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Official Halo 2 haters club

Come my brothers

Proclaim your disdain for halo 1 and a half!

Scoff at these fan boys as they fap over limited multiplayer as we bask in the greatness of such games like battlefield 1942 and ut2k4 for years!.

Laugh at them as they proclaim how awesome teh physics are as we bath in the pools of havok, ragdoll heavens in half life 2.

Laugh as we model our own worlds and create are own gameplay experiences using tools that take skill to use.

And most importantly be secure in the fact that there is no other way to play an fps effectively other than mouse and keyboard.




Im getting halo 2 also :(
Doom 3 is the best you could come up with? And BF1942, a game that has only brought out the most stupid players in gaming?

Half Life 2 doesnt belong in this thread, what an unorganized troll against GOTY.
PC Gaming isn't as great as you claim it to be. Especially considering the $$$ investment. I have more fun with the XBox than my PC which can run anything on the market now. That may and probably will change when World of Warcraft releases.


Battlefield 1942?!?!:lol And then I see a pic of Doom 3!! :lol :lol :lol What's next, Farcry?!:lol Oh man you need to come stronger than that my friend!

Kon Tiki

CrimsonSkies said:
PC Gaming isn't as great as you claim it to be. Especially considering the $$$ investment. I have more fun with the XBox than my PC which can run anything on the market now. That may and probably will change when World of Warcraft releases.

What is this 1972? PC parts are cheap.
pick anygame on pc and I can run it better faster and sexier (looks into mirror) than you!


I owned an xbox since launch and will own halo 2 and still hate it IF 1 = 0


Wait, wait, wait...

PC Gaming isn't as great as you claim it to be. Especially considering the $$$ investment. I have more fun with the XBox than my PC which can run anything on the market now. That may and probably will change when World of Warcraft releases.

You have a good PC and an Xbox? Isn't that a bit redundant?

J2 Cool

Is it just me or does Halo 2 look just like a heavily shined up Halo 1? People are getting excited by trailers hyping up the story. It's just fmv's, not actual gameplay. So watch it 60 or 100 times, that's not the game. An earth invasion isn't something new, it's just never tried to be as glorified as Halo 2. As far as the gameplay also, looks like Halo. Same colors as Halo, same type of art. Earth from what I've seen looks pretty generic too. Hopefully they don't do the repeat-a-room over and over, like they did in the first.
Halo 1 was good for a co-op playthrough, then I was done forever. The weapons were shitty, the physics slow and floaty, and the aim impercise. Halo 2 will likely be the same for me, I'll play through co-op with a friend, and if its worthy I'll buy it as well as a keyboard/mouse adapter. I'll give half-life 2 a shot in 6 months or something. Meh.


ZombieSupaStar said:
Laugh at them as they proclaim how awesome teh physics are as we bath in the pools of havok, ragdoll heavens in half life 2.
Halo 2 runs on Havok physics.....and bragging about a middleware engine already featured in two dozen other games is lame in the first place.


Halo is the biggest 'WTF' I've ever experienced of all of the games I've played. I just don't see its appeal nor do I understand why it's so highly regarded.

The producton values are good (music, graphics, story, atmosphere), but the actual gameplay is pretty bad and the level design makes the game suck even more.
J2 Cool said:
Is it just me or does Halo 2 look just like a heavily shined up Halo 1? People are getting excited by trailers hyping up the story. It's just fmv's, not actual gameplay. So watch it 60 or 100 times, that's not the game. An earth invasion isn't something new, it's just never tried to be as glorified as Halo 2. As far as the gameplay also, looks like Halo. Same colors as Halo, same type of art. Earth from what I've seen looks pretty generic too. Hopefully they don't do the repeat-a-room over and over, like they did in the first.



The anxiety on waiting for Halo 2 release is driving everyone insane. Bungie should bump up that release date and save the world in the process!
*signs up*
I couldn't care less about Halo 2 and Halo 1 didn't do it for me.

I prefer Doom 3 style FPS gameplay. Doom 3's gameplay and level design felt alot more professional I guess. ID are the pioneers of FPS and it shows.
Mrbob said:
The anxiety on waiting for Halo 2 release is driving everyone insane. Bungie should bump up that release date and save the world in the process!

heh, i was thinking the samething....bungie should just do what the music industry does when thier shit gets leaked way ahead of time...

blah....you know microsoft wouldnt let that happen tho because they want it to release on Nov. 9. because they wanna do something evey damn Nov. 9th.

seismologist said:
*signs up*
I couldn't care less about anything on Xbox and cause I asked my mom to buy me an Xbox and she didn't do it for me.

I prefer Ps2 style FPS gameplay. Ps2 ' s gameplay and level design felt alot more professional I guess. Sony are the pioneers of Videogames and it shows.



Dr.Guru of Peru said:
Bah. BF1942 is far too underappreciated on this forum.

It's 2004. Not 2002. I could say the same thing about Tribes but I would be living in the past. But I don't think the BF gameplay has aged well. That's just me, though. Live in the moment. Embrace Halo 2. :D
Mrbob said:
Battlefield 1942?!?!:lol And then I see a pic of Doom 3!! :lol :lol :lol What's next, Farcry?!:lol Oh man you need to come stronger than that my friend!

Whats wrong with Battlefield 1942? Its a great multiplayer game.
Doom_Bringer said:
Whats wrong with Battlefield 1942? Its a great multiplayer game.

bf1942 ownz when you play with the right people...you know, who arent arse faces and are actually working as a team trying to win....

then again it sucks when you dont play with the right people....

i assume star wars bf is exactly the sameway since it feels like a kickass bf 1942 mod.

and the same goes with most team oriented PC games....

either way

UT2004 >>>>>>>>. BF1942


Doom_Bringer said:
Whats wrong with Battlefield 1942? Its a great multiplayer game.

I don't hate BF1942 per se, but it is too damn tough to find a game without a bunch of blundering idiots playing.

With the impending explosion of Xbox Live! accounts with Halo 2, I fear the same thing may happen.
captainbiotch said:
get a grip on reality.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

All kidding aside, I really wasn't a big fan of Halo 1 because I never played it LAN, but XBL should make H2 a must-buy.

Kon Tiki

Hitler Stole My Potato said:
You are agreeing with him? Mel Lastman used to say 'Nooooooooooooobody', which is what he is doing with his hands. As in, nobody does it better. That is not 'OK'. Unless that is not Mel Lastman.
trippingmartian said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

All kidding aside, I really wasn't a big fan of Halo 1 because I never played it LAN

It's only good if you've never played a PC FPS.
As good as Halo was and I'm sure the same is true for Halo 2, the series is still an alsoran when it comes to features.

Rock solid gameplay + really decent graphics + all the current A.I. tricks in use on the PC already = HALO 1 & 2.

Innovation is not its strong suit. Completely kick ass multiplayer is!

Kon Tiki

krypt0nian said:
Innovation is not its strong suit. Completely kick ass multiplayer is!

On console maybe, after playing 100s of hours of ONS I can not even bother with that other game's MP.

UT2k4 set the bar way too high.

It is like when FPS started to have other modes other than DM, noone want to play DM any more. That is the way I feel about Halo2.
Society said:
You are agreeing with him? Mel Lastman used to say 'Nooooooooooooobody', which is what he is doing with his hands. As in, nobody does it better. That is not 'OK'. Unless that is not Mel Lastman.

lol...no I'm not agreeing with him. I suppose I never did a background check on Mel Lastman.

seismologist said:
It's only good if you've never played a PC FPS.

Says the Doom 3 pimpologist.



Tag of Excellence
I have an awesome PC and an Xbox! I'm salivating over Half Life 2 and Halo 2! Someone kill me I'm a glitch in the system!
Society said:
On console maybe, after playing 100s of hours of ONS I can not even bother with that other game's MP.

UT2k4 set the bar way too high.

It is like when FPS started to have other modes other than DM, noone want to play DM any more. That is the way I feel about Halo2.

No I agree with you Society. I didn't say it was the BEST multi, just fun as hell.

Nothing touches 2k4 ONS for me either!
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