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Doth Togo

DJ Demon J said:
Shouldn't this thread be closed? All Election-related posts in the stickied thread, right iapetus? You closed Doth Togo's thread, close this one.

That's right. Unite, muthafuckaz!



DarienA said:
I'm curious do most folks here vote for all of the proposed legislation and people on the ballots or do you folks only vote for what you're actually aware of, have paid attention to?

Since I vote absentee, I sat down for a couple hours last night and read through the voter's guide for each office/proposition. Much easier than voting in a polling place, IMHO.


First tragedy, then farce.
I might be crazy, but Im calling Florida. Kerry took it. Im worried about Ohio, which is odd because last night I was really strong on Ohio for Kerry and thought Bush would get Florida. If this thing comes down to Jersey, Im gonna be pissed. Of course, Jersey is GONNA swing democratic. I refuse to believe otherwise.
Ohio: Kerry for me.

I was wavering for a long time; I was leaning more towards Kerry a couple months ago, but last week, Michael Moore came to the University, and kinda shifted my opinion back into the middle. I guess Moore didn't manage to kill my support of Kerry completely though.

BTW, Ohio's Issue 1 (the marriage thing) got a firm NO from me.


StoOgE said:
I might be crazy, but Im calling Florida. Kerry took it. Im worried about Ohio, which is odd because last night I was really strong on Ohio for Kerry and thought Bush would get Florida. If this thing comes down to Jersey, Im gonna be pissed. Of course, Jersey is GONNA swing democratic. I refuse to believe otherwise.

I'm kinda the opposite...confident about Ohio but worried about Florida.


Jesiatha said:
Since I vote absentee, I sat down for a couple hours last night and read through the voter's guide for each office/proposition. Much easier than voting in a polling place, IMHO.

That's how I did it, although for some I didn't have to look at it to know who I was voting for.

For instance, the coroner.


rollin' in the gutter
MIMIC said:
I'm kinda the opposite...confident about Ohio but worried about Florida.

I've seen a lot of Kerry/Edwards stickers around campus yesterday and today. Compared to the mixed opinions i've seen and heard from people in the past this is good. OSU to win the election for Kerry!!

Actually, I really don't know, this state is a tossup, florida seems like a sure bet for Kerry :)


From Sludge:

Election 2004 has been rocked with first wave of exit polls which show Kerry
competitive in key states, campaign and media sources tell DRUDGE....
National Election Pool -- representing six major news organization -- shows
Kerry in striking distance -- with small lead -- in Florida and Ohio..


CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll Presumes 90% of Undecideds Go to Kerry

Nine out of ten "undecided" voters will go for John Kerry over George W. Bush? That's the assumption which allowed Gallup to alter its final pre-election poll, from a 49 to 47 percent lead for Bush amongst "likely voters," to a 49-49 tie. "Democrat ties Bush nationally," declared the subhead under a Monday USA Today front page story, about the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, in which reporter Susan Page's lead touted how "Kerry has erased President Bush's modest lead." She explained that "Gallup's formula assumes that 9 of 10 of those [undecided] voters would support Kerry, based on analyses of previous presidential races involving an incumbent." In fact, that level of an extreme split has not occurred in any modern election and, in calculating its final poll tally, the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press estimated that the "undecided vote may break only slightly in Kerry's favor."

An excerpt from the top of Page's November 1 USA Today front page story, "Swing states lean to Kerry: Democrat ties Bush nationally":

Sen. John Kerry has erased President Bush's modest lead and the two candidates head into Election Day tied at 49%-49%, a nationwide USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll shows as an extraordinarily bitter and expensive campaign prepared to end.

Across the dozen battleground states expected to determine the winner, Kerry holds a 5-percentage-point edge -- including small leads among likely voters in the critical states of Ohio and Florida. He trails by a similar margin in the third big battleground, Pennsylvania. (Related link: States pushed to front of race)

But USA TODAY polls nationwide and in six competitive states show a contest that either candidate could win....

Last week, Bush led Kerry 51%-46%.

The new survey of 1,573 likely voters, taken Friday through Sunday, has a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points.

"It seems like a scary Halloween for George Bush," Kerry pollster Mark Mellman says. "People in this country clearly want a fresh start."

Matthew Dowd, chief strategist for the Bush campaign, said that the race is close but that Bush is in a good position. He disputes Gallup's assumptions about the 3% of likely voters who said they were undecided.

Gallup's formula assumes that 9 of 10 of those voters would support Kerry, based on analyses of previous presidential races involving an incumbent.

Without allocating those voters, Bush led Kerry 49%-47% among likely voters. Among the larger group of registered voters, Kerry led Bush 48%-46%....
Media Research


How many of you lied to your overzealous friends/bosses/colleagues/whatever about voting? The people at work always get on my case about registering so I fed them some bullshit about doing it a week ago. Thank God the polling place is next door and opened early so that I can explain that away too


Scary Euro Man
About three days to write a self-important letter instructing a poor deluded Texan to vote for my candidate of choice, regardless of whether that was the best choice for them. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to reading the Guardian...


belgurdo said:
How many of you lied to your overzealous friends/bosses/colleagues/whatever about voting? The people at work always get on my case about registering so I fed them some bullshit about doing it a week ago. Thank God the polling place is next door and opened early so that I can explain that away too

From HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher on 10/29/04:

COSTNER: And so what happens is I have a little distance from the conservative because – and what you’re talking about – being branded – is difficult. And I think that’s why they put up a curtain in the voting booth. Because when you exercise your civil right, or if you talk about it out loud – and I’ve had friends in my community that talk out loud – they get branded and bashed. And I’m sick of it. [applause]


Of course Kerry will lead in the early polls -- all the unemployed, retired, and college kids don't have anything else to do. Bush will get a boost when all the working people go vote later today.

I kid, I kid. :)


"Just easing the tension, baby! Just easing the tension."


SiegfriedFM said:
Quick, Bush! Start bombing some random Arabian country. You might get a few more late votes that way!

Breaking news in the next hour or two - the Capture of Osama Bin Laden announced at some event by Bush.




The Amiga Brotherhood
If Kerry wins, Bush has a few weeks in the Whitehouse before he hands over the presidency doesn't he?

He might want to go out with a bang! ;)


!!!! Remember when there were a bunch of democratic ballots lost in Ohio? Well, today those people tried to vote and they said NO. So the democrats went to court, and now they are allowed to vote since they did not get their ballots in the mail like they were supposed to. THANK GOD.

I just heard this on MSNBC, it was breaking news.
Nash said:
If Kerry wins, Bush has a few weeks in the Whitehouse before he hands over the presidency doesn't he?

He might want to go out with a bang! ;)

That's what I'm actually afraid of. Bush wouldn't have to answer to anyone the last couple of months...


Go giant douche. Just got back from the polling station, which is approximately one block up the street. :D Took me about 15 minutes from parking to leaving. I voted Nader, so I feel really good about that. I thought I was gonna pussy out at the last minute and vote Kerry, but I stuck with my beliefs. My voting was pretty much, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat...sound like a Democrat, NADER!!! Booyeah! :lol I voted to have all the Supreme Court guys removed too, although I don't think that'll work. I don't know who they are, but a change of scenery couldn't hurt. And I voted yes on every social spending proposal, especially the minimum wage increase (to $6.15). We'll see how it goes. Now I can go workout and forget about the impending doom, b/c I don't have confidence in Kerry winning this thing. PEACE.
The early exit polls are a lousy indicator-- they skew toward women, where Kerry has a lead. You have to wait until the after-work vote starts coming in.

By the same token, all the other polls (showing a sligh Bush lead) don't factor in the demographic of people who don't have land lines... so those polls are screwed, too.

Meanwhile, all these news stories amount to each side building up their case to call foul if they lose. Pathetic, but after Florida in 2000, understandable. If we have any races as close as that and New Mexico again, I'll scream.

The cynic in me thinks that with advanced polling tactics and campaign strategies, we mave have close presidential elections from now on, as candidates carve up the electorate and fine-tune their platforms based on the numbers. Kerry's not the only flip-flopper for political gain-- Bush actually has more outright flip-flops on his record. It's a fact of modern politics.

Anyway, go Kerry, go! Lesser of two evils and all that.


Took me about 10 minutes.

It was my first time in a voting booth, and we have one of those big old green things where you have to push the levers down to fove for your candidate.

First I fucked it up, and nearly voted for the Libritarians. Then I tried pulling the party lever so my republican votes would go through ( the guy suggested I pull the party lever, and then manually change the votes to people of another party if I didn't want to vote straight party ticket), and the damn thing wouldn't budge.

I finally voted manually for everyone I wanted, but the party ticket lever not pulling really concerns me. I'm afraid I fucked somethnig up, and my vote for W didn't go through.

I bet all you dems would love that.
I'm heading out to help my uncle set up for his election party tonight (Senator Jim Kastama, 25th District Washington State), everyone enjoy the festivities, it should be an interesting evening.


1h15m in Grand Rapids, MI

It wasn't that crowded, about 70 people, but the all the volunteers were in their nineties and moving at the slowest pace possible.


Ecrofirt said:
Took me about 10 minutes.

It was my first time in a voting booth, and we have one of those big old green things where you have to push the levers down to fove for your candidate.

First I fucked it up, and nearly voted for the Libritarians. Then I tried pulling the party lever so my republican votes would go through ( the guy suggested I pull the party lever, and then manually change the votes to people of another party if I didn't want to vote straight party ticket), and the damn thing wouldn't budge.

I finally voted manually for everyone I wanted, but the party ticket lever not pulling really concerns me. I'm afraid I fucked somethnig up, and my vote for W didn't go through.

I bet all you dems would love that.


"DAMNIT, McClintock! I said put the slider in THE OTHER WAY so that people couldn't vote for DEMOCRATS! Is it that hard to rig a lever? Huh?"
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