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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


Eteric Rice said:
My question is what happens when they have this new audience? When it comes to the DS, they have it completely, so they've directed their focus to the Wii. What happens when they have it on the Wii, will they let third parties take over like they did on the DS?

WILL third parties take over if Nintendo lets them? (I mean for the more hardcore games, like they did with the DS) Because right now they're doing a pretty shitty job (third parties).

Nothing will happen when the new audience hits. I wish it wasnt true, and it may not be true. But lets face it, if there not going to move to the wii now it isnt gonna happen next year.

I dont even think that the 3rd parties are screwed as many would like to say. THEY are in the Catbird seat, and not Ninty, Sony or MS. Thats not say what Wii did was great. But now the whole BUISNESS is at a point where it so muitible that unlike in other generations, the 3rd parties can stick to ONE or TWO consoles (take your pick) and make a lot of money regardless on what the media or the math says to them. I see the exact same thing in Japan. If you read the history of Manga we are heading to that stage market wise where both the hard stuff and the soft were both selling well, while new development bodies fell and came up.

The only issue is that now, that industry (manga) isnt as big as it was back then, and to some the only good storylines are from a few in the mainstream and the super boutique and ero manga that later became "mainstream" Thats the risk this business is about to take...

Eteric Rice

Novid said:
Nothing will happen when the new audience hits. I wish it wasnt true, and it may not be true. But lets face it, if there not going to move to the wii now it isnt gonna happen next year.

I dont even think that the 3rd parties are screwed as many would like to say. THEY are in the Catbird seat, and not Ninty, Sony or MS. Thats not say what Wii did was great. But now the whole BUISNESS is at a point where it so muitible that unlike in other generations, the 3rd parties can stick to ONE or TWO consoles (take your pick) and make a lot of money regardless on what the media or the math says to them. I see the exact same thing in Japan. If you read the history of Manga we are heading to that stage market wise where both the hard stuff and the soft were both selling well, while new development bodies fell and came up.

The only issue is that now, that industry (manga) isnt as big as it was back then, and to some the only good storylines are from a few in the mainstream and the super boutique and ero manga that later became "mainstream" Thats the risk this business is about to take...

We'll see I suppose. I hope it's not ignored, that would suck.


Jaded Alyx said:



Novid said:
Nothing will happen when the new audience hits. I wish it wasnt true, and it may not be true. But lets face it, if there not going to move to the wii now it isnt gonna happen next year.

I dont even think that the 3rd parties are screwed as many would like to say. THEY are in the Catbird seat, and not Ninty, Sony or MS. Thats not say what Wii did was great. But now the whole BUISNESS is at a point where it so muitible that unlike in other generations, the 3rd parties can stick to ONE or TWO consoles (take your pick) and make a lot of money regardless on what the media or the math says to them. I see the exact same thing in Japan. If you read the history of Manga we are heading to that stage market wise where both the hard stuff and the soft were both selling well, while new development bodies fell and came up.

The only issue is that now, that industry (manga) isnt as big as it was back then, and to some the only good storylines are from a few in the mainstream and the super boutique and ero manga that later became "mainstream" Thats the risk this business is about to take...

But from what I can see, third parties aren't making money, on the whole. That's a critical problem in this theory, because it relies on the premise that third parties can be profitable anywhere; whatever they're doing now doesn't seem to be working on an economic level, based on what I've read. That doesn't mean the Wii/DS are the answer, however, it just means something needs to change.


formerly sane
Novid said:
Nothing will happen when the new audience hits. I wish it wasnt true, and it may not be true. But lets face it, if there not going to move to the wii now it isnt gonna happen next year.

I dont even think that the 3rd parties are screwed as many would like to say. THEY are in the Catbird seat, and not Ninty, Sony or MS. Thats not say what Wii did was great. But now the whole BUISNESS is at a point where it so muitible that unlike in other generations, the 3rd parties can stick to ONE or TWO consoles (take your pick) and make a lot of money regardless on what the media or the math says to them. I see the exact same thing in Japan. If you read the history of Manga we are heading to that stage market wise where both the hard stuff and the soft were both selling well, while new development bodies fell and came up.

The only issue is that now, that industry (manga) isnt as big as it was back then, and to some the only good storylines are from a few in the mainstream and the super boutique and ero manga that later became "mainstream" Thats the risk this business is about to take...

If that argument were true you wouldn't see some third parties saying we need this shit from DS/Wii to make that stuff happen. I'm all for it and will say it again nintendo lock the fuckers out they don't give two shits about your platform outside of $$$$$ cheap costs give your new dev kits on Wii to independents and let those who give a shit really make it happen. I'd love to see publishers do the shit they do already if ninty wasn't backing them up with cost to make it happen. Not saying all publishers would die but a ton who need this know it.

While I agree with the merit of the post some publishers know they need these two lesser platforms to make their big shit happen because when some of them don't perform something has to pay for the costs. I think the industry can survice with various forms of gaming the pc industry vs console was proof it's just now the console industry has it's own obvious factions. Nintendo has always done what it will do just amazes me the shit they put up with publishers/dev at large due to a hate of the success they achieve.
kame-sennin said:
At first I was going to say no, but after I thought about it, Nintendo seems to be really open about its business strategy this gen. It's just that nobody listens. Prior to launch, they said they wanted your mom to play videogames, and everybody laughed. Now third parties are scrambling to make casual games. Iwata has also pointed out gaps in the Wii library that third parties should fill, we'll see if they take his advice.

The only point I'm trying to make is that Nintendo doesn't need third party games as much as MS/Sony do and as much as many posters here think they do. Would they like third party support? Sure, who wouldn't. Are they going to cry if the don't get any? Not likely. A lot of the comments from Mr Iwata that you're mentioning were made very early on when they really weren't sure what was going to happen with the Wii. I really haven't heard a lot of that kind of talk from them lately but E3 is coming so maybe they'll reiterate it then.

Iwata is an entirely different animal from Hiroshi Yamauchi (who certainly would be telling third parties to fuck off right now) and maybe the fact that they let third parties have their fun at WiiWare launch is showing that Nintendo has changed but I'll believe it when I see it and I haven't seen a lot of evidence that Nintendo is pushing hard for third party support.

Jaded Alyx said:

Is anyone's post history safe? :lol


The Autumn Wind
Lostconfused said:
Mine has been locked away in a dark room since last september, i kinda wish i knew where that room was too.
Why do people bother posting stuff like this? Good work on owning something you don't use. You were either dumb to buy it, or too dumb to sell it.

WarLox said:
too all the kids screaming "wait til wii fit o_O " .... I dont know what this means.. but most stores in my district only got in ~40 wii fits in... compared to the ~450 GTAs we got in for PS360...

just saying...
Do you work at Gamestop? If you do, I doubt that's where the majority of Wii Fit sales are going to be coming from.


beef3483 said:
I just want to say that as a core gamer since the NES, the Wii was the console that kept me from dropping gaming this generation.

Better chipsets and online was the big push for PS3 and Xbox 360, but that really wasn't any different from Sony and Microsofts value propositions of last gen (most especially Microsofts), except that they had the audacity to charge more for it this time around.

What Nintendo has done is forego innovation that one can only be seen on-screen, for innovation that is in our hands. To me, that is infinitely more important.

I agree. I've owned a Wii since launch day but now games like Boom Blox and Lost Winds have really sparked my inner gamer. With Wiiware now I can see some really unique games being made with that controller.


formerly sane
Saint Gregory said:
The only point I'm trying to make is that Nintendo doesn't need third party games as much as MS/Sony do and as much as many posters here think they do. Would they like third party support? Sure, who wouldn't. Are they going to cry if the don't get any? Not likely. A lot of the comments from Mr Iwata that you're mentioning were made very early on when they really weren't sure what was going to happen with the Wii. I really haven't heard a lot of that kind of talk from them lately but E3 is coming so maybe they'll reiterate it then.

Iwata is an entirely different animal from Hiroshi Yamauchi (who certainly would be telling third parties to fuck off right now) and maybe the fact that they let third parties have their fun at WiiWare launch is showing that Nintendo has changed but I'll believe it when I see it and I haven't seen a lot of evidence that Nintendo is pushing hard for third party support.

Is anyone's post history safe? :lol

Why push for more third party support than you already have? I think they definetly should do it come 2k9 again after the fiscal year ends because even now I see they just raping across the board.. I mean business wise why bother after so many attempts besides I know and most know nintendo is going ka ching at the stupidity of 3rd parties and not taking as much of the pie as possible. Iwata is just like yamauchi on the subject the difference is he ain't gonna be a prick about it. 3rd parties don't deserve shit after Wii/GC to me. Nintendo didn't lock them in to hd system that jacks up production cost and requires them to do a ton more just to get profit. Nintendo didn't force a new gen for the sake of a new storage media war or because they made a shitty deal with nvidia that left them earning jack on units they produce. I wanted more but looking at the situation now I'm glad they did what they did made Wii what GC should've been from dolphin and are giving both the big guy and little guy a fair shot in the industry for once.

As for the post history that user deserved with such a bs argument. Fine I think a lot including myself sound like a broken record at times but when you make shitty point I'm glad someone is going to call another on it despite the reality is nothing like they claim.


dark10x said:
It will have to come from other companies then. It's likely that Nintendo's next platform will indeed be on the same level of XBOX360 and the like, but by the time that occurs, it will be many years too late. They will have essentially set everyone back by 5 years or so.

Then again, I'm not so sure I want everyone to adopt the same strategy. The Wii-mote is indeed a fun method of input for some games, but I most certainly would NOT want to play everything with such a setup.

I wouldn't mind if things continued as they are now with Nintendo focusing on its ideas while the other companies march on. That probably won't happen now, however.

I don't get this either. Some of the biggest 'core' games on the Wii allow you to use 'standard', or as they prefer 'classic', controls. Nintendo has already acknowledged that, while they fully support their new control scheme, it's not perfect for every game. With BC being a big factor (and especially important among casaul gamers I would think), I seriously doubt they're going to completely abandon classic controls next generation.

From the very beginning, Nintendo has positioned the Wii (and the DS for that matter) as 'and' systems, where both types of gaming can co-exist. I don't recommend you buy into all their marketing, but in this case, they practice what they preach, and they leave the option open to 3rd parties.


Trucker Sexologist
Jokeropia said:

USA: 360 third party sales > Wii third party sales > PS3 third party sales
EUROPE: Wii third party sales > 360 third party sales ≥ PS3 third party sales
JAPAN: Wii third party sales > PS3 third party sales > 360 third party sales
I'm not surprised about America and Japan, but I'm a little surprised about Europe. Which 3rd parties are ahead in Euroland? I know Konami's Pro Evolution was a hit, as was GH3 and Mario and Sonic, but I didn't know they outsold GT5, CoD4, and the PS3 version of Pro Ev.
LCGeek said:
Why push for more third party support than you already have? I think they definetly should do it come 2k9 again after the fiscal year ends because even now I see they just raping across the board.. I mean business wise why bother after so many attempts besides I know and most know nintendo is going ka ching at the stupidity of 3rd parties and not taking as much of the pie as possible. Iwata is just like yamauchi on the subject the difference is he ain't gonna be a prick about it. 3rd parties don't deserve shit after Wii/GC to me. Nintendo didn't lock them in to hd system that jacks up production cost and requires them to do a ton more just to get profit. Nintendo didn't force a new gen for the sake of a new storage media war or because they made a shitty deal with nvidia that left them earning jack on units they produce. I wanted more but looking at the situation now I'm glad they did what they did made Wii what GC should've been from dolphin and are giving both the big guy and little guy a fair shot in the industry for once..

I don't think third parties should be punished for ignoring the Cube since Nintendo made their fair share of mistakes on it as well. Over all I found it to be Nintendo's most lacking home console in terms of content and vision. Aside from Prime (GOTG) I thought most of their first party games either lacked their traditional polish (Sunshine) or seemed rushed (WW).

They certainly got their shit together this gen though as all their first party stuff has been stellar and they were smart enough not to get caught up in the escalating tech war between MS and Sony. Nintendo is primarily a publisher and developer and they gain nothing from high HD production costs. If third parties haven't seen the writing on the wall as far as the money to be made on the Wii at this late date then it's no fault but their own.

LCGeek said:
As for the post history that user deserved with such a bs argument. Fine I think a lot including myself sound like a broken record at times but when you make shitty point I'm glad someone is going to call another on it despite the reality is nothing like they claim.

Yeah, it's a terrible and played out argument but there have been so many post history jabs on GAF lately that I can't help but laugh. :lol

justchris said:
I don't get this either. Some of the biggest 'core' games on the Wii allow you to use 'standard', or as they prefer 'classic', controls. Nintendo has already acknowledged that, while they fully support their new control scheme, it's not perfect for every game. With BC being a big factor (and especially important among casaul gamers I would think), I seriously doubt they're going to completely abandon classic controls next generation.

From the very beginning, Nintendo has positioned the Wii (and the DS for that matter) as 'and' systems, where both types of gaming can co-exist. I don't recommend you buy into all their marketing, but in this case, they practice what they preach, and they leave the option open to 3rd parties.

This has been one of the things I've like best about what developers have been doing on the Wii lately. A lot of games have multiple, well thought out controls schemes that allow you to decide how you want to play and with which controller you want to play. How can anyone complain about more choices?


SapientWolf said:
I'm not surprised about America and Japan, but I'm a little surprised about Europe. Which 3rd parties are ahead in Euroland? I know Konami's Pro Evolution was a hit, as was GH3 and Mario and Sonic, but I didn't know they outsold GT5, CoD4, and the PS3 version of Pro Ev.
Sega's probably had some success there as they were the only console manufacturer prior to Sony to have presence in the region.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Way past the 24 hour mark so I must ask.

What was the final ban tally? I certainly saw enough meltdowns worthy of a banning, but I haven't really caught that many B-tags in this thread...

GTA IV did really well even with the Nintendomination and I think the HD consoles did pretty well for themselves.
Saint Gregory said:
The only point I'm trying to make is that Nintendo doesn't need third party games as much as MS/Sony do and as much as many posters here think they do. Would they like third party support? Sure, who wouldn't. Are they going to cry if the don't get any? Not likely. A lot of the comments from Mr Iwata that you're mentioning were made very early on when they really weren't sure what was going to happen with the Wii. I really haven't heard a lot of that kind of talk from them lately but E3 is coming so maybe they'll reiterate it then.

Iwata is an entirely different animal from Hiroshi Yamauchi (who certainly would be telling third parties to fuck off right now) and maybe the fact that they let third parties have their fun at WiiWare launch is showing that Nintendo has changed but I'll believe it when I see it and I haven't seen a lot of evidence that Nintendo is pushing hard for third party support.

They moneyhatted Monster Hunter 3. It may only be one game, but its sales will have an impact on the psychology of third parties. I'm not disagreeing with everything you're saying outright. Nintendo has never and probably will never bend over backwards for third parties. And looking at Nintendo financials, they can clearly survive without them, as they have for the last ten years. But Iwata has HUGE ambitions for the Wii, and I believe that he knows that he will need third parties to accomplish these goals.
LCGeek said:
As for the post history that user deserved with such a bs argument. Fine I think a lot including myself sound like a broken record at times but when you make shitty point I'm glad someone is going to call another on it despite the reality is nothing like they claim.

Yes, I criticize Wii Sports pretty often. But how exactly does that refute or disprove anything I said? It's an opinion. I feel that Wii Sports is utter trash, and as it is massively popular, it makes me wonder, aside from it and Nintendo's few AAA titles, what other software related motivation customers might consumers have for buying a Wii? What is there on Wii that appeals to people who think Wii Sports and all games that attempt to ride its coattails to success have been quite shitty?
bigmakstudios said:
Yes, I criticize Wii Sports pretty often. But how exactly does that refute or disprove anything I said? It's an opinion. I feel that Wii Sports is utter trash, and as it is massively popular, it makes me wonder, aside from it and Nintendo's few AAA titles, what other software related motivation customers might consumers have for buying a Wii? What is there on Wii that appeals to people who think Wii Sports and all games that attempt to ride its coattails to success have been quite shitty?

There aren't a lot. But the big secret is that a lot of fucking people like Wii Sports. I've had the system since launch and I still enjoy it. It's actually in my top twenty favorite games of all time, and my top ten most played games of all time. I played it on mother's day with company (I also play it by myself sometimes!), I bowled like a 260.

So, the answer to your question is that most people who hate Wii Sports, don't buy the system. The main reason Wii is so popular is because those people are the minority.


bigmakstudios said:
Yes, I criticize Wii Sports pretty often. But how exactly does that refute or disprove anything I said? It's an opinion. I feel that Wii Sports is utter trash, and as it is massively popular, it makes me wonder, aside from it and Nintendo's few AAA titles, what other software related motivation customers might consumers have for buying a Wii? What is there on Wii that appeals to people who think Wii Sports and all games that attempt to ride its coattails to success have been quite shitty?

What is there for people who think that offering the same dynamics for two generations in a row (Xbox360 and PS3) is quite shitty?


Link said:
Why do people bother posting stuff like this? Good work on owning something you don't use. You were either dumb to buy it, or too dumb to sell it.
Did you check his name? It fits him well -> Lostconfused.

Shit, and I missed this thread on thursday night because we were having a party and playing with the Wii all night.

But goddamn at the Wii's sales.:lol :lol

Its probably gonna go up because I am certain some people were sold on it when they played it at the party.


beef3483 said:
I just want to say that as a core gamer since the NES, the Wii was the console that kept me from dropping gaming this generation.

Better chipsets and online was the big push for PS3 and Xbox 360, but that really wasn't any different from Sony and Microsofts value propositions of last gen (most especially Microsofts), except that they had the audacity to charge more for it this time around.

What Nintendo has done is forego innovation that one can only be seen on-screen, for innovation that is in our hands. To me, that is infinitely more important.
As a core gamer, Wii might end my gaming career. I will not deny innovation in terms of input, but wii mote will not be it that changes the "video" part of video games, not this generation.


bigmakstudios said:
Yes, I criticize Wii Sports pretty often. But how exactly does that refute or disprove anything I said? It's an opinion. I feel that Wii Sports is utter trash, and as it is massively popular, it makes me wonder, aside from it and Nintendo's few AAA titles, what other software related motivation customers might consumers have for buying a Wii? What is there on Wii that appeals to people who think Wii Sports and all games that attempt to ride its coattails to success have been quite shitty?

Okay, you don't like WiiSports, but what makes you assume that everyone who does, and buys a Wii because of it, then proceeds to primarily buy minigame compilations? If you're going to accuse the Wii's userbase of being primarily casual users, you have to understand that casual users have completely different buying patterns than enthusiast users. Very likely, they play the same games you play and enjoy, they just don't buy them the week, or month, or even sometimes year they come out. The greatest number of adopters for the PS2 came after it had been on the market for 2 years, and it's still selling to new users in the hundreds of thousands even now. Those users who just bought a PS2 aren't going to upgrade to a PS3 or 360, or even Wii, anytime within the next 2 or 3 years. By the time they pick up a current gen console, we'll all be enjoying the next generation.


I can't seem to find the official Wii issues thread, so I'll ask this here.

I have a system which makes a disk loading noise every time I turn it on. The problem is that there's no disk in the drive.

What's happening here? It works perfectly in every way, and it reads disks fine. But why is it doing this?


RobertM said:
As a core gamer, Wii might end my gaming career. I will not deny innovation in terms of input, but wii mote will not be it that changes the "video" part of video games, not this generation.

But IMO, the upgrade in input was much more needed. Both Microsoft and Sony were going to keep the same controller technology for two and three straight generations, respectively. It's not right to keep upgrading one aspect while ignoring the other.
RobertM said:
As a core gamer, Wii might end my gaming career. I will not deny innovation in terms of input, but wii mote will not be it that changes the "video" part of video games, not this generation.

whats your definition of core gamer???


bigmakstudios said:
I feel that Wii Sports is utter trash, and as it is massively popular, it makes me wonder, aside from it and Nintendo's few AAA titles, what other software related motivation customers might consumers have for buying a Wii?
Taking your restrictions on which games to disregard, I'd have to answer that Virtual Console is the only reason I'm not currently* a portable-only gamer this gen. In fairness, even if I eliminated your restrictions, VC would still be like 97% of the reason. But seeing that the tie ratio for VC has been hovering around 0.5 while I'm sitting here with 54 games and representing very nearly eleven people, clearly I'm in the minority here. :/

Still, you asked for any possible motivations--so there's one.

*I say "currently"' because WiiWare will become a second reason, but isn't there yet with its current library. And Tales of Vesperia will probably force my hand on a 360 unless something goes wrong with that game on a grand level (see the plot twist of Star Ocean 3), so that'll become a third reason.
Jiggy37 said:
Taking your restrictions on which games to disregard, I'd have to answer that Virtual Console is the only reason I'm not currently* a portable-only gamer this gen. In fairness, even if I eliminated your restrictions, VC would still be like 97% of the reason. But seeing that the tie ratio for VC has been hovering around 0.5 while I'm sitting here with 54 games and representing very nearly eleven people, clearly I'm in the minority here. :/

Still, you asked for any possible motivations--so there's one.

If you can pull the strings for the Wii to get a Mega Man game, I'll gladly contribute to the VC tie-ratio .


Pureauthor said:
If you can pull the strings for the Wii to get a Mega Man game, I'll gladly contribute to the VC tie-ratio .

Totally off-topic, but I think Nintendo really dropped the ball on marketing when they launched WiiWare. There should be massive, huge marketing campaigns to tell people about the Nintendo Channel, DS Demos, WiiWare & the VC, now that they're all up and running. It should be in every other commercial break during primetime, with a phone number to support on getting your Wii online.

I think VC & WiiWare attach ratios suffer significantly from the lack of people who have their Wiis online, and Nintendo could do a lot to fix that if they raised the awareness of what's offered.
Jiggy37 said:
I wish I could. The world needs more Mega Man! :(

Speaking of which, I find it odd that you enjoyed PoR more than ZXA, since PoR has even worse level design than ZXA's 'less then stellar' ones, and I feel ZXA had the better boss fights by far (and better music, while we're at it.)

Totally off-topic, but I think Nintendo really dropped the ball on marketing when they launched WiiWare. They should be massive, huge marketing campaigns to tell people about the Nintendo Channel, DS Demos, WiiWare & the VC, now that they're all up and running. It should be in every other commercial break during primetime, with a phone number to support on getting your Wii online.

But, but... that would be supporting online. Nintendo can't be seen doing that! They have a reputation to keep up!


justchris said:
Totally off-topic, but I think Nintendo really dropped the ball on marketing when they launched WiiWare. They should be massive, huge marketing campaigns to tell people about the Nintendo Channel, DS Demos, WiiWare & the VC, now that they're all up and running. It should be in every other commercial break during primetime, with a phone number to support on getting your Wii online.

I think VC & WiiWare attach ratios suffer significantly from the lack of people who have their Wiis online, and Nintendo could do a lot to fix that if they raised the awareness of what's offered.
It'd probably be a waste of money. Everyone that is able to connect their Wiis to the internet and partake of Wii Ware would already be notified via the Wii message board. No sense trying to sell it to people that don't have their Wiis online.

And Mega Man on VC will never happen. Capcom's gotta milk that cow dry.
RagnarokX said:
And Mega Man on VC will never happen. Capcom's gotta milk that cow dry.

I'm willing to bet a fair amount of people want Capcom to start milking in the first place. MMPU and MMHX probably killed any intentions of that stone dead. (Thus causing the world to miss out on Capcom-remixed MM2Dr. Wily Stage 1 music. AGAIN.)

*goes to listen to Dr. Wily's Wedding*


RagnarokX said:
It'd probably be a waste of money. Everyone that is able to connect their Wiis to the internet and partake of Wii Ware would already be notified via the Wii message board. No sense trying to sell it to people that don't have their Wiis online.

And Mega Man on VC will never happen. Capcom's gotta milk that cow dry.

Everyone who has their Wii online has been notified, but, while they haven't recently, Nintendo released stats showing that a majority of their users didn't even have their Wiis online. That means they get no message board updates, no new channels, no VC, no WiiWare, and they're missing out on a lot.

The Nintendo Channel, right there on the front page, with videos and game recommendations, is probably one of Nintendo's strongest marketing tools ever, but it's useless if no one knows it exists. Okay, thinking about it, it is kind of funny to demand they advertise that they have an awesome new marketing tool available, but I think if they did a big push to advertise what's available when you go online with the Wii, they could not only improve VC & WiiWare sales (despite those sales not lagging by any means), they could also improve disc sales, by improving awareness of what's out there.

EmCeeGramr said:
Anyone saying they dont wii enough needs to buy boom blox RIGHT NOW.

I bought Boom Blox, I haven't even opened it yet. The only games I've played since WiiWare launched are My Life as a King and Rondo of Swords on my DS when I'm not at home.

But I'll get to it, promise.


Jiggy37 said:
But seeing that the tie ratio for VC has been hovering around 0.5 while I'm sitting here with 54 games and representing very nearly eleven people, clearly I'm in the minority here. :/

just to correct your math on this statement - if the tie ratio is indeed 0.5 VC games per wii owner, then you represent 108 people (yourself and 107 people who haven't bought any) with your 54 games.
RagnarokX said:
It'd probably be a waste of money. Everyone that is able to connect their Wiis to the internet and partake of Wii Ware would already be notified via the Wii message board. No sense trying to sell it to people that don't have their Wiis online.

And Mega Man on VC will never happen. Capcom's gotta milk that cow dry.
I never received a notification that wiiware went up, besides that one update WAAAAAY back. I was expecting a blue light on monday.
Im going to get a backlash, but I think the one thing holding VC back in sales potential is the classic controller. Most people probably download a game once and then realize a peripheral is required.
justchris said:
Everyone who has their Wii online has been notified, but, while they haven't recently, Nintendo released stats showing that a majority of their users didn't even have their Wiis online. That means they get no message board updates, no new channels, no VC, no WiiWare, and they're missing out on a lot.

The Nintendo Channel, right there on the front page, with videos and game recommendations, is probably one of Nintendo's strongest marketing tools ever, but it's useless if no one knows it exists. Okay, thinking about it, it is kind of funny to demand they advertise that they have an awesome new marketing tool available, but I think if they did a big push to advertise what's available when you go online with the Wii, they could not only improve VC & WiiWare sales (despite those sales not lagging by any means), they could also improve disc sales, by improving awareness of what's out there.

I bought Boom Blox, I haven't even opened it yet. The only games I've played since WiiWare launched are My Life as a King and Rondo of Swords on my DS when I'm not at home.

But I'll get to it, promise.

Your a gentleman and a scholar... times 2.


justchris said:
Everyone who has their Wii online has been notified, but, while they haven't recently, Nintendo released stats showing that a majority of their users didn't even have their Wiis online. That means they get no message board updates, no new channels, no VC, no WiiWare, and they're missing out on a lot.

The Nintendo Channel, right there on the front page, with videos and game recommendations, is probably one of Nintendo's strongest marketing tools ever, but it's useless if no one knows it exists. Okay, thinking about it, it is kind of funny to demand they advertise that they have an awesome new marketing tool available, but I think if they did a big push to advertise what's available when you go online with the Wii, they could not only improve VC & WiiWare sales (despite those sales not lagging by any means), they could also improve disc sales, by improving awareness of what's out there.

I bought Boom Blox, I haven't even opened it yet. The only games I've played since WiiWare launched are My Life as a King and Rondo of Swords on my DS when I'm not at home.

But I'll get to it, promise.
I think Nintendo is assuming that everyone that will ever get their Wiis online already has them online and has internet access and pays attention to gaming news. Or at least NoA is.
EmCeeGramr said:
I never received a notification that wiiware went up, besides that one update WAAAAAY back. I was expecting a blue light on monday.
Im going to get a backlash, but I think the one thing holding VC back in sales potential is the classic controller. Most people probably download a game once and then realize a peripheral is required.
There was an update you needed in order to access the Wii Shop Channel to prepare it for Wii Ware. Wii Ware was announced on the Wii Shop Channel. Mail was sent to the Wii Message Board for Nintendo Channel and Nintendo Channel had info on Wii Ware.


AstroLad said:
has nintendo released their digital distribution sales figures?

Not exact figures no, just impressions like, "VC is doing pretty well," and "Wiiware is doing even better than we expected". They did, at one point, say there was a .5 attach rate of VC games to Wii owners, but that was at the end of fiscal 2007 I believe.

RagnarokX said:
I think Nintendo is assuming that everyone that will ever get their Wiis online already has them online and has internet access and pays attention to gaming news.

I'd like to believe Nintendo isn't that oblivious to reality...but then I look at their history and it's not encouraging.


Opiate said:
But from what I can see, third parties aren't making money, on the whole. That's a critical problem in this theory, because it relies on the premise that third parties can be profitable anywhere; whatever they're doing now doesn't seem to be working on an economic level, based on what I've read. That doesn't mean the Wii/DS are the answer, however, it just means something needs to change.

I think that's an interesting point. A lot of companies are posting losses. Even Take Two, with GTA, are on the verge of being bought out.


Pureauthor said:
Speaking of which, I find it odd that you enjoyed PoR more than ZXA, since PoR has even worse level design than ZXA's 'less then stellar' ones, and I feel ZXA had the better boss fights by far (and better music, while we're at it.)
No disagreement on the boss fights or level design, but almost as much disagreement as possible on the music. :p The music and Maria elevated PoR for me entirely.

Brashnir said:
just to correct your math on this statement - if the tie ratio is indeed 0.5 VC games per wii owner, then you represent 108 people (yourself and 107 people who haven't bought any) with your 54 games.
*looks* Huh, I somehow managed to interpret my own "0.5" as "5." ...Wow. :( But yeah, this makes the VC tie ratio seem worse still. Even putting aside the outliers like me, I have to figure there are however many lesser retro junkies out there who've bought at least ten games each.
#1 There is absolutely nothing innovative about the Wii.

#2 I enjoy the Wii as well.

#3 The main reason the Wii is such a huge success is 2 reasons. The first is they came in at a very smart price. The concept of the motion sensitive controller being used to play a videogame came across to a lot of people as technologically impressive. You guys have no idea how many people out there that aren't like us believed the Wii's controller to be the most high tech thing they've ever laid their eyes on. They really do think this thing is a technological masterpiece even more so than either the 360 and PS3.

I once told a group of like 12 that the 360 and PS3 were more technologically advanced and it was like I was the odd person out and everyone was laughing at me like I had no idea what I was talking about. They thought it completely bizarre that I would even suggest such a thing because it couldn't possibly be true.
CowboyAstronaut said:
#1 There is absolutely nothing innovative about the Wii.

#2 I enjoy the Wii as well.

#3 The main reason the Wii is such a huge success is 2 reasons. The first is they came in at a very smart price. The concept of the motion sensitive controller being used to play a videogame came across to a lot of people as technologically impressive. You guys have no idea how many people out there that aren't like us believed the Wii's controller to be the most high tech thing they've ever laid their eyes on. They really do think this thing is a technological masterpiece even more so than either the 360 and PS3.

#4 Women, anecdotally it seems to be women driving sales

I have a Wii and hardly play it, its not a patch on the 360 and thats a fact


CowboyAstronaut said:
I once told a group of like 12 that the 360 and PS3 were more technologically advanced and it was like I was the odd person out and everyone was laughing at me like I had no idea what I was talking about. They thought it completely bizarre that I would even suggest such a thing because it couldn't possibly be true.

So the Wii really is the new PS2.


CowboyAstronaut said:
#1 There is absolutely nothing innovative about the Wii.

#2 I enjoy the Wii as well.

#3 The main reason the Wii is such a huge success is 2 reasons. The first is they came in at a very smart price. The concept of the motion sensitive controller being used to play a videogame came across to a lot of people as technologically impressive. You guys have no idea how many people out there that aren't like us believed the Wii's controller to be the most high tech thing they've ever laid their eyes on. They really do think this thing is a technological masterpiece even more so than either the 360 and PS3.

I once told a group of like 12 that the 360 and PS3 were more technologically advanced and it was like I was the odd person out and everyone was laughing at me like I had no idea what I was talking about. They thought it completely bizarre that I would even suggest such a thing because it couldn't possibly be true.

So, in other words: you believe there is nothing whatsoever that is innovative about the Wii, but the motion controller is technologically impressive?
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