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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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beelzebozo said:
the first part is unfortunate, but the second part is an enviable problem! do you agree, though, that someone could conceivably eat smart, enjoy themselves, and get the same results? granted, the sort of "results" i want from my diet and exercise are drastically different than most who frequent this thread or t-nation.

If you can do/afford it, hell yes! I think I see your original point--marketing the supplement as giving you results you couldn't get if you ate naturally. The best thing about supplements is the convenience, but you can get your protein, your creatine, your vitamins from natural foods, IF you have the time and money.

A small stomach sucks sometimes, man. Wanting to eat more but not being able to? Fucking blows.
Mr. Snrub said:
Definitely toss more in. It helps me to have a BIG cup--I have a cup that holds three cups of milk, and I drink two or three of those throughout the day, plus a thermos that holds four cups of milk (I drink that two times a day as well). Drinking a lot of milk is easy if you plug it in at the right times, and it made a HUGE difference for me.

I'll start upping my milk intake and see how that does for me. I've been drinking skim mostly the last few months, so I might need to experiment with a fattier version once I've upped the skim milk intake.

You need a pulling movement--deadlifts, power cleans, or bent over rows are best. You say sometimes you leave out an exercise--don't, ESPECIALLY don't miss out on the squats, as they are what's going to make your body grow.

I've never left out squat or bench (or the dumbbell equivalent on alternating weeks), I learned a long time ago just how important bigger movements are, so I make sure to never slack on the ones I've already been doing.

Pretty much. :D You definitely have the right idea with full body movements, but until you stop making progress, keep it simple. You could get away with just doing squat, bench/overhead press, deadlift (alternated every other workout with power cleans or rows), and some ab work. You can throw in some curls too if you want. But if you hit the big three HARD three days a week, and eat a lot...it's impossible to not grow.

Would deadlift three times a week be fine, or should I alternate it with power cleans? Also, is a 3x5 for both of those reasonable, or should I aim for more of a 3x8 or 5x5 routine?

lil smoke

Mr. Snrub said:
A small stomach sucks sometimes, man. Wanting to eat more but not being able to? Fucking blows.
I've got that too. Problem is, my brain doesn't realize the stomach is too small, so the message to stop eating doesn't occur. And I end up bloated after every meal. I still eat alot, and I think my body forces it out the shithole pretty quickly. I actually have to pace drinking water a little while after eating because i'll never be able to fit the actual food down. So, yes supplements are welcome here!

No complaints though. I can't really get fat, and lifting weights gives me a nice hard muscular body, everything is in the right place. Only problem is that no excersize can give you that torso width which I wouldn't mind more of.
Soka said:
Would deadlift three times a week be fine, or should I alternate it with power cleans? Also, is a 3x5 for both of those reasonable, or should I aim for more of a 3x8 or 5x5 routine?

Deadlifting three times a week is a bit too much for most people (I'm deadlifting twice a week, but one day is a max effort day, and the other is a lighter, speed day) so yes, I would recommend alternating it with power cleans (which will help your deadlift) or barbell rows. 3x5 is great--you can ramp up the sets to 5x5 later on. 3x5 (plus a few warmup sets) is sort of a magic number for beginners.
lil smoke said:
I've got that too. Problem is, my brain doesn't realize the stomach is too small, so the message to stop eating doesn't occur. And I end up bloated after every meal. I still eat alot, and I think my body forces it out the shithole pretty quickly. I actually have to pace drinking water a little while after eating because i'll never be able to fit the actual food down. So, yes supplements are welcome here!

No complaints though. I can't really get fat, and lifting weights gives me a nice hard muscular body, everything is in the right place. Only problem is that no excersize can give you that torso width which I wouldn't mind more of.

Same. I can lose weight very easily, so I never worry about gaining too much weight (which is HARD for me to do).

Biggest compliment I had got was from a girl I hadn't seen in a while (a couple months), recently came by and we hooked up. And even with my clothes on, she said, "Wow, you've gained weight. Not in a bad way, you've like...gotten thicker."


lil smoke

Mr. Snrub said:
Same. I can lose weight very easily, so I never worry about gaining too much weight (which is HARD for me to do).

Biggest compliment I had got was from a girl I hadn't seen in a while (a couple months), recently came by and we hooked up. And even with my clothes on, she said, "Wow, you've gained weight. Not in a bad way, you've like...gotten thicker."
I get that ALL THE TIME. :D


Dark Octave said:
I fasted for 10 days a few weeks ago. 5 days just water and the other five was homemade juices from greens, carrots, apples, beats, and a bunch of other organic vegies. It took me about five days after that to work my way back to regular food. I lost 10 pounds in the process, but that wasn't the purpose of the fast.

A year earlier I did a 7 day water only fast. Not good times.

Yea, a water fast is the most difficult and going cold turkey on a water fast like that is the worst. I'm on my 3rd day without any solid foods, but the juice keeps me filled up so I'm not hungry (though I was definitely craving some hash browns and biscuits and gravy yesterday). Once I go all water tomorrow it's going to be rougher.
beelzebozo said:
the first part is unfortunate, but the second part is an enviable problem! do you agree, though, that someone could conceivably eat smart, enjoy themselves, and get the same results? granted, the sort of "results" i want from my diet and exercise are drastically different than most who frequent this thread or t-nation.

That's the key thing, isn't it. You can keep yourself lean and in good aerobic shape without ever buying a supplement. But if you want to squat double your bodyweight [meaning squat 405 at a bodyweight of 200], then the vast majority of even serious lifters won't get there without supplements. And a double bodyweight squat still isn't considered "strong" in most circles.

I know that it seems strange to spend so much on supplements, but if you have certain goals, there is no other way.


i think protein, creatine, BCAAs/aminos, and maybe fishoil should be in everyone's suppliment cabinet

on the other hand i think most prohormones (test boosters lol), NO supplements, and similar FAD supps are garbage, and a waste of money, just w/e the new marketing trend is at the time

instead of wasting money on crap prohormones, might as well buy steroids and get the real deal, and get real results


yacobod said:
i think protein, creatine, BCAAs/aminos, and maybe fishoil should be in everyone's suppliment cabinet
I don't know about creatine. Sure it has no negative side effects, but from what I understood is that it pumps up your muscles using a water based formula, so I try to stay away from shit that pumps you up faster, cause the faster you get jacked the faster you'll lose it.
Ginko said:
I don't know about creatine. Sure it has no negative side effects, but from what I understood is that it pumps up your muscles using a water based formula, so I try to stay away from shit that pumps you up faster, cause the faster you get jacked the faster you'll lose it.


I'm going to the Air Force, and I need to do at least 19 push-ups and 17 sit-ups. I'm aiming for 30 for both.

I'm 5'11" 156 lbs. and just trying to get in good shape for basic training. Let's say I have two months, any tips you can give for someone who doesn't know much about fitness?


rs7k said:
I'm going to the Air Force, and I need to do at least 19 push-ups and 17 sit-ups. I'm aiming for 30 for both.

I'm 5'11" 156 lbs. and just trying to get in good shape for basic training. Let's say I have two months, any tips you can give for someone who doesn't know much about fitness?

lol, are you female? Because I know for males it's never been that low..it was 50 push ups and 50 sit ups when I went through basic 3 1/2 years ago. It's up in the 60's now as they scale it with your age (that's to get a perfect 10 on each).

If you're a guy..and you can't do even 30 push ups or situps then..lol.
rs7k said:
I'm going to the Air Force, and I need to do at least 19 push-ups and 17 sit-ups. I'm aiming for 30 for both.

Those are EASILY reachable goals even with a military standard push up (don't bash 19 military push ups). Most of the push ups people on here do would not be counted (learned from my time at West Point).


there is joy in sucking dick
I'm looking at the American Army physical requirments and to pass Basic Training...

At 5'4: Weigh 160lb / after Basic Training 154lb

Age 22-26 Male Pushups: 31 Pushups in 2 Minutes

Age 22-26 Sittups : 43 Sittups in 2 Minutes

Age 22-26 2 Mile Run: 17 Minutes 30 Seconds

All reguirements go up a bit for Active Duty Soldiers
BlueTsunami said:
I was about to say :lol

I hope the Marines are still hardcore
Nah. I remember recently, someone on t-nation had a thread about Marine boot camp. He had panicked about his conditioning and killed himself getting ready, but when he went to camp, it turned out that he was harder on himself than the Marines were.
Odd. Unless the Air Force changed their requirements recently, it was 60 push ups in 2 minutes when I was going to go in 4 years ago.

EDIT-Some powerlifters from my gym set new world records for bench, squat and deadlifts. The french fry girl deadlifted 340 pounds.

mr stroke

Anyone ever tried this stuff? a friend of mine just started using it a couple of weeks ago and swears by it. I have heard mixed things about it(stomach problems and energy/performace drops when not using it)
I was thinking about giving it a shot but don't want to become dependant on it.




mr stroke said:
Anyone ever tried this stuff? a friend of mine just started using it a couple of weeks ago and swears by it. I have heard mixed things about it(stomach problems and energy/performace drops when not using it)
I was thinking about giving it a shot but don't want to become dependant on it.



I've never tried it, but I believe No-explode is a glorified Creatine/No2 product.

Basically it's Creatine Esthyl Either + NO2(Vasodialator /aka pump supplement)
Captain Glanton said:
NO Xplode and other NO products just give you a pump. Don't bother.
Is it okay as a creatine source, though? I'm presuming it's the same as most creatine oriented supplements, only more expensive because of the NO pump stuff.


mr stroke said:
Anyone ever tried this stuff? a friend of mine just started using it a couple of weeks ago and swears by it. I have heard mixed things about it(stomach problems and energy/performace drops when not using it)
I was thinking about giving it a shot but don't want to become dependant on it.


It actually made me nauseated, and it tastes horrible, It did work though, its just Id rather not have nausea when I work out.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Mr.City said:
Any other flat footers in this thread? Whenever I run, my ankles and shins are usually sore afterwards.

MY feet aren't flat I have a nice arch but whenever I walk/jog my ankles/shins are in blistering pain after ten minutes. I need new insoles in my work boots... :(


buckfutter said:
Is it okay as a creatine source, though? I'm presuming it's the same as most creatine oriented supplements, only more expensive because of the NO pump stuff.

Probably fine as a creatine supplement, but overly expensive. You're better off sticking to some affordable creatine monohydrate.


noxplode isnt BSN's creatine product, Cell Mass is

Noxplode is a preworkout energy type drink, NO supplement, it has some creatine, but i wouldn't call it a creatine supplement

mr stroke

Jirotrom said:
It actually made me nauseated, and it tastes horrible, It did work though, its just Id rather not have nausea when I work out.

my friend has told me the same thing..
at first you feel a little nausea/week stomach, but then he tells me its like drinking 7 red bulls.
Struct09 said:
Probably fine as a creatine supplement, but overly expensive. You're better off sticking to some affordable creatine monohydrate.
What he said.

Plain ol' creatine is the best 'bang for your buck' supplement. No reason to mess with that.
For anyone looking for a good snack, try Cabot's Greek Style Yohgurt. About 1 cup, It has 290 calories and 16 grams of whey protein. Add some honey and cinnamon (which is a good combination and VERY healthy for you), blueberries, and maybe some chopped walnuts.


Comics, serious business!
RE: Creatine. Right now I'm using GNC's store version of Purple K. I'm going to switch to Muscletech Cell-Tech after. I came across a site that did an independent review of all the creatine supps and Muscletech was #1. Anyone using it/had experience? I've heard a lot of positive things about it.

I don't know about creatine. Sure it has no negative side effects, but from what I understood is that it pumps up your muscles using a water based formula, so I try to stay away from shit that pumps you up faster, cause the faster you get jacked the faster you'll lose it.

From Wikipedia:

Ingesting creatine can increase the level of phosphocreatine in the muscles up to 20%. It must be noted creatine has no significant effect on aerobic endurance, though it will increase power during aerobic exercise.[6]

Since body mass gains of about 1 kg can occur in a week's time, many studies suggest that the gain is simply due to greater water retention inside the muscle cells. However, studies into the long-term effect of creatine supplementation suggest that body mass gains cannot be explained by increases in intracellular water alone.[7] In the longer term, the increase in total body water is reported to be proportional to the weight gains, which means that the percentage of total body water is not significantly changed. The magnitude of the weight gains during training over a period of several weeks argue against the water-retention theory.

Also, research has shown that creatine increases the activity of satellite cells, which make muscle hypertrophy possible. Creatine supplementation appears to increase the number of myonuclei that satellite cells will 'donate' to damaged muscle fibers, which increases the potential for growth of those fibers. This increase in myonuclei probably stems from creatine's ability to increase levels of the myogenic transcription factor MRF4.[8][9].

The study also showed that 1-RM bench press and total body mass increased after creatine, but not after placebo.



The way I see it with creatine is that I was able to achieve an excellent body shape without using it, so I'll just keep on doing what I'm doing while staying away from questionable supplements.

Btw, I only use Syntha 6 as a protein shake, while taking 4 scoops a day. Plus, I lead a very strictly measured diet so that I don't put on bad wight (fat) while trying to gain good wight (muscles).
I stopped using no-xplode since im on the cycle and Im taking syntha-6 as my supplements. Results are pretty damn great, my upper body is as big as I wanted it to be so far. Need to lose this fucking stomach though, my stomach is flat but it still hangs.

I agree with captain on the no-xplode , it gives you a pump but its a decent creatine source. If you work hard , working out 4 days outta 7( 2hour-2:30) ,you will see results in 1-2 months imo.

Need a recommendation on some whey protein/a new creatine source from local stores... walmart/gnc? Thinking of switching next month.

so yeah , no-xplode/syntha-6 do work but compared to others? Im pretty sure others have a better/longer effect. Im happy with my results.


Captain Glanton said:
I would suggest all GAFers read the diet for themselves, and perhaps also read the description of the philosophy behind it. I see no relation at all between the actual diet and your description of it. It's also bewildering that you refer to as "their diet," as if it's the only one discussed on a site with perhaps a few thousand articles on it.

It was better when they put out articles only on Friday and it was tmag. Also, Lyle McDonald is the go-to guy with respect to diet.

They have a few good authors though, e.g Eric Cressey.

Also, much respect to poster a page back doing UD2.0. You're in for living hell, but in a good way. Sort of. Depletion sucks.


I'm sure this has already been addressed in this thread, but anyways, is there a tip to get more ripped? I think I am at a point where I am happy with my muscle size, but I just want them to be more defined. Should I do more sets/reps instead of upping the weight? What about the amount of cardio?


aznpxdd said:
I'm sure this has already been addressed in this thread, but anyways, is there a tip to get more ripped? I think I am at a point where I am happy with my muscle size, but I just want them to be more defined. Should I do more sets/reps instead of upping the weight? What about the amount of cardio?

It's all diet at that point, man. (sorry)
Jason's Ultimatum said:
For anyone looking for a good snack, try Cabot's Greek Style Yohgurt. About 1 cup, It has 290 calories and 16 grams of whey protein. Add some honey and cinnamon (which is a good combination and VERY healthy for you), blueberries, and maybe some chopped walnuts.

Dude I miss Cabot. BEST DAIRY IN THE COUNTRY!!! Only no fat Cottage Cheese that is worth a damn.



Started reading the thread after looking over it for several months. First off, it gives my attitude a nice kick. To read about so many of you who have such diligent habits really makes me aspire toward the same.

ABOUT ME: I consider myself a beginner, but I've been working out infrequently for years and recently have started going 1-3 times a week (not as consistent as I should be). I've gained about 8lbs of muscle in the last month and a half, lift about 10lbs more in some exercises, and naturally look a bit bigger. Nonetheless, I need help. I'm pretty thin and healthy. But I get the impression that I could be spending my time at the gym a little more wisely.

I'm 6-foot 1-inch and weigh only 157lbs. The weight is in the right places, at least, and I'm cut alright, but I'd like to get stronger and start going to the gym 3 times a week. To do this, I need a regiment that I would have confidence in. I play soccer twice a week and I'm in good shape, so cardio isn't a concern. Just strength.

I'm just looking for some tips on how I should begin eating, without dramatically changing my diet, and what those 3 trips to the gym (as much as my schedule can handle, I think) should be composed of.

MY SHITTY ROUTINE: As of now I usually alternate between 1) a day of arms (biceps, triceps, forearms), 2) a day of chest (incline, decline, flat bench, flies [well, the one where you pull the weights to the middle from the outside]), 2) back/shoulders (this is really inconsistent, unfortunately)

All I do right now is ensure that I have a protein shake immediately before or after the workout (BioX Xtreme Whey Pro-Blast 26g of protein - pretty standard, I guess? didn't put much investigation into it) and a good meal afterwards (usually something with chicken). Right now I'm not hardcore enough to start downing raw eggs (ok maybe that's not "hardcore"), but I'm definitely interested in whatever advice you guys can give me.
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