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Official Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer Thread & Gamertag Roundup(PC/PS3/360)


Well I plan on being on tonight most of the night. For the future, like next week, I think I will ask for people that want to play and so I can compile a list. So we can see what kind of group we are getting. I am thinking anytime from 6PM to 10PM PST, well later if people stick around.

If you have time preferences let me know.

My GT is thechapel just like in the OP. Hit me up online if you want to play, I may have other friends Im playing with, so if we have group complications I will make sure everything is fair and people know whats going on. I don't think tonight will be a big game though, if you hit me up around 7pm I wouldn't mind getting a group for ground war or custom games though if there are enough.


Cornballer said:
I think a bunch of us used [GAF] during the Beta, and it was amusing running into other Gaffers randomly.

I just started playing the multiplayer, my plan was to finish the single player first but I got frustrated at the end of the sniper level last night so now I'm taking a break.
I'll add the GAF clan tag, but I have to admit I'm a bit worried there will be lots of "fag" jokes from the 15 year olds.


xbhaskarx said:
I just started playing the multiplayer, my plan was to finish the single player first but I got frustrated at the end of the sniper level last night so now I'm taking a break.
I'll add the GAF clan tag, but I have to admit I'm a bit worried there will be lots of "fag" jokes from the 15 year olds.

Heh, during the Resistance play, we're usually the ones to initiate that talk. :lol


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I just got 1374 points in ONE team deathmatch round, and went from a 16 to an 18, lol. I completed a gun's final challenge for 1000 points, and just generally tore it up (12 kill streak, airstrike, copter).


Aeon712 said:
I'm off tomorrow(Saturday) so if some people wanna play throughout the day I'm game.(PS3) btw.

I might be on and off today. Weekends are when I'm most likely not on. But I'll try to get a few games in.

Baby Milo

xS1TH L0RDx said:
are other ps3 users still experiencing connection problems? i can't seem to connect to save my life...

guess its not just me havin a problem

i cant connect to a game to save my life


The issue is with rank servers. You have to connect to the activision master server first and then it connects you with the server you chose. The Masterserver is having issues. People on Xbox Live, PSN, and PC users are all having the same issues.


Icy said:
The issue is with rank servers. You have to connect to the activision master server first and then it connects you with the server you chose. The Masterserver is having issues. People on Xbox Live, PSN, and PC users are all having the same issues.

Thanks for the info. I'll try playing a unranked game :/

Now someone fire the Activision guys responsible for this shitty mess.


Not Wario
Loved the games tonight guys. All I'd played before tonight was the Team Deathmatch stuff, so it was nice to try out all the objective based stuff. (Nice seeing the Rayme drop by too) Hopefully, we can get an established night for GAF games.

xbhaskarx said:
I just started playing the multiplayer, my plan was to finish the single player first but I got frustrated at the end of the sniper level last night so now I'm taking a break.
I'll add the GAF clan tag, but I have to admit I'm a bit worried there will be lots of "fag" jokes from the 15 year olds.

Heh, funny you mention that. A couple other gaffers and me went into a round last night and the first thing the other side said was

"Hey, GAF- that must stand for Gay....ass....fag- yeah that's it, right?"


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
I've had ZERO problems connecting. I have zero complaints but I generally finish first in 9/10 games I play online. I'm a big fan of the M16. I have to say I'm loving this game like you wouldn't believe. I just hit level 42 online and I'm loving it. If anyone is down for some serious playing with the aim to own whoever we play then add me :D

Jason Smapity (with the space)

I love this game. To me its 50x better than any FPS online I've ever played, and I was a huge fan of CS back in the beta days. I played cs for 3 years and this game just reminds me of all the good times.


traveler said:
Loved the games tonight guys.

Fantastic games. Feel free to invite me in anytime. I love playing with Gaffers even though it means I just get killed faster.

Great to play with an IW guy, even better to shoot him in the face:lol


traveler said:
Loved the games tonight guys. All I'd played before tonight was the Team Deathmatch stuff, so it was nice to try out all the objective based stuff. (Nice seeing the Rayme drop by too) Hopefully, we can get an established night for GAF games.

Heh, funny you mention that. A couple other gaffers and me went into a round last night and the first thing the other side said was

"Hey, GAF- that must stand for Gay....ass....fag- yeah that's it, right?"

Me and HG had that said to us in the Beta. :lol


gona be playing this a tonne today, I had some great [GAF] game last night.

I <3 Team Hardcore

:( at marterdom

Spam me with an invite anytime guys


i hate this "game data downloading" bug...what is this? Every time i want to play online i cant becuase of this shit ...


besada said:
Fantastic games. Feel free to invite me in anytime. I love playing with Gaffers even though it means I just get killed faster.

Great to play with an IW guy, even better to shoot him in the face:lol
Yeah, that was a lot of fun to play other game types (and maps...the ship! O_O). And it was also nice to shoot Rayme in the face (the one and only time I did!). :lol

And rors, next time there's a big GAF group, I'll send you an invite. Much fun!


Is the online still down for other people? Playing 360 version and its telling both me and my friend and its telling us we "must be connected to an active server," or some shit. Both of our connections work fine in all other aspects, so I assume this is some kind of really fucking annoying bug.


Anyone else having trouble getting into games right now, or is it just being a buggy piece of shit for me? (360 version). Keeps claiming that i don't have an active network connection, or occasionally managing to find a game then failing to join it.

Oh, and since playing exclusively with randoms is starting to annoy me:

360 | arhra | arhra | GMT

edit: guess ^ that answers that one then...

NH Apache

I am getting the smae error, it seems to be a recurring problem as t happened yest as well. On CharlieOscarDelta people are having a similar problem

Usually takes 20 mi to get back up...Afterwards I'm up for some playing

GT=NH Apache

EDIT: min, not miles, dummy


There were similar connection problems during the Beta, but also check your NAT status on the dashboard test. I was having the same problems last night so I ran the network connection test on the dashboard and my NAT status showed "restricted." After changing a router setting and running the test again, the NAT status showed "open" and CoD4 has worked flawlessly since.

Or course, YMMV since there were connection issues in the Beta as well. But it's something to rule out.


AirBrian said:
There were similar connection problems during the Beta, but also check your NAT status on the dashboard test. I was having the same problems last night so I ran the network connection test on the dashboard and my NAT status showed "restricted." After changing a router setting and running the test again, the NAT status showed "open" and CoD4 has worked flawlessly since.

Or course, YMMV since there were connection issues in the Beta as well. But it's something to rule out.
Nah, it's definitely the game. I've got my 360 in my router's DMZ, so i always have open NAT.

Sod it, i'm off to play Ratchet and Clank or something for a while.


Is anyone having problems connecting online? I can't even get my "Game Settings" and it says my rank is 1. Infinity Ward. Fix this shit out!
Is anyone else having trouble hearing clear voice communication audio? Most of the time I just hear a garbled mess that I can't make heads or tails of. It doesn't help that I think the headsets are picking up on the gun shots and explosions. :\


djkimothy said:
Is anyone having problems connecting online? I can't even get my "Game Settings" and it says my rank is 1. Infinity Ward. Fix this shit out!
I just played 2 free for all's but now I can't connect at all :(. Wanted to get 1 more game in before the Eagles game.

NH Apache

If I continuously try to re-connect over and over again, It seemed to work.

It would only give me the error 2 or 3 times, then I would connect.

Even if I got into a game though, I had a few games end early because It said the host had ended the game, but everyone's ping dropped into the red.

*switches over to OT NFL


Safe Bet said:
I've had the same problems...
At this rate I'll never reach lvl12 and get my GAF clan tag, and I'm sooo close at lvl 11. Wanted to do it before Family Guy and Resistance tonight.

Plus side I got my k/d over a 1.0 after falling behind early by like 50 kills. I now know I can't play this like Resistance.


Holy shit. Just finished a game of Headquarters on Shipment. They really need to take it out of the rotation for that playlist, it's just a complete clusterfuck with 12 players fighting to capture the HQ :lol


Aeon712 said:
At this rate I'll never reach lvl12 and get my GAF clan tag, and I'm sooo close at lvl 11. Wanted to do it before Family Guy and Resistance tonight.

Plus side I got my k/d over a 1.0 after falling behind early by like 50 kills. I now know I can't play this like Resistance.

Yah, it's a lot slower pace than resistance. Can't shoot fro the hip and expect a kill and no 20v20 matches.

I'm at 34-35 and am trying to get level 40 for the P90. But the damn servers are PITA.

I managed to get a few games with thebishop and lulunqq.

Man, is it me or the G3 assault rifle just a portable sniper rifle. It's hard to get kills unless they're scoped from far.
So voice chat is clear for everyone else? If the garbled mess that I keep hearing is the same for everyone, I think they should try and fix it if possible.


blindrocket said:
So voice chat is clear for everyone else? If the garbled mess that I keep hearing is the same for everyone, I think they should try and fix it if possible.

It varies, I think it depends on the person's mic.
I have a clarification question about the UAV Jammer perk for everyone. Does UAV Jammer prevent you from showing up on the radar at all? Or does it just prevent you from showing up on the radar when the enemy launches a UAV? Because if it's the former, then it makes using a silencer redudant if you're using the UAV Jammer perk. Any ideas?


DeceitDecide said:
I have a clarification question about the UAV Jammer perk for everyone. Does UAV Jammer prevent you from showing up on the radar at all? Or does it just prevent you from showing up on the radar when the enemy launches a UAV? Because if it's the former, then it makes using a silencer redudant if you're using the UAV Jammer perk. Any ideas?
It's the second.


I tend to be having the same connection problems yall are explaining. My NAT is strict, but it tends to never be a big issue. I hope they fix this with patches
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