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Official ESPN NBA League Thread (Please read carefully!)


Well, FMT blows me out as well so I dunno if I'm the best one to be giving tips :lol

Things I've noticed:

- Forcing the fastbreak gives turnovers like 3 times out of 5. Slow it down after the rebound and don't be tempted by the streaking guard.

- The take-charge button is really helpful against guys who layup with their guards all day.

- Don't double-team too much. Only do it as a last resort or when the shot clock is winding down. Set defensive pressure to tight though.

- Zone defense creates many turnovers.

The single most important thing for me is not being predictable though. I like to mix it up and I don't force the 3 either. Hope that helps...


My biggest grievance right now is missing wide open shots, be they mid-rangers, three pointers, or layups. Any way that I can increase my chances of making them?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Bish you around to play?


Steroid Distributor
Ramirez said:
Naw I wasn't talking to you,I reserve my comments for only people I've played :p

Bob had VC in our game,yet he didn't have to abuse him all game to stay competitive,he used his whole team,thats all Im trying to say here.I mean lets be for real,am I the only one that realizes that star players are money once they get in the midrange distance?It doesn't matter how many people are jumpin in his face or whatever,it will go in 95% of the time.

But anyways,I hate arguing about this because I know none of you are gonna change your playstyle,so whats the point.

Hey man I'm with you on this one. I am just a team player kind of guy. I unconciously spread the ball around to everyone. It's like I feel guilty if I don't get a guy some shots. LoL. But I'm never gonna have 50 points with Duncan. Well at least not yet. But I will say that if everyone is gonna automatically set their defensive pressure to tight on every player than I will play the same boring cheap online basketball. :D Bring it on!!


We need to have some sort of sim rules put into this game. Malley, I don't want to single you out, but those mid jumpshot changed to passes were cheap. I must have had like 30-35 contested jump shots that you changed to a pass mid jump. And every guy on the court has the strength of shaq and the hang time of MJ so it lets you pass the ball around anywhere mid jump. So many times i contested your shot with a hand in your PG/SG face, and magically your PG/SG could pass it to another guy on the court. There were instances where you would take a 15 foot juimper, I would have a hand in your PG face, and he would TURN around and pass it to the guy behind him..??!?! Crazy. I'm not posting this 'cause I want the win. The reason I'm posting is is so I hope we can place some sort of sim rules down.


Mrbob said:
We need to have some sort of sim rules put into this game. Malley, I don't want to single you out, but those mid jumpshot changed to passes were cheap. I must have had like 30-35 contested jump shots that you changed to a pass mid jump. And every guy on the court has the strength of shaq and the hang time of MJ so it lets you pass the ball around anywhere mid jump. So many times i contested your shot with a hand in your PG/SG face, and magically your PG/SG could pass it to another guy on the court. There were instances where you would take a 15 foot juimper, I would have a hand in your PG face, and he would TURN around and pass it to the guy behind him..??!?! Crazy. I'm not posting this 'cause I want the win. The reason I'm posting is is so I hope we can place some sort of sim rules down.

I've done that a few times every game, and sometimes it's been pretty silly...However, I don't see how we can control it via a set of rules. Interesting topic though, perhaps we can make some sense of it.

Edit: Well are these contested shots double teams? If so, then it's hard to blame him for it...Not that we're saying Malley is cheese, just that the move might be overpowered.


Hmm... I played Mally in week 2 and didn't notice this or any other borderline-cheese but I don't don't really double perimeter guys.

If you're doubling the pg and he sees an open guy as he's taking the shot, I don't know that it's un-sim to pass out of it. Is mid-air passing overpowered on default sliders? Maybe it is although I haven't seen it yet but the double teams are just as overpowered so ease up on that and there won't be any open guys for him to pass to...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
You ease up on the double teaming of big men Konex...dang dude the last game I had 11 turnovers with Ming and like 6 with howard cause you swarmed them everytime I was inside and of course the ai swats the ball away if you try to kick it out >_<


They weren't double teamed.

Kotex doesn't know what he is talking about. :p

But if you guys think a PG can spin 180 in the middle of a shot to pass it behind to the guy behind have fun with this "sim" league.


Matrix said:
You ease up on the double teaming of big men Konex...dang dude the last game I had 11 turnovers with Ming and like 6 with howard cause you swarmed them everytime I was inside and of course the ai swats the ball away if you try to kick it out >_<

but I don't don't really double perimeter guys.

Who said anything about bigs? :lol

I understand Bob better now. He means the pg constantly passing out of shots to guys behind him. Has anyone else experienced this? I haven't and just for the record my game with Mally was very sim. Let's hear what Mally has to say and go from there...


Mrbob said:
But if you guys think a PG can spin 180 in the middle of a shot to pass it behind to the guy behind have fun with this "sim" league.

Since complaining about a fixable "problem" is fruitless, what do you propose we do?


Limit those type of passes to 3 a game. We limit DLine play in ESPN NFL in EQ. We limit the QB run in the regular league. Why can't we limit these type of passes in NBA?


The stats reporting queue seems to be backed up so all league games played last night are not having the stats downloaded to the website. They are updated on XBL so even if they don't show for these particular games, there won't be missing stats as they'll be included in the overall stats. You can see your updated stats on XBL right now btw...


I do that pass out of the shot sometimes,but usually its because its my dumbass post up guys chilling out at the three and before I realize it Ive already tried to pull a shot off =\

But yea,its pretty apparent this game has just as many problems as any other sports game released this year,dissappointing.


Banstick Emeritus
I'll be on after 1:00pm PST today and should be around for a few hours, got some league games to catch up now that my Live is working again >_<


How do you feel about teams relying on one player all game?

Folks can use their players any way they like

It's complete garbage and I'd like some kinda rule against this

No specific rule needed but I'd like folks to get reasonable and play a bit more sim

Total Votes: 8

The majority has spoken...


Ramirez said:
Nice to see we will allow cheese then!! :)
I though that the definition of "cheese" was a strategy that worked. Get outta here. What, you expect DM's shitty-ass Bulls to NOT give the ball to T Mac? It's funny...in real life the two most one dimensional teams will most likely be the 76ers and the Lakers, yet you two are the only ones who care about this non issue.


Um...Kobe and Lamar will be a potent one-two puch while getting everyone else involved. The whole dump it in to Shaq era is OVER :D


Ok, we'll see in November. Anyway, I'd rather hear the opinions of the 4 other people (besides me and DM) who said they didn't mind how people used their players.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I already made it known that I didnt care how people used their players,I voted on the poll.

Bish,you around? want to hand the Tmac-less Rockets a loss?


Banstick Emeritus
Matrix - I just finished my NHL game and have to run to the store to pick up some lunch for Aidan and myself. I'll be back on at 3:30pm PST, if you want to play then...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Yea thats cool,I just have to play and get the game done before 8 pm eastern time.If for some reason you dont get back to play we can always play after the Astros game is over or tomorrow.
i don't care how someone uses their players (i was one of the others who voted that way) and here is my reasoning:

who cares? why do i care if tmac takes 30 shots, or if he takes 15 and joe nobody takes 15? bottom line is you can't call out tmac taking the majority of the shots "non-sim", because that is going to happen. i already shut tmac down once to 1-20 shooting, and i will do it again. but would i be mad if he went 19-20 shooting? hell yeah i'd be mad, but i wouldn't be mad that he shot 20 shots, i would be mad that my defense sucked balls and i couldn't adjust.

bottom line is this: superstars SHOULD be unstoppable at times. if allen iverson is 14/16 at the half, are you going to NOT have him shoot it in the 2nd half? i don't see the logic in not giving your team the best chance to win for the sake of being a "sim" when infact that isn't sim at all.

it's a little different in ESPN NFL in regards to QB running. no way in shit do average running QB's take off 10+ times, run for 100 yards, never fumble and never get hurt. but on the flip side, in the nba, allstars DO take 30+ shots a game. that is just how things are. you go with what works, and if Tmac or peja or shaq or kobe or AI or fucking ryan bowens is tearing you up, guess what? he's going to get more shots! contrary to popular belief, the double-team WILL get the ball out of T-macs hands. does it compromise your defense? hell yeah it does and it should. i don't want a bunch of shawn kemps out there, who you can guard 1-on-1 with any hobo off the street. i want to have to scheme and gameplan for guys like kobe and Tmac because half the fun is figuring out ways to shut them down.

case closed ladies, there will be no limits on shots
everytime i use the hop-step i either get called for traveling or i get the charge, so i don't ever use it.

infact the only time i have ever used it successfully is the time i pushed the passing icons button, then after a couple seconds saw Y open, so i pushed Y but the passing icons had already gone off, so wade hop-stepped into the lane and had a wide-open layup waiting for me. so the moral is that hop-step works by accident! use it konex!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I never use the hop step in 2k5 or live this year,since ummm they never work :(


if allen iverson is 14/16 at the half, are you going to NOT have him shoot it in the 2nd half? i don't see the logic in not giving your team the best chance to win for the sake of being a "sim" when infact that isn't sim at all.

But he wasn't shooting that well,he was like 2/11 from 3 yet DM kept jacking up 3's from half court,I just don't like his playstyle personally,I could play 50 random dudes that would play just as stupid as he did,I play in these because I thought we were striving for a little realism,guess not though.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I dont like the way you play in madden Ram...oh snap! :p


You now belong to FMT.
Fhat the WUCK!!! honestly... jump passes being ridiculous??? I ahve been doing jump passes since it was in video games.... I ahve been playing the same way since I have played this game and I can not see me ever changing that at all..... its sort of like second nature to me, if I go up for a shot and it is threatened I will not and I repeat will not let you block it , I will pass out... if there is a rule for this, I dont think I can play in this league..

also, I dont care if a team uses their star players all game it doesnt matter, most teams are just like that... my team isnt like that... so thats why I have balanced scoring... but some teams are... I wish I had a player like T mac or whoever, but I knew what I was getting into and accepted it.. I think we all need to sit back and just play video basketball... cheese to me is constant jump hop or some Feature that is in the game that gives success 100 percent of the time and I dont see that in this game... sure the game has issues... but just play your games and eventually you will get better, until then, U suck


Ramirez said:
But he wasn't shooting that well,he was like 2/11 from 3 yet DM kept jacking up 3's from half court,I just don't like his playstyle personally,I could play 50 random dudes that would play just as stupid as he did,I play in these because I thought we were striving for a little realism,guess not though.

If you want to get into the whole "realism" thing, I played very closely to how T-Mac actually plays. He jacks up 3's randomly all the time. Everytime you guys tell me to play "sim", by definition I am because I am simulating how a T-Mac + Scrubs team is operated. If I'm in a tight game, or even losing in the 4th what do you expect me to do? Get the ball to Curry and Gordon? No, I'm going to have my only good player lead me to a win. You guys forget this is probably a sub 60 rated overall team without T-Mac.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Give me Tmac attack back and then you can play with a sub 20 rated overall team :p


Banstick Emeritus
Hey Matrix, I just walked back in the house and still have to cook. If you have a good idea of when the Astros game is scheduled to end, I'll meet you then if that's alright.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Hmmm the game starts at 8 pm eastern time and most baseball games last close to 3 hours,which would be around 11 pm eastern time ,but anything can happen..extra innings,a longer game cause of high scoring or a quicker game..very hard to predict :p

I could post here with an update of whats going on in the game when they hit the 7th inning or so.


Banstick Emeritus
OK. I'll check the game every now and then as well. If we don't make it today, I'm available after 8pm PST tomorrow, Thursday and Friday...


Matrix said:
Give me Tmac attack back and then you can play with a sub 20 rated overall team :p


It's Eddy Curry's time to shine!!! Career high 7 rebound game coming up!


Steroid Distributor
Fifty said:
Theo and Truelize. My forfeiting friends. You must set a game up and play it :lol

Dang! I play Theo this week? Is he ever around? Theo if you are here and checking for me I will be home Wednesday sometime and I will be available to play anytime other than during CSI (and other shows Thursday night). Let me know when we can play.

As for all the "cheesiness" that is supposedly going on within the games, I don't see how there can't be cheese in these games. I can't count of a bench player to hit a wide open three so I'm definetly gonna go to my top guys. As soon as I learn how to use them that is. LoL. I find Parker to actually be pretty strong in this game. Which is kinda odd seeing as he isn't in real life. And I think I'm getting used to Duncan. I will have no problem abusing Duncan if I ever figure out how to use him well. :D


Banstick Emeritus
Matrix, I'm assuming the reason you haven't posted in here is because you're out getting drunk in celebration. :lol

Let's play our game tomorrow, I'll be on after 8pm PST.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I'll be on around 11 eastern time tonight Bish,just post here when you're ready.Sorry I didnt show up,I was out having a good time :)

Nah,I just hate the f-ng Steelers Ram :p ...and always will.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Bish,I'm around to play our game.Just post here when you're good to go and I'll go log on.


Banstick Emeritus
Sorry about the delay, just putting the little guy to bed and grabbing a bite. I'll be on in exactly 25 minutes.

...you're gonna whup my ass anyways. Basketball is not hockey, I'm finding out. :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ok cool.

Bish I have no mic...so you cant rub in your victory against me,I'm pretty horrible at this game so far,but practiced today....I doubt it will help.
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