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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


Crystal Bearer
Vilix said:
Exclusive or not, if GTA couldn't make a significant boost I highly doubt MGS4 will.

I'm waiting until May numbers to conclude on that, for both 360 and PS3 as silly as it seems :/


artredis1980 said:
The best games are on 360 and PS3 nomatter how good of a console Wii is. Wii's best games are only from Nintendo and those are just trickling in. 3rd party games on PS3 and 360 are much better than Wii. Developers have a controller and they dont know how to innovate on it.
The best gameplay and best graphics overall are on 360 and PS3. People who are intrigued by the controller ONLY and nothing else are buying Wii in hordes moreso than any console in history. Wii sales are driven mostly by Casual gamers

...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it. This is the start when Console games become like flash based PC games for casual gamers. I hope someone realises it

Evlar said:
Are you saying all of PC gaming sucks? Because if you're not, if you admit that great PC games can and still are made and released, then what's the fucking problem?

PC games have going down, now people mostly play those web based and flash games (aside from WoW ofcourse) than real games which are on consoles. That and Piracy led devs to make more console games, but if poor ports and odd games come to console, what then?!


MisterHero said:
And the Wii can accept 1GB and 2GB SD cards.

Though I understand if people still don't see them as solutions. :p

what does that have to do with anything? I was simply pointing out the error in your post. You don't really want to get into a spec-war defending the Wii do you?


Kagari said:
I can believe this. I've had many a customer come in, wanting a PS3... and since we only had the 40GB in until June and they wanted backwards compatibility, they said they'll just wait for that to come out. Sony should have been smart and packed in something like Hot Shots Golf until the MGS4 bundle game out to at least keep the units with BC available for customers.

I think an 80gig GT5 prologue or GTA IV bundle would be an even better option than Hot Shots. Maybe moreso for GT5 since US retailers seem less enthusiastic about selling an M rated piece of hardware than Europe.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
jgwhiteus said:
The month of May will be interesting. I agree that any "hardware bump" for GTAIV won't necessarily be limited to the first week of release,
IF this proves anything, it's that GTA is now officially an institution. This is a double edged sword. It means that it is always guaranteed excellent sales... but it also means the ridiculous sales of GTAIII and GTA:SA are probably over with. You only have to look at other institutions for similar examples:

Mario (proper platformers in the series)
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy

GTA is no longer a system seller, just as the rest of these are no longer system sellers. The reason I'm pointing this out is because I would be SHOCKED if GTAIV didn't have a major dropoff in May. I mean still in the top 10 for sure, and probably top 5 (though I'm guessing #1 will go to Wii Fit), but yeah.. the days of San Andreas levels of sales are apparently done for now for GTA. It's an institution.


artredis1980 said:
PC games have going down, now people mostly play those web based and flash games (aside from WoW ofcourse) than real games which are on consoles. That and Piracy led devs to make more console games, but if poor ports and odd games come to console, what then?!
... Ports of what? If your death of gaming scenario comes true what would be available to be ported?

Do you believe what you're typing?


I like the Wii, but I really wish there was a single player game for it that I could become completely addicted to, and play for months.

I beat TP and RE4 for the Gamecube, and while Galaxy was amazing, I had 120 stars in no time at all.

I want a rich, thoughtful Wii experience. Something that uses the Wii remote in intuitive, accessible ways but has a long, involving quest and story.

I don't much care if it looks like a PS2 or Xbox game, but I want a single player game I can really sink my teeth into.
If it weren't for the Wii, the videogames market would look pretty shitty right now. Nintendo is saving the industries ass right now. All haters of the Wii should think twice before blaming the Wii for destroying videogames when its actually saving the videogame industry.


MisterHero said:
And the Wii can accept 1GB and 2GB SD cards.

Though I understand if people still don't see them as solutions. :p
Probably because the Wii can't read off of SD cards so you have to do that retarded data swapping.


Not Banned from OT
What a shocker the HD console sales went down this month. I even did my part buying 2 PS3s this month. I really hope this is a wake up call for MS. I can understand sony not dropping prices because of the expense of the blu ray drive. MS has no excuse not to lower the price right now. Who ever at MS thought that GTA4 or any game would move a 349 dollar console at this stage of the game needs to be fired. It is price that is keeping the 360 down. Sure they would never see Wii type sales but they could move a solid 75k-100k a month with a price drop of 50-100 dollars. I own all 3 so I am good no matter who wins.
So late, but I just have to :lol :lol :lol :lol

There are no words. Only Gifs



artredis1980 said:
The best games are on 360 and PS3 nomatter how good of a console Wii is. Wii's best games are only from Nintendo and those are just trickling in. 3rd party games on PS3 and 360 are much better than Wii. Developers have a controller and they dont know how to innovate on it.
The best gameplay and best graphics overall are on 360 and PS3. People who are intrigued by the controller ONLY and nothing else are buying Wii in hordes moreso than any console in history. Wii sales are driven mostly by Casual gamers

...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it. This is the start when Console games become like flash based PC games for casual gamers. I hope someone realises it

Look, I know backseat modding is a bannable offense, and complaining about the state of threads is a bannable offence, etc, but can we please put the "wii is killing gaming" garbage on the ban list?

All the mods talk about trying to get rid of system war bull crap and this is it in it's purest form.

The Hermit

Bastion said:
EDIT - I want you to repeat that to yourself several times.

But when the system is old tech with a control system I do not like, I would rather Nintendo would have just kept the Gamecube going. The Wii is a system I do not like for two major reasons:
1. Waggle control and the whole remote control design
2. lack of HD

So? you still have the PS3 and 360 right?
Just because everyone and their mother(and this is actually true this time) is buying a Wii it doesn´t mean you also have to.

Speevy said:
I like the Wii, but I really wish there was a single player game for it that I could become completely addicted to, and play for months.

I beat TP and RE4 for the Gamecube, and while Galaxy was amazing, I had 120 stars in no time at all.

I want a rich, thoughtful Wii experience. Something that uses the Wii remote in intuitive, accessible ways but has a long, involving quest and story.

I don't much care if it looks like a PS2 or Xbox game, but I want a single player game I can really sink my teeth into.

Yeah me too. I would have no game to play if I had played Okami before. Most of my backlog are gamecube games...


Speevy said:
I like the Wii, but I really wish there was a single player game for it that I could become completely addicted to, and play for months.

I beat TP and RE4 for the Gamecube, and while Galaxy was amazing, I had 120 stars in no time at all.

I want a rich, thoughtful Wii experience. Something that uses the Wii remote in intuitive, accessible ways but has a long, involving quest and story.

I don't much care if it looks like a PS2 or Xbox game, but I want a single player game I can really sink my teeth into.
Monster Hunter perhaps. Time will tell.


Speevy said:
I like the Wii, but I really wish there was a single player game for it that I could become completely addicted to, and play for months.

I beat TP and RE4 for the Gamecube, and while Galaxy was amazing, I had 120 stars in no time at all.

I want a rich, thoughtful Wii experience. Something that uses the Wii remote in intuitive, accessible ways but has a long, involving quest and story.

I don't much care if it looks like a PS2 or Xbox game, but I want a single player game I can really sink my teeth into.

Would Fire Emblem fit the bill? Still haven't opened mine but only out of fear of the time I'd invest into it.


The biggest reason why soldat7 is wrong concerning Okami, is because Okami PS2 failed hard. So hard that it shut down Clover Studios. Are we then supposed to use Okami PS2 as a judge to sell third party software? If so, then I would say that third party software sells like shit on PS2, and I would be wrong.

And if we can't use Okami as a judge for the greatest seller of third party software of all time, then why should we use it for the Wii?

Soldat7, just give it up man. You're not helping your credibility at all here.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
sonycowboy said:
I've heard from retailers that while the price points are still limiting HW sales, the fact that Sony only has the 40GB model out there, with no backwards compatibility and a smallish HDD is hurting the PS3. The 80GB was selling more than the 40GB for 2007 and then Sony stops sending them to retailers with no replacement until MGS in June?

It's been strange.
Sounds very logical...That's one of the major reasons I haven't picked up a PS3 yet. I want my BC.

I just don't understand 90% of Sony's moves this generation.

Narag said:
Would Fire Emblem fit the bill? Still haven't opened mine but only out of fear of the time I'd invest into it.
Ditto. My girlfriend really wants me to play it too (was a Christmas gift from her) but I'm afraid I'll get locked into it and not want to do anything else for the next couple of months.
Opiate said:
I ask this question honestly: what, in your opinion, is "the big picture?"

When the Wii was outselling the 360 2:1 or by a mere hundred thousand or so last year, it wasn't really a concern.

Getting outsold 4:1 or by >500k units per month in your strongest territory, even by a 'non-competitor", is concerning. Selling less than 200k in your 3rd year on the market with one of the biggest sellers of the year on the shelves is concerning. Reaching market saturation 6 months after your most recent (well, only) price drop is concerning.

The big picture isn't that 360 sales are poor compared to the Wii, 360 sales are just flat out terrible, period.

This is a completely different level from the Wii domination of 07; the holiday victory that Nintendo eeked out over the 360 is a distant memory.

There will be consequences if this continues. MS is content to hemorrhage marketshare to Nintendo as long as they're making money and beating Sony. It will inevitably cost them an exclusive, or a franchise entirely.

Of course, we all said the same thing last year, as 360 sales slowed to a crawl at $399, and MS sat around patting themselves on the back for doubling the god-awful PS3 sales at $599. Now that Nintendo has gotten their shit together, MS can't afford to bask in moral victories.

And they certainly can't wait until August again, not at this pace.


Narag said:
Would Fire Emblem fit the bill? Still haven't opened mine but only out of fear of the time I'd invest into it.

That's a no-brainer. I love Fire Emblem, but it's far too expensive right now (for me).


Super Member
Brashnir said:
what does that have to do with anything? I was simply pointing out the error in your post. You don't really want to get into a spec-war defending the Wii do you?
Hopefully the humor/sarcasm in that post wasn't too lost on you.


I don't understand all the bitching about the Wii.

Guys, the marketshare your games of choice occupy is irrelevant. What matters is their overall sales. If the games you like continue to sell well, companies will continue to make them, period. Sure, 30D brought a swathe of new gamers that disdained the older gameplay types (not to mention converting older gamers to the new style, which doesn't seem to be happening here), but that didn't stop Ikaruga from being released. Treasure still makes awesome side-scrolling shooters. Atlus still makes and ports quirky, niche JRPG titles. Nippon Ichi still makes the most byzantine SRPGs for the most devoted of fans. And if you go to the indie PC scene, you've got a wealth of niche genres to enjoy, from 2-D shooter to 4X strategy.

If you don't believe me, look at the sales of this generation. Does it look like 360 and PS3's sales are being constrained by the Wii to you? It looks to me like they're smarting under their incredibly high price, the one because of the ill-fated decision to include a blu-ray drive, the other because of their excessive warranty costs. For their incredible price points, I think they're doing quite well. Does it look like Wiifit's inevitable success is detracting one bit from GTA4's impressive sales?

What really pisses me off here, though, is that you guys essentially want the medium to stand still because you want all the attention focused on you. Video games are damned good at stimulating the emotions of triumph over adversity, at giving an even competitive playing field, at giving a person a set of challenges that is fun to overcome. But there's so much more that this medium could become; exploration games like Endless Ocean and Afrika, self-improvement games like Brain Training, and many others that I don't have anywhere near the ingenuity to come up with. There's a kaleidoscope of possible experiences we can paint with this medium, some of which undoubtedly I will pass on, but others which will be quite entertaining to me while at the same time increasing the appeal of certain games. If films can have purposes as varied as airline safety warnings, pornography, and Casablanca, surely games can do more than give the player a series of challenges to solve.


Speevy said:
I like the Wii, but I really wish there was a single player game for it that I could become completely addicted to, and play for months.

I beat TP and RE4 for the Gamecube, and while Galaxy was amazing, I had 120 stars in no time at all.

I want a rich, thoughtful Wii experience. Something that uses the Wii remote in intuitive, accessible ways but has a long, involving quest and story.
I don't much care if it looks like a PS2 or Xbox game, but I want a single player game I can really sink my teeth into.

I agree with you (most especially the bolded part), but I think you should give Metroid Prime 3 a try.


Speevy said:
That's a no-brainer. I love Fire Emblem, but it's far too expensive right now (for me).
Look around a few stores though..
A few Sam's/Wal-Mart around here had Radiant Dawn for $9..last month.. I bought one for me to play
and an additional one for the Mario Kart for $9.99 deal at Gamestop..ended techincally paying under $30 for Mario Kart..:p ..since I traded 2 games that costed $9 each and $9.99 + tax
..now they have Metroid Prime 3 for $19 (which they only had 1..which I picked up..since I never finished it..back when I was multi-owner :p)
artredis1980 said:
...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it.

I said it on the last page and i'll say it again. The only consoles with 'traditional' or pure games are DS/wii. In fact you could even go so far as to say that outside of the DS traditional gaming is totally dead.


The Autumn Wind
Jive Turkey said:
Sounds very logical...That's one of the major reasons I haven't picked up a PS3 yet. I want my BC.
I was originally going to wait til MGS4 to get my PS3, but then they discontinued the 60GB. I still waited, thinking I could pick one up at a later date. Well, then they were gone. I have way too large a PS2 collection to take chances with software emulation, so early this year, I scoured ebay until I found one that met my very anal standards and was the right price. Of course, that cost Sony a sale, and I can guarantee I wasn't the only one.


Crystal Bearer
fernoca said:
Look around a few stores though..
A few Sam's/Wal-Mart around here had Radiant Dawn for $9..last month.. I bought one for me to play
and an additional one for the Mario Kart for $9.99 deal at Gamestop..ended techincally paying under $30 for Mario Kart..:p ..since I traded 2 games that costed $9 each and $9.99 + tax
..now they have Metroid Prime 3 for $19 (which they only had 1..which I picked up..since I never finished it..back when I was multi-owner :p)

wat. I need to get Fire Emblem :eek:


Super Member
AdventureRacing said:
I said it on the last page and i'll say it again. The only consoles with 'traditional' or pure games are DS/wii. In fact you could even go so far as to say that outside of the DS traditional gaming is totally dead.
Nintendo's VC could use more sales.

I'm sure all the 3rd-Party devs re-releasing their games for it would appreciate it
artredis1980 said:
...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it. This is the start when Console games become like flash based PC games for casual gamers. I hope someone realises it

Amazing how short-sighted many people are...
People with your mindset will realize how wrong they are in the coming future when motion controlled gaming only evolves into more immersive, and yes, complicated forms.

People born into this generation, and those who have played games for the past 40 or so years will all be well versed in technological understanding for the rest of their lives. The simplest forms of gaming which have come into fruition with the Wii will only appease people for so long. The older generations of parents and grandparents who are enjoying videogames for the first time with simple online flash games and the Wii will all die out in the near future... what we will be left with are the children of a world where videogames have never not existed.

Within this world, there will be many people who will push interactive entertainment to places only dreamed of before.

My advice: relax, and enjoy evolution... things can only get better.


fernoca said:
Look around a few stores though..
A few Sam's/Wal-Mart around here had Radiant Dawn for $9..last month.. I bought one for me to play
and an additional one for the Mario Kart for $9.99 deal at Gamestop..ended techincally paying under $30 for Mario Kart..:p ..since I traded 2 games that costed $9 each and $9.99 + tax
..now they have Metroid Prime 3 for $19 (which they only had 1..which I picked up..since I never finished it..back when I was multi-owner :p)

Damn it! I still don't have Radiant Dawn namely because of my backlog but I'd have no problem picking it up and placing it in my backlog if I could find it for less than what most stores have it as, let alone $9. I still need to get that and NiGHTS. :(
LOL @ all the people who expected some kind of extreme boost in PS3 ans X360 hardware sales. One single game is not going to push some insane number of consoles. Kudos to MS for fending off the PS3, I think it just goes to show that GTA does not have that much "sony branding" pull towards gamers like it use to.


Trucker Sexologist
MirageDwarf said:
People are saying price drop would help HD consoles. Yeah, sure it will but it won't last long.

Main reason Wii is attracting these many casual gamers is novelty of how you play games on Wii. I've seen real life examples where people who have absolutely zero gaming history are buying Wii because they thought it would be fun after watching ads.

PS3 and 360 need waggle more than price drop.
That's like saying a restaurant needs a kids meal to compete with McDonald's. They need to build their own casual friendly franchises and market them aggressively. They need to create a new kind of gaming experience and eliminate all the barriers to entry to it. They need to explore untapped markets. Wii's success is from more than just waggle.


legend166 said:
You're a dead set retard. You know that?

I'd love for Okami to sell a million copies on the Wii. I think that it would be great. But the fact is that it will not do that, and for very good reasons. You might not like those reasons, but they are facts.

I don't care if you sad that Okami Wii didn't sell great. Fair enough. There are games I want to sell more. But to use the sales of Okami as a reason for why 3rd parties should not make games for the Wii is retarded.

Let me put it in a list so you can understand why the game didn't sell, and why they're stupid reasons to stop someone making an original game on the Wii:

1. It's a port. It doesn't matter how many people played it on the previous consoles. Ports come with a lot of baggage. Why buy it on the Wii when most likely it can be found much cheaper on the PS2?

2. This is the biggest point: COMPLETE AND UTTER LACK OF MARKETING. 95% of Wii owners would have never heard of Okami before. You'll probably say that's their fault. But the fact is, the onus is on the publisher to make people aware of the game. If a publisher chooses not to market a game, they must live with the consequences. Very few new IPs achieve success without marketing.

I couldn't be bothered typing anymore, I need to do my daily Wii Fit.

I don't know about you, but I saw tons of advertisements for Okami Wii on all of the major gaming websites. Granted, there wasn't any marketing blitz on TV or anything, but I think they did a good job of targeting the ads to their market, the hardcore community.

Also, I missed the reports of Okami Wii's sales, and I can't seem to find it skimming the thread. Anyone care to repost?


Economy down the tubes.... a factor in these numbers? Xbox 360 arcade at $279 is a joke with no hardrive. PS3 is still $400 for the cheapest option. People dont need to spend a lot for entertainment when there are cheaper alternatives.....period. Company execs were insane when they thought systems in the $400+ range with the majority of games at $60+ would have sufficient demand

One article (I think on cracked.com) mentioned that the Wii is pretty much the only system that gets it right in terms of being a true party system you can play with friends on the couch. The biggest games on the Xbox/PS3 are online focused for multiplayer with beefed up single player. The biggest games on the Wii are multiplayer and party focused. This is also a factor I think and increases the appeal of the Wii tenfold. It's not just Mario and "casual" games that are causing the Wii to kick ass

But this should be obvious to companies by now. Hint to marketing buffs like Mr. Bell. Silly crap like Scene It spinoffs and funky imitation controllers that are not exclusive isnt going to do shit. Hint to Kaz, Eyetoy accessories, Home and six axis on a $400 system isnt gonna do shit. It's the philsophy that needs to be changed. Make things affordable, and get key titles that are fun for all without need for a broadband connection and a headset


The Autumn Wind
Zerachiel said:
I don't know about you, but I saw tons of advertisements for Okami Wii on all of the major gaming websites. Granted, there wasn't any marketing blitz on TV or anything, but I think they did a good job of targeting the ads to their market, the hardcore community.
Those are the people that bought the game on the PS2 two years ago. Television ads would have been a smarter move.

Also, I missed the reports of Okami Wii's sales, and I can't seem to find it skimming the thread. Anyone care to repost?
There haven't been any numbers reported. Which is what makes this whole argument a complete waste of time.


Not Banned from OT
I am sorry but the Wii hate needs to stop. You should be mad at sony and MS for fucking up every step of the way this generation. Sony got greedy thought they could corner to markets by putting a blu ray drive in the PS3. MS hired middle school level engineers for the 360 cooling system. MS also refuses to budge on price no matter how bad they are getting it handed to them. May and June are going to be ugly for MS the PS3 will destroy the 360 the next 2 months. I see lots of people getting PS3s with the rebate checks to use as a blu ray player and MGS4 bundle will do great.

I can't hate nintendo they made every single right move this generation. Not reggies fault MS and Sony find new ways to fuck up this generation.


Not Banned from OT
seanoff said:
didn't MS say that GTA gave them a 54% bump @ launch.

God forbid what the numbers would have been without that.

Yep I can easily see sub 100k months very soon with out a price drop. Would not shock me to see the 360 below 100k june and july with out a price drop. MS has sucked the market dry of people willing to spend 349+ dollars on a console.

At this point it will take several months of sub 100k sales for MS to finally get the hint and drop the god damn price.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
When the Wii was outselling the 360 2:1 or by a mere hundred thousand or so last year, it wasn't really a concern.

Getting outsold 4:1 or by >500k units per month in your strongest territory, even by a 'non-competitor", is concerning. Selling less than 200k in your 3rd year on the market with one of the biggest sellers of the year on the shelves is concerning. Reaching market saturation 6 months after your most recent (well, only) price drop is concerning.

The big picture isn't that 360 sales are poor compared to the Wii, 360 sales are just flat out terrible, period.

This is a completely different level from the Wii domination of 07; the holiday victory that Nintendo eeked out over the 360 is a distant memory.

There will be consequences if this continues. MS is content to hemorrhage marketshare to Nintendo as long as they're making money and beating Sony. It will inevitably cost them an exclusive, or a franchise entirely.

Of course, we all said the same thing last year, as 360 sales slowed to a crawl at $399, and MS sat around patting themselves on the back for doubling the god-awful PS3 sales at $599. Now that Nintendo has gotten their shit together, MS can't afford to bask in moral victories.

And they certainly can't wait until August again, not at this pace.

I think June would be a good time for a price cut
but MS will probably wait until August again. :/
sp0rsk said:
Doomsday prophets in this thread make me LOL.

Same for me, to an extent.
As much as I find it amusing, it also makes me feel sad for the people who are so mixed up about this stuff. If only they could have the reasoning and foresight to see the error in their thought process, then everything would be alright. It makes me want to reach out and help people understand how outrageous and/or unrealistic things they have stated are, but knowing the advice would be ignored or go over their heads, I lose my compassionate drive to help out.

: (
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