Trident said:
This question is almost too stupid to ask, but am I right assuming dumbbell squats are not as effective as barbell squats? I started doing dumbbell squats the other day and my knee has actually gotten better somehow, but I still have beginner fear of actually putting a barbell on my back.
No, it's not as effective as a barbell squat, and it also doesn't scale - you really cannot do a dumbbell squat with very heavy weight.
By the way, as far as muscle groups being worked, it somewhere between a squat and a deadlift.
And getting over the fear of putting weight on you is very important, but trust, it never quite go away.
(rambling warning)
I've always looked at weight training as a mental exercise as well -
The squat is about conquering fear - getting under very heavy load and then be brave (and stupid) enough to bend your knees.
The deadlift is about determination and faith - gripping what feels like an unmovable object and make it your bitch.
(we resume our usual programming)
also, what problem do you have with your knees?
I always consider safety as a number one priority, but as far as knees stress goes, dumbbell squats and barbell squats are fairly similar.
It could very possibly be your stance, it's very common to have your legs closer together on the dumbbell squats, if this is the source of your knee problem (which probably mean minor lateral trauma) you may want to try to do a barbell squat with the same stance and see what happens (mind you that a close stance require a pretty flexible hamstring, so make sure you're able to keep good form at the bottom, don't save you knees only to fuck your back).
this is not a stupid question.