My polling place was literally thirty seconds away. i got there fifteen minutes to eight, thinking they opened at eight, and that i could get in line before they opened, which was actually at six. Actual waiting time before getting to the voting booth was something like two hours.
If you're going to vote, or even if you're on the fence, i'd recommend going now. Things may've cooled off a little during lunchtime, but i'm sure they've picked up now with people probably taking off early from work.
If you're on the fence, go anyway. i'm not fully confident in the voting system, and i know my democratic vote doesn't matter here in NC, but i felt pretty good knowing that i did what i felt i needed to do, and that my opinion has been recorded. If you go an decide not to vote for whatever reason, at least you had the option. But if you don't go and decide you might actually want to vote, you run the risk of missing out until the next election. Depending on where you live, there's also the possibility of voter intimidation, especially the later you go to vote. The cops pulled a similar stunt here in my city when they changed the requirements for obtaining driver's licenses for immigrants. The posted cops at all the entrances to the DMV office on the last day, stopping minority drivers and checking ids, often times telling them to turn around. i'll probably drive by the polling station later this afternoon to see if they try something like that here.