Anton Sugar
Chichikov said:While that's a good approach (one that I use as well, even though I usually don't switch grips mid-set, I pretty much know how much weight my overhand can handle) a beginner should use it with caution -
Grip problems can many times lead to confidence and form problems, especially arm bending a back looseness.
It's very important that someone trying to improve his grip through deadlifts stay very diligent on his form and make sure he's not fucking his back in the process.
This is true. But its actually consistent use of the over/under that can lead to injuries, as the supination of one arm vs the other leads to imbalance loading of the shoulders and back.
An interesting note, for anyone with a similar body to mine (long torso, long arms, short legs): just as a thought, I tried getting more upright with my deadlifts, making sure my knees still didnt go too far over the bar path. And of course (as I should have known), I was fine, due to my bodily makeup. Long torsoes + arms are good candidates for pulls from the floor. So if you're similar, get as vertical as you can without letting your shoulders get behind the bar. The added leg drive helps a lot and saves my lower back.