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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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Chichikov said:
Oh, gotcha now, that's obviously perfectly fine.

What Glanton said is what I meant as well, just so you know. :D

Mr. Snrub said:
The bar should ALWAYS be in contact with your body. If it's not, it's farther away from your center, and thus you are making the movement harder than it needs to be. You are mechanically at a disadvantage the further away the bar is from your body.

I will keep this in mind in the future. As it is, I keep it well within an inch of my calves, and have gotten in the habit of lowering it along my thighs. I will need to work on keeping it against my shins.


Soka said:
What Glanton said is what I meant as well, just so you know. :D

I will keep this in mind in the future. As it is, I keep it well within an inch of my calves, and have gotten in the habit of lowering it along my thighs. I will need to work on keeping it against my shins.

Scars on your shins are like a badge of honor. And it will make everyone in the gym think you're some sort of freak. It's a win-win.

Also, I officially love my X-Vest, but I overdid it by walking with it again tonight. I added some weight to make it 46 lbs. and then walked for about 55 minutes. It's essentially a 55 minute continuous shrug. My traps are dying - every time I move they kind of cramp up. Arrggh
Dice Man said:
Also, I officially love my X-Vest, but I overdid it by walking with it again tonight. I added some weight to make it 46 lbs. and then walked for about 55 minutes. It's essentially a 55 minute continuous shrug. My traps are dying - every time I move they kind of cramp up. Arrggh


I'm posting while "playing" MGS4. Multitasking, bitches!
Dice Man said:
That's that stuff they put in Chinese food isn't it? Mmmm General Tso's chicken...
What I'm watching right now might as well have been written by General Tso, in the original Chinese, for all the sense it makes.


So its been a month since I started back to working out and I kinda surprised at how much I have gained back so far considering I didn't go to the gym for a couple of years on a regular basis.

First work out I could barely get a set of 175 bench 4 times without arms going to crap, now a month later I can do 2 sets of 8 at 225 pounds without much trouble.

I loathe doing legs and back exercises, love the treadmill, biceps exercises hurt my wrists even at low weights( 35 pound bells) which I am getting checked out. My eating habits have toned down but no where near "healthy"

Overall, a successful month.:D
When doing deadlifts is it normal to scrap up one shin more than the other, or does that indicate poor form? I am using an alternate grip, and my left shin (left hand is dominant, so palm is towards me) gets scraped up much more than my right.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Oh yes. My grocery store starting carrying multiple flavors of the Myoplex Deluxe bar [before they only had Peanut Butter], and I tried the Chocolate version. So much easier to eat and it doesn't take me 15 minutes to eat it. Taste is still whatever [still better than any other protein bar though], but it's a lot more digestible.


Jealous Bastard
Christopher said:
and I had a big ass cheeseburger and fries with my girlfriend at Ruby Tuesday's :lol

We're all being bad tonight :D

i woke up this morning and i'm still not hungry. holy jebus.

i've been working on defeating my nighttime cereal eating habits by putting a sign up on my bedroom door that just says "no cereal!!" for every morning i don't, i tally another mark. some nights it's harder than others; last night, i didn't stir at all. ice cream must knock me into a sugary coma.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Quadrophenic said:
When doing deadlifts is it normal to scrap up one shin more than the other, or does that indicate poor form? I am using an alternate grip, and my left shin (left hand is dominant, so palm is towards me) gets scraped up much more than my right.

Are you using a supinated grip? If so, try double overhand and see if you're still doing it.
Quadrophenic said:
When doing deadlifts is it normal to scrap up one shin more than the other, or does that indicate poor form? I am using an alternate grip, and my left shin (left hand is dominant, so palm is towards me) gets scraped up much more than my right.
I would look very, very closely at your foot position and make sure they are 100% even. And even ask a veteran lifter to watch you pull, to look for any twisting movement.
Alright, I just set up a new daily morning regiment for myself. Everyday I get up around 5 a.m. or so, warm up/stretch for a good bit, and then play basketball for 40-45 mins. Following this I jog for 15-20 mins. With this set up I'm getting all my cardio out of the way and setting up my morning with alot of energy. Now its just a matter of finding more time at my gym to round it all out.


Jealous Bastard
i seriously admire people who get up at 5a.m. there's something majestic and mysterious about the world that early, before nearly everyone else in your world wakes up.
beelzebozo said:
i seriously admire people who get up at 5a.m. there's something majestic and mysterious about the world that early, before nearly everyone else in your world wakes up.

Seriously its awesome, no cars around, only the sound of your heartbeat, birds chirping. That nice twilight in the sky that borders the morning and evening. I love it, makes the city seem so much more calm and serene.


Urban Scholar said:
Seriously its awesome, no cars around, only the sound of your heartbeat, birds chirping. That nice twilight in the sky that borders the morning and evening. I love it, makes the city seem so much more calm and serene.

I leave for work at about 5 every morning and then drive about 25 minutes to work out in the country, and its one awesome drive. The Rockies to my right, and the antelopes and elk to my left.


woohoo! Im done with my rest, I was getting antsy but I needed 2 days off for my body to heal. Im going hiking today after church:D
Greetings everyone,

I just found this thread and felt compelled to post my story; hopefully it will serve as inspiration for some you fine folks. Bottom line, if I can do it (a severly sedentary, overweight gamer, anyone can.)

Long story short, I was severely overweight and I had enough. I knew that I had to change my life. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I told myself that under no circumstance would I allow myself to get discouraged. So I committed to changing my lifestyle.

I started slowly, easing my way in to a new lifestyle (I pretty much had to because I was so obese that I knew that making any extremely changes right off the bat would only lead to failure)

I began by eliminating a ton of unhealthy foods from my diet (fast food, sugary drinks) and cutting back moderately on the amount of food consumed.

Then after a while I incorporated very light exercise (10 minutes of light cardio for about a week, then upped it to about 15 minutes for a few weeks [that was all I could muster, I was really overweight remember and I didn't want to push myself too hard])

After a while, I changed my diet completely; I eliminated almost all processed foods and generally all foods considered junky. I started eating only self-prepared meals (lean meats and fish, grains, vegetables, fruits, etc.) and I also started paying closer attention to the amount of food consumed. I would eat no more than 2,000 calories a day.

Then again, after a while, I started working out harder, upping my cardio to 20 minutes, then to 30 minutes, then to 30 minutes cardio with light weight lifting.

Now, I'm doing about 30 minutes cardio with about 30 minutes of moderate weight training.

It's been a hard fought journey, but it's been worth every moment. Believe that it's possible. All it takes is real commitment and discipline. It's extremely easy to get discouraged and that's really the problem that come along with making change. But if you can get over the mental challenges, everything will fall in line.

Here are some progress pics I've taken:








I still need to shed some weight, but soon I want to move towards firming and toning up.

I don't want this experience simply to be one of weight loss. I want to sustain this healhty lifestyle for the rest of my life so i know I still have a lot to learn.

Well, I hope this encouraged some of you and thank you for allowing me to share. If anyone ever needs advice or encouragement, or anything, feel free to PM me.

Thanks again!


Gold Member
Dude, that's awesome. It's great to see how your face has got definition once your weight has gone down. That's the best part.

I'm on a similar journey, although I'm starting "only" 20kg over the "ideal weight". I shed a similar amount once with Atkins for the wedding - fast, but hardly sustainable, and eats muscle. And it comes back. But I know the amount is well doable, and if I find the right lifestyle, also sustainable.

This time I've taken it much slower, and I have tried to build muscle mass as I go. I'm now 8kg down since March, but the trajectory has been steady so I'm not worried. I eat small meals every three hours with lots of protein and fibre. I do lots of sports during the week - this week's training schedule has included (in addition to flying to San Francisco and returing to Helsinki)

- 4 x running - total 36 km / average speed 9.5km/h - around 150 BPM
- 2 x spinning - 60 min fat burner classes - around 145-160 BPM
- 3 x gym - 45 minutes each - back, front, legs

The hard thing to me is that my diet was not really broken to boot so I didn't have a whole lot of carbs or junk food to shed from my diet in the first place. I eat pretty much straight from the book of healthy lifestyle. I also take Wheybolic (250kcal / 60g P / 7g C) as a supplement. It must just be my body being really slow in dissolving the fat, hence my weight is coming down so slowly.

Like you said, it's all in not giving up. I've found the Wii Fit a fantastic motivator. I can see there the trajectory to confirm to myself that I'm on the right path, even if it's so damn slow.


First, I want to say congrats to the poster before me. Seeing your pictures gives me motivation to continue.

So i'll go ahead and post an update on week 5:

Start: 203 pounds

End of week 1: 201 pounds

End of week 2: 199 pounds

End of week 3: 196.5 pounds

End of week 4: 194 pounds

End of week 5: 193 pounds

I only lost about a pound this week, but I expected it for 2 reasons. 1st, I only had enough time to run 2 times (although I've been doing situps and pushups every other day still). Also, after loosing so much weight in a month I was expecting a week of little weight loss.

Hopefully next week I go down 2 pounds.
Quadrophenic said:
When doing deadlifts is it normal to scrap up one shin more than the other, or does that indicate poor form? I am using an alternate grip, and my left shin (left hand is dominant, so palm is towards me) gets scraped up much more than my right.

As was suggested, make sure your form is correct.

Also remember that your lats should actively be "pulling" (or more like locking in place) your arms toward your legs. I use a double overhand grip for as MANY of my deadlift sets as possible, until I am physically unable to hold the weight, then I switch to an over/under. Give double overhand a try, and think of this cue in your head to activate your lats: pull your arms toward your body with your armpits. Weird, but it works.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Did some full squats (150-200-250-300 x 5-15) after lunges and SBSL DL and felt ok on the ankles. I used a really narrow stance with my feet at about 100 degrees and I might just stick with that for now since I didn't feel any pain. Also got my cg bench to 280 x 4 after doing my legs which I never do.

I tried to upload a video on youtube of some full squat form but it takes forever. Sort of new to me i've never seen my form and i'm quite happy my ass goes past my calves to my lower ankles I didn't know I was that flexible. :lol


MortalMonkey said:
Greetings everyone,

I just found this thread and felt compelled to post my story; hopefully it will serve as inspiration for some you fine folks. Bottom line, if I can do it (a severly sedentary, overweight gamer, anyone can.)

Long story short, I was severely overweight and I had enough. I knew that I had to change my life. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I told myself that under no circumstance would I allow myself to get discouraged. So I committed to changing my lifestyle.

I started slowly, easing my way in to a new lifestyle (I pretty much had to because I was so obese that I knew that making any extremely changes right off the bat would only lead to failure)

I began by eliminating a ton of unhealthy foods from my diet (fast food, sugary drinks) and cutting back moderately on the amount of food consumed.

Then after a while I incorporated very light exercise (10 minutes of light cardio for about a week, then upped it to about 15 minutes for a few weeks [that was all I could muster, I was really overweight remember and I didn't want to push myself too hard])

After a while, I changed my diet completely; I eliminated almost all processed foods and generally all foods considered junky. I started eating only self-prepared meals (lean meats and fish, grains, vegetables, fruits, etc.) and I also started paying closer attention to the amount of food consumed. I would eat no more than 2,000 calories a day.

Then again, after a while, I started working out harder, upping my cardio to 20 minutes, then to 30 minutes, then to 30 minutes cardio with light weight lifting.

Now, I'm doing about 30 minutes cardio with about 30 minutes of moderate weight training.

It's been a hard fought journey, but it's been worth every moment. Believe that it's possible. All it takes is real commitment and discipline. It's extremely easy to get discouraged and that's really the problem that come along with making change. But if you can get over the mental challenges, everything will fall in line.

Here are some progress pics I've taken:

I still need to shed some weight, but soon I want to move towards firming and toning up.

I don't want this experience simply to be one of weight loss. I want to sustain this healhty lifestyle for the rest of my life so i know I still have a lot to learn.

Well, I hope this encouraged some of you and thank you for allowing me to share. If anyone ever needs advice or encouragement, or anything, feel free to PM me.

Thanks again!
F'n awesome man... really awesome.


Mr. Snrub said:
Sorry, but if you want to get serious about deadlifting, keeping the bar in contact with your body is the only safe way to perform them when the weight gets heavier. There's a reason that good deadlifters will chalk up their shins, shave their shins, or wear high socks--you MUSTS keep the bar in contact the whole way. This poses NO danger to your knees--I'm not sure why you think it would. If your knees are in the way by the time the bar reaches them (your shins should be practically vertical/perpendicular to the ground by this point), it is a form problem.

You are correct about your head position, though. It is perfectly normal/ok to keep a "neutral" spine position, which involves looking at the floor for much of the lift. I've stopped looking "up" the whole time.

I like to live dangerously...

The more I think about it the more you make sense, people at the gyms I've gone to never really deadlifted so I haven't gotten to see a whole lot besides what I see in the mirror when I do them. I've seen a couple weightlifting videos, but never really noticed how they did it, but looking at them now I see they do pull it up against their skin/pants the whole time. I never actually thought it to be a good idea, but now it seems it is the proper way to do it, I'll give it a shot next time I do back and see how it works out. It's been a while since I had a new sudden revelation about an exercise, I won't lie, I'm actually pretty excited. Thanks for the tip.


Went to the gym with a buddy today and finally tried some squats. Damn...they are a bitch to do, but they are highly recommended no?
Uncooked said:
I like to live dangerously...

The more I think about it the more you make sense, people at the gyms I've gone to never really deadlifted so I haven't gotten to see a whole lot besides what I see in the mirror when I do them. I've seen a couple weightlifting videos, but never really noticed how they did it, but looking at them now I see they do pull it up against their skin/pants the whole time. I never actually thought it to be a good idea, but now it seems it is the proper way to do it, I'll give it a shot next time I do back and see how it works out. It's been a while since I had a new sudden revelation about an exercise, I won't lie, I'm actually pretty excited. Thanks for the tip.

Good luck! Let us know if you have more questions!

aznpxdd said:
Went to the gym with a buddy today and finally tried some squats. Damn...they are a bitch to do, but they are highly recommended no?

In my opinion, absolutely necessary.
Im starting to gain weight again (Hopefully mostly muscle)!

After a few months of working out on a poor diet bad routine and not gaining any weight what so ever, also no improvments on my strenghth, I have changed my routine up.

For example I was doing the same amount of weight on my bench routine for those 3-4 months.

Some things I have changed
*I am now taking a protien supplement, 28g per shake drink one post workout and and one at night for workout days and one on rest days in the morning. This is after not being on any supplement for those 3-4 months. I also drink one creatine monohydrate scoop postworkout.

*I go to the gym every other day always instead of maybe every 2 days or 3 days maybe even 4. Usually always got 2-3 days a week in though

*I started to workout my back, which I wasn't

*I now have two different workouts for each muscle, to change things up a bit so my body does not get "adapted" to the workout.

After doing this for a 3-4 weeks, Im starting to see some gains about 4 pounds I put on. Hopefully this is muscle and not all fat.
RSTEIN said:
Why is it impossible to buy 2 50lbs dumbells? I can't find them anywhere.
Whenever I run into a situation like that, I find it best to assume that everyone at the stores is actively trying to make me look foolish.


Lucky bastards, the Bally I go to only goes to 100 and the Base Gym out at Pete once went to 130, but now it only goes to 100. Suckas ass big time they got rid of them, because I was using the 130's for Dumbell Rows and Shrugs.


I am Wayne Brady.
RSTEIN said:
Why is it impossible to buy 2 50lbs dumbells? I can't find them anywhere.

You should be able to find a bar online or something. Then you can just stack on how much you need seeings that you can find plates all over the place. I got two dumbbell bars that I can stack about 100 on there. Problem is i gotta put 2 25s on that bitch and those 25 pound plates are huge so it feels wierd trying to tote it around. But i can do up to 80 of all tens...but it's hard to keep those last 10s on.


Sweet Jesus, the selection of food at my college cafeteria is pure shit. Greasy hamburgers, energy drinks, ice cream, and soda. No wonder most of our youth is fat and lazy. The only decent things to eat here are fruit salad, vegetable cups, and lean means slathered in honey mustard and mayo and encased in white bread.

Wish I packed a snack :(

/rage over


Army death height crane group location world
MortalMonkey said:
Greetings everyone,

I just found this thread and felt compelled to post my story; hopefully it will serve as inspiration for some you fine folks. Bottom line, if I can do it (a severly sedentary, overweight gamer, anyone can.)

Long story short, I was severely overweight and I had enough. I knew that I had to change my life. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I told myself that under no circumstance would I allow myself to get discouraged. So I committed to changing my lifestyle.

I started slowly, easing my way in to a new lifestyle (I pretty much had to because I was so obese that I knew that making any extremely changes right off the bat would only lead to failure)

I began by eliminating a ton of unhealthy foods from my diet (fast food, sugary drinks) and cutting back moderately on the amount of food consumed.

Then after a while I incorporated very light exercise (10 minutes of light cardio for about a week, then upped it to about 15 minutes for a few weeks [that was all I could muster, I was really overweight remember and I didn't want to push myself too hard])

After a while, I changed my diet completely; I eliminated almost all processed foods and generally all foods considered junky. I started eating only self-prepared meals (lean meats and fish, grains, vegetables, fruits, etc.) and I also started paying closer attention to the amount of food consumed. I would eat no more than 2,000 calories a day.

Then again, after a while, I started working out harder, upping my cardio to 20 minutes, then to 30 minutes, then to 30 minutes cardio with light weight lifting.

Now, I'm doing about 30 minutes cardio with about 30 minutes of moderate weight training.

It's been a hard fought journey, but it's been worth every moment. Believe that it's possible. All it takes is real commitment and discipline. It's extremely easy to get discouraged and that's really the problem that come along with making change. But if you can get over the mental challenges, everything will fall in line.

Here are some progress pics I've taken:








I still need to shed some weight, but soon I want to move towards firming and toning up.

I don't want this experience simply to be one of weight loss. I want to sustain this healhty lifestyle for the rest of my life so i know I still have a lot to learn.

Well, I hope this encouraged some of you and thank you for allowing me to share. If anyone ever needs advice or encouragement, or anything, feel free to PM me.

Thanks again!

Awesome progress dude. Something you gotta fixed now though... You're posture looks really crazy. That's gotta be hell on your back and knees especially. You're pelvis is misaligned and it's causing your front to balance too much of your bodyweight. Don't be too freaked out though. It's called anterior pelvic tilt I BELIEVE. Either way you can correct it. I was standing exactly like that 1-2 years ago, but I got it to fix itself 95% as I got stronger in the gym doing tons of leg exercises.

I recommened posting these pictures on more specialized boards dealing with powerlifting/olympic lifting/sports for exact/professional advice. Keep going!


Mr. Snrub said:
I do "olympic/full" squats with lighter weight on my light days. Completely different beast from low bar squats.

Yeah, I sucked at them at first and could only do 1 plate a side, but after a month and a half I am doing full squats with 360 now and have added about an 1.5 to my legs.


Comics, serious business!
Sol.. said:
You should be able to find a bar online or something. Then you can just stack on how much you need seeings that you can find plates all over the place. I got two dumbbell bars that I can stack about 100 on there. Problem is i gotta put 2 25s on that bitch and those 25 pound plates are huge so it feels wierd trying to tote it around. But i can do up to 80 of all tens...but it's hard to keep those last 10s on.

Yeah, that's what I'm probably going to have to do. I don't have a bench tho... I use a
swiss ball
when I do presses, skull crushers, cross face, flys, etc. I'd have to buy a bench if I got a bar.
First off, congrats MortalMonkey, it's awesome to see people apply them selves to make change... and I'm sure this thread is full of it.

I'm glad I saw this thread, because I woke up quite painfully with my chest hurting. I'm assuming that this is caused by me sitting on my ass eating junk food (I eat a normal meal and I still eat fruit and whatnot, but still a lot of garbage) and not getting any real exercise for the last six months (I had health instead of gym in school, where they taught me that my body needed exercise but deprived me of the only time I get it).

Even if the chest pain doesn't have to do with this, I'd still like to change it. What kind of cardio exercise would be the best in this situation (or would it be any?) and what is some good snack food to eat at the computer when I am sitting on my ass?


I am Wayne Brady.
apocalidiot said:
First off, congrats MortalMonkey, it's awesome to see people apply them selves to make change... and I'm sure this thread is full of it.

I'm glad I saw this thread, because I woke up quite painfully with my chest hurting. I'm assuming that this is caused by me sitting on my ass eating junk food (I eat a normal meal and I still eat fruit and whatnot, but still a lot of garbage) and not getting any real exercise for the last six months (I had health instead of gym in school, where they taught me that my body needed exercise but deprived me of the only time I get it).

Even if the chest pain doesn't have to do with this, I'd still like to change it. What kind of cardio exercise would be the best in this situation (or would it be any?) and what is some good snack food to eat at the computer when I am sitting on my ass?

Do whatever gets you all sweaty. Run the stairs, run in place, play ddr if you have it, go out and throw 100 pitches, kick the old soccerball around, shoot some hoops, ride on some lollerskates, whatever. If you want to continue/get serious about it. You'll know what to do. Best part of the journey is finding out what works best for you.

Ace 8095

Straightballin said:
Im starting to gain weight again (Hopefully mostly muscle)!

After a few months of working out on a poor diet bad routine and not gaining any weight what so ever, also no improvments on my strenghth, I have changed my routine up.

For example I was doing the same amount of weight on my bench routine for those 3-4 months.

Some things I have changed
*I am now taking a protien supplement, 28g per shake drink one post workout and and one at night for workout days and one on rest days in the morning. This is after not being on any supplement for those 3-4 months. I also drink one creatine monohydrate scoop postworkout.

*I go to the gym every other day always instead of maybe every 2 days or 3 days maybe even 4. Usually always got 2-3 days a week in though

*I started to workout my back, which I wasn't

*I now have two different workouts for each muscle, to change things up a bit so my body does not get "adapted" to the workout.

After doing this for a 3-4 weeks, Im starting to see some gains about 4 pounds I put on. Hopefully this is muscle and not all fat.

I would suggest posting your workout so we can evaluate it. The 4 pounds you added could simply be extra water that everyone gains when they begin taking creatine.
Ace 8095 said:
I would suggest posting your workout so we can evaluate it. The 4 pounds you added could simply be extra water that everyone gains when they begin taking creatine.

Alright this is my workout plan

Day 1
1) Dumbell Curls
2) Close grip Barbell Curls
3) Laying Dumbell curls
4) Concentration Curls
5) Preacher Hammer Curls
Day 2
1) Preacher Barbell Curls
2) Wide grip Barbell Curls
3) Incline Dumbell curls
4) Reverse Grip Barbell Curls
5) Chin ups

Day 1:
1) Flat Dumbbell Bench
2) Incline Dumbbell Bench
3) Decline Dumbbell Bench
4) Incline Dumbbell Flyes
5) Random Machine
Day 2:
1) Flat Barbell Bench
2) Hammer grip Incline Dumbbell Press
3) Flat Dumbbell Flyes
4) Machine
5) Machine

Day 1:
1) One Arm Side Deltoid Laterals
2) Incline Two Arm Front Deltoid Dumbbell Raises
3) One Arm Front Cable Raises
4) Machine Military
Day 2:
1) Military Press
2) Standing Two Arm Dumbell Presses
3) Two Arm Front Deltoid Dumbbell Raises
4) Machine Bench one

Day 1:
1) Dips
2) Cable Single Arm Extensions
3) Reverse Bench Presses
4) Lying Dumbbell Extensions
5) Close Grip Bench
Day 2:
1) 1 Dumbell Extension
2) Two Arm Lying Dumbbell Extensions
3) Knell bench Dumbell Extension
4) V bar Push Downs
5) Machine Hammer Extensions

My back workout is somewhere cant get it right now.

These are my splits Biceps/Triceps, Chest/Shoulders, Back/Legs (only like one or two workouts havent gotten in to legs yet) and Abs.

Every other day.
Straightballin said:
Alright this is my workout plan

Day 1
1) Dumbell Curls
2) Close grip Barbell Curls
3) Laying Dumbell curls
4) Concentration Curls
5) Preacher Hammer Curls
Day 2
1) Preacher Barbell Curls
2) Wide grip Barbell Curls
3) Incline Dumbell curls
4) Reverse Grip Barbell Curls
5) Chin ups

Day 1:
1) Flat Dumbbell Bench
2) Incline Dumbbell Bench
3) Decline Dumbbell Bench
4) Incline Dumbbell Flyes
5) Random Machine
Day 2:
1) Flat Barbell Bench
2) Hammer grip Incline Dumbbell Press
3) Flat Dumbbell Flyes
4) Machine
5) Machine

Day 1:
1) One Arm Side Deltoid Laterals
2) Incline Two Arm Front Deltoid Dumbbell Raises
3) One Arm Front Cable Raises
4) Machine Military
Day 2:
1) Military Press
2) Standing Two Arm Dumbell Presses
3) Two Arm Front Deltoid Dumbbell Raises
4) Machine Bench one

Day 1:
1) Dips
2) Cable Single Arm Extensions
3) Reverse Bench Presses
4) Lying Dumbbell Extensions
5) Close Grip Bench
Day 2:
1) 1 Dumbell Extension
2) Two Arm Lying Dumbbell Extensions
3) Knell bench Dumbell Extension
4) V bar Push Downs
5) Machine Hammer Extensions

My back workout is somewhere cant get it right now.

These are my splits Biceps/Triceps, Chest/Shoulders, Back/Legs (only like one or two workouts havent gotten in to legs yet) and Abs.

Every other day.

Jesus Christ, man. How long have you been lifting? What do you weigh and what's your height?
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