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Official Halo 2 haters club



"Mention BF1942 when comparing to me? Bitch, please."


I'll make a legitimate argument why Halo 2 will suck. I played some of the multiplayer of the leaked version and I have to say it really did feel like a Halo 1.5. It played exactly like Halo 1 but with better graphics, different weapons and new levels. In terms of gameplay it was virtually the same. Not that it's a bad thing since Halo 1's gameplay was awesome but after 3 years and all the "BEST FUCKING GAME EVER" hype it almost just felt like a rehash of Halo 1. Still I haven't played the single player and have heard good things about that but the multiplayer aspect of the game seemed to be a bit disappointing.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Hournda said:
I'll make a legitimate argument why Halo 2 will suck. I played some of the multiplayer of the leaked version and I have to say it really did feel like a Halo 1.5. It played exactly like Halo 1 but with better graphics, different weapons and new levels. In terms of gameplay it was virtually the same. Not that it's a bad thing since Halo 1's gameplay was awesome but after 3 years and all the "BEST FUCKING GAME EVER" hype it almost just felt like a rehash of Halo 1. Still I haven't played the single player and have heard good things about that but the multiplayer aspect of the game seemed to be a bit disappointing.

uhhh, of course it should feel like Halo... because it a Halo game afterall *scratches head*


Fuck u, Battlefield 1942 is a great game and I AM 100% sure that Halo 2 (multiplayer mode) drew some inspiration from it.

You mean vice versa. I got the impression that BF 1942 took from Halo and from Tribes and put it into one package that does vehicles and mass-multiplay better than both.

Why isn't anyone talking about the best teamplay fps ever created? FRONT LINE FORCE!



replace "halo 2" with "metroid prime 2" or "gta: sa" in the thread title and i bet this would have gotten locked almost instantly.

Kon Tiki

Joe said:
replace "halo 2" with "metroid prime 2" or "gta: sa" in the thread title and i bet this would have gotten locked almost instantly.
There is a GTA:SA haters thread and well every MP2 thread turns into a haters thread.


As big of an Nbot as I am, I think I have fallen to the hype of Halo 2.

I think I might even be anticipating it more than Metroid Prime 2. :(


DopeyFish said:
uhhh, of course it should feel like Halo... because it a Halo game afterall *scratches head*

Though I already have the game pre-ordered, I'll play devil's advocate and say: That is true but why should I shell out $50 to get a gaming experience that I've already had for the past 3 years?

Kon Tiki

Hitler Stole My Potato said:
I think it'd be hard for anyone that's remotely interested in videogames not to be a little excited to play it. Hype be damned.[/url]

What about those who have played it and say it is not their thing? Seeing as those do people exist.
Dragona Akehi said:
I hate FPS. Halo 2 gets no more than a slightly disinterested "meh" from me. :p

Well obviously I didn't calculate for derranged mamby pamby, Kenny Rogers lovin', flaming homosexulas into my videogame equation.

Exception = you

*****UPDATE!!!! This post is just a joke. I know you don't really like Kenny Rogers.*******


I definitely expected to not care about Halo 2. Halo was an alright game, and the only reason I play it is because it's more common to find people willing to move around Xboxen than PCs. It's not a bad game at all, just nothing I'd play over, say, Quake 3 or probably UT2k4.

Of course, I was then shown a few hours of the leak. The multiplayer definitely felt like Halo 1.5 at first, but the maps, the weapons, and the way the vehicles have changed all make it a hell of a lot more enjoyable. Changed my mind pretty quickly. And the singleplayer... I wasn't expecting it to be as incredible as it is.


Tain said:
Of course, I was then shown a few hours of the leak. The multiplayer definitely felt like Halo 1.5 at first, but the maps, the weapons, and the way the vehicles have changed all make it a hell of a lot more enjoyable. Changed my mind pretty quickly. And the singleplayer... I wasn't expecting it to be as incredible as it is.

You suck at hate threads.
Hournda said:
Though I already have the game pre-ordered, I'll play devil's advocate and say: That is true but why should I shell out $50 to get a gaming experience that I've already had for the past 3 years?

<Insert any sequel here>
Halo 2 will leave masses dissapointed, but it will be a FF8 sort of affaire, where no one wants to admit their own dissapointement to the game they've been hyping for 3 years without end. I mean this is the second coming, you are being told "This is the summit of videogames," for people who are about to own their 2nd Xbox game, they won't be able to tell if Halo 2 sucks or not. I can imagine it "DUDE, I'm like 5 minutes into the game, it's batshit insane, best fucking game ever." Next time you say "yeah, Halo 2 was ok" expect alot of "Dude, I really used to think you were a hardcore gamer."

As big of an Nbot as I am, I think I have fallen to the hype of Halo 2.

I think I might even be anticipating it more than Metroid Prime 2. :(

Bitch, you have shamed your kind.

Also, I can't wait to play Half-Life 2

on my xbox
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