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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Hey guys need some recomendations on weight vest. need one for walking. can't run because of the direct impact on my knees (have no cartlidge left) and am still looking for a good way to burn fat while walking. got a lot of weight to shed.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Chichikov said:
here you go -

sexy times.

Seriously, enough of this shit in this thread.
lost Project Ego screenshot?


I am Wayne Brady.
Chichikov said:
here you go -

Did you need inspiration for that shot? when i used to intern at a studio and help a photographer. Often i'd have to strip nude molest a watermelon to ensure that the model could look off with a convincing stare.


Sol.. said:
Did you need inspiration for that shot? when i used to intern at a studio and help a photographer. Often i'd have to strip nude molest a watermelon to ensure that the model could look off with a convincing stare.
Nah, I just needed to go to Naked Snake's profile.
I'm stronger, hairier and usefully shirtful.

Cheesiness aside, it’s actually a pretty nice picture.
Chichikov said:
Nah, I just needed to go to Naked Snake's profile.
I'm stronger, hairier and usefully shirtful.

Cheesiness aside, it’s actually a pretty nice picture.

I was wondering if I'm the only one who reads the Post New Pics thread.

Not a Jellyfish said:
Hey guys need some recomendations on weight vest. need one for walking. can't run because of the direct impact on my knees (have no cartlidge left) and am still looking for a good way to burn fat while walking. got a lot of weight to shed.
DON'T BUY A VEST FROM GO FITNESS. Or anything else from Go Fitness, for that matter.

Go with X-Vest. I felt no pounding on my knees with 40lbs, but with zero cartiledge, your results may vary.


I moved up to about 3.5 miles today. Now i'm doing 3.5 miles every other day. It's becoming easier and easier to run now. Feels like less of a chore, and more of something I need to do in order to feel good the rest of the day.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Sol.. said:
Did you need inspiration for that shot? when i used to intern at a studio and help a photographer. Often i'd have to strip nude molest a watermelon to ensure that the model could look off with a convincing stare.
he's looking to the right...
Holy shit, someone started a Starting Strength Wiki: http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/Starting_Strength_Wiki

Hell fucking yes, jackpot for anyone wondering about form: http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/Video

Also has a page with some great Rippetoe quotes:

"The only legitimate use for a glove is to cover an injury... A desire to prevent callus formation (possibly so as to not snag one's pantyhose) does not constitute a legitimate use. "

On steroids:

"There are no shortcuts. The fact that a shortcut is important to you means that you are a pussy. "

In response to a guy complaining that his leg curl weight hasn't increased since he started dead lifting:

"That's like bitching about masturbation not being fun anymore since you started dating a porn star"

On drinking not 1, but 2 gallons of milk/day:

"But you would be shitting primarily cheese. Are you ready for this?"

A Rip Anecdote:

My favorite happens to be the tale on supplementary equipment. A man insisted on wearing straps for exercises he probably could have gotten away without having worn them. Rip, in classic Rip fashion, decided to start wearing straps to do all sorts of things, including opening doors and going to the bathroom (he would wear one on his "holding" hand, gotta have wrist support for that) until the guy stopped wearing straps completely.

Now I also know that you're supposed to 'listen to your body', but my brain says 'don't be a pussy, and just lift the fucking weights', and that's just what I do.

Newb: Got any good ab exercises?

Rip: Got any better questions?

We never consciously squeeze our asscheeks in the weight room. It's not a valuable biomechanical cue, and it might get misinterpreted by the guys on the next platform.

Critiqueing a power clean:

"...it shows a problem known as a Donkey Kick. As the jump occurs, the heels come up in the back and then stomp back down into place. This is a terrible waste of time and energy, and contributes nothing to making the bar go up. Stop doing this immediately or I will have you killed."

Shitting yourself when you deadlift was omitted from [Starting Strength]. The best way to avoid this is to not deadlift when you need to shit, and vice versa. Planning is the key here.

Rip: You need to drink one gallon of full fat milk everyday. It's almost mandatory.

Somebody from audience: I'm lactose intolerant, could I substitute milk for yogurt?

Rip: Gallon of yogurt.

I strongly advise against intentionally farting whilst moving heavy weights. Sometimes -- especially under those circumstances -- farts have a solid center.

One of my favs:

"Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general. "

Inspiration to get off your ass:

…we have not spent the last 65 million or so years finely honing our physiology to watch Oprah. Like it or not, we are the product of a very long process of adaptation to a harsh physical existence, and the past couple centuries of comparative ease and plenty are not enough time to change our genome. We humans are at our best when our existence mirrors, or at least simulates, the one we are still genetically adapted to live. And that is the purpose of exercise.


Alright, I'm in a bit of a bind right now and I'm not sure what to do.

I started getting back into lifting about 1.5 months ago. From what I was told by previous trainers; whenever starting back up from scratch, it's good to do a lot of free-weights to build up stabilizer muscles and overall strengthen your body for more forceful exercises that are tough on your joints like bench press.

Ok, with that explanation out of the way, I went to the gym with a friend last week and decided that now that I have a buddy, I'll go ahead and do some flat bench. So I do my first set, everything is fine. My friend tells me that it's good to bring the bar past a 90 degree angle with your elbows, bringing the bar closer to your chest. So on my 2nd set, I do just this. Unfortunately, bringing the bar down closer to my chest caused a ridiculous amount of pain to shoot through the 'front' of my right shoulder. 1.5 weeks later and my shoulder is still hurting. I can still workout, but if I up the weight too much, it hurts. If I do certain chest exercises, it irritates the hell out of my shoulder.

I've never really dealt with a strained muscle before. I really don't want to stop lifting for 2 weeks as some have suggested. What have you guys done in this situation? Do I take a break completely or is it ok to do exercises that don't irritate my shoulder, and just take it easy with the weight on chest exercies?

Thanks for the help! I just don't want to lose all the progress I've made so far in the 6 weeks since I've started.

(Also, maybe someone could clarify the correct form for a bench press?)

lil smoke

:lol yeah I've taken on the milk advice, and I'm now at the

"where can I fart safely-stage"

"how long will this fart smell take to dissipate before someone walks in"

"Damn near need to bring an extra set of underwear to work now."

"will bleach get this out?"

.. ok that's all from me. I'm gettin' annoyin' hehe
PatzCU said:
Alright, I'm in a bit of a bind right now and I'm not sure what to do.

I started getting back into lifting about 1.5 months ago. From what I was told by previous trainers; whenever starting back up from scratch, it's good to do a lot of free-weights to build up stabilizer muscles and overall strengthen your body for more forceful exercises that are tough on your joints like bench press.

Ok, with that explanation out of the way, I went to the gym with a friend last week and decided that now that I have a buddy, I'll go ahead and do some flat bench. So I do my first set, everything is fine. My friend tells me that it's good to bring the bar past a 90 degree angle with your elbows, bringing the bar closer to your chest. So on my 2nd set, I do just this. Unfortunately, bringing the bar down closer to my chest caused a ridiculous amount of pain to shoot through the 'front' of my right shoulder. 1.5 weeks later and my shoulder is still hurting. I can still workout, but if I up the weight too much, it hurts. If I do certain chest exercises, it irritates the hell out of my shoulder.

I've never really dealt with a strained muscle before. I really don't want to stop lifting for 2 weeks as some have suggested. What have you guys done in this situation? Do I take a break completely or is it ok to do exercises that don't irritate my shoulder, and just take it easy with the weight on chest exercies?

Thanks for the help! I just don't want to lose all the progress I've made so far in the 6 weeks since I've started.

(Also, maybe someone could clarify the correct form for a bench press?)

Well, with the bench, you should always be touching the bar to your chest. However, some people have problems when benching and keeping the elbows "out". Try benching with your elbows closer to your body (the bench will touch lower, possibly to your sternum) and see how that feels EVENTUALLY. For now, don't do anything until you are recovered.
PatzCU said:
Alright, I'm in a bit of a bind right now and I'm not sure what to do.

I started getting back into lifting about 1.5 months ago. From what I was told by previous trainers; whenever starting back up from scratch, it's good to do a lot of free-weights to build up stabilizer muscles and overall strengthen your body for more forceful exercises that are tough on your joints like bench press.

Ok, with that explanation out of the way, I went to the gym with a friend last week and decided that now that I have a buddy, I'll go ahead and do some flat bench. So I do my first set, everything is fine. My friend tells me that it's good to bring the bar past a 90 degree angle with your elbows, bringing the bar closer to your chest. So on my 2nd set, I do just this. Unfortunately, bringing the bar down closer to my chest caused a ridiculous amount of pain to shoot through the 'front' of my right shoulder. 1.5 weeks later and my shoulder is still hurting. I can still workout, but if I up the weight too much, it hurts. If I do certain chest exercises, it irritates the hell out of my shoulder.

I've never really dealt with a strained muscle before. I really don't want to stop lifting for 2 weeks as some have suggested. What have you guys done in this situation? Do I take a break completely or is it ok to do exercises that don't irritate my shoulder, and just take it easy with the weight on chest exercies?

Thanks for the help! I just don't want to lose all the progress I've made so far in the 6 weeks since I've started.

(Also, maybe someone could clarify the correct form for a bench press?)

You have inflammation of the connective tissue in your shoulder. DO NOT PRESS THE ISSUE
[that's both a bad pun and awesome game reference]
. Cut your pressing weight by half, at least, and add another 10% back on each week--but cut the weight back down if you feel the pain again. Ice the area extensively after every workout that affects it, and increase your fish oil intake by 70,000%.


Captain Glanton said:
You have inflammation of the connective tissue in your shoulder. DO NOT PRESS THE ISSUE
[that's both a bad pun and awesome game reference]
. Cut your pressing weight by half, at least, and add another 10% back on each week--but cut the weight back down if you feel the pain again. Ice the area extensively after every workout that affects it, and increase your fish oil intake by 70,000%.

Awesome, I knew you would pull through here. Thanks for the advice, I definitely can't do press much at all. I've been doing fly-type chest exercises. I don't take fish oil, but I've been considering it, maybe this would be a good time to start. Hope this heals quick, it's so annoying.


there is joy in sucking dick


Aaaaargh, I just need to vent a bit.

I'm pretty much stuck at 165. I cannot seem to move from this spot, and I've been stuck here for several months. I'm still 18% BF. I've done high carb(definitely does not work for me - I constantly feel like garbage on a high carb diet) moderate carb(what some would consider low, probably - Around 150-200g/day), and low carb(<20 to 50 per day). None have given me results. I've tried lifting 3 times a week, cardio 5-7 times a week, and both combined. I'm just not getting anywhere. My diet is totally clean. I have tried anywhere from a ridiculously low 1300 calories a day(terrible idea, but I was desperate) to around 2300 calories a day(When I was working out 8-10 times/wk - I think my daily estimated cal burn per day at that point was ~2700).

I'm going to be honest, I'm losing motivation. Being stuck in a rut like this is absolutely killing me, especially since previous to this stop I had gone through about 80 pounds in 12 months.

Any advice? I'm actually contemplating increasing calories and trying to put on some lean mass in the hopes that if I can gain a decent amount of muscle over the next, say, 20 pounds, then I can shed fat when I cut back down. Is this reasonable or should I just keep banging my head against the wall and hoping something gives? Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!
Wraith said:
Aaaaargh, I just need to vent a bit.

I'm pretty much stuck at 165. I cannot seem to move from this spot, and I've been stuck here for several months. I'm still 18% BF. I've done high carb(definitely does not work for me - I constantly feel like garbage on a high carb diet) moderate carb(what some would consider low, probably - Around 150-200g/day), and low carb(<20 to 50 per day). None have given me results. I've tried lifting 3 times a week, cardio 5-7 times a week, and both combined. I'm just not getting anywhere. My diet is totally clean. I have tried anywhere from a ridiculously low 1300 calories a day(terrible idea, but I was desperate) to around 2300 calories a day(When I was working out 8-10 times/wk - I think my daily estimated cal burn per day at that point was ~2700).

I'm going to be honest, I'm losing motivation. Being stuck in a rut like this is absolutely killing me, especially since previous to this stop I had gone through about 80 pounds in 12 months.

Any advice? I'm actually contemplating increasing calories and trying to put on some lean mass in the hopes that if I can gain a decent amount of muscle over the next, say, 20 pounds, then I can shed fat when I cut back down. Is this reasonable or should I just keep banging my head against the wall and hoping something gives? Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!

Are you trying to go up or down? What are your strength, bodyweight, and bodyfat goals? And can you give us an honest breakdown of your daily eating habits?
I just had the most intense workout of my life. It consisted of riding my bike 2.5 miles, my brakes cutting into my tires which resulted in me falling and cutting up my hands and knees, and it finished with me carrying my bike on my back to my home.

Ace 8095

Wraith said:
Aaaaargh, I just need to vent a bit.

I'm pretty much stuck at 165. I cannot seem to move from this spot, and I've been stuck here for several months. I'm still 18% BF. I've done high carb(definitely does not work for me - I constantly feel like garbage on a high carb diet) moderate carb(what some would consider low, probably - Around 150-200g/day), and low carb(<20 to 50 per day). None have given me results. I've tried lifting 3 times a week, cardio 5-7 times a week, and both combined. I'm just not getting anywhere. My diet is totally clean. I have tried anywhere from a ridiculously low 1300 calories a day(terrible idea, but I was desperate) to around 2300 calories a day(When I was working out 8-10 times/wk - I think my daily estimated cal burn per day at that point was ~2700).

I'm going to be honest, I'm losing motivation. Being stuck in a rut like this is absolutely killing me, especially since previous to this stop I had gone through about 80 pounds in 12 months.

Any advice? I'm actually contemplating increasing calories and trying to put on some lean mass in the hopes that if I can gain a decent amount of muscle over the next, say, 20 pounds, then I can shed fat when I cut back down. Is this reasonable or should I just keep banging my head against the wall and hoping something gives? Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!
Why would you want to weigh less than 165? I can pretty much guarantee that you have an irrational fear of being fat because you once were. You are no longer fat. Just because you're not cut like an Abercrombie model doesn't mean you're fat. My advice would be to post pics of yourself here so we can all tell you that you're no longer fat and then go into a serious weight-training program.


Captain Glanton said:
Are you trying to go up or down? What are your strength, bodyweight, and bodyfat goals? And can you give us an honest breakdown of your daily eating habits?

I'm 100% not sure right now whether I should go up or down. I've been trying to go down and it has not been working. I have neither strength nor bodyweight goals. My bodyfat goal is 10%. Assuming 18% right now, I have 29.7 pounds of fat. To hit 10%, then, I would need to drop to 150 and ensure that every single pound lost was fat. Since that seems unlikely(impossible?), we're realistically talking going down to 140 or so which seems tiny at 5'10. This is all assuming that I can somehow manage to budge the scale again and keep it moving for a full 25 pounds.

Honest breakdown of my eating habits? Sure. Here is what I would currently eat were I targeting 2k cals.

Morning: Two cups of raisin bran + 1 cup milk + 1 serving whey = 600 cals.

Split lunch(Three meals): 16-18 oz. chicken + 3 oz. almonds = ~900 cals.

Dinner: 2 eggs, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1/2 cup cheese = ~400 cals.

Add in plenty of fish oil for ~50 calories and maybe some spinach somewhere or something and I'd hit my 2k. Usually I'd adjust portions up and down to have more on workout days(maybe 2200 calories) and less on non-workout days(maybe 1800 cals). Perhaps I'd shoot for the full 6 meals, which would probably involve cutting one serving of almonds and one cup of raisin bran and inserting those calories(~300) elsewhere. Irrelevant, though, since I'm not going to be spiking insulin and studies have repeatedly shown that eating 6 meals per day has no real effect on fat loss over 3(or 1 for that matter) meals per day.

I've tried this different ways, though. I've eaten less carbs in the morning(i.e. none). I've replaced raisin bran(which is, honestly, fairly healthy) with oatmeal and whey with whatever. I've replaced cheese with lowfat cheese or non-fat cheese.

Really, though, I think that a high protein, low carb, moderate fat diet works best for me. My carb sensitivity is, as far as I can tell, terrible. A huge number of carbs induces general lethargy and, occasionally, headaches.

Anyway, this is probably more than you needed. My point is that I'm good at calorie partitioning(Strict FitDay.com user) and VERY good at sticking to my diet plan, and I've done just enough research on the whole thing to be dangerous. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

EDIT: Ratio of above according to fitday is about 46p/20c/36f. This seems reasonable to me.


he's Virgin Tight™
I weighted 228 today, 6'2. I am mad, ANGRY mad... I have been doing exercises, HAD been eating less though recently I went back to my old habits, already rectified it today after that though. I gotta add that I weighted myself after I ate a Subway footlong :lol .

Gonna intensify the exercise though, I was 210 2 months ago... how the fuck I gained 18 pounds in 2 months is beyond me especially when I am doing more exercise. Gonna work twice as hard now >_<. My BMI also hit 30, which made me angry =P


Ace 8095 said:
Why would you want to weigh less than 165? I can pretty much guarantee that you have an irrational fear of being fat because you once were. You are no longer fat. Just because you're not cut like an Abercrombie model doesn't mean you're fat. My advice would be to post pics of yourself here so we can all tell you that you're no longer fat and then go into a serious weight-training program.

I really do appreciate this sentiment and there is no doubt that this is true. However, I have had my bf measured and I'm around 18%. While this isn't terrible, I'm still not content. I've lost a third of my starting weight. Having done that, I don't want to stop until I feel like I've really gotten as close to 10% as I can.

Mr Snrub said:
Unless you're something like 5'9" or lower, 165 is a pretty low bodyweight. Why don't you try to add mass? You'll fill out and burn fat.

I agree. Part of me, though, is terrified of gaining that weight, as Ace pointed out. I'm pretty much built up to it, though. I'm just looking for a bit of confirmation. The obvious gainer program for me would seem to be Rippetoe but I fear(know, really) that the carb requirements there will wreak havoc on me. I wonder if I could do Rippetoe's program with, say, John Berardi's massive eating? Berardi really seems to get the tailor the diet to the individual thing, which is why I think I'll end up sticking to one of his nutritional programs regardless of the lifting program that I pick up.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
165 isn't "really low" for anyone of average height (5'10) and under. It's fairly thin, but not emaciated or anything. People who are 6'0+ usually fail to realize that.

That said, I once focused too much on trying to lose bodyfat instead of overall fitness and muscle growth in an attempt to lower my bodyfat as much as possible so I could get a six-pack, and all I ended up doing was losing muscle mass. It just wasn't worth it. Focus on muscle growth, some cardio, and healthy eating with lots of protein etc, and you won't have to worry about gaining fat.
Wraith said:
I agree. Part of me, though, is terrified of gaining that weight, as Ace pointed out. I'm pretty much built up to it, though. I'm just looking for a bit of confirmation. The obvious gainer program for me would seem to be Rippetoe but I fear(know, really) that the carb requirements there will wreak havoc on me. I wonder if I could do Rippetoe's program with, say, John Berardi's massive eating? Berardi really seems to get the tailor the diet to the individual thing, which is why I think I'll end up sticking to one of his nutritional programs regardless of the lifting program that I pick up.

At 5'10", you do NOT want to be 150 lbs or less. I can virtually GUARANTEE you that if you follow a full body strength and size routine like Rippetoe's, you would lose bodyfat because of the new muscle you gained. Your WEIGHT will go up...but stop judging everything by your weight. Judge it by how you look and how strong you are.

Berardi has good stuff, and Lyle McDonald is great too, for diet info.


Mr. Snrub said:
At 5'10", you do NOT want to be 150 lbs or less. I can virtually GUARANTEE you that if you follow a full body strength and size routine like Rippetoe's, you would lose bodyfat because of the new muscle you gained. Your WEIGHT will go up...but stop judging everything by your weight. Judge it by how you look and how strong you are.

Berardi has good stuff, and Lyle McDonald is great too, for diet info.
I was 5'10 and 150 pounds in highschool, and quite honestly the best shape of my life, I was ripped like a mofo, and strong for the time. That was all because of corps though, I was doing 600 pushups a day and running 14-16 3 times a week and sprinting 400s, then I bulked up 20 pounds by the end of my senior year, lost my six pick even though i gained muscle:(.
That whole section about farting/shitting while squatting or deadlifting, Mr. Snrub, damn did I notice that when I started. I didn't actually shit myself, but it damn near felt like I was about to.

Planning is very key.


Neo Member
I just bought a bottle of kre alkaline creatine, has anyone heard of it/tried it before? From what I have read online, its been really mixed..
Soka said:
That whole section about farting/shitting while squatting or deadlifting, Mr. Snrub, damn did I notice that when I started. I didn't actually shit myself, but it damn near felt like I was about to.

Planning is very key.

Sucks at my gym. The squat/rack room is an alleyway of about 5 racks. You fart at all, someone walking through is going to know. At least the industrial fan dumbs down the sound.

Jirotrom said:
I was 5'10 and 150 pounds in highschool, and quite honestly the best shape of my life, I was ripped like a mofo, and strong for the time. That was all because of corps though, I was doing 600 pushups a day and running 14-16 3 times a week and sprinting 400s, then I bulked up 20 pounds by the end of my senior year, lost my six pick even though i gained muscle:(.

Well, I was more or less saying that someone at 165 lbs and 5'10" shouldn't be worried about being fat. If he just focused on gaining muscle, he's probably burn a lot of that fat and look completely different at 165.


Mr. Snrub said:
Well, I was more or less saying that someone at 165 lbs and 5'10" shouldn't be worried about being fat. If he just focused on gaining muscle, he's probably burn a lot of that fat and look completely different at 165.
I agree... I wish I had that bodyfat percentage again:D

Ace 8095

Wraith said:
I agree. Part of me, though, is terrified of gaining that weight, as Ace pointed out. I'm pretty much built up to it, though. I'm just looking for a bit of confirmation. The obvious gainer program for me would seem to be Rippetoe but I fear(know, really) that the carb requirements there will wreak havoc on me. I wonder if I could do Rippetoe's program with, say, John Berardi's massive eating? Berardi really seems to get the tailor the diet to the individual thing, which is why I think I'll end up sticking to one of his nutritional programs regardless of the lifting program that I pick up.
Starting Strength is not a diet; it's a weight-training program. It's associated with eating massive amounts of food because Rippetoe considers skinny teenage boys his niche, but the fundamentals of the program will work for anyone. I don't know why carbs are so harmful to you, but I have no experience with diets. I simply eat four clean and balanced meals a day and drink a gallon of whole milk. That what works for me many other guys like me, but if it does not work for you don't follow it.
Chichikov said:
here you go -

sexy times.

Seriously, enough of this shit in this thread.
:lol I have yet to see a picture of this guy with his shirt on. And the last one he had his jeans so low, I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a little shaft showing. Is the supossed to be the gay equivelant of clevage or something?

Darkman M

Ace 8095 said:
Starting Strength is not a diet; it's a weight-training program. It's associated with eating massive amounts of food because Rippetoe considers skinny teenage boys his niche, but the fundamentals of the program will work for anyone. I don't know why carbs are so harmful to you, but I have no experience with diets. I simply eat four clean and balanced meals a day and drink a gallon of whole milk. That what works for me many other guys like me, but if it does not work for you don't follow it.

Holy fuck you mean in a week right? :lol
Darkman M said:
Holy fuck you mean in a week right? :lol

Hell no! I drink close to a gallon of milk a day. It's the only way I gained weight. Gained 20 lbs in a few months on the Starting Strength workout, and maintained the same bodyfat.

mr stroke

Currently do a 5/6 day split(with HIIT or cardio before or after), but thinking about trying something like this with only 3 exerises per split?

3-DAYS a week-Bench, Dead Lift, Squat-4/5 sets each until failure
3-DAYS a week-Cardio/HIIT

would I be ignoring too many body parts by doing this?
bad idea?
I just discovered that I still have half a container of creatine left from when I played football. Will using creatine negatively affect my cardio or conditioning?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
HolyStar said:
What is the best protein supplement?

Well, gee, captain, could you be a little less vague?

Do you want powder?
Pre-made shakes?

The real answer though, is food - and specifically all kinds of meat. But I'm going to assume that you mean one of the three above?


I think I got burnt out today. I woke up at 1pm, and took a nap from 4pm to 8pm. As a result I didn't exercise like I should have, and got depressed. I then had a roast beef sandwich from subway (800 calories), 2 ice cream bars (300 calories), and a few other snacks totaling 400 calories. Including my breakfast at 700 calories I had about 2200 calories today.

God I feel horrible. To make things worse I didn't do much of anything else today, and I'm not one of those people who can function on anything less than 8 hours of sleep a day.


there is joy in sucking dick
You'll notice that when your on a daily workout schedule that you DO get this mopey, de-energized feeling on off days. A good way to tackle this is to do something like jog for 10 minutes (mainly on the weekends, since thats usually a weighlifters days off) out of your day. It does wonders.

Theres also a mental aspect to Weighlifting/Bodybuilding and Dieting. You have to try your hardest to resist temptation and if you find you relapse and binge then rectify it by taking a good look at your diet. Why? Because you may not be eating correctly. If its something else (in your case, feeling crappy about not working out) you need to nip that emotion (and reaction) at the bud.
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