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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


Link said:
And are you playing the PS2 or the Wii version?

This is actually a rhetorical question because I already checked back and see you are playing the PS2 one. So really, not only did you have no argument to begin with, but you pretty much are the very reason for the objections you're making.

EDIT - I want you to repeat that to yourself several times.

Wii Owner: Why aren't third-parties making more games for the Wii? Why all the focus on 360/PS3 when the Wii is clearly kicking their butts?!?
Me: Well, third-party companies might be more inclined to make better, more traditional games for the Wii if the sales of existing ones somehow improved.
Wii Owner: But there are no good quality third-party games on the Wii for me to buy!!!
Me: There are, and Okami is one of them. Buy it and you'll be adding a wonderful third-party game to your library. And maybe showing third-party devs that they can sell their games amongst the Marios and Zeldas of the Nintendo world.
Wii Owner: But Okami is an inferior 2-year old port of a game that didn't sell on the PS2! I don't want that!
Me: Okami is a classic and should be experienced by a whole new breed of virgin gamers on the Wii.
Wii Owner: But it's an inferior port of a 2-year old game! You're seriously dumb! *spittle* I can't believe how stupid your argument is! *more spittle* Seriously I can't believe that you're using Okami as an example! *wipes spittle*
Me: *shrugs* You can't argue with ignorance it seems.


The Take Out Bandit said:
I get the feeling most of the folks that want to play MGS4 already have a PS3; so it will just sell to the installed base. MGS4 will not shift hardware and I expect PS3 to be shamed yet again.
PS3 shamed? Uh.....ok fantrash.


Crystal Bearer
Sho_Nuff82 said:
The premium should be on the better side of $250 this Christmas. Scratch that, it should be $199 or less 3 years after f'n launch, but I think $249 would do a lot to stem the bleeding.

It's obvious that the Arcade was a failed experiment.

No one wants to buy a system without a harddrive. I don't blame them.


The Autumn Wind
soldat7 said:
Wii Owner: Why aren't third-parties making more games for the Wii? Why all the focus on 360/PS3 when the Wii is clearly kicking their butts?!?
Me: Well, third-party companies might be more inclined to make better, more traditional games for the Wii if the sales of existing ones somehow improved.
Wii Owner: But there are no good quality third-party games on the Wii for me to buy!!!
Me: There are, and Okami is one of them. Buy it and you'll be adding a wonderful third-party game to your library. And maybe showing third-party devs that they can sell their games amongst the Marios and Zeldas of the Nintendo world.
Wii Owner: But Okami is an inferior 2-year old port of a game that didn't sell on the PS2! I don't want that!
Me: Okami is a classic and should be experienced by a whole new breed of virgin gamers on the Wii.
Wii Owner: But it's an inferior port of a 2-year old game! You're seriously dumb! *spittle* I can't believe how stupid your argument is! *more spittle* Seriously I can't believe that you're using Okami as an example! *wipes spittle*
Me: *shrugs* You can't argue with ignorance it seems.
You didn't even buy Okami on the Wii, you bought it on the PS2, so you don't even have a right to complain. And you've done nothing but mention Okami in this pointless exchange, so good for you that you finally stumbled upon the game years after the rest of us cared, but I'm done with you now.


JavyOO7 said:
Sold out? How? By being smart? Then shit I'm surprised not every single company out there hasn't done what Nintendo has done yet.

My un important and useless prediction of the day is simple: motion controllers are the future. Developers of all walks of life are going to have to change their game design concepts completely to accommodate for an ever growing market of people wanting to inter act with a game... and is that so bad? Is that so bad that your MOTHER or FATHER want to game now as well? So what if they don't game the shit that you play? Isn't not whats more important is that they are enjoying the same hobby that years back probably they looked at you like you just gave them a hitler salute and laughed at your face for hours on end? Whats so bad about a new market (or rather, an ever existing market multiplied times fifty) that wants to play video games? Is that so bad? Because guess what, if Rock star one day decides to release I AM A FUCKING NON GAME that has the best motion controlling ever and out sells GRAND THEFT AUTO 4: HERE WE GO AGAIN and it sells pretty damn well in its own right... is that going to kill you? Because if it does, maybe its time for you to take a step back and not take video games too seriously. Or maybe you should be subjected to having Mike Tenay and Don West scream at your fucking television every 5 seconds.

And this again justifies my point. You don't have to agree with me. That's fine.
I think the irony here is that the biggest reason Microsoft hasn't dropped its price point yet is the poor quality of the hardware. Because of the enormous fail rate, they're essentially having to make two 360s for every purchase on average. If they could make a system that will last more than a year or two without failing, they could easily stand to drop the price by $100-$150 if not more.
Absinthe said:
The PS3 will receive a very large bump from Metal Gear 4 because, as it stands as of right now, it is an exclusive. The fact that it is going to be included in a bundle is huge.

GAF is eating crow right now, in general. The egg on most our faces stings of embarrassment.

Dude, I would love for that to be true, but at this point I am highly doubting that. MGS4 will sell admirably, but I am not expecting tremendous PS3 sales just because of it. A slight increase is feasible, but a significant increase would be...well, extraordinary. Then again, Halo 3 shifted a few extra X360 consoles, so who knows?


Dudes complaining about Okami sales: you realize the team that worked on the Wii port had about three people, right? That's not even an exaggeration.
Kagari said:
I think it will shift hardware because a lot of people were waiting for MGS4 to come out before buying a PS3. Even here on this forum, many people have expressed that.

I've heard from retailers that while the price points are still limiting HW sales, the fact that Sony only has the 40GB model out there, with no backwards compatibility and a smallish HDD is hurting the PS3. The 80GB was selling more than the 40GB for 2007 and then Sony stops sending them to retailers with no replacement until MGS in June?

It's been strange.

Eteric Rice

Bastion said:
EDIT - I want you to repeat that to yourself several times.

But when the system is old tech with a control system I do not like, I would rather Nintendo would have just kept the Gamecube going. The Wii is a system I do not like for two major reasons:
1. Waggle control and the whole remote control design
2. lack of HD[/QUOTE]

*beats head on wall*

Sorry, doing this reminds me that I'm alive and not in hell.
Nintendo's turnaround from 3rd to basically 1st in only one console cycle is the stuff of business legends. There will by tons of business school case studies on the Wii.


Link said:
You didn't even buy Okami on the Wii, you bought it on the PS2, so you don't even have a right to complain. And you've done nothing but mention Okami in this pointless exchange, so good for you that you finally stumbled upon the game years after the rest of us cared, but I'm done with you now.

I'm not complaining. If you've actually been reading my arguments all I've been saying is that Wii owners do not have a right to complain about the lack of third-party support when they are not buying games like Okami.

My argument is simple, precise, and elegant.

Toodles. I'm off to play Okami, one of the best games of the past 5 years that all Wii owners should run out and buy. :D


Crystal Bearer
sonycowboy said:
I've heard from retailers that while the price points are still limiting HW sales, the fact that Sony only has the 40GB model out there, with no backwards compatibility and a smallish HDD is hurting the PS3. The 80GB was selling more than the 40GB for 2007 and then Sony stops sending them to retailers with no replacement until MGS in June?

It's been strange.

I can believe this. I've had many a customer come in, wanting a PS3... and since we only had the 40GB in until June and they wanted backwards compatibility, they said they'll just wait for that to come out. Sony should have been smart and packed in something like Hot Shots Golf until the MGS4 bundle game out to at least keep the units with BC available for customers.


Vyer said:
Why would they think that? Because of the current trend?

What trend, then, was Sony following when they decided to push so much into the PS3, forcing them to launch at 500/600 bucks? Exactly what successful console model were they following there?

Console makers are going to follow their own vision of what the system should be. Sony isn't Microsoft isn't Nintendo. They are well aware that what one guy could pull off the other one probably couldn't.

This vision that some of you have that Sony and Microsoft and whoever else is suddenly going to shut down all their R&D departments with mass layoffs and halt all tech progress everywhere is so laughable.

And no, controller changes don't have anything to do with it. They've been evolving since the beginning. I heard the same stuff when we went away from dpads, to more buttons, to sticks, to shoulder buttons to rumble to wireless, etc. etc.

It's the same old thing.

It's amazing to me that some of you guys (not directed at you Rhazor) act like scared 80-year old grandma's crying about technology when it comes to controllers.

Why is is so bad for someone to criticize the Wiimote? I hate it. Nothing about it allows me to kick back and just play.

I am sure that most of the people that complain about my posts here are huge Nintendo fans and argue for Nintendo's sake, not because the just love the Wii console sooooo much.


Did NPD changed the original idea of not tracking Wii Fit sales as a game??
I mean..darn..
The fanboy in me would love to see May charts with something like..
Top 10 VG Titles - May'08
Wii WiiFit w/ board 1.10mm
360 GTA IV 850k
Wii Mario Kart w/ wheel 720k
:p XD


I think the Wii is doing fine, it's software has certainly sped by the GameCube's pretty quickly, the online is getting better, WiiWare is a nice service. It's something I'd still consider a companion console but I'm pretty pleased with it thus far.

It isn't my ideal for a leader, as I said, but you know what, neither are PS3 and 360. The HD consoles aren't a hell of a lot more than a layman's PC at this point, 90% of releases skewing towards bug filled multi platform garbage, console manufacturer's shooting themselves in the foot left and right with terrible multi-SKU releases and overwrought nonsense in all the wrong places.

Don't even get me started on the software variety. Even Sony, who was the king of diversity last generation, releasing shit in every genre humanly possible is now dumping resources into largely shooters nowadays. I'll certainly enjoy myself with all of my stupid consoles, but in retrospect I should have just been content to keep buying PS2 games.

I really wish there could have been a smart, logical console, somewhere between the Wii and the HD monstrosities.


Rhazer Fusion said:
I really don't think he is trolling. He is just saying, why would say, Microsoft want to invest millions or billions into a techically advanced next generation console when they might think it is more beneficial to them financially in creating a console with similar capabilities to their current generation with motion sensor controls? Coincidentally enough, there is a rumor that Microsoft has a motion controller in the works. I am pretty sure he is saying, not everyone wants to embrace motion controlled games and prefer traditional games and controls instead, that's all. I know HD games and traditional games are still there and will be around for a little while longer, but he is probably a tad concerned about the next generation, especially with the cost of development increasing on a weekly basis.

Because companies generally aren't successful when they try to challenge huge brands at their own game. Nintendo can definitely take advantage of motion controls better than MS with their innovative studios, and moreover, the Wii brand name would crush anything MS could front for the next console. OTOH, MS has made great strides in the hardcore niche, knows that such a market is viable, and won't be competing with the 800-pound gorilla that is Nintendo in that space.

Eteric Rice

Bastion said:
Why is is so bad for someone to criticize the Wiimote? I hate it. Nothing about it allows me to kick back and just play.

I am sure that most of the people that complain about my posts here are huge Nintendo fans and argue for Nintendo's sake, not because the just love the Wii console sooooo much.

Yes, because the whole of NeoGAF is Nintendo fanboys.



soldat7 said:
Wii Owner: Why aren't third-parties making more games for the Wii? Why all the focus on 360/PS3 when the Wii is clearly kicking their butts?!?
Me: Well, third-party companies might be more inclined to make better, more traditional games for the Wii if the sales of existing ones somehow improved.
Wii Owner: But there are no good quality third-party games on the Wii for me to buy!!!
Me: There are, and Okami is one of them. Buy it and you'll be adding a wonderful third-party game to your library. And maybe showing third-party devs that they can sell their games amongst the Marios and Zeldas of the Nintendo world.
Wii Owner: But Okami is an inferior 2-year old port of a game that didn't sell on the PS2! I don't want that!
Me: Okami is a classic and should be experienced by a whole new breed of virgin gamers on the Wii.
Wii Owner: But it's an inferior port of a 2-year old game! You're seriously dumb! *spittle* I can't believe how stupid your argument is! *more spittle* Seriously I can't believe that you're using Okami as an example! *wipes spittle*
Me: *shrugs* You can't argue with ignorance it seems.
I didn't buy Okami on Wii because I bought it 20 months ago on PS2. I suspect I'm pretty typical of people who are interested in Okami.
ok, so bastion here is afraid where gaming is going next next gen?

Holy smokes, talk about overshooting expectations like a couple of console makers. Let the current gen end before even worrying about the next and then decide if the games are good enough to stick around.
sonycowboy said:
I've heard from retailers that while the price points are still limiting HW sales, the fact that Sony only has the 40GB model out there, with no backwards compatibility and a smallish HDD is hurting the PS3. The 80GB was selling more than the 40GB for 2007 and then Sony stops sending them to retailers with no replacement until MGS in June?

It's been strange.

40GB isn't small.

Oh, wait, mandatory installs.

OK, it is small.

(FYI, I support installs. But they should be optional).

Not having a BC model is dumb. Hopefully this talk about the 80GB in the MGS bundles being old repurposed stalk is bullshit. They need to bring a BC SKU back to the market. Given the need for economies of scale, I don't see it happening. They have openly resigned themselves to not having a BC SKU in Europe, so I don't see them having one anywhere.


Crystal Bearer
Bearillusion said:
I don't think that normally MGS4 would increase hardware sales by that much but because it is being bundled people may be waiting for that.

People also waiting for the return of backwards compatibility are waiting for it.


Bastion said:
Why is is so bad for someone to criticize the Wiimote? I hate it. Nothing about it allows me to kick back and just play.

Did you mean to quote me? Your post has nothing to do with mine.

Though I have to say I'd had no problems just 'kicking back' and playing with the controller. Don't know what your issue is there.
The best games are on 360 and PS3 nomatter how good of a console Wii is. Wii's best games are only from Nintendo and those are just trickling in. 3rd party games on PS3 and 360 are much better than Wii. Developers have a controller and they dont know how to innovate on it.
The best gameplay and best graphics overall are on 360 and PS3. People who are intrigued by the controller ONLY and nothing else are buying Wii in hordes moreso than any console in history. Wii sales are driven mostly by Casual gamers

...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it. This is the start when Console games become like flash based PC games for casual gamers. I hope someone realises it


Bastion said:
Why is is so bad for someone to criticize the Wiimote? I hate it. Nothing about it allows me to kick back and just play.

I am sure that most of the people that complain about my posts here are huge Nintendo fans and argue for Nintendo's sake, not because the just love the Wii console sooooo much.

dude, the wii controller is one handed, how much more kick back and play can you get?

plus I doubt the 10 million US Wii owners are all huge Nintendo fans. Like it or not, people just enjoy the Wii


soldat7 said:
Wii Owner: Why aren't third-parties making more games for the Wii? Why all the focus on 360/PS3 when the Wii is clearly kicking their butts?!?
Me: Well, third-party companies might be more inclined to make better, more traditional games for the Wii if the sales of existing ones somehow improved.
Wii Owner: But there are no good quality third-party games on the Wii for me to buy!!!
Me: There are, and Okami is one of them. Buy it and you'll be adding a wonderful third-party game to your library. And maybe showing third-party devs that they can sell their games amongst the Marios and Zeldas of the Nintendo world.
Wii Owner: But Okami is an inferior 2-year old port of a game that didn't sell on the PS2! I don't want that!
Me: Okami is a classic and should be experienced by a whole new breed of virgin gamers on the Wii.
Wii Owner: But it's an inferior port of a 2-year old game! You're seriously dumb! *spittle* I can't believe how stupid your argument is! *more spittle* Seriously I can't believe that you're using Okami as an example! *wipes spittle*
Me: *shrugs* You can't argue with ignorance it seems.

You're a dead set retard. You know that?

I'd love for Okami to sell a million copies on the Wii. I think that it would be great. But the fact is that it will not do that, and for very good reasons. You might not like those reasons, but they are facts.

I don't care if you sad that Okami Wii didn't sell great. Fair enough. There are games I want to sell more. But to use the sales of Okami as a reason for why 3rd parties should not make games for the Wii is retarded.

Let me put it in a list so you can understand why the game didn't sell, and why they're stupid reasons to stop someone making an original game on the Wii:

1. It's a port. It doesn't matter how many people played it on the previous consoles. Ports come with a lot of baggage. Why buy it on the Wii when most likely it can be found much cheaper on the PS2?

2. This is the biggest point: COMPLETE AND UTTER LACK OF MARKETING. 95% of Wii owners would have never heard of Okami before. You'll probably say that's their fault. But the fact is, the onus is on the publisher to make people aware of the game. If a publisher chooses not to market a game, they must live with the consequences. Very few new IPs achieve success without marketing.

I couldn't be bothered typing anymore, I need to do my daily Wii Fit.


The Autumn Wind
Evlar said:
I didn't buy Okami on Wii because I bought it 20 months ago on PS2. I suspect I'm pretty typical of people who are interested in Okami.
He can't hear you.


soldat7 said:
Wii Owner: Why aren't third-parties making more games for the Wii? Why all the focus on 360/PS3 when the Wii is clearly kicking their butts?!?
Me: Well, third-party companies might be more inclined to make better, more traditional games for the Wii if the sales of existing ones somehow improved.
Wii Owner: But there are no good quality third-party games on the Wii for me to buy!!!
Me: There are, and Okami is one of them. Buy it and you'll be adding a wonderful third-party game to your library. And maybe showing third-party devs that they can sell their games amongst the Marios and Zeldas of the Nintendo world.
Wii Owner: But Okami is an inferior 2-year old port of a game that didn't sell on the PS2! I don't want that!
Me: Okami is a classic and should be experienced by a whole new breed of virgin gamers on the Wii.
Wii Owner: But it's an inferior port of a 2-year old game! You're seriously dumb! *spittle* I can't believe how stupid your argument is! *more spittle* Seriously I can't believe that you're using Okami as an example! *wipes spittle*
Me: *shrugs* You can't argue with ignorance it seems.

Guitar Hero 3 is not a 2 year old port with shoehorned waggle controls

it's selling pretty well in the Wii

Third party games sell on Wii. Period. Rushed ports don't


artredis1980 said:
The best games are on 360 and PS3 nomatter how good of a console Wii is. Wii's best games are only from Nintendo and those are just trickling in. 3rd party games on PS3 and 360 are much better than Wii. Developers have a controller and they dont know how to innovate on it.
The best gameplay and best graphics overall are on 360 and PS3. People who are intrigued by the controller ONLY and nothing else are buying Wii in hordes moreso than any console in history. Wii sales are driven mostly by Casual gamers

...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it. This is the start when Console games become like flash based PC games for casual gamers. I hope someone realises it

I cannot roll my eyes hard enough...


Unconfirmed Member
Kagari said:
I think it will shift hardware because a lot of people were waiting for MGS4 to come out before buying a PS3. Even here on this forum, many people have expressed that.

Exclusive or not, if GTA couldn't make a significant boost I highly doubt MGS4 will.


artredis1980 said:
The best games are on 360 and PS3 nomatter how good of a console Wii is. Wii's best games are only from Nintendo and those are just trickling in. 3rd party games on PS3 and 360 are much better than Wii. Developers have a controller and they dont know how to innovate on it.
The best gameplay and best graphics overall are on 360 and PS3. People who are intrigued by the controller ONLY and nothing else are buying Wii in hordes moreso than any console in history. Wii sales are driven mostly by Casual gamers

...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it. This is the start when Console games become like flash based PC games for casual gamers. I hope someone realises it
Are you saying all of PC gaming sucks? Because if you're not, if you admit that great PC games can and still are made and released, then what's the fucking problem?


soldat7 said:
I'm not complaining. If you've actually been reading my arguments all I've been saying is that Wii owners do not have a right to complain about the lack of third-party support when they are not buying games like Okami.

My argument is simple, precise, and elegant.

Toodles. I'm off to play Okami, one of the best games of the past 5 years that all Wii owners should run out and buy. :D

What are these other games? I've listed companies (Sega, Capcom, Majesco, EA, Square-Enix, etc.) whose margins and successes easily show how much of an importance Wii is for them. I've also listed numerous third party hits (Guitar Hero III, Red Steel, Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, RE: UC, No More Heroes, etc.).

Once again, it's already been said that Okami has fallen in line with expectations by the higher-ups at Capcom's boards. The only "flop" I can truly think of is We Love Golf.

Eteric Rice

artredis1980 said:
The best games are on 360 and PS3 nomatter how good of a console Wii is. Wii's best games are only from Nintendo and those are just trickling in. 3rd party games on PS3 and 360 are much better than Wii. Developers have a controller and they dont know how to innovate on it.
The best gameplay and best graphics overall are on 360 and PS3. People who are intrigued by the controller ONLY and nothing else are buying Wii in hordes moreso than any console in history. Wii sales are driven mostly by Casual gamers

...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it. This is the start when Console games become like flash based PC games for casual gamers. I hope someone realises it

Okay, who the fuck let the juniors in during NPD day?


The Autumn Wind
artredis1980 said:
The best games are on 360 and PS3 nomatter how good of a console Wii is. Wii's best games are only from Nintendo and those are just trickling in. 3rd party games on PS3 and 360 are much better than Wii. Developers have a controller and they dont know how to innovate on it.
The best gameplay and best graphics overall are on 360 and PS3. People who are intrigued by the controller ONLY and nothing else are buying Wii in hordes moreso than any console in history. Wii sales are driven mostly by Casual gamers

...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it. This is the start when Console games become like flash based PC games for casual gamers. I hope someone realises it



artredis1980 said:
...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it. This is the start when Console games become like flash based PC games for casual gamers. I hope someone realises it
Well, there we go....again..
Bastion said:
Why is is so bad for someone to criticize the Wiimote? I hate it. Nothing about it allows me to kick back and just play.

I am sure that most of the people that complain about my posts here are huge Nintendo fans and argue for Nintendo's sake, not because the just love the Wii console sooooo much.

I don't know how many times people need to have their brows soothed to understand that there will always be a traditional console with fairly traditional controls. If Microsoft or Sony does introduce Motion control next gen it will most likely be in addition to what they already have. No in lieu of it totally scrapping all their franchises and design abilities. I love my 360. I play it far more than my Wii but I still understand why a segment of the market really enjoys it and why casual people might enjoy it Why don't you clearly express in one post what you are fearful of which I assume is that mega-corporation Sony or mega-corporation Microsoft can't compete with Nintendo therefore what?
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