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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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Can you translate this into a MWF-style plan? And what kind of weight are you using? Because that looks like a horrible amount of work.

Straightballin said:
Alright this is my workout plan



My back workout is somewhere cant get it right now.

These are my splits Biceps/Triceps, Chest/Shoulders, Back/Legs (only like one or two workouts havent gotten in to legs yet) and Abs.

Every other day.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Straightballin said:
Alright this is my workout plan

Day 1
1) Dumbell Curls
2) Close grip Barbell Curls
3) Laying Dumbell curls
4) Concentration Curls
5) Preacher Hammer Curls
Day 2
1) Preacher Barbell Curls
2) Wide grip Barbell Curls
3) Incline Dumbell curls
4) Reverse Grip Barbell Curls
5) Chin ups


Day 1:
1) Dips
2) Cable Single Arm Extensions
3) Reverse Bench Presses
4) Lying Dumbbell Extensions
5) Close Grip Bench
Day 2:
1) 1 Dumbell Extension
2) Two Arm Lying Dumbbell Extensions
3) Knell bench Dumbell Extension
4) V bar Push Downs
5) Machine Hammer Extensions

You must have hyuge bicepts.

Where art thou trycept kickbacks?

lil smoke

Anyone here have any issues with other men peeking at you in the locker rooms? I don't mean accidentally peeking either... I mean waiting and bullshitting riding time until you pull off your drawls for the shower, where they seems to always be in position to take a looksie.
Weight I dont work all those muscles its like this





Back/abs legs


Then same thing over

It should say Week 1 instead of Day 1 because I switch those workouts every week


Brian Burke punched my mom
Got 11.5lbs of skin/bone-less chicken breasts for $32 today. Also have 14 chickens sitting in the freezer, gonna go pick up some more this week they're 2 for $8. :lol

lil smoke

MrToughPants said:
Got 11.5lbs of skin/bone-less chicken breasts for $32 today. Also have 14 chickens sitting in the freezer, gonna go pick up some more this week they're 2 for $8. :lol
:lol All right Colonel Sanders!


Straightballin -

I’m still not 100% sure if I totally get what you’re doing, but I think I can already give you a couple of advices –
1. Simplify! You’re doing way too many exercises for (what I assume is) your skill level.
2. Start with your biggest muscle groups – that’s back and legs; you’re doing an obscene amount of biceps and yet you haven’t got around to the legs and abs and you barely work your back, don’t be that guy ;).
Straightballin said:
Weight I dont work all those muscles its like this





Back/abs legs


Then same thing over

It should say Week 1 instead of Day 1 because I switch those workouts every week
It sounds like you're doing total body workouts, three days a week.

But still, like Chick said, I think that you should flip the order around, like so:

and then Arms maybe, if at all

And I would also cut back on the number of exercises you're doing. Better to do a few major exercises with 100% effort than a bunch of little stuff all day.
Captain Glanton said:
It sounds like you're doing total body workouts, three days a week.

But still, like Chick said, I think that you should flip the order around, like so:

and then Arms maybe, if at all

And I would also cut back on the number of exercises you're doing. Better to do a few major exercises with 100% effort than a bunch of little stuff all day.

No not full body workouts.

Day 1 would be Biceps/Triceps


Day 2 Chest/shoulders


Day 3 Back Abs

There are two sets of workouts for each muscle I switch each set every week so my muscles dont get used to the same routine.
Straightballin said:
No not full body workouts.

Day 1 would be Biceps/Triceps

Day 2 Rest

Day 3 Chest/shoulders

Day 4 Rest

Day 5 Back Abs

There are two sets of workouts for each muscle I switch each set every week so my muscles dont get used to the same routine.
That's how we would usually write it up, then, so there's no confusion.
Captain Glanton said:
It sounds like you're doing total body workouts, three days a week.

But still, like Chick said, I think that you should flip the order around, like so:

and then Arms maybe, if at all

And I would also cut back on the number of exercises you're doing. Better to do a few major exercises with 100% effort than a bunch of little stuff all day.

So whats a good amount of workouts per muscle 3/4?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Straightballin said:
So whats a good amount of workouts per muscle 3/4?

~25 reps per muscle. More weight, less reps. Of course, you can target different areas of your muscles. Doing a bench press will target your pecs, while doing a certain style of push-ups will target your triceps more.


Straightballin said:
No not full body workouts.

Day 1 would be Biceps/Triceps


Day 2 Chest/shoulders


Day 3 Back Abs

There are two sets of workouts for each muscle I switch each set every week so my muscles dont get used to the same routine.
Ok, I stand by my previous comments and I would add some –
1. Add some leg exercise, do it now.
2. A triceps/biceps day is a wasted day; those are small muscle groups that can easily be tacked at the end of your workout or even worked on your day off.

Straightballin said:
So whats a good amount of workouts per muscle 3/4?
Start with one.
reilo said:
~25 reps per muscle. More weight, less reps. Of course, you can target different areas of your muscles. Doing a bench press will target your pecs, while doing a certain style of push-ups will target your triceps more.

I do each of those workouts 3x10. So your saying one of those for each muscle is enough?
Straightballin said:
I do each of those workouts 3x10. So your saying one of those for each muscle is enough?
Not if you're only hitting that muscle once a week. I would not really recommend a bodypart split like you have, but if you're going to do it, I would do 3 X 8 for each exercise, and maybe 4 or 5 exercises each workout.

And Chick is right, sub a leg day for the arm day. Your arms should get plenty of work from your back, chest, shoulder exercises, and your dips of course :)

Ace 8095


I hate to sound like a broken record, but I think you should consider trying starting strength. Since you have never really done squats or deads you will make surprisingly fast gains on those lifts. Since you have a few years of experience the program might not work as long as it would for beginners, but there is still much to be gained for linear progression.

I have a friend who started using starting strength five weeks ago. For two years he followed his high school coach's weight training program. The program was okay as it contained all the "necessary" lifts, but it also had a bunch of junk and lacked a clear since of progression. My friend got to an acceptable level of strength but was not making near the gains in weight and strength that I thought he was capable of. Since beginning starting strength he has gained more weight, and increased his bench and squat by more pounds, than he did in a whole semester following the coaches program. It's always good to ride linear progression for as long as you can.


Straightballin said:
Weight I dont work all those muscles its like this





Back/abs legs


Then same thing over

It should say Week 1 instead of Day 1 because I switch those workouts every week

Similar to mine

I do

Day 1
Chest / Back

Day 2 rest

Day 3 Bi's / Tri's arms in general

Day 4 rest

Day 5 Legs / Shoulders

Day 6 rest

and start over. I do 4 - 5 excercise per muscle on each day. Usually 6 - 12 reps depending my my mood that day lol.

I usually fit a game or two of badminton during the week and abs during my off days.

Started adding 20 minutes of Wii fit every day or 2nd day now. Its pretty fun.

It's worked pretty well for me actually, been training for about 9 years now.
I'm 5"11/ 6"0 @ 218lbs last time I checked.
dankir said:
Similar to mine

I do

Day 1
Chest / Back

Day 2 rest

Day 3 Bi's / Tri's arms in general

Day 4 rest

Day 5 Legs / Shoulders

Day 6 rest

and start over. I do 4 - 5 excercise per muscle on each day. Usually 6 - 12 reps depending my my mood that day lol.

I usually fit a game or two of badminton during the week and abs during my off days.

Started adding 20 minutes of Wii fit every day or 2nd day now. Its pretty fun.

It's worked pretty well for me actually, been training for about 9 years now.
I'm 5"11/ 6"0 @ 218lbs last time I checked.

Yeah im going to stick with it for at least a few months, maybe switch things up and the end of the year.
Puxel said:
Well just found this thread. What's the best way to get those sweet lines by the biceps/triceps?



Jealous Bastard
i guess the price of beating that nighttime/early morning overeating habit is that my morning workout failure rate is going to go up. couple a slight lack of morning energy with a hint of feeling sorry for myself after a pretty rough bad dream, and here i am sitting at my house doing a whole lot of nothing with no workout under my belt. way to go, weenie
beelzebozo said:
i guess the price of beating that nighttime/early morning overeating habit is that my morning workout failure rate is going to go up. couple a slight lack of morning energy with a hint of feeling sorry for myself after a pretty rough bad dream, and here i am sitting at my house doing a whole lot of nothing with no workout under my belt. way to go, weenie



Mikazuki said:
Awesome progress dude. Something you gotta fixed now though... You're posture looks really crazy. That's gotta be hell on your back and knees especially. You're pelvis is misaligned and it's causing your front to balance too much of your bodyweight. Don't be too freaked out though. It's called anterior pelvic tilt I BELIEVE. Either way you can correct it. I was standing exactly like that 1-2 years ago, but I got it to fix itself 95% as I got stronger in the gym doing tons of leg exercises.

I recommened posting these pictures on more specialized boards dealing with powerlifting/olympic lifting/sports for exact/professional advice. Keep going!

holy shit man I have the same thing....I just googled it and I found some exercises that are suppose to get rid of it...

I run about 3-5 miles 5 times a week at the gym...do you think I'm ok just doing these exercises(stretches)? Or should I do some leg exercises as well...

Squats are killing my back, I think it's because of my bad posture.


Man seeing some of the progress in this thread makes me really wanna get back in the gym.

In HS I ran at least 8 miles a day for cross country, was skinny, but very toned.

college, i started boozing a ton, partying, eating the crap food in dorm halls

i lost the abs, the muscle, and now im heading into my 5th year and the gut that I never thought would come is showing its face.

after this damn internship, im starting up full force early august when i have some free time and arent beat by the time work comes around, no more freakin fast food and budweiser!


You guys were so right about the shin guards for deadlifts. Reluctantly, I guess I'm going to have to get a pair. Yesterday I had to wipe the blood that had soaked through my workout pants off of the bar once I was done.

lil smoke said:

Love my workout gloves anyway.

Yeah, I like gloves, too. I bought a pair with wrist supports after an injury 4 years ago. Once I got used to the feel them, I never went back to bare hands.
Ristamar said:
You guys were so right about the shin guards for deadlifts. Reluctantly, I guess I'm going to have to get a pair. Yesterday I had to wipe the blood that had soaked through my workout pants off of the bar once I was done.

Ristamar, I don't go so far as shin guards, though I know Glanton stated he uses them. Try some high socks. By the time I get to deadlifts, I have a nice sweaty sheen on my shins, and that helps :D. If I'm not sweating, I chalk my shins up.
Some real cool stuff on Rippetoe's current training, from his Q&A board:

I am about to train now. I'm going to rack pull and press tonight, don't know yet what weights I'll do. For reference, I deadlifted 450 last week rather easily, pressed 190 x 2 x 2, and squatted 315 x 10 within the past month. I also did 20 strict chins at a bodyweight of about 210 last month. Not competitive, but better than many 52 year-old men.

Vid of him squatting 315x10:


And response to questions and criticism:

I am looking at a point about 6 feet in front, and you cannot see my eyes in this video to verify this, I know. Just trust me here. And I do have a rather kyphotic thoracic spine -- it's probably fortunate that no front squat videos exist.


1. I am not losing thoracic extension on the way down, at all. There is no change in the intervertebral relationships of my thoracic vertebrae. Cover my head with your thumb when you watch the video and you'll see that this is true. I tend to drop my head as I approach the bottom, and that may be creating the appearance of a gigantic thoracic shift.

2. The 'butt wink" that makes so many CFers uncomfortable is sometimes just a change in shape of the glutes as they stretch out in the hole, sometimes a genuine loss of lumbar extension. It is a rare heavy squat that does not show some of this (315 x 10 is heavy for me these days), and as long as it does not constitute a wholesale collapse of the lordotic curve, I just find it hard to be real concerned. Have you ever seen a real 1RM done with absolutely perfect form? Had I thought that it was excessive, I goddamn sure would not have allowed the video to be posted, and I would have corrected it the next time I trained.

3. I am driving my hips up in what I consider to be the correct use of the posterior chain. I am not off-balance in any rep, and my heels do not "float" on any rep.

All that having been said, I am not, nor have I ever been what I would consider a good lifter. I don't remember ever claiming to be. I am merely a decent writer and a reasonably effective coach. This squat looks acceptable to me with the exception of the premature chest raise about 3/5 of the way up. I do not insist on absolutely perfect form all the time, especially for more experienced lifters, because if I did nobody would ever lift weights that challenged their current ability. If I insisted on absolutely perfect form from myself, I'd never be able to train: I'm old, I'm injured just about everywhere, and I train by myself without any coaching input due to my fucked-up schedule. If the set of 10 was less-than-perfect, I can live with that. It's primary purpose was to show a few people that I actually still work relatively hard under the bar, and that I'm not entirely an armchair coach. I squatted 225 x 25 Sunday night, just so's you'll know, and it probably didn't look much better than the set of 10. If that renders everything I say about training null, then that's fine. Less typing here.

Now I know how Nietzsche must have felt, had he not been crazy as hell.


Mr. Snrub said:
Ristamar, I don't go so far as shin guards, though I know Glanton stated he uses them. Try some high socks. By the time I get to deadlifts, I have a nice sweaty sheen on my shins, and that helps :D. If I'm not sweating, I chalk my shins up.

Thanks, I'll give the socks a shot.
Dumbbell vs. Barbell question.

I don't have much money to get both, and so I'm contemplating getting either a pair of dumbbells ranging from 40 pounds to 150 pounds, or this:


Someone once said that I can do virtually every type of workout with dumbbells, but with the cage, I'll be able to do bench, dips, squats, and other power lifts optimally.

Now, the cage itself, plus the olympic bar, plus the plates, will cost me big-time, but I think it's worth it. I think.

I'm wondering if I should get that or just get a complete dumbbell set for optimal workouts.

Which should I go with?
NintendosBooger said:
Dumbbell vs. Barbell question.

I don't have much money to get both, and so I'm contemplating getting either a pair of dumbbells ranging from 40 pounds to 150 pounds, or this:


Someone once said that I can do virtually every type of workout with dumbbells, but with the cage, I'll be able to do bench, dips, squats, and other power lifts optimally.

Now, the cage itself, plus the olympic bar, plus the plates, will cost me big-time, but I think it's worth it. I think.

I'm wondering if I should get that or just get a complete dumbbell set for optimal workouts.

Barbell and rack. Definitely a better long term investment, in my opinion.


NintendosBooger said:
Dumbbell vs. Barbell question.

I don't have much money to get both, and so I'm contemplating getting either a pair of dumbbells ranging from 40 pounds to 150 pounds, or this:


Someone once said that I can do virtually every type of workout with dumbbells, but with the cage, I'll be able to do bench, dips, squats, and other power lifts optimally.

Now, the cage itself, plus the olympic bar, plus the plates, will cost me big-time, but I think it's worth it. I think.

I'm wondering if I should get that or just get a complete dumbbell set for optimal workouts.

Which should I go with?
Barbell and cage without a doubt.
Dumbbells are harder to work with, don’t scale as well to heavy weight, and quite honestly, can't provide a good enough alternative to squats and deadlifts.
lil smoke said:
Anyone here have any issues with other men peeking at you in the locker rooms? I don't mean accidentally peeking either... I mean waiting and bullshitting riding time until you pull off your drawls for the shower, where they seems to always be in position to take a looksie.

You must be hot. Pics please. kthx.
Cool old school images for inspiration:

Reg Park:

John Grimek:



Grimek definitely has the super solid, dense body that would be awesome to have (personal preference).

Old school homemade squat rack:




Dave Johns:

Tommy Kono's Home Gym:


Pisarenko power-cleaning 400 lbs:

jacf29 said:
First, I want to say congrats to the poster before me. Seeing your pictures gives me motivation to continue.

So i'll go ahead and post an update on week 5:

Start: 203 pounds

End of week 1: 201 pounds

End of week 2: 199 pounds

End of week 3: 196.5 pounds

End of week 4: 194 pounds

End of week 5: 193 pounds

I only lost about a pound this week, but I expected it for 2 reasons. 1st, I only had enough time to run 2 times (although I've been doing situps and pushups every other day still). Also, after loosing so much weight in a month I was expecting a week of little weight loss.

Hopefully next week I go down 2 pounds.

About 10lbs a month is very good weight loss. I don't recall what your goal was, but I'd say you're well on the way to hitting your target weight. One thing to keep in mind is the effect of water on your overall weight. If you're just a little dehydrated when you weigh yourself, you may be a pound or so lighter, but haven't actually lost any fat. Opposite of that, you could be very nicely hydrated and actually have a higher weight on the scale, but in reality have lost some fat weight. Just something to point out, though you may already know that.

Also, good job MortalMonkey. The photos illustrate things nicely.


Will Eat Your Children
Chichikov said:
here you go -

sexy times.

[spoiler]Seriously, enough of this shit in this thread.[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
:o Where's that?
lil smoke said:
Anyone here have any issues with other men peeking at you in the locker rooms? I don't mean accidentally peeking either... I mean waiting and bullshitting riding time until you pull off your drawls for the shower, where they seems to always be in position to take a looksie.
A) How did I miss this post?


B) What the hell?
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