Tanned Greyface said::lol
Ok, I've searched through the thread and all I see are snide asides regarding WiiFit. Can I get some definitive statements from the regulars in this thread (if you're not already tired of giving your advice to family and friends who jumped on the Wii bandwagon)?
Is WiiFit good for cardio at the least or is it essentially a chimera?
Jason's Ultimatum said:I give up on leg workouts. Squatting and leg presses are just too fucking awkward for me. I can't get the form right, even with help from the pros, and lunges are just bad for your knees.
So anyway, starting Monday, I'm going to start flipping over a tractor tire (even though it'd be more of a total body workout). Maybe start out at 25 yards and build my way up. At my apartment, I've been skipping every 2 steps, lifting off one leg at a time. I do it 20 times and it tightens my quads up after doing them. I don't expect to get my legs huge from just doing them, but keeping them shape is good enough for me. Maybe with me eating more, I can get some of that fat to my legs. =\
lil smoke said:Yeah, squats are not an enjoyable movement. I do it every now and then, but with little enthuse and probably the amount I put on isn't really what it should be.
I know that I'm an upper body kinda person. Chest stuff has been easy since I was in the 9th grade, but even back then I could not squat for shit. What is it about squats? I don't mind leg press, curl, extensions... they all hurt and burn like hell, but at least I don't feel like my legs are going to give out. My shits feel like wet noodles when I start decending :lol
Tanned Greyface said::lol
Ok, I've searched through the thread and all I see are snide asides regarding WiiFit. Can I get some definitive statements from the regulars in this thread (if you're not already tired of giving your advice to family and friends who jumped on the Wii bandwagon)?
Is WiiFit good for cardio at the least or is it essentially a chimera?
leg pressing works pretty well.Mr. Snrub said:Lame. Who are the "pros"? The trainers at the gym you're going to, most likely don't count.
Tire flips are a great exercises. But for your legs and gaining leg size, nothing matches squats.
I enjoy watching those sorts of displays.BlueTsunami said:There was this skinny dude at the gym yesterday, he put 2 45s on a straightbar (to bench). I was like, holy crap this dude is awesome then he proceeded to push the weight off the rest and bring it down then flail about as if he was convulsing. I was going to go over and help him but his last push which made is back arch rather high, got it up and he placed it back on the rest. Ouch
Thanks. That's what I needed to hear. I'll stop bitching and suck it up.Mr. Snrub said:Pretty sure every single dude in the gym is an upper body kinda person. :lol
Squats hurt like hell, but you are missing a valuable component of a workout if you are skipping out on them.
As the great Bill Starr put it, "I happen to believe that if you enjoy every exercise there's something missing from your routine."
Shit that is funny. But, skinny guy at least got it up. Hope his back is ok. :lolBlueTsunami said:There was this skinny dude at the gym yesterday, he put 2 45s on a straightbar (to bench). I was like, holy crap this dude is awesome then he proceeded to push the weight off the rest and bring it down then flail about as if he was convulsing. I was going to go over and help him but his last push which made is back arch rather high, got it up and he placed it back on the rest. Ouch
RSTEIN said:I didn't mean to be snooty about Wii Fit. Yes, if it gets an otherwise inactive person off the couch sure it's better than nothing. What I hate to see is people looking to Wii Fit as a way to "get back into shape." Save the $100 or whatever it costs and read this thread.
Jirotrom said:leg pressing works pretty well.
Mr. Snrub said:Pretty sure every single dude in the gym is an upper body kinda person. :lol
Squats hurt like hell, but you are missing a valuable component of a workout if you are skipping out on them.
As the great Bill Starr put it, "I happen to believe that if you enjoy every exercise there's something missing from your routine."
lil smoke said:Part of getting in shape (fuck that... MOST of it) is the discipline aspect.
Im with you, I find displacing plenty of weight to be rewarding, in an almost primitive way.Soka said:I think I'm one of the few people that is the opposite. As much as squats burn, I love doing them, because it's the largest amount of weight I push on any single exercise and I just like seeing several big plates on the bars, I guess. Sort of a simplistic reason to like it, but it is satisfying in some way. And lunges, not as much weight on them, but I still love 'em.
I like that quote about not enjoying everything.
Jason's Ultimatum said:I give up on leg workouts. Squatting and leg presses are just too fucking awkward for me. I can't get the form right, even with help from the pros, and lunges are just bad for your knees.
Mark Rippetoe said:There are very few certainties in the gym, except that if you don't squat, you're a pussy.
Ace 8095 said:Don't be a pussy.
Mr. Snrub said::lol :lol :lol
One of my favorite quotes of his.
Also: "If you absolutely have to wear lifting gloves, just make sure they match your purse."
Struct09 said:Bah, I respect Rippetoe, but that one is lame. I've lifted both with and without gloves, and my girlfriends tend to be much happier when my hands aren't blistered and calloused to hell.
I remember watching Reg Park workout one time. He was doing squats. He had half the weights in the gym draped across his shoulders and the owner biting his nails in case the wood floor broke. Park did rep after rep and each one looked like the last. One of the guys watching nudged me and said,
Have you ever seen anyone work harder than that?
No. I said. I havent. I never saw anyone with more muscle either.
We watched Park finish his workout. Then we went out for a bite to eat and the guy said. Do you think its really necessary to workout that hard?
Sure. I said. Dont you?
He thought for a minute. I dunno. I never worked that hard but I got a few muscles.
Sure. I said. But you look like somebodys mother-in-law alongside Park.
The guy munched his sandwich with a pained look.
Thats what makes the difference. {hard work} I said. Anyone can work out easy with moderate weight and develop a fair body. Thats what most trainees do. But hard work on the right exercises is what separates the champions from everyone else. I bite into my sandwich and chewed it down. How much do you squat for reps?
Around two-fifty. He said.
Okay. I said. So your muscles have grown enough to handle two hundred and fifty pounds, and that gave you some fair development. But Park was using over 500 for reps! That means his muscles have grown enough to handle twice what you do. And that, pure and simple, is why he has so much more muscle than you. He looked like he was thinking about it so I continued. Reg Park was at your stage of development at one time. He probably squatted 250 and had a corresponding level of development. But the difference with Park is that he had the ambition and mental drive to keep forcing the weights upward even after he had a nice build. He wanted to be the best so he kept adding weight a few more pounds at a time. Now he looks like Superman.
The guy finished his sandwich. You figure that does it, eh?
Right. I said. Correct exercise, tremendous weights, and hard, hard work. Its simple as that.
RSTEIN said:I don't know about those push-ups but I've done a lot of research on ab exercises. General conclusions:
- Most back injuries arise because because lift with their back instead of PULL with their abs.
- The standard sit-up/crunch is scientifically proven to be the least effective ab exercise.
- You should focus on: reverse crunches, bicycle crunches, & vertical crunches.
- If you're going to do a sit-up (i.e. lifting your entire torso off the ground perpindicular to the floor) do not bend your knees. Spread your legs and flatten them. Again, pull with the abs, do not lift with the shoulders/back.
To clarify, I'm not referring to gamers who are playing a game while doing light activity.urk said:There's nothing inherently incorrect about what you've said here, but I think plenty of people in the fitness community should realize that not everyone, and in fact very few people, are looking to achieve maximal fitness and conditioning. So while the Wii might have a place next to a barbell or a sandbag, it might fit perfectly well in the living room of a guy and his girlfriend who just want to do something a little more active a few times a week. Sure, they won't reach their peak physical conditioning, but so what? Few people ever will. And if they can drop a couple of pounds using a video game and it's something they can stick with, then I don't see the problem with it.
PatzCU said:Good info to know. I just read the OP to make sure I'm not missing anything here. I started a normal workout routine again about 6 weeks ago, and I feel like my core is definitely the weak link in my workout. I know this will sound horrible, but my usual thing to do is roughly 100 crunches everyday after I'm done working out.
The crunches aren't really challenging me anymore and I'm getting some freakishly unbalanced muscle growth in my abs. Can you link me to a good site for reference on how to do some of the above exercises? I know the 'bicycle' crunches are great for you, but I can not for the life of me figure out how to do them correctly. Maybe there is a less technical way to get a good ab workout in?
lil smoke said:'m more on the people who like to defend WiiFit as a means of proper exercise. For example, we shouldn't be talking about WiiFit in this thread. No one should be able to cmd-f and find the word Wii.
Struct09 said:Why not? It works great as something to get you monitoring your weight and stretching your muscles, and even encourages you to eat better and do activities outside the game. Plus, this is the official fitness thread of a gaming web site.
I think the vast majority of people know that Wii Fit isn't a complete fitness solution.
My first lunch:Christopher said:Talk about Wii Fit all you want, who gives a shit - it's worthless, but hey whatever gets you motivated.
Anyway - What are you guys drinking as your protien? Anyone have any protien shakes that they make by mixing the weigh whey with anything? Tips ideas??
Who couldve imagined that a website showing a picture of girl doing one legged ball assisted triceps kickback on its main page would suck?Captain Glanton said:DO NOT BUY ANY PRODUCTS BY GO FITNESS, AKA GO FIT. THEY FUCKING SUCK. MY VEST FELL APART TODAY AFTER I'D HAD IT ABOUT A WEEK.
SuperAndroid17 said:Hey guys , Ive been taking supplements for about 4months now , cycling off creatine in this month and Ive been taking 4 months of protein shakes on and off. I was thinking of stopping and going the natural protein food area since my budget wont allow me to buy alot of supplements anymore. I will continue to work out every day and week... but since I wont be taking these things anymore.. .what will change? size ? strength?
IT WAS THE ONLY BRAND I WAS GOING TO FIND IN TOWN. I NEEDED IT TO GET IN SHAPE TO MOVE. AN OLD FRIEND CAME INTO TOWN. MY CAR RAN OUT OF GAS. LOCUSTS. IT WASN'T MY FAULT I SWEAR TO GOOOOOOD.Chichikov said:Who couldve imagined that a website showing a picture of girl doing one legged ball assisted triceps kickback on its main page would suck?
You will most likely lose size and strength. Not everything you've gained, but you will notice it. The better quality supps you were losing, the more you'll notice it.SuperAndroid17 said:anyone else?
SuperAndroid17 said:anyone else?
you know I was actually holding out for a week to ask you about that vest, now I know.Captain Glanton said:DO NOT BUY ANY PRODUCTS BY GO FITNESS, AKA GO FIT. THEY FUCKING SUCK. MY VEST FELL APART TODAY AFTER I'D HAD IT ABOUT A WEEK.
Christopher said:Talk about Wii Fit all you want, who gives a shit - it's worthless, but hey whatever gets you motivated.
Yeah, I probably said too much in this thread, perhaps too opinionated, and not my place... but hey we all have our philosophies. I think motivation comes from something deeper than any video game though. (oops I'm doing it again :lol )Struct09 said:Heh, Wii Fit is definitely not worthless. You don't have to like it, but it's great for what it is. Wii Fit is not what gets me motivated, I've been a fitness and nutrition freak for many years now.
It's sad that Wii Fit is getting hated on in this thread. There's a progress thread on the gaming side where people are tracking their stats with Wii Fit, and it's motivating some to change their lifestyles.
I have never met a cheap protein supp. The $10 range will get you a 4 pack of protein shakes about 20g each... but that's Mucsle Milk, which most people don't like. What about straight up GNC whey?Mgoblue201 said:Is there a relatively cheap protein supplement of any kind that I can buy? It seems like most of them are $40 or $50 but come in containers so big that I wouldn't doubt NASA astronauts stock them up for year long missions. I'm looking for something in the $10 or $20 range if that's possible. I'm sort of unsure and reticent about trying it out in the first place, so I wanted something cheap that I could use for a short time.
lil smoke said:Yeah, I probably said too much in this thread, perhaps too opinionated, and not my place... but hey we all have our philosophies. I think motivation comes from something deeper than any video game though. (oops I'm doing it again :lol )
Struct09 said:It's sad that Wii Fit is getting hated on in this thread. There's a progress thread on the gaming side where people are tracking their stats with Wii Fit, and it's motivating some to change their lifestyles.
Mgoblue201 said:Is there a relatively cheap protein supplement of any kind that I can buy? It seems like most of them are $40 or $50 but come in containers so big that I wouldn't doubt NASA astronauts stock them up for year long missions. I'm looking for something in the $10 or $20 range if that's possible. I'm sort of unsure and reticent about trying it out in the first place, so I wanted something cheap that I could use for a short time.
JCX9 said:Would swimming regularly be better cardio than running regularly?