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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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mr stroke said:
Currently do a 5/6 day split(with HIIT or cardio before or after), but thinking about trying something like this with only 3 exerises per split?

3-DAYS a week-Bench, Dead Lift, Squat-4/5 sets each until failure
3-DAYS a week-Cardio/HIIT

would I be ignoring too many body parts by doing this?
bad idea?
You're hitting the big muscle groups, but you're missing some of the smaller ones.
Throw in a shoulder press, weighted dip, pullups and cleans for good measure and you're set.
You probably want to split it into 2 days though.

I would do something like -
Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting).
Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting).
alternate these 3 times a week.
BamYouHaveAids said:
I just discovered that I still have half a container of creatine left from when I played football. Will using creatine negatively affect my cardio or conditioning?

There's no reason that it would do so. Just be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day when taking creatine.


BlueTsunami said:
You'll notice that when your on a daily workout schedule that you DO get this mopey, de-energized feeling on off days. A good way to tackle this is to do something like jog for 10 minutes (mainly on the weekends, since thats usually a weighlifters days off) out of your day. It does wonders.

Theres also a mental aspect to Weighlifting/Bodybuilding and Dieting. You have to try your hardest to resist temptation and if you find you relapse and binge then rectify it by taking a good look at your diet. Why? Because you may not be eating correctly. If its something else (in your case, feeling crappy about not working out) you need to nip that emotion (and reaction) at the bud.

I took your advice and found a big deficiency in my diet. I stopped eating 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables a day. That might have been what was making me drowsy.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I bit the bullet and joined 24-hour fitness.

They have a deal going for Portland/Bay Area/Hawaii residents, $29 initiation fee, you pay the first and last month up front [so total about $97 up-front], and then $34/mo for an all-club "Sport" access. Not too bad.
mr stroke said:
Currently do a 5/6 day split(with HIIT or cardio before or after), but thinking about trying something like this with only 3 exerises per split?

3-DAYS a week-Bench, Dead Lift, Squat-4/5 sets each until failure
3-DAYS a week-Cardio/HIIT

would I be ignoring too many body parts by doing this?
bad idea?

I'd recommend against deadlifting to failure 3x a week. Will definitely lead to overtraining.

In addition, what Chichikov said--just throw in a few other exercises to hit everything.

May want to cut back a bit in general--6 days a week of high intensity training will catch up to you, quick.

lil smoke

Jirotrom said:
well shit, I didn't sleep...
Did you go?

I will never make the mistake of trying to sleepwalk into the gym anyway. Thought I was going to have a heart attack by mid-day. I was so sluggish, and hungry but too tired to even prepare a meal, and too tired to want to eat.

Nothing wrong with a day off. I prefer a good 7-8 hours of sleep to feel comfortable for a good hard workout the next morning. Actually I was supposed to go today, but didn't because I felt I didn't have a solid enough dinner last night. Was too busy. I'll definitely make up for it.

I've been getting thicker this week. (bout a month and half back in gym after a long layoff) It just hit me. The ladies can't keep their eyes off my chest. I've had some women following me on the street :D
demon said:
165 isn't "really low" for anyone of average height (5'10) and under. It's fairly thin, but not emaciated or anything. People who are 6'0+ usually fail to realize that.

That said, I once focused too much on trying to lose bodyfat instead of overall fitness and muscle growth in an attempt to lower my bodyfat as much as possible so I could get a six-pack, and all I ended up doing was losing muscle mass. It just wasn't worth it. Focus on muscle growth, some cardio, and healthy eating with lots of protein etc, and you won't have to worry about gaining fat.

Yeah, I'm 5' 9" ( I thought I was 5' 10" for the longest time and was quite bummed to find out I'm an inch shorter) and weigh 163 lbs and I'm fat. I know I'm not obese, but I'm doughy as shit and have huge love handles. Some folks are just built different. My gf is 5' 2", 105 lbs, but still has a bit of a belly (which I think is adorable, btw) while I know other girls that are significantly heavier that have flat stomachs.


I'm definately getting leaner after 3 weeks of hitting the gym...the wonders lifting does to you as opposed to just cardio + diet.

lil smoke

yacobod said:
i wish i could get thicker in a week
Double up on the weights.

I basically switched over to the 5x5, after warming up for a month on lightweight 10x3. As soon as I started picking up the heavy shit, I blew up (as expected) Also, I'm fairly sure Snrub's milk diet has helped, however the scale is showing me I haven't gained more then 3 lbs.


lil smoke said:
Did you go?

I will never make the mistake of trying to sleepwalk into the gym anyway. Thought I was going to have a heart attack by mid-day. I was so sluggish, and hungry but too tired to even prepare a meal, and too tired to want to eat.

Nothing wrong with a day off. I prefer a good 7-8 hours of sleep to feel comfortable for a good hard workout the next morning. Actually I was supposed to go today, but didn't because I felt I didn't have a solid enough dinner last night. Was too busy. I'll definitely make up for it.

I've been getting thicker this week. (bout a month and half back in gym after a long layoff) It just hit me. The ladies can't keep their eyes off my chest. I've had some women following me on the street :D
yes I went, played better than I normally do:lol I practiced for40 minutes and played for 2 and a half. My endurance is back, now for accuracy and speed.
reggieandTFE said:
Yeah, I'm 5' 9" ( I thought I was 5' 10" for the longest time and was quite bummed to find out I'm an inch shorter) and weigh 163 lbs and I'm fat. I know I'm not obese, but I'm doughy as shit and have huge love handles. Some folks are just built different. My gf is 5' 2", 105 lbs, but still has a bit of a belly (which I think is adorable, btw) while I know other girls that are significantly heavier that have flat stomachs.

Oh man, I love little pots on girls. Don't know why.
lil smoke said:
Double up on the weights.

I basically switched over to the 5x5, after warming up for a month on lightweight 10x3. As soon as I started picking up the heavy shit, I blew up (as expected) Also, I'm fairly sure Snrub's milk diet has helped, however the scale is showing me I haven't gained more then 3 lbs.

I'm telling you guys, it does wonders. All you have to do is use the mirror to monitor how fat you're getting. If you are maintaining the same bodyfat, you can probably drink more and make even better gains. All you have to do is listen to your body and fill the glass accordingly. "Nature's steroid" indeed, as Rippetoe put it.

I'm not even making significant bodyweight "gains" anymore, but continuing to fill out. It's great. Just getting more shapely. This must be what female puberty feels like.
I've been absent for over a week because I haven't been getting good sleep latley. It has killed my whole motivation to go. I'm tired as hell right now but I'm going after I get off work. I've done this many times before, and this is the point to where I simply stop going. I'm not going to do that anymore.

But I'm scared too. I see some guys in the gym with stretch marks all over their shoulders. I hear it's from lifting super heavy and growing too fast. How can you avoid the stretch marks?

You guys drink a gallon of whole milk a day??

lil smoke

Dark Octave said:
I've been absent for over a week because I haven't been getting good sleep latley. It has killed my whole motivation to go. I'm tired as hell right now but I'm going after I get off work. I've done this many times before, and this is the point to where I simply stop going. I'm not going to do that anymore.

But I'm scared too. I see some guys in the gym with stretch marks all over their shoulders. I hear it's from lifting super heavy and growing too fast. How can you avoid the stretch marks?

You guys drink a gallon of whole milk a day??
I'm not drinking a gallon (yet) but I'm getting about a pint.5 with every meal, whereas before I didn't drink more than a cup a week. Never have been a milk guy. I also eat lots of eggs, shakes, and I am a big beef eater.

I dunno about the stretch marks, I don't get em. I haven't grown that much (nor do I want to), just a nice thickness, lets call it a "girth".


honestly doubling up the weights isnt very realistic, i think true progress is something that is gradual over time, and not something that can be had in a few weeks or months

for quick gains i think my only options are honestly a cycle of steroids, or a serious bulk, and i honestly dont want to gain that much more weight, so i'm content to go slow and steady, keeping my logs, and trying to improve from month to month

i think i lift relatively heavy, relative meaning that in the real strength community it would be pretty poor, but for a regular joe business professional/office monkey i think i'm fairly strong

what i'm saying is that i dont think i stand out too much from the regular guy on the street, i'm 5'9" 205 lbs, 34" waist in jeans and dress pants, and i've never noticed any box staring at my chest

my gym stats:

i can hit 315 raw on bench, and i've been doing 275 x 5 the past 2 weeks on my last 1 or 2 working sets, after flat bb on db incline i usually work up to the 95s or 100s for 8 solid reps

my squat isnt that great because i neglected it for a few years, but i've been squatting for the past 2 months 2x/week, at the beginning of May 225x5 was a struggle for me, but i've kept at it, and now i've already worked up to 315x5, a new personal best for me, i'd like like to work up to 315x10 sometime this fall or winter, at least thats my goal, i no longer fear leg day, i've learned to embrace it, i think the biggest thing was getting over the DOMS, think my legs are used to the work now, and they dont get that sore anymore

shoulder press i can do 80 lb dbs for 10 reps, and can push out 90s for like 5 on my last set

i don't really waste any time doing anything fancy, for triceps i love close grip bench, dips, and skull crushers

i don't particularly enjoy training biceps

so overall i think i'm pretty solid, i guess i could start deadlifting again, but i'll probably wait until its winter time so i can start wearing sweat pants in the gym again, i hate deadlifting in shorts, cuz i always cut up my shins, and make a bloody mess in the gym
Dark Octave said:
I've been absent for over a week because I haven't been getting good sleep latley. It has killed my whole motivation to go. I'm tired as hell right now but I'm going after I get off work. I've done this many times before, and this is the point to where I simply stop going. I'm not going to do that anymore.

But I'm scared too. I see some guys in the gym with stretch marks all over their shoulders. I hear it's from lifting super heavy and growing too fast. How can you avoid the stretch marks?

You guys drink a gallon of whole milk a day??

Some people just grow fast and get stretch marks. It's pretty rare. The only place I have SOME stretch marks (only when the skin is "taut") is my lower body. I hear about some lotions or creams you can use to make your skin more pliable and less apt to stretch marks, but I don't know much about it.

To quote Rippetoe on milk:

It is because over thirty years of direct observation has demonstrated to me that when trainees drink one gallon of milk added to their regular diet and train in a progressive linear fashion, they gain significant muscular bodyweight, and those that do not drink their milk, even in the presence of progressive linear training, fail to do this. They also fail to continue progressive linear training for the same length of time, because this is facilitated by the steady weight gain. I understand that you're asking me if I have controlled for other factors such as failure to do the program correctly, and the answer is yes, of course I have, because I am not a complete idiot. Those that will not do the program are not being considered when I make these remarks, because that would be too fucking obvious a hole in my analysis. The difference in the milk drinkers is that THEY GET BIGGER THAN THE ONES WHO WON'T DRINK THE FUCKING MILK. Please tell me that you understand this now.

As I mentioned in a recent reply, I've probably hit the point of diminishing returns, but milk is still easier for me to get my protein requirements than eating steak every day and I've noticed no negative effects. I'm keeping at it.

Also, :lol :

If you want to look like a bodybuilder, that's fine with me. That is a matter for you to discuss with your God and your psychologist. But even a bodybuilder is a novice strength trainee until he's an intermediate. The fastest way to gain muscular bodyweight -- the supposed goal of a bodybuilder -- is with a linear progression on the basic barbell exercises. And 5s are the way this progression works best.

lil smoke

yacobod said:
honestly doubling up the weights isnt very realistic, i think true progress is something that is gradual over time, and not something that can be had in a few weeks or months

for quick gains i think my only options are honestly a cycle of steroids, or a serious bulk, and i honestly dont want to gain that much more weight, so i'm content to go slow and steady, keeping my logs, and trying to improve from month to month

i think i lift relatively heavy, relative meaning that in the real strength community it would be pretty poor, but for a regular joe business professional/office monkey i think i'm fairly strong

what i'm saying is that i dont think i stand out too much from the regular guy on the street, i'm 5'9" 205 lbs, 34" waist in jeans and dress pants, and i've never noticed any box staring at my chest
Yeah, I should mention that I have been big before... I have been lifting ever since I played HS football in the 10th grade. I'll be 33 in July. so it comes pretty fast for me after a layoff. I lay off the gym for about 4 months every year. Within 1-2 months I can get my size back.

Also everyone is different. Big for me may not be big for you. I haven't gone over 300 lbs. on anything yet. I'll wait probably till next month, or maybe not. I don't really need to lift to compete... I just do what I need for my body.

I'll also add that I don't have lots of body fat, so my muscles pop right out. The guy I used to work out with was way stronger than me, way thicker, but he wouldn't cut so he never looked muscular big, he just looked big like any other guy would with clothes on. With my frame, it's pretty obvious with a tee shirt and shorts.
yacobod said:
honestly doubling up the weights isnt very realistic, i think true progress is something that is gradual over time, and not something that can be had in a few weeks or months

for quick gains i think my only options are honestly a cycle of steroids, or a serious bulk, and i honestly dont want to gain that much more weight, so i'm content to go slow and steady, keeping my logs, and trying to improve from month to month

i think i lift relatively heavy, relative meaning that in the real strength community it would be pretty poor, but for a regular joe business professional/office monkey i think i'm fairly strong

what i'm saying is that i dont think i stand out too much from the regular guy on the street, i'm 5'9" 205 lbs, 34" waist in jeans and dress pants, and i've never noticed any box staring at my chest

my gym stats:

i can hit 315 raw on bench, and i've been doing 275 x 5 the past 2 weeks on my last 1 or 2 working sets, after flat bb on db incline i usually work up to the 95s or 100s for 8 solid reps

my squat isnt that great because i neglected it for a few years, but i've been squatting for the past 2 months 2x/week, at the beginning of May 225x5 was a struggle for me, but i've kept at it, and now i've already worked up to 315x5, a new personal best for me, i'd like like to work up to 315x10 sometime this fall or winter, at least thats my goal, i no longer fear leg day, i've learned to embrace it, i think the biggest thing was getting over the DOMS, think my legs are used to the work now, and they dont get that sore anymore

shoulder press i can do 80 lb dbs for 10 reps, and can push out 90s for like 5 on my last set

i don't really waste any time doing anything fancy, for triceps i love close grip bench, dips, and skull crushers

i don't particularly enjoy training biceps

so overall i think i'm pretty solid, i guess i could start deadlifting again, but i'll probably wait until its winter time so i can start wearing sweat pants in the gym again, i hate deadlifting in shorts, cuz i always cut up my shins, and make a bloody mess in the gym

I wish I had the chart that shows what is considered "heavy/medium/light" in terms of % of 1RM. I calculate the average weight moved per rep for my workouts.

So, average weight moved per rep in relation to 1RM (intensity):

On my heavy day (Monday "max effort" day):
Squat: 77% of 1RM moved per rep
Bench Press: 80% of 1RM moved per rep
Deadlift: 77% of 1RM moved per rep

I usually do several sets of 3 (ramping weight up each set) until I can't hit 3, then do a few singles, still ramping weight. Classic sort of "power and bulk" routine. Starting as low as 58% of my 1RM, and going as high as 94%. This changes every week, but I make it a goal to increase the overall weight moved per rep each week. Do this for 4-6 weeks, then cycle back down.


Mr. Snrub said:
I usually do several sets of 3 (ramping weight up each set) until I can't hit 3, then do a few singles, still ramping weight. Classic sort of "power and bulk" routine. Starting as low as 58% of my 1RM, and going as high as 94%. This changes every week, but I make it a goal to increase the overall weight moved per rep each week. Do this for 4-6 weeks, then cycle back down.

i've never done triples on anything other than squats or deads in the past, perhaps i could try them for chest, but i like volume on chest, so would be a hard habit to break honestly

i do like 5x5 for chest tho


switching gears, i wish i had a camera at the gym last night

i seen some kid pin himself squatting yesterday, but at least he was going ass to the ground, so no shame in that

on the next squat rack there was a guy doing 315, doing little baby 1/4 range of motion squats, mind you he was doing that ROM for all his sets, not just his heavy set
AWESOME, they posted this chart on the SS Wiki:


One of my fav. charts in Practical Programming.


Mr. Snrub said:
I'm telling you guys, it does wonders. All you have to do is use the mirror to monitor how fat you're getting. If you are maintaining the same bodyfat, you can probably drink more and make even better gains. All you have to do is listen to your body and fill the glass accordingly. "Nature's steroid" indeed, as Rippetoe put it.

I'm not even making significant bodyweight "gains" anymore, but continuing to fill out. It's great. Just getting more shapely. This must be what female puberty feels like.

I started lifting about a month and a half ago after a very long break. The difference is this time I didn't want to take a bunch of supplements that made my body feel 'off'. I didn't know you were the originator of this, but I was reading in here about all these people drinking a ton of milk. So this time around, I've just been making sure to get in 3 big meals a day, snack here and there, and drink tons of milk. It has seriously done wonders, I feel like a million bucks as compared to when I was taking huge protein supplements and creatine (I do put Whey protein in 1 glass of milk a day, might bump it to 2).

Anyway, I'm only up to about 4 pints of milk a day, around half a gallon. You really think an entire gallon is necessary/healthy? I love that a gallon of milk is cheaper than a gallon of gas now :lol (actually, I don't love it)
PatzCU said:
I started lifting about a month and a half ago after a very long break. The difference is this time I didn't want to take a bunch of supplements that made my body feel 'off'. I didn't know you were the originator of this, but I was reading in here about all these people drinking a ton of milk. So this time around, I've just been making sure to get in 3 big meals a day, snack here and there, and drink tons of milk. It has seriously done wonders, I feel like a million bucks as compared to when I was taking huge protein supplements and creatine (I do put Whey protein in 1 glass of milk a day, might bump it to 2).

Anyway, I'm only up to about 4 pints of milk a day, around half a gallon. You really think an entire gallon is necessary/healthy? I love that a gallon of milk is cheaper than a gallon of gas now :lol (actually, I don't love it)


Well, I'm not the originator (the idea goes way way back) but I'm a huge proponent of it here on these boards, only because for the longest time I was "training right" and "eating right" but not growing. Then I decided to follow the fucking program, and what do you know? Gains started coming.

I started off with half a gallon a day and still made great gains, and bumped it up to about 4/5 of a gallon a day. There are some mixed opinions about it: like anything, your body will get used to it and won't be "shocked" into growth as it previously was. My body has since adapted, but I'm going to stick with it because I may be joining a fire department; the academy is physical hell and most people lose 20+ lbs, so I'm going to try and stay in "bulking" mode.

I guess you could view the whole "gallon of milk a day" as a phase of bulking that you can wean yourself off of. But until I hit 200 lbs., I'm going to drink a gallon a day, because it's where I get most of my nutrients for growth. If I could get a few steaks for $3.50, maybe I'd do that.

Considering actually bumping from 2% to Whole, to see if I'd gain better off of that. We'll see.

mr stroke

Chichikov said:
You're hitting the big muscle groups, but you're missing some of the smaller ones.
Throw in a shoulder press, weighted dip, pullups and cleans for good measure and you're set.
You probably want to split it into 2 days though.

I would do something like -
Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting).
Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting).
alternate these 3 times a week.

Nice, I like this..
I will be changing to this tommarow for the next 2 months. I was only hiting legs 1 day a week, this should be a nice change to slam squats 6 days a week

I'd recommend against deadlifting to failure 3x a week

on my current 6 day split I was only Deadlifting 1 day a week@5 sets until failure, so if going to use Chichikov's split should I be doing less weight@3-4sets maybe? any recomendations on how many sets/reps I should be doing with this split?

Mon-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting). 5x5
Tues-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting).5x5
Wens-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting).5x5
Thurs-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting).5x5
Fri-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting).5x5
Sat-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting).5x5



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
mr stroke said:
Nice, I like this..
I will be changing to this tommarow for the next 2 months. I was only hiting legs 1 day a week, this should be a nice change to slam squats 6 days a week

on my current 6 day split I was only Deadlifting 1 day a week@5 sets until failure, so if going to use Chichikov's split should I be doing less weight@3-4sets maybe? any recomendations on how many sets/reps I should be doing with this split?

Mon-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting). 5x5
Tues-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting).5x5
Wens-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting).5x5
Thurs-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting).5x5
Fri-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting).5x5
Sat-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting).5x5


Why are you squatting 6 days a week?? I believe when he says "alternate these 3 times a week", he means do these for a total of 3 times a week and then alternate every week.


Week 1 Mon-Wed-Fri

Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)
Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)

Then next week:

Week 2 Mon-Wed-Fri
Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)
Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)
Yeah, Chichikov definitely meant what reilo was suggesting. I love squatting, but 6 days a week is something reserved for ELITE athletes :lol

And what do you mean by failure? As long as you don't let your form breakdown, one hard day of deadlifting a week should be fine. I don't go to failure in the deadlift...I either KNOW I won't be able to get another rep, or I purposefully leave one rep "in the tank". CNS exhaustion can come easier than you think with deadlifts.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Yeah, I was reading that and the entire time I was thinking he was going to tear a muscle or cartilage one of these days because he's not allowing his body to actually rest.

Your muscles grow and heal on the days your body is recuperating.

mr stroke

reilo said:
Why are you squatting 6 days a week?? I believe when he says "alternate these 3 times a week", he means do these for a total of 3 times a week and then alternate every week.


Week 1 Mon-Wed-Fri

Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)
Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)

Then next week:

Week 2 Mon-Wed-Fri
Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)
Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)

ok, makes more sense:lol


Week 1

Mon-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Wens-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)

Then next week:

Week 2

Mon-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/B]
Wens-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/B

I am guessing 5x5 on each maybe?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
mr stroke said:
ok, makes more sense:lol


Week 1

Mon-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Wens-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)

Then next week:

Week 2

Mon-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/B]
Wens-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/B

I am guessing 5x5 on each maybe?



Why would you do Cardio/HIIT on your days off?

Tue/Thurs/Weekends are days off. If you want, I guess you could do Cardio/HIIT on your Saturdays, but otherwise you are overworking yourself.

Give your legs a rest! When I mean your muscles grow and heal themselves on your days off, I mean they do that when you do nothing.


I had a strange thing happen to me while deadlifting this morning. I was doing a warm up set (225 lbs), and when I took the bar off the rack and held it, my lats, abs, and obliques all cramped up. I nearly dropped the bar due to the shock, but was able to set it down gently on the rack again. I ended up skipping my deadlifts, but as I was finishing the rest of my workout my abs and obliques were spasming. It wasn't necessarily painful, just a weird feeling. I've been working out for years and never experienced anything like that.

My back and abs are still feeling a bit tight, but luckily no pain. I think it happened due to the carb cycling I've been doing lately causing an electrolyte imbalance. My potassium intake has gone down but my sodium intake has probably slightly gone up.
mr stroke said:
ok, makes more sense:lol


Week 1

Mon-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Wens-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)

Then next week:

Week 2

Mon-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/B]
Wens-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/B

I am guessing 5x5 on each maybe?

Mr. Stroke, what are your goals? Seems like you want to lose weight with all the cardio/HIIT? If you're going to be training your legs that much with squats AND HIIT, you're going to have to cut down on one of them. A lot.

mr stroke

Mr. Snrub said:
Mr. Stroke, what are your goals? Seems like you want to lose weight with all the cardio/HIIT? If you're going to be training your legs that much with squats AND HIIT, you're going to have to cut down on one of them. A lot.

Cardio/HIIT comes from loving to run/cycle and the fact that mentaly I have to work out some way or another 6 days a week(the reason I am currently doing a 6 day split) even one day off makes me feel lazy.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
mr stroke said:
Cardio/HIIT comes from loving to run/cycle and the fact that mentaly I have to work out some way or another 6 days a week(the reason I am currently doing a 6 day split) even one day off makes me feel lazy.

You are over-doing it dude. You will get injured because you are not allowing your muscles to properly grow and heal themselves. Leave the Cardio/HIIT to one day on your weekends. Just because you are doing a 3-4x/week split, doesn't mean you are being lazy.

You are being smart.

mr stroke

reilo said:

Tue/Thurs/Weekends are days off. If you want, I guess you could do Cardio/HIIT on your Saturdays, but otherwise you are overworking yourself.

Give your legs a rest! When I mean your muscles grow and heal themselves on your days off, I mean they do that when you do nothing.

would you consider taking those Tue/Thurs/Sat and doing a 5 mile run, stairs, or 30 mile cycle overdoing it?(and HIIT mixed in here and there)

are some of you guys taking 3 off days a week?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
mr stroke said:
would you consider taking those Tue/Thurs/Sat and doing a 5 mile run, stairs, or 30 mile cycle overdoing it?(and HIIT mixed in here and there)

Yes because you are still working out your legs. Doing squats puts huge pressure on your thighs/legs in general.

Ever tried playing basketball or throw a football after working out your arms after a good hour?
mr stroke said:
Cardio/HIIT comes from loving to run/cycle and the fact that mentaly I have to work out some way or another 6 days a week(the reason I am currently doing a 6 day split) even one day off makes me feel lazy.

Well, Cardio/HIIT alone for several days a week may be doable, as may hard weight lifting several days a week...but doing both will only work for a short (VERY short) while before it catches up to you. Figure out what your goals are and we'll help you prioritize accordingly. In a routine combining strength training and cardio/HIIT, you're going to need, at least, 2 days off a week.
mr stroke said:
would you consider taking those Tue/Thurs/Sat and doing a 5 mile run, stairs, or 30 mile cycle overdoing it?(and HIIT mixed in here and there)

are some of you guys taking 3 off days a week?

I only work out 3 days a week.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
See, I'd understand working out 5-6 times a week if you were alternating like this:

Mon - Pecs, Triceps, Abs
Tue - Legs, Back
Wed - Biceps, Abs, Back
Tue - Legs, Back
Fri - Pecs, Triceps, Abs
Sat - Biceps, Back

Because you are letting the other muscles in your body rest and heal itself. And even that above is a bit too much.

But doing legs 5-6 times a week? That's just overkill and will get you hurt.

mr stroke

reilo said:
Yes because you are still working out your legs. Doing squats puts huge pressure on your thighs/legs in general.

Ever tried playing basketball or throw a football after working out your arms after a good hour?

I understand where you are coming from..last week I maxed out on deadlifts, then got up to run the next morning and my back was so sore I had to walk out most of my normal run:lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
mr stroke said:
I understand where you are coming from..last week I maxed out on deadlifts, then got up to run the next morning and my back was so sore I had to walk out most of my normal run:lol

And that is your body telling you to slow down and rest. Are you being paid millions to workout each day?

Pro athletes do all their serious gains in the off-season because they know they need periods of rests between workouts and focus on being in shape and properly conditioned during the season.

mr stroke

Mr. Snrub said:
Well, Cardio/HIIT alone for several days a week may be doable, as may hard weight lifting several days a week...but doing both will only work for a short (VERY short) while before it catches up to you. Figure out what your goals are and we'll help you prioritize accordingly. In a routine combining strength training and cardio/HIIT, you're going to need, at least, 2 days off a week.

when you say "catch up with me" are you saying that all the extra working out will become counterproductive or that my body will have mass fatigue/soreness or are we taking about later in life?(am 27 now)
I know it sounds stupid, but off days kill me so much mentaly I feel slow and lazy, I HAVE to be active at the very least 5 days a week.

so maybe swap out a Cardio/HIIT day

Week 1

Mon-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Wens-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)

Then next week:

Week 2

Mon-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/b]
Wens-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/B


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
mr stroke said:
when you say "catch up with me" are you saying that all the extra working out will become counterproductive or that my body will have mass fatigue/soreness or are we taking about later in life?(am 27 now)
I know it sounds stupid, but off days kill me so much mentaly I feel slow and lazy, I HAVE to be active at the very least 5 days a week.

so maybe swap out a Cardio/HIIT day

Week 1

Mon-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Wens-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)

Then next week:

Week 2

Mon-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/b]
Wens-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/B

He means catch up as in you'll get seriously hurt. Minor meniscus tears are no joke.

I think you are still doing too much because you are doing Cardio/HIIT a day after doing squats/deadlift. I'd urge to substitute an entire day of squatting for something else.


mr stroke said:
ok, makes more sense:lol


Week 1

Mon-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Wens-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)

Then next week:

Week 2

Mon-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/B]
Wens-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/B

I am guessing 5x5 on each maybe?

Sort of.
You can do cardio on your days off (I would recommend on having at least two off days to begin with though).
Just listen to your body, it’s a great routine, but a taxing one for a beginner.
As for reps, 5X5 on deadlifts and cleans in a lot.
I would start with no more than 3 sets (probably less at first).
I'm trying to read the starting strength wiki, but I think it's like 4 gigs of text...

I used to be in pretty good shape. 5'8" 145-160 lbs 4 years ago, working out multiple times a week.

I haven't done anything since. Can I get back in shape without going back to the gym? I have a bit of social anxiety that I'm dealing with, which would go absolutely haywire if I tried to go to a gym.

I do have a pullup bar and a treadmill downstairs (whatever), and I'm willing to buy more shit if I need it. I need to lose weight and get in shape again, lest the rest of my life devolve into pure shit. I want to feel good about myself again. I weigh 185 lbs now =(

Edit: I also have incredibly small and weak wrists, dunno if its genetic or what. Is there something I can do to strengthen them, or at least make sure I'm being safe while training?
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