


dabbled in the jelly
I just realized that my dad purchased a Wii AND Mario Kart. He lied and said it was for someone else but he hooked it up in his master bedroom. Something weird is happening to this world.


Opiate said:
Great month for the industry. I'm very saddened to see so many people upset in here; our hobby is booming. It's as if the industry not only has to do well, but grow in exactly the direction one wants it to, or people aren't happy.

I don't like most of what the Wii has to offer (there are some exceptions! I will probably get one some day!), but I am very happy to see that video games are becoming an increasingly popular entertainment medium, because my loyalty lies with video games as a whole.

Please, someone join me.

That's just it man. Wii is not gaming to me.
The moon is in the seventh house, and the blood moon is rising.

The 4 riders are on the horizon,

Iwata, Miyamoto, Reggie, Yamauchi

Wii will not be spared.
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