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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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Brian Burke punched my mom
The difference in the milk drinkers is that THEY GET BIGGER THAN THE ONES WHO WON'T DRINK THE FUCKING MILK. Please tell me that you understand this now.

"Milk is for babies"



I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
reaver18 said:
I hate milk. Would taking calcium pills give me close to the same effect?
Milk is not the be-all end-all source of calcium it's touted to be. Eat a healthy diet and you'll be fine.


there is joy in sucking dick
I've been reading up on Flax Seeds and it seems like a very good item to add to a Weightlifters diet. What do you more knowledgable posters think?


I've recently made an effort to get into shape, and the past couple of weeks I've been running 1 mile a day.

I stretch before and after I run, then walk around the track a couple of times to cool off.

Today though, while I was stretching after I ran the mile, I noticed that on the front of my leg, there is a squishy bump that comes up when I flex the calf muscle...it's on both legs in the exact same spot. That just part of muscle growth or somethin?
j-wood said:
I've recently made an effort to get into shape, and the past couple of weeks I've been running 1 mile a day.

I stretch before and after I run, then walk around the track a couple of times to cool off.

Today though, while I was stretching after I ran the mile, I noticed that on the front of my leg, there is a squishy bump that comes up when I flex the calf muscle...it's on both legs in the exact same spot. That just part of muscle growth or somethin?

It's on the front of your leg, a bit off-center, towards the outside of your leg, right? If that's what it is, I have the same thing, on both legs. It's really minor, and I only notice it when I squat down (just body weight, I mean) and run my fingers over it. It's caused me no pain at all and I've had it for as long as I can remember.

I'd say, if it's similar to what I'm talking about, it's probably nothing at all. If you're worried, though, just have a doctor look at it. It's likely nothing, but the peace of mind is always nice.
Today's leg workout, all back squats:

Sets of 135, 225, 315, 405, and a walkout with 585.

Max Effort
515 X 5

And Then I Did This
Tabata Set @ 295
Fall down on ground until breathing resumes
Jump Squats, 2 sets of 135 X 8 with 10 secs rest in between
Fall down on ground until breathing resumes
Jump Squats, 2 sets of 185 X 5 with 10 secs rest in between

I honestly wasn't planning on doing the jump squats. But after the Tabata set, I was lying on the platform and I just got very angry. So I did the first thing I thought of.

Now my legs hurt a great deal. Actually, everything hurts a great deal. But I just drank the world's best postworkout shake--so great it took me two servings to get it all in.


Soka said:
It's on the front of your leg, a bit off-center, towards the outside of your leg, right? If that's what it is, I have the same thing, on both legs. It's really minor, and I only notice it when I squat down (just body weight, I mean) and run my fingers over it. It's caused me no pain at all and I've had it for as long as I can remember.

I'd say, if it's similar to what I'm talking about, it's probably nothing at all. If you're worried, though, just have a doctor look at it. It's likely nothing, but the peace of mind is always nice.

That's exactly where it's located, and yeah it's only there when I flex or stretch the leg out, otherwise, you can't feel/see it. Guess it must be nothing then. Thanks.
Captain Glanton said:
Holy crap. Is that 208 to 215 pounds? Because I weigh that much, and I'm 5'9.

The leg and chest exercises you describe aren't doing anything for you, really. If you are that serious about maintaining your weight [which again, seems very low to me], then keep doing the biking and stairmaster. But you need to eat more good food. Try for 3-4 meals instead of 2-3. At 2-3 meals, you're just not giving your body the fuel it needs to get through those workouts and what sounds like a job with a lot of manual labor.

Yeah. I mean, that's my optimal Body Mass Index weight, and I stay in it. Also, not much muscle mass accumulated yet--just light lean muscle, so I'll probably weigh slightly more if I ever decide to build that up, which is mostly what I do the leg and chest exercises for.


perryfarrell said:
Why buy Muscle Milk? It's expensive and contain unnecessary stuff. The main thing you need is protein; it's better just to buy something like Optimum Nutrition 100% Natural Wey Protein. It contains the stuff you need, no unnecessary sugar, it tastes reasonably good.


I use nothing but the $12 whey protein powder 30-serving container they sell at Costco, and I think it works great. Using it the previous two years I have put on over 25 lbs of muscle.

Plus I drink soy milk constantly, can't get enough of it. (lactose intolerant)


OK fitness GAF help me out - I have a weird problem in the sense that I neither want to lose nor gain weight or bulk up. I just want to get my body-fat percentage lower. I am 5'11'' 160 pounds with a body fat percentage of around 13.5%. I have heard I should drink more milk - is that true? And, if so, when? Morning/afternoon/, before/after gym?
onemic said:
Is it okay to eat immediatly after running?

And I always hear of you guys eating lean meats. Is eating fish good too?
Eating fish is excellent.

Sandman7 said:
OK fitness GAF help me out - I have a weird problem in the sense that I neither want to lose nor gain weight or bulk up. I just want to get my body-fat percentage lower. I am 5'11'' 160 pounds with a body fat percentage of around 13.5%. I have heard I should drink more milk - is that true? And, if so, when? Morning/afternoon/, before/after gym?
Well, 13.5% is already very low. Is that a good measurement?

To get lower than that and still be at 160, you will need to gain a fair amount of muscle. My best guess is that you will have to bulk up first with muscle and some fat, and then cut the fat to get back down to 160. Any time you are cutting fat when you're already that lean, you will lose muscle in the process, so you'll have to be prepared to gain a far amount of weight and then cut most of it off again.

Sorry, but getting that lean and still have any muscle to speak of is a long, complicated process.

JzeroT1437 said:
Yeah. I mean, that's my optimal Body Mass Index weight, and I stay in it. Also, not much muscle mass accumulated yet--just light lean muscle, so I'll probably weigh slightly more if I ever decide to build that up, which is mostly what I do the leg and chest exercises for.
BMI isn't a very indicator of what's optimal, especially for the types of people who will be reading a thread like this one. You can add some pounds to that and still be perfectly fine.


Captain Glanton said:
Eating fish is excellent.

Well, 13.5% is already very low. Is that a good measurement?

To get lower than that and still be at 160, you will need to gain a fair amount of muscle. My best guess is that you will have to bulk up first with muscle and some fat, and then cut the fat to get back down to 160. Any time you are cutting fat when you're already that lean, you will lose muscle in the process, so you'll have to be prepared to gain a far amount of weight and then cut most of it off again.

Sorry, but getting that lean and still have any muscle to speak of is a long, complicated process.

BMI isn't a very indicator of what's optimal, especially for the types of people who will be reading a thread like this one. You can add some pounds to that and still be perfectly fine.

The body fat measurement comes from a $40 weighing machine/body-fat analyser so don't take my fat percentage as gospel. What is the best way to get an accurate reading (apart from hydrostatic weighing)?


Just a tip I remember someone said or well a few people awhile ago that they couldn't get the deadlift position right...oh my god for the longest time I couldn't get it either. I asked trainers in the gym to help me and everything, and it just seemed my body wouldn't do that position!

However, some 70 year old man overheard me and my friends talking (mind you this was awhile ago), and said hold the bar and imagine that your standing over a cliff's edge and look down holding your back straight - it was the most simple advice ever, but shit it went a long way.

I know random shit - but it just came into my head after I heard the same thing happening yesterday at the gym, and I said the same thing to someone.


a child left behind
I have a problem my right side is somewhat stronger than my left side. At times especially when I do DB shoulder press my left shoulder is lagging big time. My right side could press 40lbs but my left has a hard time doing 35lbs. Thats what stopping me from pressing 40lbs Db, and I'm afraid thats limiting my growth from my shoulders. What should I do for my left shoulder/arms to catch up to my right side?
Sandman7 said:
The body fat measurement comes from a $40 weighing machine/body-fat analyser so don't take my fat percentage as gospel. What is the best way to get an accurate reading (apart from hydrostatic weighing)?
A doctor's office or a very, very good strength & conditioning coach. Rule of thumb: when you're close to 10% you should see veins standing up on top of the skin all over your body and the striations of individual muscle groups when you move your limbs.
Qwerty710710 said:
I have a problem my right side is somewhat stronger than my left side. At times especially when I do DB shoulder press my left shoulder is lagging big time. My right side could press 40lbs but my left has a hard time doing 35lbs. Thats what stopping me from pressing 40lbs Db, and I'm afraid thats limiting my growth from my shoulders. What should I do for my left shoulder/arms to catch up to my right side?

Uh, maybe do single arm presses?


Junior Member
wow, I don't think I can drink 3 liters of milk/day, that's just too much. Right now I'm getting about 1 liter/day. There's also the issue of cost as well.
j-wood said:
That's exactly where it's located, and yeah it's only there when I flex or stretch the leg out, otherwise, you can't feel/see it. Guess it must be nothing then. Thanks.

Yeah, I'd say it's probably nothing. Just be aware of it, and if anything major changes with the two of them go see a doctor. I also had bad shin splints at one point, but I never thought the two would be related. By chance, did you ever get shin splints? Curious if maybe it's related!


Soka said:
Yeah, I'd say it's probably nothing. Just be aware of it, and if anything major changes with the two of them go see a doctor. I also had bad shin splints at one point, but I never thought the two would be related. By chance, did you ever get shin splints? Curious if maybe it's related!

I'm not exactly sure what a shin splint feels like, but I do think I had them. It was either a shin split, or muscle soreness, because I was really out of shape.

I'm leaning towards shin split, because when I started running (and ever since I've been a little kid) I've had a weird running style, running with my heel striking the ground first, and pretty hard at that. Apparently, no one thought it was necessary to tell me that wasn't the best way to run. I've been trying to train myself to strike on the outside of the ball of my foot, then roll to the inside and hit the heel last though, and since then, my shins haven't been hurting as bad as they used to.

Long story short, I think I've had shin splits or muscle soreness, one of the two.


Loaded With Aspartame
Wow, barbell squats are actually surprisingly fun, although it's kind of painful to rest of a barbell on the top of my spine. Is that supposed to happen, or am I placing it on my back incorrectly?
Trident said:
Wow, barbell squats are actually surprisingly fun, although it's kind of painful to rest of a barbell on the top of my spine. Is that supposed to happen, or am I placing it on my back incorrectly?

Yes. Completely incorrectly.

For high bar squats (can't use as much weight, can get deeper, hamstrings are not as involved), the bar is placed on your traps/above your shoulders. If you have NO musculature here, it might hurt.

For low bar squats (can use more weight, best used for parallel or slightly below, more musculature involved), the bar is placed lower, actually on the muscles above the scapulae and rear shoulders.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't mean to come off as harsh, just placing a loaded bar directly on your spine is not a good idea. :D


Loaded With Aspartame
Mr. Snrub said:
Yes. Completely incorrectly.

For high bar squats (can't use as much weight, can get deeper, hamstrings are not as involved), the bar is placed on your traps/above your shoulders. If you have NO musculature here, it might hurt.

For low bar squats (can use more weight, best used for parallel or slightly below, more musculature involved), the bar is placed lower, actually on the muscles above the scapulae and rear shoulders.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't mean to come off as harsh, just placing a loaded bar directly on your spine is not a good idea. :D

No, that's great, thank you very much for being harsh. That's really important to know. I'll just have to figure out how to rest it on the muscles instead. I bet I have my shoulders too far forward.
Glad you may have noticed the shoulders forward thing--this relaxes the muscles of your upper back and as you can imagine, the bar doesn't have a meaty shelf to rest on. Think of keeping a tight, arched upper back ("puff your chest out") to help with this.


there is joy in sucking dick
I've noticed that vacuuming your in your stomach really helps with handling weights that are just above your limit (and getting complete sets out of them). Has been really helpfull.
Trident said:
No, that's great, thank you very much for being harsh. That's really important to know. I'll just have to figure out how to rest it on the muscles instead. I bet I have my shoulders too far forward.
In addition to what Snurb said, look at the pic I posted on page 26; notice where my shoulders and elbows are relative to the bar. I actually pull them behind the bar.

BlueTsunami said:
I've noticed that vacuuming your in your stomach really helps with handling weights that are just above your limit (and getting complete sets out of them). Has been really helpfull.
Yes. Proper breathing, in rhythm, is one of the most important parts of any focused exercise.

Oh my God, my legs are sore today. I was shuffling around the building at work for the first hour or so. But it feels good. :D


Loaded With Aspartame
Captain Glanton said:
In addition to what Snurb said, look at the pic I posted on page 26; notice where my shoulders and elbows are relative to the bar. I actually pull them behind the bar.

Ah, thanks dude, that's really interesting. I will try to mentally adapt that image to involve 60 fewer lbs of muscle.
onemic said:
Oh man I'm an idiot. After what happened I went out and got myself some cookies, mainly because I was pissed. Now I absolutely regret it. Is there anyway I can run/jog it off without it affecting my weight?
If you go run some sprints, you can at least minimize the damage. It would be a lot easier if you had eaten the junk food after the exercise and not before. Don't sweat it too much, though. We've all been there for the 'oh crap, did I really just eat that?' moment.

I read the thread but didn't reply. She gave you an evasive answer because you asked her an evasive question. Just ask her to go with her, straight up.
Not all girls are crazy; just ask her.


Captain Glanton said:
If you go run some sprints, you can at least minimize the damage. It would be a lot easier if you had eaten the junk food after the exercise and not before. Don't sweat it too much, though. We've all been there for the 'oh crap, did I really just eat that?' moment.

I read the thread but didn't reply. She gave you an evasive answer because you asked her an evasive question. Just ask her to go with her, straight up.
Not all girls are crazy; just ask her.

I was hoping to get some info from her best friend first(As she was the one that pushed me to ask her in the first place) and maybe see if she was indeed giving me an evasive answer.

Oh and worst of all they were these:


Fucking Little Debbie snack cakes.
onemic said:
I was hoping to get some info from her best friend first(As she was the one that pushed me to ask her in the first place) and maybe see if she was indeed giving me an evasive answer.

Oh and worst of all they were these:


Fucking Little Debbie snack cakes.
Oh, I used to love those things. They're like a 3rd cousin to actual food.

Her best friend is the one she's yelling at right now because you asked her about the prom in such an evasive way. If you don't ask her tomorrow, I'm going to come do it myself
and then I'll get arrested because I'm 32.


Captain Glanton said:
Her best friend is the one she's yelling at right now because you asked her about the prom in such an evasive way. If you don't ask her tomorrow, I'm going to come do it myself
and then I'll get arrested because I'm 32.

Yeah I'm definately gonna attempt it again. I know her friend will ask me about how it went down yesterday, so hopefully she can give me some more insight.


there is joy in sucking dick
Had a great workout today. Did my Back, Biceps and Legs. Really felt a good pump with my biceps. I did Chinups, Preacher Curls and Dumbell Curls


Oh man, temptation hit me hard at K-Mart today. I was picking up a cooler when I got the sudden urge to go apeshit and wolf down a bag of chocolate covered peanuts. I fought it and won. It feels so good.

Although...I did breakdown a tad and buy a 99 cent lollipop near the register.
BlueTsunami said:
Had a great workout today. Did my Back, Biceps and Legs. Really felt a good pump with my biceps. I did Chinups, Preacher Curls and Dumbell Curls
Edit: Or did I just misread your post?
Yes, I did.

Mr. City said:
Although...I did breakdown a tad and buy a 99 cent lollipop near the register.


there is joy in sucking dick
Captain Glanton said:
Were Chinups and the two curls you whole workout? Or your whole upper body workout? Even for upper body, I'd like to see more back and less biceps. Always put the most work on the biggest bodyparts.

Edit: Or did I just misread your post?

Oh I also did Squats and Leg Presses then jumped to the back (Rows and Pulldowns). In the post I just pointed out the Bicep workout I did.
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