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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


GAF's Ed McMahon
batbeg said:

Why... why do you have the avatar of what looks like a 10 year old girl? Please tell me this isn't meant to be a grown woman.

Isnt that Alison Angel ?


Opiate said:
Sony and Microsoft cannot just drop the prices of these consoles indefinitely. Particularly in the case of Sony, you can't just keep lopping hundreds of dollars off at a time. Sony and Microsoft have lost billions -- literally billions -- of dollars already trying to get these things into people's homes. There is a limit. This is about money. It has to end.

I think many people in here simply disassociate marketshare and gaming completely from economic realities. For example, for many people, the reason they prefer the PS3 and 360 in the first place was that they were more powerful systems, and that is the exact reason why they cost so much money. If the PS3 and 360 launched at lower prices, they would have also been much less powerful systems. In which case you probably wouldn't have liked them in the first place.

As a person who frequents a great deal of technically oriented forums, this isn't a malady particular to gaming afficianados. Whatever the cutting edge of technology is in any market sector, there is a small, technophile group that insists that if [insert high tech device here] was 100 dollars, it would be outselling [insert low tech device here]. Which is true, of course, but the reason it costs so much more is because it's so high tech.

And when the product in question finally reaches that 100 dollar level, it's no longer high tech anymore. It's now the low tech product. Something new has been created that costs a ton of money, and now the technophile crowd is insisting that the new product would be outselling the now-old product if it was 100 dollars, too.

The conversation is completely disassociated from economics and reality.

Thanks for the continuous attempt at injecting some logic into the fray.


mmmh, so R* could have sell 1 million more if they did it fro wii as well?

When PSP and Wii get GTA4: Roman´s Life and sell gazillions I hope they get the signal.


MiamiWesker said:
Is no one shocked that Halo 3 outsold GTAIV (a few more days of sales yes) in its first week by a good margin. Plus Halo 3 was on one console not two.

The numbers for GTAIV are very disappointing.
Didnt I tell you last month, that I would be very surprised if GTA beat Halo's opening month. Looks like I was right. :)


j-wood said:
That's just it man. Wii is not gaming to me.

HD sandbox games aren't really gaming to me. As someone that grew up in the arcades in the 80's Wii is gaming in it's purest fucking form. Sorry. Thanks to Nintendo I didn't stop gaming this gen like I thought I would.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
WTF. Seriously. I can understand your point, but now you're forgetting Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros: two of the best games of this generation (Galaxy still the best for me until now). It's not all crap.

I didn't say all games were crap on the wii. You're right, there are a couple of fun ones on it. But like I said earlier, I don't enjoy the Wii. I don't think there can be a really serious and in-depth game because of the simplicity of it. It's like an arcade machine or the original nintendo (for simplistic sakes, controller has 2 buttons, ect).

I loved the NES. Super Marios and Zelda's were amazing. But right now, would you give up your Ps3/360 or PC and own only a nintendo? I wouldn't.

Because of the Wii's success, Sony and MS will change their strategy. I don't think we'll see another system as high tech as the PS3 or the 360 and that sucks.
Finished reading the whole thread...

Nothing more bitter than the tears of the hardly-cores.

Get over it. You "lost." You are dinosaurs.

Gaming will be just fine after you pack it up and go home.

So what's the moving goalpost we are supposed to wait for now? Hope springs eternal..


The absolutely insane thing about Wii is that, IIRC, Nintendo was making $100 profit off each unit sold even at launch...They could probably charge $100 for the thing now and still make out great, though most revenues would be from software most likely.
Anyone who still thinks Nintendo won't "win" this gen sales wise is delusional. If a miracle happens and 360 or Ps3 start equaling Wii sales, Nintendo can just drop the Wii to $150 and increase their sales by who knows how much.


Reilly said:

People. Next-Gen gaming sucks. Patches, $60+ games, shit framerates, shitty EVERYTHING.

As if the $250 GC w/ waggle is better? No thanks, I'll keep my Resistance, Gears, GTA4, GT5P, etc. You can have your slew of Nintendo chars in their 8th interation in SD.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Jag22 said:
I think there's going to be a 360 price drop very soon.

I'm not sure if Sony can really drop their system anymore.

Since Nintendo is the market leader, maybe they'll starting acting like it and realize the average gamer isn't 10 years old. You know, take away some of the online restrictions (voice chat, screen names, ect), and actually make some new gaming IPs that doesn't revolve around Mario.

Also, hopefully some 3rd party companies start supporting the Wii a little better. Because Capcom has really been the only 3rd party developer consistently making good games for the Wii.

Mario doesnt take away anything from new IPs...just helps them sell


Concept17 said:
Yeah, should probly leave them to their celebration.

It just might not be all that much of a celebration as it is making fun of a bunch of delusionally bitter brand fanatics.


Still don't understand what Microsoft is doing. They should have drop the price last year. After these numbers, need to drop asap. Whoever thought staying 2 1/2 years with only $50 price drop was a good idea needs to have his head examine. Only chance is get Premiun SKU down to Wii price level. Guess, profit is more important than being market leader this time.


Concept17 said:
But the PS2 didn't have a 400 and 350$ consoles to compete with.
Instead it had a headstart and (by now) a lower price than Wii. Either way though, Wii is doing even better than the PS2 did.
UncleGuito said:
If they keep sending minimal amounts of Wii's to stores each month
Excuse me, but are you retarded?

UncleGuito said:
If Nintendo fully stocked store shelves and kept up with demand, the hype would decrease, and so would sales (as the Wii becomes more mainstream and people realize that it's no longer a rarity).
Oh nevermind, you are.
Count Dookkake said:
Finished reading the whole thread...

Nothing more bitter than the tears of the hardly-cores.

Get over it. You "lost." You are dinosaurs.

Gaming will be just fine after you pack it up and go home.

So what's the moving goalpost we are supposed to wait for now? Hope springs eternal..

I don't know what's worse: the meltdowns or this shit.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
WTF. Seriously. I can understand your point, but now you're forgetting Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros: two of the best games of this generation (Galaxy still the best for me until now). It's not all crap.
That's the same thing people have been saying for years. "Nintendo makes non-games" is just the substitute for "Nintendo makes kiddy games."
See also: "PC gaming's not for me because I like to play games on my couch"

The complaints dom't actually have anything to do with the content of the games. They're just a rationalization of a preconception.
pizzaguysrevenge said:
715k = minimal?
Not necessarily minimal, but less than they're capable of. Seriously, if Nintendo wanted to, they could push out enough Wii's to satisfy the demand. The Wii costs much less to produce than a PS3/360.

Edit: Haha, looks like my post may have been for the worst. Damn my hasting wording.
Opiate said:
Sony and Microsoft cannot just drop the prices of these consoles indefinitely. Particularly in the case of Sony, you can't just keep lopping hundreds of dollars off at a time. Sony and Microsoft have lost billions -- literally billions -- of dollars already trying to get these things into people's homes. There is a limit. This is about money. It has to end.

I think many people in here simply disassociate marketshare and gaming completely from economic realities. For example, for many people, the reason they prefer the PS3 and 360 in the first place was that they were more powerful systems, and that is the exact reason why they cost so much money. If the PS3 and 360 launched at lower prices, they would have also been much less powerful systems. In which case you probably wouldn't have liked them in the first place.

As a person who frequents a great deal of technically oriented forums, this isn't a malady particular to gaming afficianados. Whatever the cutting edge of technology is in any market sector, there is a small, technophile group that insists that if [insert high tech device here] was 100 dollars, it would be outselling [insert low tech device here]. Which is true, of course, but the reason it costs so much more is because it's so high tech.

And when the product in question finally reaches that 100 dollar level, it's no longer high tech anymore. It's now the low tech product. Something new has been created that costs a ton of money, and now the technophile crowd is insisting that the new product would be outselling the now-old product if it was 100 dollars, too.

The conversation is completely disassociated from economics and reality.
Excellent points here. Look at OLED panels vs LCD right now.
DeadGzuz said:
As if the $250 GC w/ waggle is better? No thanks, I'll keep my Resistance, Gears, GTA4, GT5P, etc. You can have your slew of Nintendo chars in their 8th interation in SD.


Your avatar.

It fits so well with what you inspire in me.


The Everyman
NeoUltima said:
The absolutely insane thing about Wii is that, IIRC, Nintendo was making $100 profit off each unit sold even at launch...They could probably charge $100 for the thing now and still make out great, though most revenues would be from software most likely.
Anyone who still thinks Nintendo won't "win" this gen sales wise is delusional. If a miracle happens and 360 or Ps3 start equaling Wii sales, Nintendo can just drop the Wii to $150 and increase their sales by who knows how much.

71,400 * $100 = OVER $9000 :O


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
_leech_ said:
I don't know what's worse: the meltdowns or this shit.

Well, in this particular instance, that post that you quoted probably wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the meltdowns. :p
Im guessing that Rockstar might take a look at the sales now and thinks they should lazy-port GTA games to the Wii.. its a weird thought.
I agree . . . lazy port Vice City & San Andreas to the Wii. Let some of those lapsed gamers enjoy some last gen GTA.

And if they want more, they can pick up a real HD console.


formerly sane
Narcosis said:
Oh for crying out loud. 3rd parties are giving Wii games, many of which get ignored by the Wii userbase in general. For all the people bitching that "3rd parties only give the Wii shitty games and ports", how many of those whiners actually went out and bought games like No More Heroes?

So many internet posters spend all their time crying about games like GTA or Bioshock not appearing on the Wii, yet their arguments fall flat because the good games 3rd parties put on the console sell far less than they should given the install base and go virtually ignored.

Maybe instead of bitching and coming up with conspiracy theories about the industry hating the Wii (and all the consoles get shovelware shit, but I know that's gonna be the auto response to my post) these people should notice and play the games right under their damn noses.

Now, as for the NPD numbers, wow, I thought GTA IV would have gave the 360 and PS3 a decent bump. I even guaged my own 360 prediction off of the Halo 3 effect last year. Guess it's time for some Sony and MS price cuts.

Wii seems to have no ceiling in potential, Nintendo should seriously ramp up their manufacturing ASAP.

GTAIV did less than I thought it would on both consoles, MarioKart did about what I expected, GT5 prologue did better than I thought.

BS name some shit that got ignored that wasn't a slap in the face to the base it was designed for I'm one of the few that went after elebits or Z&W for that matter. 3rd parties are selling better on Wii than the last two 3d consoles from nintendo and considering the level of effort is the same I'm suprirsed they get any sales at. BTW NMH actually sold more than what that company typically sold expecting high sales when most of their shit didn't sell is laughable and unrealistic.

Also I never once said what type of games I just said they had to be real effort or on that level. Why is it Konami and in some cases EA are the only ones to partially nail down sports on Wii? How is the entire fps community sucks on a platform that is geared for it considering MOH2 and MP3 are proof the genre works same could be said for GTA games too. The platform is a joke for hardcore gamers in comparison to others yet its lead, where is all this lead platform gets support seems it's largely situation and 3rd parties use every excuse not too.

Also I play plenty of titles still despite I'm far more casual than I have been. Yet I could care less for these gimped hd machines where the online sucks and my control input is severely limited, thank fucking god xim. Sorry not my idea of fun to spend a lot of money for over priced crap that doesn't perform at the level it could or should because the same devs I'm bitching about can't polish shit worth a damn anymore. Crap fps, no vsync, and inconsistent aa/af level along with other aspects I mentioned that I need to pay full price for some of the suckers here who eat that up it's fine for me who mostly waits for this stuff to be 25$-40$ range not all the hype it's cracked up to be.

I will wait for GTA4 to be on it;s real home platform the PC and not put up with some of the bs I'm already aware of from playing the 360 like fps that chugs once you expose the city to an intense scence or the nasty pop up, so much for next gen.


force push the doodoo rock
UncleGuito said:
Not necessarily minimal, but less than they're capable of. Seriously, if Nintendo wanted to, they could push out enough Wii's to satisfy the demand. The Wii costs much less to produce than a PS3/360.

Edit: Haha, looks like my post may have been for the worst. Damn my hasting wording.

I don't think "cost of production" is a factor when making these things.
UncleGuito said:
Not necessarily minimal, but less than they're capable of. Seriously, if Nintendo wanted to, they could push out enough Wii's to satisfy the demand. The Wii costs much less to produce than a PS3/360.

Edit: Haha, looks like my post may have been for the worst. Damn my hasting wording.

Cost less doesn't mean making them can get any faster.

Production machines can only go so fast, as well as supply lines and such.


UncleGuito said:
No, the hype can last as long as Nintendo wants it to. If they keep sending minimal amounts of Wii's to stores each month, people will continue to snatch them up without even thinking.
Whew - I was beginning to think "artificial demand" wouldn't show up. :lol

This is officially a party.


Xbox 360 188.0K
PlayStation 3 187.1K

"These low hardware sales are possible only with the unique power of the PLAYSTATION3® computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system."


Kandrick said:
Whats so wow about it ?

Nintendo is doing their business, and doing it well. Cant hate them for that.

MS and Sony need to step up and come with something.

Wasn't that the point of GTA4?
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