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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


-COOLIO- said:
the next 10 years:

next couple years:

ps3 and 360 catch up to wii

wii counters with a $100 price drop and new colors. demand sores.

in 4-7 years:

ps3 and 360 catch up to the wii

nintendo releases wii 2 with better specs and motion control. demand sores.

in 10 years:

ps4 and 720 debut at e3

the same e3 that wiifit 2 debuts. demand sores.

Don't we learn anything? Nintendo would probably be the first to know that whatever follows Wii and DS will have to do it by its own merit because obviously brands and the company names don't mean much beyond a generation.

Developers and publishers will have to rethink about cost control in their projects though. I'm not sure if following the blockbuster model of Hollywood would work, bigger budgets might not mean bigger sales anymore if Wii keep changing the market like this.


formerly sane
sprocket said:
Just go back and look through past NPDS. See how many thrid party PS3 games compared to third party Wii games.

Stop cherry picking your arguments. World Wide PS3 has had it's ass handed to it by the Wii no debate go ahead and say npd which is basically north america part of what nintendo, sony, and microsoft sell to, but I will call this faulty bad argument for what it is anytime I see it from now on.


NeoUltima said:
MS could afford a $50 drop, but Sony can't. They are already losing massive quantities of money on PS3.
It's been two and a half years.
That's almost two full 18-month technology generations. They could afford a $100 price drop. $150 if they really had to.

Instead, they're choosing the Gamecube route. To actually make a profit off their system despite falling behind in marketshare.


RBH said:
Some software numbers from thesimExchange:

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (Xbox 360) 103,500

God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP) 64,000

The World Ends With You (DS) 43,000

Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword (DS) 23,700



RBH said:
Some software numbers from thesimExchange:

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (Xbox 360) 103,500

God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP) 64,000

The World Ends With You (DS) 43,000

Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword (DS) 23,700
Expected but ouch. Wasn't this released last month anyway?
DeaconKnowledge said:
The absolute best part of this is that i'm hearing people spout the same ridiculous shit I bellowed in my teens about the "death of gaming" when Nintendo's dominance was on its way out and Sony came to power. It's all garbage.

It's pretty funny actually. People were screaming and howling about how Sony was killing gaming by appealing to the casuals and would dumb down gaming forever...

Oh wait.


So much tired of all of this Nintard circle jerk about the $$$ Nintendo is making...So yes they have surely won this gen but are you really happy with the Wii software library ?Even 1st party(Excellent SMG and Zelda but the rest...) ?i REALLY REALLY don't understand this mentality at all...
Like TTP, at last in my death bed,i will have a very faint memory of the last time i played innovatives games on a good technology !! :lol :lol :lol
-COOLIO- said:
by death of gaming i think most people here mean the death of hardcore gaming. not that thats gunna happen anyway since most devs wanna make those kinds of games.

but its the 3rd parties fault for not realizing they can market serious games on the wii

Still bullshit. I worried the same thing. "What the hell is this cinematic shit? I'm playing a game, not watching a movie! Gaming is doooooomed!"

All these "hardcore gamers" bitching about gaming "dying" aren't new, and they aren't special.


I could never understand why people care about sales so much. Is it that you feel you have to protect the console you bought because you can't afford any others. Sure MS and Sony aint doing Wii numbers, but they are still making great games for their consoles. Nintendo has found a new target, but they have not gave up on hardcore gamers. As you can see, in the past year and half, you had a mario, smash, zelda, metroid, and mario kart. They still care about you guys.

Same with 3rd parties. Ubisoft, EA, and Konami make more money from the "hardcore" titles then the casual stuff they make (best selling game of last year was cod 4 or halo 3). They are not going to stop making their big series and go 100% casual. If anything the casual games fund their big games. The only casual games that sell a lot are Nintendo ones, and they still make hardcore games.
Rhazer Fusion said:
I am speechless. I figured GTA4 would at least push a few HD consoles. My theory was correct, gamers care more about affordable gaming than HD gaming. They both need price drops ASAP. I can understand Sony being a tad hesitant, but Microsoft has no excuse imo since their console will soon be approaching 3 years on the market. Guys, I really don't think MGS4 is going to do anything for Sony hardware sales after seeing this. Day by day, I get more paranoid about the future of HD gaming and technology. :/

No joke man Its making me nervous as hell. GTA REALLY GTA COULDN'T MOVE CONSOLES! Good lord.
Rhazer Fusion said:
Guys, I really don't think MGS4 is going to do anything for Sony hardware sales after seeing this. Day by day, I get more paranoid about the future of HD gaming and technology. :/
Yes, I'm worried now, too (especially for MGS4).


Super Member
mj1108 said:
In a matter of 3 years we've gone from "Nintendo can't compete....they should go 3rd party... lulz" to "FUCKING NINTENDO IS KILLING REEL GAEMZ!!!"

I <3 GAF.
Hey gaiz, our next console is called WII!
Sirolf said:
So much tired of all of this Nintard circle jerk about the $$$ Nintendo is making...So yes they have surely won this gen but are you really happy with the Wii software library ?Even 1st party(Excellent SMG and Zelda but the rest...) ?i REALLY REALLY don't understand this mentality at all...
Like TTP, at last in my death bed,i will have a very faint memory of the last time i played innovatives games on a good technology !! :lol :lol :lol
Happy because sales directly correlates to software support.

Sooner or later anyway :lol

Sega already announced pretty major support for the console.
Timbuktu said:
I'm not sure if following the blockbuster model of Hollywood would work, bigger budgets might not mean bigger sales anymore if Wii keep changing the market like this.

Well there haven't been that many sings to show that this trend is dying out.
Sony's statement is so awesome.

"“Clearly, the tremendous legacy of Grand Theft Auto on PlayStation, combined with the blockbuster launch of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue packed a one-two punch with consumers at retail this month."



Junior Member
grandjedi6 said:
Because dropping the price does not guarentee enough sales to make up the drop in revenue

Well if you assume that every new console sold sells at least one game, you are well on your way to recovering that revenue. Over the consoles lifetime that becomes a guarantee. The PS3 is not really in a place where it can probably make that move right now, but the 360 definitely is. It should be more important to them to grab as much of the market as they can right now. Remember the first pricedrop was only 20 dollars on the Arcade, 50 on the Pro, and 30 on the Elite. It has been two and a half years now, and I am sure that getting the Arcade below the price of the Wii and the Pro into more affordable territory is going to have a very positive impact. Nothing compared to what the Wii is doing, but enough to keep steady sales throughout the summer.


It does still seem that to the average consumer, finding a Wii is half the fun. Just the other week, after leaving Best Buy with a copy of GTAIV, I see a couple taking pictures of each with holding a Wii they apparently had just found. Then they probably go to all their friends bragging how they found a Wii...hell they probably spend more time doing that than playing it.


TheGreatDave said:
Sony's statement is so awesome.

"“Clearly, the tremendous legacy of Grand Theft Auto on PlayStation, combined with the blockbuster launch of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue packed a one-two punch with consumers at retail this month."


Jack Tretton is AWFUL.


Rad Agast said:
I have a feeling this generation will last longer than previous ones with Sony and Microsoft both holding out on releasing new hardware till 2012-2013 while Nintendo releasing an HD console around 2010-2011.

I think it's going to last much longer as well, MS/Sony need to stretch it out to recoup some of their investment. With that said, if one does jump the gun I expect a minimal upgrade. From a pure business perspective, the Razor/Razor Blade model is broken at this point. The risk is much too high, selling at cost or just below cost is what I expect in the future.

As I typed this post, WNBC ran a news promo for WiiFit. "Tone up by using a videogame." :lol
NeoUltima said:
MS could afford a $50 drop, but Sony can't. They are already losing massive quantities of money on PS3.

I thought I heard that they were close to breaking even on the hardware in certain regions?
NeoUltima said:
It does still seem that to the average consumer, finding a Wii is half the fun. Just the other week, after leaving Best Buy with a copy of GTAIV, I see a couple taking pictures of each with holding a Wii they apparently had just found. Then they probably go to all their friends bragging how they found a Wii...hell they probably spend more time doing that than playing it.
This is what I was trying to communicate through my earlier post. The Wii is still a rarity in the eyes of most consumers (again, not a bad thing).


The Everyman
TheGreatDave said:
Sony's statement is so awesome.

"“Clearly, the tremendous legacy of Grand Theft Auto on PlayStation, combined with the blockbuster launch of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue packed a one-two punch with consumers at retail this month."

i can hear it through gritted teeth :lol
Sirolf said:
So much tired of all of this Nintard circle jerk about the $$$ Nintendo is making...So yes they have surely won this gen but are you really happy with the Wii software library ?Even 1st party(Excellent SMG and Zelda but the rest...) ?i REALLY REALLY don't understand this mentality at all...
Like TTP, at last in my death bed,i will have a very faint memory of the last time i played innovatives games on a good technology !! :lol :lol :lol

Nintendo is doing what they know best and thats releasing good games. The shitty part of the wii library is accredited to 3rd parties for not taking the wii seriously and eventually they will pay for that while Nintendo continues to rake in with release after release. :lol


At least one thing about this makes me happy. Both the Xbox360 and PS3 are sticking out there for longer than 10 years.


LCGeek said:
Stop cherry picking your arguments. World Wide PS3 has had it's ass handed to it by the Wii no debate go ahead and say npd which is basically north america part of what nintendo, sony, and microsoft sell to, but I will call this faulty bad argument for what it is anytime I see it from now on.

Its not picking arguments. Third party games do not sell ont he Wii like they do on the ps3 and 360 at this time. Its a fact. Third party games have higher sales on those two consoles.

The Wii is selling a lot of hardware and a lot of nintendo games, Which is good I like Nintendo and have a Wii and buy all those games. But despite its sales its not competing for third party games AS OF YET. The Sales just are not there for third parties at this time. Which is why the 360 and ps3 are still getting all the big named third party games.

I personally do not care if the Wii is underpowered If it got all the MGS, REs, DMCs,Final Fantasies ect I would praise it for 2 hours straight every day! But at this point third party sales just are not there for that to happen.


TheBranca18 said:
Between the earth is flat and dinosaurs comments I think all we're missing is some Spanish Armada goodness to give this thread a decided fourth grade history vibe.

Spanish armada? Whi not the Spanish inquisition? Nobody expects them!!


Guled said:
I could never understand why people care about sales so much.
Game budgets are >20 million dollars. The decision of what games are made when and for what platforms are based on sales, because the publishers of those games need to get back the money they spent on it.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
I said there would be 980k for wii this month...I over shot a tad.:lol But I knew the numbers would be impressive do to the MASSIVE jump in Wii hardware availability right before Mario Kart was released. It was the first time my store had wiis for more than a day.


Rhazer Fusion said:
I thought I heard that they were close to breaking even on the hardware in certain regions?

(PS3) Still $130 loss per console according to their recent earnings report.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I'll say MGS4 will do 500K by the end of the year in the U.S.. Definately won't push hardware numbers.
no way, MGS4 will easlly go over a million. Snake eater sold 3.5 million with barely any marketing and it went up with gta:sa and halo 2. Also, sony is going to market the hell out of the game. I'm not sure about pushing hardware since everyone who I know that is a mgs fan already has a ps3.
UncleGuito said:
Yes, I'm worried now, too (especially for MGS4).

Dont worry man i jut got my self a second job, hopefully ill be looking at a ps3 by the end of the summer. This concludes the stupid joke part of the post.

Actually i did get a job because usually during summer i am a lazy slacker. Either way when i scrape together enough cash ill be plonking it down on a ps3 and MGS4 as quickly as i can. Except i live in Canada, so i guess that doesn't help you that much.
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