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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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there is joy in sucking dick
aznpxdd said:
I'm sure this has already been addressed in this thread, but anyways, is there a tip to get more ripped? I think I am at a point where I am happy with my muscle size, but I just want them to be more defined. Should I do more sets/reps instead of upping the weight? What about the amount of cardio?

As already stated, diet. Theres also cardio but you want to do cardio that will impact your muscle gains the least which means the obligatory HIIT recommendation. You essentially want to shrink wrap your muscles by dropping body fat.
Socreges said:

Started reading the thread after looking over it for several months. First off, it gives my attitude a nice kick. To read about so many of you who have such diligent habits really makes me aspire toward the same.

ABOUT ME: I consider myself a beginner, but I've been working out infrequently for years and recently have started going 1-3 times a week (not as consistent as I should be). I've gained about 8lbs of muscle in the last month and a half, lift about 10lbs more in some exercises, and naturally look a bit bigger. Nonetheless, I need help. I'm pretty thin and healthy. But I get the impression that I could be spending my time at the gym a little more wisely.

I'm 6-foot 1-inch and weigh only 157lbs. The weight is in the right places, at least, and I'm cut alright, but I'd like to get stronger and start going to the gym 3 times a week. To do this, I need a regiment that I would have confidence in. I play soccer twice a week and I'm in good shape, so cardio isn't a concern. Just strength.

I'm just looking for some tips on how I should begin eating, without dramatically changing my diet, and what those 3 trips to the gym (as much as my schedule can handle, I think) should be composed of.

MY SHITTY ROUTINE: As of now I usually alternate between 1) a day of arms (biceps, triceps, forearms), 2) a day of chest (incline, decline, flat bench, flies [well, the one where you pull the weights to the middle from the outside]), 2) back/shoulders (this is really inconsistent, unfortunately)

All I do right now is ensure that I have a protein shake immediately before or after the workout (BioX Xtreme Whey Pro-Blast 26g of protein - pretty standard, I guess? didn't put much investigation into it) and a good meal afterwards (usually something with chicken). Right now I'm not hardcore enough to start downing raw eggs (ok maybe that's not "hardcore"), but I'm definitely interested in whatever advice you guys can give me.

The hell is your lower body lifting!?

Squat! Squat like your life depends on it! Playing soccer is great cardio, but it will not build muscle mass in your lower body like a good few set of squats will! Squats are such an intense lift that it really is great for more than just your legs, you'll feel it in a lot of your body as you balance your self, support the weight properly across your upper back, and then actually get to the point where you begin the squatting motion. If I had more time I'd go into more detail about your routine, but I need some sleep and if no one has gotten to you by tomorrow mid day I will give you my thoughts on all this.


Soka said:
The hell is your lower body lifting!?

Squat! Squat like your life depends on it! Playing soccer is great cardio, but it will not build muscle mass in your lower body like a good few set of squats will! Squats are such an intense lift that it really is great for more than just your legs, you'll feel it in a lot of your body as you balance your self, support the weight properly across your upper back, and then actually get to the point where you begin the squatting motion. If I had more time I'd go into more detail about your routine, but I need some sleep and if no one has gotten to you by tomorrow mid day I will give you my thoughts on all this.
Thanks, please do!

My buddy who I often go to the gym with was telling me that I need to work out my legs. I resisted... I avoid it because I don't know how it would affect my speed/agility. Would squats HELP with those things?? I'm afraid that brute leg strength would hamper my performance.


Socreges said:
Thanks, please do!

My buddy who I often go to the gym with was telling me that I need to work out my legs. I resisted... I avoid it because I don't know how it would affect my speed/agility. Would squats HELP with those things?? I'm afraid that brute leg strength would hamper my performance.

This is a huge concern for me as well. I play soccer competitively; I might appreciate a little extra zazz to my free kicks and volleys, but I'm kind of concerned that extra strength will throw my touch off.

Oh, and I'm also worried about height compression that comes with the territory of squats -- does that only happen with the super heavy lifters? I'm between 5'7" and 5'8", so I don't need to be losing any more inches! I figure there's some sort of substitute, but every fitness buff I've EVER talked to will ALWAYS say you can never replace squats with ANYTHING.


yacobod said:
dont use any muscletech supps LOL :lol :lol :lol
Hey, I didn't say you shouldn't use'em, by all means do as you wish. I'm just saying that I have an excellent body that is defined and ripped extremely well, all while only using Syntha 6 and a good diet.


Socreges said:
Thanks, please do!

My buddy who I often go to the gym with was telling me that I need to work out my legs. I resisted... I avoid it because I don't know how it would affect my speed/agility. Would squats HELP with those things?? I'm afraid that brute leg strength would hamper my performance.

Hey Socreges glad you are trying to get serious about lifting. Now lets think about this for one second. How can adding more muscle/endurance/explosion on your lower leg possible will make you slower? Have you seen the legs of sprinters or running backs in the nfl? The gym I go to has a few soccer players and they do heavy squats.

On that note, squats work out so much more than your legs. It really does improve your core and I notice at least on my body it paid so much dividends on my entire body. I went from never squatting out of fear of getting hurt, to this afternoon squatting 300 pounds ( in under 2 months going from 45 lbs to 300 o_O). And again it help build some nice foundation for my other work outs.

It sounds like you are just starting. I know you mention you do 1-3 work out a week but it is not consistant. I highly suggest doing the Strength training program from Mark Ripptoes. I did it for a few months and again it did wonders for my foundation. Most important thing is working on complex exercise that involve more than one muscle group at a time.

On another note, food will play a huge role in your progression. Actually it will play the biggest role. If you are motivated I highly suggest doing some research on your own. Not only will it prove that you are motivated enough to do this, but will help you retain what you learn in the long run.

Sorry for the run on but again. Dont be afraid to work out those legs! They are your biggest mucsle group and they need love!

Edit: Why do people that if you do squat (or any exercise for that matter), the next day you will wake up with trunks for legs??? It is not going to happen guys. Quit thinking that if you squat you will gain 30 pounds of rocks in your thighs.


Socreges said:
Thanks, please do!

My buddy who I often go to the gym with was telling me that I need to work out my legs. I resisted... I avoid it because I don't know how it would affect my speed/agility. Would squats HELP with those things?? I'm afraid that brute leg strength would hamper my performance.
I lift and do squats on regular basis. I also play soccer and have my own team in college. My advice is that you SHOULD work out your legs, and yes it will boost your performance noticeably, especially your aggressiveness and body shape, which will make it harder for defenders to take the ball from you. I also played with a couple of pros who were in vacation here in Miami (at the beach) and damn I thought I was ripped for a soccer player, but when I saw this guy from Paris Saint-Germain, he was twice as big and twice as ripped, especially his legs, which made it impossible to take the ball from him.

Bottom line, legs are important, for sprinting and fast movement, and also ball position and aggressiveness.

HOWEVER, remember this, you have to ALWAYS run at least twice a week, and I'm talking real serious running, aside from your soccer games of course. Cause you don't want to gain muscles while losing your lean body, which will effect your performance negatively.


Squats and Rippetoes!! Squats and Rippetoes!!

Seriously I'm going to try some light squats tomorrow. I've got soccer at night, but a little introduction wouldn't hurt.

And where exactly should I go first to check out Mr Rippetoe?

BTW, what are barbell rows??

Ginko, great points.
Tristam said:
Oh, and I'm also worried about height compression that comes with the territory of squats -- does that only happen with the super heavy lifters? I'm between 5'7" and 5'8", so I don't need to be losing any more inches! I figure there's some sort of substitute, but every fitness buff I've EVER talked to will ALWAYS say you can never replace squats with ANYTHING.

Are YOU squatting 600+ pounds? No? Then what are you worrying about?

Furthermore, as far as I know, the whole "compression" thing is a myth. Big squatters usually have VERY strong backs, which only support and brace the spine. Furthermore, when you squat CORRECTLY, the bar is not placed on your spine. Most super-heavy squatters use a low bar position anyways.
Socreges said:
Squats and Rippetoes!! Squats and Rippetoes!!

Seriously I'm going to try some light squats tomorrow. I've got soccer at night, but a little introduction wouldn't hurt.

And where exactly should I go first to check out Mr Rippetoe?

BTW, what are barbell rows??

Ginko, great points.

Shell out $25 for his book, Basic Barbell Training: http://www.startingstrength.com/

It's pretty much the best $25 you'll spend if you're serious about weight training. He also has a forum he uses to answer questions, but he WILL know if you ask him a question and haven't read his book yet. He's kind of a no b.s. kinda guy as well. The forum is here: http://www.strengthmill.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=36

The correct form for barbell rows: http://www.elitefitness.com/forum/weight-training-weight-lifting/bb-rows-madcow-366601.html
jakershaker said:
Can't recommend it enough really. And it's so damn fun too, especially if you have a friend to start doing it with so you can pressure eachother.

Yes, this is what I'm gonna do. I already have two friends doing it, but they are in advanced classes so me and another guy is gonna go for a beginner's class. Gonna be fun as hell!


Ginko said:
Hey, I didn't say you shouldn't use'em, by all means do as you wish. I'm just saying that I have an excellent body that is defined and ripped extremely well, all while only using Syntha 6 and a good diet.

im pretty sure syntha is a BSN product, so............


there is joy in sucking dick
Mr. Snrub said:
Shell out $25 for his book, Basic Barbell Training: http://www.startingstrength.com/

It's pretty much the best $25 you'll spend if you're serious about weight training. He also has a forum he uses to answer questions, but he WILL know if you ask him a question and haven't read his book yet. He's kind of a no b.s. kinda guy as well. The forum is here: http://www.strengthmill.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=36

The correct form for barbell rows: http://www.elitefitness.com/forum/weight-training-weight-lifting/bb-rows-madcow-366601.html

I haven't done Barbell rows but I have done Dumbbell rows. Such a great workout. I remember doing them the first time and my lats were so freakin sore the next day.


Soka said:
The hell is your lower body lifting!?

Squat! Squat like your life depends on it! Playing soccer is great cardio, but it will not build muscle mass in your lower body like a good few set of squats will! Squats are such an intense lift that it really is great for more than just your legs, you'll feel it in a lot of your body as you balance your self, support the weight properly across your upper back, and then actually get to the point where you begin the squatting motion. If I had more time I'd go into more detail about your routine, but I need some sleep and if no one has gotten to you by tomorrow mid day I will give you my thoughts on all this.
pulling a tire up a hill will build those leg muscles:p


Unconfirmed Member
Soka said:
The hell is your lower body lifting!?

Squat! Squat like your life depends on it! Playing soccer is great cardio, but it will not build muscle mass in your lower body like a good few set of squats will! Squats are such an intense lift that it really is great for more than just your legs, you'll feel it in a lot of your body as you balance your self, support the weight properly across your upper back, and then actually get to the point where you begin the squatting motion. If I had more time I'd go into more detail about your routine, but I need some sleep and if no one has gotten to you by tomorrow mid day I will give you my thoughts on all this.
This, and I would get a trainer or something like that to work on your squat form the first time or two you try it. Bad squat form can lead to a lot of injuries.


I noticed there's nothing in the OP about protein powder or supplements unless my eyes are failing me. It might be a good idea to include a section since the question of "is brand x protein shake mix any good?" seems to be pop pretty often.
jacf29 said:
Should I be worried about the amount of sodium I consume per day?
Do you have a family history of heart trouble? Do you put salt on things, or eat too much pre-prepared food [food that comes wrapped in plastic]?

If so, yes. If not, no.


good lord im tired, heavy rball playing today, i ended up not lifting.

Anywho I want to put some things in perspective for people as to why I never weigh myself when Im cutting and building muscle... I started lifting and playing rball again about 7 weeks ago...

I weighed 235 pounds, today I weight 232 pounds:lol but here is the thing,

I've lost 3 inches off my waist line and 6 of my belly. I've added about an inch of muscle to my thighs and around half an inch to my calves. My back is noticeably larger and my forearms are about 3/4ths an inch thicker while more lean looking. Basically the point I'm making is that muscle weighs a bit and that using that tape measurer at least for me has always been a great way to monitor growth and fat loss.


Comics, serious business!
Jirotrom said:
good lord im tired, heavy rball playing today, i ended up not lifting.

Anywho I want to put some things in perspective for people as to why I never weigh myself when Im cutting and building muscle... I started lifting and playing rball again about 7 weeks ago...

I weighed 235 pounds, today I weight 232 pounds:lol but here is the thing,

I've lost 3 inches off my waist line and 6 of my belly. I've added about an inch of muscle to my thighs and around half an inch to my calves. My back is noticeably larger and my forearms are about 3/4ths an inch thicker while more lean looking. Basically the point I'm making is that muscle weighs a bit and that using that tape measurer at least for me has always been a great way to monitor growth and fat loss.

What about tracking your BMI?


RSTEIN said:
What about tracking your BMI?
I dont agree with BMI, it doesn't work for everyone. I assume a normal person with average musculature, BMI tracking works, but I think a person who builds muscle to be stronger than average and bulkier will have issues getting accurate results.

Body fat percentage measurements and tape measurements have always worked better for me, right now my body fat is still high, I can see it in the mirror:p, but Im in a bulking phase that ends after next week. for the next 6 weeks I will be in a purely cutting phase, I'll probably lose a little muscle in the process, but I know my body fairly well and what I can do with it.

Anywho, im not some guru on this stuff... I'm just posting what works for me.


I am Wayne Brady.
Jirotrom said:
I dont agree with BMI, it doesn't work for everyone. I assume a normal person with average musculature, BMI tracking works, but I think a person who builds muscle to be stronger than average and bulkier will have issues getting accurate results.

Body fat percentage measurements and tape measurements have always worked better for me, right now my body fat is still high, I can see it in the mirror:p, but Im in a bulking phase that ends after next week. for the next 6 weeks I will be in a purely cutting phase, I'll probably lose a little muscle in the process, but I know my body fairly well and what I can do with it.

Anywho, im not some guru on this stuff... I'm just posting what works for me.

I think they was jokin'.

at least i hope so lol.
Aquavelvaman said:
I like how someone denounces BMI measurements every other page in this thread.

It would actually be a damned good measurement if it included Bodyfat %. But that makes it harder to easily understand, plus getting an accurate reading of bodyfat % is difficult.

Therefore, BMI sucks it.


Mr. Snrub said:
Not everyone can afford WiiFit, you snob.

fuck Wii Fit, this is a real fitness therad

it felt SO good to go to the water park in Disney World - Blizzard Beach with your shirt off, that hard work pays off ...

ugh today I'm taking two hours of cycling class, I promised this girl I'd stay for the 8 o clock one too... :(. But awesome for cardio homies!





This is new. There are some slight pain in my right hip after doing my squats today. I'm assuming that's my hip abductor.
The Purposeful Primitive-Great new book by the esteemed Marty Gallagher, has gotten great reviews by Dorian Yates, Randall Strossen, Clarence Bass, Dan John, Charles Staley, and Mike Burgener (these are all very well respected names, if you don't know). I haven't checked it out yet, but it looks great, and Marty Gallagher always has good stuff. Will hopefully be ordering a copy in July.


Have you guys ever taken a class in the gym called body combat? I did it with my girlfriend, yo - fuck that class I'm not even kidding I though lifting weights and running/cycling I thought I was in pretty decent shape to take that class...you have no idea :lol.
Captain Glanton said:
My BMI is 32.5.

Eat less, fatty fat McFatster.

Mr. Snrub said:
The Purposeful Primitive-Great new book by the esteemed Marty Gallagher, has gotten great reviews by Dorian Yates, Randall Strossen, Clarence Bass, Dan John, Charles Staley, and Mike Burgener (these are all very well respected names, if you don't know). I haven't checked it out yet, but it looks great, and Marty Gallagher always has good stuff. Will hopefully be ordering a copy in July.

Will this be carried at places like Barnes and Noble or should I just look into an online purchase?

mr stroke

Christopher said:
Have you guys ever taken a class in the gym called body combat? I did it with my girlfriend, yo - fuck that class I'm not even kidding I though lifting weights and running/cycling I thought I was in pretty decent shape to take that class...you have no idea :lol.

tae bo?


there is joy in sucking dick
suffah said:
Is creatine recommended before you lift? If yes, what's a good brand to buy?

If your going all the way with creatine consumption, theres more to just drinking it like a Protein drink. You seemingly have to flood your body with the stuff than manage it in a certain way. I'm not sure if casual creatine drinking (like just before a workout for every workout) will have that much of an effect.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
BlueTsunami said:
If your going all the way with creatine consumption, theres more to just drinking it like a Protein drink. You seemingly have to flood your body with the stuff than manage it in a certain way. I'm not sure if casual creatine drinking (like just before a workout for every workout) will have that much of an effect.
I've read any more than 5g a day is a waste and gets pissed out.


Creatine is dirt cheap, you might as well use it, it does work. I find that it doesn't take very much at all to make a difference. I put 1 heaping teaspoon in a shake of some sort, when I'm using it.


BlueTsunami said:
If your going all the way with creatine consumption, theres more to just drinking it like a Protein drink. You seemingly have to flood your body with the stuff than manage it in a certain way. I'm not sure if casual creatine drinking (like just before a workout for every workout) will have that much of an effect.

yeah they want you to load up on it the first week of use, but from what I keep hearing that is actually useless and just a way to get people to use their supply up faster.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
What do you recommend for creatine cycling? I used it for around 9 weeks (first time) and stopped two weeks ago tomorrow. When should I start up again?


there is joy in sucking dick
demon said:
What do you recommend for creatine cycling? I used it for around 9 weeks (first time) and stopped two weeks ago tomorrow. When should I start up again?

The ratio seems to be, 5+ Weeks on 2 Weeks off. Not sure if you need to load up again after the off weeks though.


RSTEIN said:
Sorry, I'm a bit confused. You want to gain muscle mass and your plan is to... run? Running is great! Where are the weights? The meal plan?
Good point! Unfortunately, I don't have time for strength training yet. When I find more time, I plan to change things up and run a slower-paced 10-minute run, followed by 20 minutes of pushups, situps, squats and such. Probably twice a week. Are there any good resources for planning such a routine? I'll need to make sure its structured to track progress and make sure I'm giving it my all (despite that there's nobody there pushing me). Additionally, I'll need to get back into some sort of full-body activity. Swimming, perhaps. In everything I do, I want to use as little specialized equipment as possible.

However, I really do not want to change my diet. I eat (and have always eaten) a diet consisting mainly of grains and dairy products. I'm not too concerned about it, for now at least.


suffah said:
Is creatine recommended before you lift? If yes, what's a good brand to buy?

The timing around a workout isn't terribly important, but it's often recommended to take it with a high carb meal for best uptake. A lot of people take their creatine post-workout with a high carb meal/shake.

As for a brand, this is what I've used in the past: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/hp/creatine.html (I'm not trying to plug bodybuilding.com, you might be able to find it elsewhere for cheaper)


most creatine powders taste like ass - plus my friend use to mix it with Cranberry Juice ugh god disgusting....BUT there was this awesoem Lemon Ice one that I got called Trac I believe that was really good guys.


Christopher said:
most creatine powders taste like ass - plus my friend use to mix it with Cranberry Juice ugh god disgusting....BUT there was this awesoem Lemon Ice one that I got called Trac I believe that was really good guys.
mix it with pomegranate juice:D


BlueTsunami said:
Mixing Creatine with anything containing Glycogen (Juice drinks) = fast delivery to muscles! or something

Glycogen is stored sugar in animal cells (typically in muscles and the liver). I think the word you were looking for is glucose ;)


I just ate a couple more pizza slices than I should've. The last time I ate pizza was 2 months ago. I feel so bad.
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