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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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Captain Glanton said:
That's still very impressive at 170.

I'm at 215. I did 3 wide grip pullups with 120lbs, but no way I could keep doing more sets of that.

I use to be able to deadlift 360 for one rep and I have chicken legs, although they're cut. :lol
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I use to be able to deadlift 360 for one rep and I have chicken legs, although they're cut. :lol

If you can do pullups with all that, then you should be deadlifting at least 5 plates.
Captain Glanton said:

If you can do pullups with all that, then you should be deadlifting at least 5 plates.

I don't deadlift or squat anymore. I get a sharp pain near my groin (lower abdomen area) everytime I do those exercises. Doctor thinks it's nerve that's causing the pain. It feels like someone is tugging at my pubes. :lol

But I seriously need to start doing legs again. I found that lunges helped my legs get a little bigger.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I don't deadlift or squat anymore. I get a sharp pain near my groin (lower abdomen area) everytime I do those exercises. Doctor thinks it's nerve that's causing the pain. It feels like someone is tugging at my pubes. :lol

But I seriously need to start doing legs again. I found that lunges helped my legs get a little bigger.

That happened to me a few months after I started working out which severely affected my running capabilities after doing squats. The pain only showed up when I did heavy sets. So I reseted the weight and build myself back up. This is after taking several weeks off however.
Jason's Ultimatum said:

I must've been allergic to one of the ingredients in the product because I really broke out in acne. My face is definately getting better.
It's okay. I'm 32, and I'm in the middle of a breakout confined entirely to my nose.


Muscle Milk is so gross

the ones in the store are SO GOOD - but then you buy the mix and you'll think oh man I have a whole thing of the store's stuff! YUCK


God, I hate people who buy a treadmill so they can "exercise while they watch TV." If you're able to still watch TV while running, you're not running hard enough.


Speaking of Muscle Milk, i've been considering buying some recently. The "Acne Cometh" story is scaring me off, though. ANy other impressions? Is the Zit reaction common?
So I read the opening post it was pretty informative

Lots of Water

(Chicken, Tuna, Lean Ground Beef, Egg Whites)

Limited ammount of carbs a day so what are the best things to getting your carbs and effective.

I want to eat normal clean food what are some good menus that you guys have d one , i have no problem eating the same thing every day.



Comics, serious business!
Made a quick trip to Target just to look at their sporting goods, and returned with a 30lb adjustable dumbell set (thanks RSTEIN for the suggestion... it was less than the price of just the Perfect Pushup set by itself)!

Sweet! But, um, I did say hexagonal and those look pretty round :lol As long as you find you can do pushups with them and your wrist doesn't hurt then that's great!

BradVanDam said:
Limited ammount of carbs a day so what are the best things to getting your carbs and effective.

This is a good guide:


Mr. Snrub said:
But you see...why would you train half of your body one way, and the other half another way?

You CAN get stronger without being sore after every workout.

Like I said, increasing your strength WILL increase your endurance. Increasing your strength increases your body's resistance to that level of fatigue/that many repetitions. However, endurance-type training (25+ reps) does NOT increase your limit strength.

Squats won't ruin your cardio, if you put them into your workout the right way.

Thats interesting because when I do leg curls I do endurance training rep + set numbers. Will switch things up a bit and see how it goes. The end of the season is close anyway so I have 3-4 months to experiment (but then I have to start training for the New York marathon soon... UGH, WHY AM I DOING IT AGAIN!?!?).

Speaking of which, I'm worried about what that will do to my body since I've heard doing cardio in those sorts of amounts will reduce muscle size... Any truth to that? I'm arleady pretty fit in terms of cardio (will run upwards of 8k during a 90 minute match once or twice a week + training) and it doesn't seem to be effecting my size or lifting so I'm wondering how training for a 26 mile run will effect me... I'm kind of worried about it to be honest. I mean I don't want to see 3 years of hard work go down the drain and be put back a year or so because of some poxy marathon.

While I'm in the question mode, can you guys recommend some lower back strength excercises? I've had a niggling lower back issue on and off for the last 6 months now and I want to put an end to it (funnily enough I don't feel it when lifting, but do when running/sprinting sometimes).


Comics, serious business!
GHG said:
Speaking of which, I'm worried about what that will do to my body since I've heard doing cardio in those sorts of amounts will reduce muscle size... Any truth to that?

I know very little about this but I was reading in a magazine (Men's Health or some other mag) that new research has revealed that your body can only be set to either 'cardio' or 'mass building' mode. Apparently how you begin your day/session dictates what position this switch is set to. So, for example, if you're training for a marathon, you'll want to start with cardio at the gym and THEN hit the weights. If you're looking for explosive jumps for basketball, you should hit the weight rom THEN the treadmill. I thought it was pretty interesting. If you want cardio but are worried about it impacting your weight routine then maybe put weights before cardio? I'm sure someone here can offer a lot more insight on this than I can.
The general rule that I've generally followed, but to be honest, don't really know why, is to weight lift before cardio. On one hand, it makes sense. Cardio will tire you out, and being tired while lifting (especially deadlift, squats, or bench press) can be dangerous. That is probably the main reason as to why it's recommended in that order.

I've also been lead to believe that HIIT exercises give some great cardio/fat-burning improvement without sacrificing/risking muscular growth. Again, HIIT after weight lifting or on non-lifting days is probably optimal.


Soka said:
I picked up a barbell and did squats with it better workout methinks.

This game is fun!

I probably should of mentioned this, but I was referring to goblet squats. Either way, I was pointing that DDR isn't that great of a form of exercise.


BradVanDam said:
i picked up ddr on the wii pretty good workout methinks

Be sure to eat plenty of chicken and drink lots of water after playing that.



Hmm... So you guys suggest cardio after weights? I've since done a lookie on the net for answers and found this article http://weighttraining.about.com/od/techniquesandstrategies/a/cardio_weights.htm which says the opposite; cardio before weights.

And this http://en.allexperts.com/q/Weightlifting-Exercise-1549/Building-Muscle-Training-Half.htm which makes me want to cry.
GHG said:
Speaking of which, I'm worried about what that will do to my body since I've heard doing cardio in those sorts of amounts will reduce muscle size... Any truth to that? I'm arleady pretty fit in terms of cardio (will run upwards of 8k during a 90 minute match once or twice a week + training) and it doesn't seem to be effecting my size or lifting so I'm wondering how training for a 26 mile run will effect me... I'm kind of worried about it to be honest. I mean I don't want to see 3 years of hard work go down the drain and be put back a year or so because of some poxy marathon.

Mark Rippetoe disapproves greatly of Long Slow Distance (LSD) work:

By "cardio", most people mean long, slow distance. I don't recommend it at all unless your cardiologist tells you to do it, in which case I stay out of the way. For cardiopulmonary conditioning, I recommend CrossFit met/con-type training, but LSD is terribly catabolic and counterproductive to strength training.
I did Ninja Warrior pullups with a 45 dumbbell chained on: 8 reps, 30 secs, 4 reps, 30 secs, 3 reps. Much yelling was involved. I also did a 'Max Effort' seated overhead press of 275 for 5 reps, and a 'Max Effort' wide grip pullup mentioned above. And a Tabata set with dips/pullups with a 40 lb dumbbell chained on.

Now I'm going to go to bed and think about working hidden messages into the OP.
Captain Glanton said:
Now I'm going to go to bed and think about working hidden messages into the OP.



Mr. Snrub said:
Mark Rippetoe disapproves greatly of Long Slow Distance (LSD) work:

Ah damn it. Looks like there's no way round this one. Grin and bare it may be the case here.
Mr.City said:
I probably should of mentioned this, but I was referring to goblet squats. Either way, I was pointing that DDR isn't that great of a form of exercise.

Didn't realize you meant goblet squats, but I did get the part about knocking DDR, which I mostly agree with. Was just having some fun myself. :D
Barrage said:
Speaking of Muscle Milk, i've been considering buying some recently. The "Acne Cometh" story is scaring me off, though. ANy other impressions? Is the Zit reaction common?

It could just be me. Google it up and see what you get. Like I said, it might've been an ingredient or too much sugar? If I recall, it has a lot of sugar.All I know is that I never had a problem until I started taking it.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
It could just be me. Google it up and see what you get. Like I said, it might've been an ingredient or too much sugar? If I recall, it has a lot of sugar.All I know is that I never had a problem until I started taking it.

Why buy Muscle Milk? It's expensive and contain unnecessary stuff. The main thing you need is protein; it's better just to buy something like Optimum Nutrition 100% Natural Wey Protein. It contains the stuff you need, no unnecessary sugar, it tastes reasonably good.

I'm 6'8 and vascillate between 208-215. I work out mostly to feel better, and am concerned only with maintaining my current weight. I cycle for about 7 miles each day on an m9 incline, which takes 20 minutes, then run a mile, and use the stairmaster machine for 6 minutes. Finally, I end with some inner and outer thigh muscle exercises on two machines called "ab-ductors", and work on my chest with that machine you pull in with your arms in horizontal "L" shapes (don't know what it's called).

Overall, I average about 500-700 calories per workout. Is this about right considering that I only eat about 2-3 meals a day, rarely eat much sugar, and spend most of my workday lugging heavy boxes from one place to another? I've noticed that my weight tends to stay around 210 with a 2 pound fluctuation usually correlative with whatever/however much I've eaten the last day.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
What's so much better about goblet squats than regular dumbbell squats?
JzeroT1437 said:
I'm 6'8 and vascillate between 208-215. I work out mostly to feel better, and am concerned only with maintaining my current weight. I cycle for about 7 miles each day on an m9 incline, which takes 20 minutes, then run a mile, and use the stairmaster machine for 6 minutes. Finally, I end with some inner and outer thigh muscle exercises on two machines called "ab-ductors", and work on my chest with that machine you pull in with your arms in horizontal "L" shapes (don't know what it's called).

Overall, I average about 500-700 calories per workout. Is this about right considering that I only eat about 2-3 meals a day, rarely eat much sugar, and spend most of my workday lugging heavy boxes from one place to another? I've noticed that my weight tends to stay around 210 with a 2 pound fluctuation usually correlative with whatever/however much I've eaten the last day.

Holy crap. Is that 208 to 215 pounds? Because I weigh that much, and I'm 5'9.

The leg and chest exercises you describe aren't doing anything for you, really. If you are that serious about maintaining your weight [which again, seems very low to me], then keep doing the biking and stairmaster. But you need to eat more good food. Try for 3-4 meals instead of 2-3. At 2-3 meals, you're just not giving your body the fuel it needs to get through those workouts and what sounds like a job with a lot of manual labor.

Goblet Squats

I've never done them before. I did find this


from Dave Draper. Goblets do seem like a good way to learn good form. Squatting properly is hard to learn, after all, and some might feel better with the weight in front. For those of us who are more advanced, you might try Draper's suggestion at the end, in which you don't 'come up' above parallel between reps--that would make things much more interesting, I would think.
Ace 8095 said:
Here is some quality muscle milk!

Drink 1/2 to whole gallon of milk a day depending on caloric intake.
I am not going to disparage the nutritional value of milk, and I drink about 2 gallons a week. But my face would be completely broken out if I drank a gallon a day.
Captain Glanton said:
I am not going to disparage the nutritional value of milk, and I drink about 2 gallons a week. But my face would be completely broken out if I drank a gallon a day.

Same. When I first stared working whey protein powders into my diet, I would always add them to large amounts of milk. I then started breaking out really bad (I used to have horrid acne between the age of 13-17, now at 19 it's started to level off and it's close to being entirely gone). At first I blamed the whey, then realized it was actually all the milk. Had to work around it with more water for my whey intake. Tastes not quite as good, but it works for me.
Ace 8095 said:
Here is some quality muscle milk!

Drink 1/2 to a whole gallon of milk a day depending on caloric intake.

I drink close to a gallon a day. And noticed that my gains increased when I went from 1/2 a gallon a day, to 3/4 of a gallon a day.

Ooooh, Mark Rippetoe, how I love thee:

And I shall now be kind, and explain why I know the lack of consumption of milk is the reason for the lack of progress in those trainees I've observed. It is because over thirty years of direct observation has demonstrated to me that when trainees drink one gallon of milk added to their regular diet and train in a progressive linear fashion, they gain significant muscular bodyweight, and those that do not drink their milk, even in the presence of progressive linear training, fail to do this. They also fail to continue progressive linear training for the same length of time, because this is facilitated by the steady weight gain. I understand that you're asking me if I have controlled for other factors such as failure to do the program correctly, and the answer is yes, of course I have, because I am not a complete idiot. Those that will not do the program are not being considered when I make these remarks, because that would be too fucking obvious a hole in my analysis. The difference in the milk drinkers is that THEY GET BIGGER THAN THE ONES WHO WON'T DRINK THE FUCKING MILK. Please tell me that you understand this now.

Whole thread on milk consumption here: http://www.strengthmill.net/forum/showthread.php?t=431
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