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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo

Nutter said:
Didnt I tell you last month, that I would be very surprised if GTA beat Halo's opening month. Looks like I was right. :)

Yep you were right, I forgot we are living in the upside down gen. :lol

Another weird thing, Halo 3 gives the 360 a MASSIVE boost in sales. GTAIV does nothing for either system. What does it all mean?


Count Dookkake said:
Finished reading the whole thread...

Nothing more bitter than the tears of the hardly-cores.

Get over it. You "lost." You are dinosaurs.

Gaming will be just fine after you pack it up and go home.

So what's the moving goalpost we are supposed to wait for now? Hope springs eternal..

This is even sadder than those fans of professional sports teams that brag. AS IF THEY HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT.


Super Member
sprocket said:
Same ole story. Nintendo Wii sales Nintendo games.. Nothing else.
Well, I think we killed GTA. Is that something?

TheBranca18 said:
This is even sadder than those fans of professional sports teams that brag. AS IF THEY HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT.
I bought Nintendo games?


Interesting thread.

Wiifit's sales will be interesting. My assistive technology team has two on preorder. The physical therapy department will be getting one next school fiscal year. The Wii is turning into a rehab specialist's dream come true.
Patcher already explained why price drops just dont happen at the drop of a hat(or job).

Sony and MS will just have to ride this one out. If that means no new consoles until like 2011, Im all for it.

If the Wii specs are good enough for now and the future(odds in favor of that). Sony and MS are certainly good enough.


I dont think the wii is selling well because of its pricepoint. Even if all three consoles were the same price the Wii would still be beating MS and Sony.

Wii has made gaming accessible to a much larger base of people. There is nothing MS or Sony can do to compete with that.
I'm loving the nerd wars in here :lol It's nuts. I mean, logic would tell you that after the bluray win and the "year of the Playstation!!!!" and GTA, it would have helped the PS3. I'm loving it even though I sold my Wii for a PS3.haha. Man, Nintendo is such an awesome company. They are crapping all over the normal "business school" thought.


you can't put a price on sparks
batbeg said:
This horrifies me.

you're a fucking loon. :lol

anyway, i dont think there's any way Sony or MS can sell 700k of their console in a non-seasonal month. Nintendo wins by default.

but i'm kind of surprised at the PS3 version of GTA IV selling better than the 2:1 ratio we were led to believe.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
god this is so depressing...seriously us hardcore gamers are going the way of the dinosaurs. a couple hardware generations from now its gonna be a Nintendo dominated, casual saturated market. well ive enjoyed my hardcore games for the last few years, but soon all the games i love will give way to "casual" games for the dumbed down casual gamer.
Me said:
god this is so depressing...seriously us hardcore gamers are going the way of the dinosaurs. a couple hardware generations from now its gonna be a Sony dominated, casual saturated market. well ive enjoyed my hardcore games for the last few years, but soon all the games i love will give way to "casual" games for the dumbed down casual gamer.


sprocket said:
Same ole story. Nintendo Wii sales Nintendo games.. Nothing else.
This bullshit has been disproven so many times that you should feel ashamed for even trying. Seriously, at this point it's like someone insisting that the earth is flat.
Salmonax said:
Whew - I was beginning to think "artificial demand" wouldn't show up. :lol

This is officially a party.
Don't label me wrong here, I'm not bashing the Wii's sales. I think Nintendo's doing a brilliant job marketing the system against their competition and such. I don't know, I guess I was just trying to justify their higher sales, but my post came out wrong.

To focus my thoughts on something else:

I don't know what's worse- the PS3 or 360 sales. They're definitely disappointing, but I don't really care because I have a lot of great games to look forward to, regardless of sales.
I hope MS and Sony are happy. This is what happens when you have a $350-400 console. Look at the freakin' Saturn!

I can understand how much money Sony is already losing, but MS really needed to drop the price in April. And they didnt. And look what happened.


NeoUltima said:
Nintendo PR:
"Hahaha #*&%ing Owned!"


Ok, so to list:

We're in a recession
HD consoles cost more
Wii games suck anyway
3rd party games don't sell on Wii
Artificial shortage
Quitting gaming

Any other cliche's people want to trot out here that i've missed?


PS3 is fucking shot.

Actually ... I don't know now ..... 360 seems like it's in pretty dire straits as well. Not much going on this summer and the only big title they have this fall is a sequel.

At least Sony can say they have blu-ray, although their fall lineup is fairly paltry too. Hell, they had more appealing 1st party titles last fall. And look where that got them ($600 tho).


Jokeropia said:
This bullshit has been disproven so many times that you should feel ashamed for even trying. Seriously, at this point it's like someone insisting that the earth is flat.
Between the earth is flat and dinosaurs comments I think all we're missing is some Spanish Armada goodness to give this thread a decided fourth grade history vibe.
DeaconKnowledge said:
Ok, so to list:

We're in a recession
HD consoles cost more
Wii games suck anyway
3rd party games don't sell on Wii
Artificial shortage
Quitting gaming

Any other cliche's people want to trot out here that i've missed?
Wait for _____


Jokeropia said:
This bullshit has been disproven so many times that you should feel ashamed for even trying. Seriously, at this point it's like someone insisting that the earth is flat.

no it hasn't :/ Some people try group ALL the third party games to one lump sum but that isnt how it works. Third party games sell better on the 360 and ps3 "."
So are we still expecting that MGS4 is going to be a turnaround of fortunes for the PS3... or is it because the title is exclusive that it's going to do just that?
_leech_ said:
The Wii wins in sales, the PS360 wins in quality. Not much has changed.


The Wii is actually building up a nice base of above average games with Boom Blox, Okami, Pro Evolution Soccer, No More Heroes, Blast Works, and Zack and Wiki. None of these are knockout games, but they are high quality works from 3rd parties.
Eh, I agree with the one poster who says PS3 and 360 fans will still get their big budget sequels, so why cry? I can see Sony and MS getting worried about how they should approach next gen., though.


JB1981 said:
PS3 is fucking shot.

Actually ... I don't know now ..... 360 seems like it's in pretty dire straits as well. Not much going on this summer and the only big title they have this fall is a sequel.

At least Sony can say they have blu-ray, although their fall lineup is fairly paltry too. Hell, they had more appealing 1st party titles last fall. And look where that got them ($600 tho).

I'll disagree with you there. MGS4, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, and then next year GT5 and Killzone 2.


Junior Member
knitoe said:
Still don't understand what Microsoft is doing. They should have drop the price last year. After these numbers, need to drop asap. Whoever thought staying 2 1/2 years with only $50 price drop was a good idea needs to have his head examine. Only chance is get Premiun SKU down to Wii price level. Guess, profit is more important than being market leader this time.

What really blows my mind are all the analysts who seem to be encouraging both Sony and MS not to drop their price. As if it is not needed, and they will just continue selling indefinitely.


The Everyman
the next 10 years:

next couple years:

ps3 and 360 catch up to wii

wii counters with a $100 price drop and new colors. demand sores.

in 4-7 years:

ps3 and 360 catch up to the wii

nintendo releases wii 2 with better specs and motion control. demand sores.

in 10 years:

ps4 and 720 debut at e3

the same e3 that wiifit 2 debuts. demand sores.

year 11:

3rd party focus finally shifts to the wii
I've been saying this for months.

The Wii has become a nightmare for 3rd parties. It just won't go away no matter how many shitty games/ PS2 ports they direct towards the wii.


DeaconKnowledge said:
Ok, so to list:

We're in a recession
HD consoles cost more
Wii games suck anyway
3rd party games don't sell on Wii
Artificial shortage
Quitting gaming

Any other cliche's people want to trot out here that i've missed?
I would like to add some.

Soccer moms are ruining gaming.
Wii Sports player.

Can it still be considered a fad? I mean artificial shortage makes it sound like once demand and supply meet this thing shall drop like a rock.
Wait, so instead of GTAIV being the shining beacon of hope for HD consoles zealots, it's release had the exact OPPOSITE effect?

And that HD consoles went DOWN in sales in April?



DeaconKnowledge said:
Ok, so to list:

We're in a recession
HD consoles cost more
Wii games suck anyway
3rd party games don't sell on Wii
Artificial shortage
Quitting gaming

Any other cliche's people want to trot out here that i've missed?

Well the first two are true but probably not worth saying because they're fairly obvious. There's no reason for people to damage control. I mean I find these numbers astounding.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The-Switcher said:
Wait, so instead of GTAIV being the shining beacon of hope for HD consoles zealots, it's release had the exact OPPOSITE effect?

Well, it IS a casual game, isn't it? ;)
sprocket said:
no it hasn't :/ Some people try group ALL the third party games to one lump sum but that isnt how it works. Random Third party games that win the blockbuster lottery sell better on the 360 and ps3 "."



JB1981 said:
PS3 is fucking shot.

Actually ... I don't know now ..... 360 seems like it's in pretty dire straits as well. Not much going on this summer and the only big title they have this fall is a sequel.

At least Sony can say they have blu-ray, although their fall lineup is fairly paltry too. Hell, they had more appealing 1st party titles last fall. And look where that got them ($600 tho).
Apparently big titles don't do shit anyways. See GTAIV. Theres really nothing either Sony or MS can do besides, as an above poster side, ride the generation out.
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