deadlifter said:Man, I REALLY hope Kerry wins. I can't imagine how pissed off MIMIC, HPN, and eggplant would be if Bush were to stay in office.
And for the good of the country, ofcourse![]()
eggplant said:The battle for LGBT rights doesn't end with this election. It continues either way.
deadlifter said:Right, it will be a shitload harder if Bush is re-elected, though.
MIMIC said:USA Today is reporting that 30% of Floridians who have already cast their ballots have voted for Kerry, with Bush trailing by 7-percentage points.
Socreges said:Funny considering practically every moderator leans left, if anything. What did you say?
Willco said:The hell if I remember, but it certainly wasn't that.
I've said countless times that I am a registered Republican, only because Maryland forces you to affiliate with a party to vote in the primaries (or else I'd be an Independent) and I'm voting for Kerry come Tuesday.
Not too thrilled with Kerry, but I'd rather vote for a turd sandwhich rather than a giant douche.
Actually USA Today reports that 30% of registered voters have already cast their ballots and out of those, 51 % have supported Kerry and 43 % have voted for Bush. That means an 8-percentage point advantage for Kerry.USA Today is reporting that 30% of Floridians who have already cast their ballots have voted for Kerry, with Bush trailing by 7-percentage points.
USA Today said:In Florida, 30% of registered voters said they already had cast their ballots, using early voting sites and absentee ballots. They supported Kerry 51%-43%.
jobber said:How come I can't write in myself for something? My damn voting booth has handles you pull down on. WHERE'S THE WRITE IN BALLOT!?
A federal judge issued an order early Monday barring political party challengers from polling places throughout Ohio during Tuesday's election.
U.S. District Judge Susan Dlott found that the application of Ohio's statute allowing challengers at polling places is unconstitutional.
She said the presence of challengers inexperienced in the electoral process questioning voters about their eligibility would impede voting.
Dlott ruled on a lawsuit by a black Cincinnati couple who said Republican plans to deploy challengers to largely black precincts in Hamilton County was meant to intimidate and block black voters.
The skyrocketing cost of health care is beyond the reach of millions of Americans. Many children and adults are suffering and dying because they cannot get the health care they need. As doctors, we see the problem worsening every day under the Bush Administration, said Dr. Paul Sondel, a pediatric hematology and oncology specialist in Madison.
John Kerry has a solution to soundly address our health care crisis. Kerrys plan will not interfere with your right to choose a doctor or put big government in charge, as Bush claims. Kerry/Edwards is the right choice for a fresh start, said Madison pediatrician Dr. Aaron Carrel.
Since 2000, 187,000 people in Wisconsin have lost their health insurance coverage and premiums have risen five times faster than the rate of wages. Wisconsin Doctors for Kerry is concerned that the skyrocketing cost of health care has left millions of people uninsured. They believe the wealthiest country in the world can do better and that John Kerry and John Edwards can make health care more accessible to all Americans.
These doctors have scrutinized and support the Kerry/Edwards plan to reduce the costs of prescription drugs, cut government waste and inefficiency, and extend high quality coverage to 95 percent of Americans, including every child.
Mandark said:Oh yeah, NO POLLS.
You can bring up actual vote counts as much as you want, but you'll have to keep your shirts on until then. I'm not coming back to a 1,000 page thread late Tuesday that's nothing but five minute updates on exit polls.
Find something else to talk about besides the election.krypt0nian said:So much for discussion.
Spike Spiegel said:Find something else to talk about besides the election.
Spike Spiegel said:Find something else to talk about besides the election.
Mandark said:Willco: I checked the admin log a couple days ago, and there's no record of anyone editing your post. That's all you, baby.
It happens everywhere, Democrat or Republican. Corruption and "dirty pool" tactics are a part of American politics and, dare I say, politics in general throughout the world.Socreges said:2000 in Florida, sure. Did it happen elsewhere, too?
Absolutely. Only that I've seen much more evidence of Republicans doing this. Of course, my sources may be of one liberal media, rather than fair and balanced.Spike Spiegel said:It happens everywhere, Democrat or Republican. Corruption and "dirty pool" tactics are a part of American politics and, dare I say, politics in general throughout the world.
Yeah, he already said that. But regarding this election, it just doesn't seem to be that way.Willco said:Democrats do just as much evil shit as Republicans.
AirBrian said:There's always the NAACP giving out crack/cocaine to people in Ohio for registering Democratic.
Both sides play dirty, always, in every election.
AirBrian said:There's always the NAACP giving out crack/cocaine to people in Ohio for registering Democratic.
Both sides play dirty, always, in every election.
That's my misunderstanding. I read several posts in haste and took it as people saying that Democrats did not conduct in any type of questionable behaivor regarding the voting process.Socreges said:Thank you, Mandark and Bat.
AirBrian, yes, sure, right, both sides play dirty. You've illustrated that with one example. Brilliant, and all that. But I'm talking about degrees.