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Official Islamic Thread

ilanna said:
I'm not saying that it is because of Islam. I was just telling the guy who was accusing under-developed-countries or Islam of being sexist. Trust me, I know my fair share of sexist *English* chauvinistic bastards! Men always tend to think they're superior when they really aren't :p but that's a debate for another thread.. Which I won't make, don't worry :lol

Get off the internet and do the damn cleaning!



Question: Was there a big Muslim holiday last friday (Good Friday for the Judeo-Christian tradition)? It seemed there was a celebration of sorts at the local mosque.


Dascu said:
Question: Was there a big Muslim holiday last friday (Good Friday for the Judeo-Christian tradition)? It seemed there was a celebration of sorts at the local mosque.

Well sort off yes... Maldin Al Nabi...


cashman said:
So are you saying Islam isn't a religion? So it's more like a state of mind?

Far more, the word Deen which is used for Islam in Islam, is what sets it appart,

the untranslated Arabic word to signify something above and beyond that concept, perhaps more approximating "faith" (or "way" or "path") , which cannot be translated to an exact equivalent, but only grasped through an understanding and application of Islamic principles.


Warrior300 said:
Yeah, that stuff, I know some muslims celebrate it, however, some say its not allowed. Its still not clear to me.

Well that's another instance of religion and culture confusion arises... *sad but true*


Zapages said:
Well that's another instance of religion and culture confusion arises... *sad but true*

Exactly, the day when Prophet Muhammad (saw) was around people didn't celebrate his birthday, why would we?

He would try to stop us from ever, even coming close to shirk or what the Christians now sadly do to Jesus.


Adamrogo said:
The only good that came out of this thread is that I know who to add to my ignore list. :lol

Religion turns people crazy.
A little self-righteous perhaps, but craziness is inherent to the person him or herself.

Hadji said:
Personally, I wouldn't be able to handle more than one.
No, you're thinking about it the wrong way my friend. If you legally have 4 wives and they all know each other, they're gonna be on their best "behavior" in competition for your attention and love. Just occasionally play em out against each other, and you can send 2 to work and have the other 2 do the housework, while you relax playing videogames, watching sports or whatever.:D

Warrior300 said:
Here are the evidences:
Similarities between Shia Islam and Judaism or Jewish Diaspora Culture is hardly evidence that a Jew founded Shia Islam.

ilanna said:
I'm not saying that it is because of Islam. I was just telling the guy who was accusing under-developed-countries or Islam of being sexist. Trust me, I know my fair share of sexist *English* chauvinistic bastards! Men always tend to think they're superior when they really aren't :p but that's a debate for another thread.. Which I won't make, don't worry :lol
What do you mean *think* they're superior? ;)


Stridone said:
"G-d"? Get a grip man.

Why does the religion of peace advocate the killing of unbelievers? Pretty childish of this omnipotent "Allah" to demand being worshipped, isn't it?

Religion is only there to compensate man's inability to believe in their own kind - the inability to believe in themselves, to be exact. And the inability to handle freedom.

You didn't come here to ask any insightfull questions. Please post meaningful posts with respect to this thread or don't post at all.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
pewye said:
what I don't understand is why they changed the prayers from 5 to 3, when God clearly said that it was 5 times a day.

And I don't understand is why they are still bitter about the fact that Ali wasn't the first caliphah.

Abu Bakr, Uthman and Omar were the closest friends to Prophet Mohammad. Abu Bakr was unanimously chosen as the first caliphah, and Ali eventually became a Cliphah.

A cliphah is chosen because he is the best person that can rule over the muslims. Being a decsendant of Mohammad =/= best fit. It is possible that a descendant of prophet Mohammad might be the best fit, but I don't think that is always the case.

But it is worth noting that The Mahdi will be a descendant from prophet Mohammad.

Well first, we do have to pray 5 prayers, hadji misstated his post (possibly on purpose because of his hatred for shias). For the other points, check Chrono's post, he has everything spot on.


Kapsama said:
Similarities between Shia Islam and Judaism or Jewish Diaspora Culture is hardly evidence that a Jew founded Shia Islam.

What do you mean *think* they're superior? ;)

The founder of Shi’ism was the Jewish Abdullah ibn Saba. It is a known fact that he used to be jewish.
Warrior300 said:
You didn't come here to ask any insightfull questions. Please post meaningful posts with respect to this thread or don't post at all.

That's an awfully convenient way to avoid answering a legitimate question. Perhaps he should have posted some Google images instead.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Warrior300 said:
The founder of Shi’ism was the Jewish Abdullah ibn Saba. It is a known fact that he used to be jewish.

I think you have no idea what you're talking about.


Warrior300 said:
You didn't come here to ask any insightfull questions. Please post meaningful posts with respect to this thread or don't post at all.

I think I have the right to post whatever I want to as long as I don't break any rules. This is a public forum. So will you answer the question or not?
Warrior300 said:
What's that supposed to mean?

It means you're dismissive and conveniently avoid answering questions whose answers could possibly be interpreted as damaging to Islam. Basically, you're answering the easy questions and dancing around the most difficult ones.


Stridone said:
I think I have the right to post whatever I want as long as I don't break any rules. This is a public forum. So will you answer the question or not?

You have that right as much as I have the right to tell you to read the OP before posting, I mentioned this not once but 5 times and I'll say it again.:
The Qur'an is less violent then the bible and Torah, the few verses that focus on self defense have been taken out of context by individual who thrive on bloodshed.
The only wars Muslims ever fought were the battle for freedom to practice their religion. I'm too tired to type it all again but here it is:

Deliberate actions are taken to take the Qur'an out of context .Have you ever read the verse that Osama Bin Laden uses to take up arms ? He starts reading them the verses:

002.190 Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, ( he-stops there and skips this )but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors.

002.191 And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.

( he doesn't even mention this)
002.192 But if they cease, God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.


These verses focused on self defense,Islam is the whole of it,not I take what I want and leave the rest.


Warrior300 said:
You have that right as much as I have the right to tell you to read the OP before posting, I mentioned this not once but 5 times and I'll say it again.:

So I guess every one of those 513 quotes are only taken out of context! Yeah, defending one quote, used by Osama Bin Laden, surely dismisses the obvious meaning of the 512 other ones listed there. Wait, it doesn't.


Stridone said:
So I guess every one of those 513 quotes are only taken out of context! Yeah, defending one quote, used by Osama Bin Laden, surely dismisses the obvious meaning of the 512 other ones listed there. Wait, it doesn't.

wait man, that is the verse he uses to take up arms, that is the only verse that points to self defense.

This guy wants to change Islam to his own suiting.

Give me other verses that point to violence.


Stridone said:

What is that?
Man, you are cunning...
You are acting like Islam is the only religion that condemns those who reject G-d to hell. Tsk.tsk.

IF you wanna talk violent then Judaism and Christianity are worse. While the Qur'an only condemns the rejecters of G-d to hell. The so called peaceful bible is full of violence

1) In Leviticus 25:44-46, the Lord tells the Israelites it's OK to own slaves, provided they are strangers or heathens.

2) In Samuel 15:2-3, the Lord orders Saul to kill all the Amalekite men, women and infants.

3) In Exodus 15:3, the Bible tells us the

Lord is a man of war.

4) In Numbers 31, the Lord tells Moses to kill all the Midianites, sparing only the virgins.

5) In Deuteronomy 13:6-16, the Lord instructs Israel to kill anyone who worships a different god or who worships the Lord differently.

6) In Mark 7:9, Jesus is critical of the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as prescribed by Old Testament law.

7) In Luke 19:22-27, Jesus orders killed anyone who refuses to be ruled by him

The difference with islam is, that none of the violence attributed to it is real and mentioned in the Qur'an. All of it are from people and sites like the one you gave me.

You gave me a link to a site that is clearly anti-islamic, the verses aren't even like that.
They select verses half way and deem the whole verse as violent,

I can do what you did, without taking it out of context.


19:34 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. [Brick Testament] The Seduction of Lot

19:35 And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
19:36 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. What the Bible says about incest, family values, and fathers

19:37 And the first born bare a son, and called his name Moab: the same is the father of the Moabites unto this day. WTF?!

19:38 And the younger, she also bare a son, and called his name Benammi: the same is the father of the children of Ammon unto this day. WTF?!

Is christianity to you a religion of Incest and violence?

Why point the finger at innocent Islam ?
Warrior300 said:
hmm. tough one, if I were to find a dog and no one cared for it I would give it shelter and food. But that is because no one can care for it.. so it would be allowed.

But buying one... I can't just say... you need to have a reason for it, you see when you are a muslim you are expected to pray 5 times a day and so keep yourself, clothes and are where you pray clean.

Dogs don't know (as far as I can think of) what kind of uncleanliness they can carry at times, in Islam cleanliness is half of faith. As you are expected to converse with Allah 5 times a day, you can't afford to be unclean.

Not even a praying dog?


'Praying' dog at Japanese temple

Attendance at a Buddhist temple in Japan has increased since the temple's pet, a two-year-old dog, has joined in the daily prayers.



Warrior300 said:
What is that?
Man, you are cunning...
You are acting like Islam is the only religion that condemns those who reject G-d to hell. Tsk.tsk.

IF you wanna talk violent then Judaism and Christianity are worse. While the Qur'an only condemns the rejecters of G-d to hell. The so called peaceful bible is full of violence

1) In Leviticus 25:44-46, the Lord tells the Israelites it's OK to own slaves, provided they are strangers or heathens.

2) In Samuel 15:2-3, the Lord orders Saul to kill all the Amalekite men, women and infants.

3) In Exodus 15:3, the Bible tells us the

Lord is a man of war.

4) In Numbers 31, the Lord tells Moses to kill all the Midianites, sparing only the virgins.

5) In Deuteronomy 13:6-16, the Lord instructs Israel to kill anyone who worships a different god or who worships the Lord differently.

6) In Mark 7:9, Jesus is critical of the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as prescribed by Old Testament law.

7) In Luke 19:22-27, Jesus orders killed anyone who refuses to be ruled by him

The difference with islam is, that none of the violence attributed to it is real and mentioned in the Qur'an. All of it are from people and sites like the one you gave me.

You gave me a link to a site that is clearly anti-islamic, the verses aren't even like that.
They select verses half way and deem the whole verse as violent,

I can do what you did, without taking it out of context.


19:34 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. [Brick Testament] The Seduction of Lot

19:35 And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
19:36 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. What the Bible says about incest, family values, and fathers

19:37 And the first born bare a son, and called his name Moab: the same is the father of the Moabites unto this day. WTF?!

19:38 And the younger, she also bare a son, and called his name Benammi: the same is the father of the children of Ammon unto this day. WTF?!

Is christianity to you a religion of Incest and violence?

Why point the finger at innocent Islam ?

What the hell? Your response to violence in the Quran is "it's in other religions too"? Eh, I know. I'm not a Christian or Jew. Why point the finger at innocent :)lol) Islam? Because this thread is about Islam, maybe?


Stridone said:
What the hell? Your response to violence in the Quran is "it's in other religions too"? Eh, I know. I'm not a Christian or Jew. Why point the finger at innocent :)lol) Islam? Because this thread is about Islam, maybe?

Then regard this to be the answer:

Islam is peaceful and means peace by definition. If you can't give me proper verses of the Qur'an calling for killing innocents and not defending the weak,without quoting bad anti-islamic sites why should I bother?

Islam is innocent because you are forcing ideas that you have heard about it instead of actually looking things up from the Qur'an itself, therefore you deny it to be peaceful because you like the idea of terrorism and hate.

You used a christian anti-Islamic site, that is why I felt the need to use christianity as an example.


Warrior300 said:
Then regard this to be the answer:

Islam is peaceful and means peace by definition. If you can't give me proper verses of the Qur'an calling for killing innocents and not defending the weak,without quoting bad anti-islamic sites why should I bother?

Islam is innocent because you are forcing ideas that you have heard about it instead of actually looking things up from the Qur'an itself, therefore you deny it to be peaceful because you like the idea of terrorism and hate.

So you're telling me the website is lying? Why is it bad? Because it criticizes the Islam?

You haven't given a single decent argument, and saying that website is a "bad anti-islamic site" because you deem it so won't change that.


Stridone said:
What the hell? Your response to violence in the Quran is "it's in other religions too"? Eh, I know. I'm not a Christian or Jew. Why point the finger at innocent :)lol) Islam? Because this thread is about Islam, maybe?

did you even read the post??

He is saying that the verses are taken out of context, and some of the words have been changed and a lot of these verses are talking about people that sin not all people in general.

In the Quran heaven is mentioned TWICE as much as Hell


Stridone said:
So you're telling me the website is lying? Why is it bad? Because it criticizes the Islam?

You haven't given a single decent argument, and saying that website is a "bad anti-islamic site" because you deem it so won't change that.


I swear some people,..

Why do I even bother,

very well

I tried my best with you.

I love to see other peoples views on everything, I like conversing with people to make out a good general outlook on all of them and not to make prejudice my ground basis of identification. But I need you to talk sensible, I gave you a good reason and told you that the site is Anti-Islamic and so would be only showing you a forged bad side of Islam. To keep you presumptious.


pewye said:
did you even read the post??

He is saying that the verses are taken out of context, and some of the words have been changed and a lot of these verses are talking about people that sin not all people in general.

In the Quran heaven is mentioned TWICE as much as Hell

Eh, and he's a more credible source than SAB? I don't think so. 513 quotes taken out of context and manipulated, sure.


Stridone said:
Eh, and he's a more credible source than SAB? I don't think so. 513 quotes taken out of context and manipulated, sure.

What the hell! they literally select half the verses. And skip the other half.

2:21 O mankind! worship your Lord, Who hath created you and those before you, so that ye may ward off (evil).

I can't believe some people, i'm not even gonna try with you.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Maybe people have a little distorted view of Islam and its followers because there's quite an amount of fine people likes this gentleman improving the image of Muslims. I don't know but I'm not really becoming more sympathetic towards this religion when religious leaders in it with some influence keep feeding this kind of BS to their people. I'm sure for each moron like this one there's a hundred more sensible and intelligent leaders but even one of these clowns is one too many.


Rei_Toei said:
Maybe people have a little distorted view of Islam and its followers because there's quite an amount of fine people likes this gentleman improving the image of Muslims. I don't know but I'm not really becoming more sympathetic towards this religion when religious leaders in it with some influence keep feeding this kind of BS to their people. I'm sure for each moron like this one there's a hundred more sensible and intelligent leaders but even one of these clowns is one too many.

Every religion has these nutcases, Christianity has everything from televangelists to skinheads to the Pope and everything in between. None of them, even the Pope, can speak for all Christians.

One thing this thread accomplished for me personally is I feel as though I have a better understanding of how Muslims view Christianity, and the Shia/Sunni divide which are both very interesting topics to me. Good job, GAF Muslims! :lol

I'm a non-practicing Lutheran FWIW.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
If I start a religion I am definitely referencing several of the major world religions stories. That is some great built in marketshare right there.


I'm not sure if this has already been discussed, but I'll bring it up anyway..

When I first started learning about Islam, its creation seemed like it was going to make it one of the least crazy religions. Muhammad said the jews and christians were people of the book, but their messages from god had been corrupted, so it was his job to clear things up. Muhammad recieves the literal word of god, and passes it along. Great, there will be less ambiguity and room for vastly differing interpretations.

But then I found out that the Quran wasn't written down anywhere until after Muhammad dies, and that arabic at the time was very simplistic and its grammar wasn't really formalized until later by the persians.

So now we have the word of god, as best as people can or want to remember it, written down, decades after muhammad's death, in a language that was almost entirely oral at the time of the recitations, and that was mostly used by nomadic camel hearders so it probably didn't have the complexity and depth of other languages.

And we're back to the problems of validity and accuracy that every other religion has

Someone needs to make a religion based on math, so things like changing meaning of words, translations introducing errors, multiple definitions of some words, etc, won't matter.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I would normally be helping you guys defend Islam in a thread like this, but I can't cooperate with any people who spread such bullshit about shias (stuff like we only pray 3 prayers), muslims like you guys are the reason why Islam is in such a disarray right now.


pj325is said:
I'm not sure if this has already been discussed, but I'll bring it up anyway..

When I first started learning about Islam, its creation seemed like it was going to make it one of the least crazy religions. Muhammad said the jews and christians were people of the book, but their messages from god had been corrupted, so it was his job to clear things up. Muhammad recieves the literal word of god, and passes it along. Great, there will be less ambiguity and room for vastly differing interpretations.

But then I found out that the Quran wasn't written down anywhere until after Muhammad dies, and that arabic at the time was very simplistic and its grammar wasn't really formalized until later by the persians.

So now we have the word of god, as best as people can or want to remember it, written down, decades after muhammad's death, in a language that was almost entirely oral at the time of the recitations, and that was mostly used by nomadic camel hearders so it probably didn't have the complexity and depth of other languages.

And we're back to the problems of validity and accuracy that every other religion has

Someone needs to make a religion based on math, so things like changing meaning of words, translations introducing errors, multiple definitions of some words, etc, won't matter.

Thanks for that,

I'll try my best to explain, you see its very easy,

The Qur'an was written down in the presence of Muhammad. At the very moment it was revealed, it would be written on the first thing insight. So it was written on Bones, skins, rocks and stones etc.

It wasn't in book format then though, Uthman was the one that brough it all together in a book, because the muslim empire was spreading.So more people needed the Qur'an with them.


GSG Flash said:
Well first, we do have to pray 5 prayers, hadji misstated his post (possibly on purpose because of his hatred for shias). For the other points, check Chrono's post, he has everything spot on.

I never said you folks pray three times a day! O__o

pj325is said:
But then I found out that the Quran wasn't written down anywhere until after Muhammad dies, and that arabic at the time was very simplistic and its grammar wasn't really formalized until later by the persians.

Both of these are false.

Arabic wasn't simple nor was it's grammar. Arabic has always been Arabic. The Qur'an itself set the standard of it's time and has been used as the source to come back to for correct Arabic ever since. It is debatable that the only thing that holds formal Arabic together is the Qur'an.

Also, as Warrior300 has mentioned, the Qur'an was written down during Mohammed's (pbuh) time, and in his presence.


Hadji said:
Ah, so you agree that Othman (raa) is closer because he married TWO of the Prophet's (pbuh) daughters? ^__^

You're saying that Othman was closer to the prophet than Imam Ali? Really?

Hadji said:
So, why quote something that was written in 1959? Why would I care about Mahmood Shaltoot's opinion anyway? In fact, this is the first time I've heard of his name. Plus, I can provide you with many statements from Sunni scholars that say the exact opposite.

Gee, I don't know. Maybe because Shaltoot himself was a Sunni of Al-Azhar University, one of the most respected and storied institutions with regard to Islam. And maybe, just maybe, because this fatwa encourages peace and unity (see: an Islamic message) rather than the violence, oppression, and divide that Sunnis like you seem to encourage.

Take a look at effzee if you want to see how a Sunni of real integrity should view the issue of Sunni vs. Shia.


Why has God provided such little evidence for his existence? It seems to me that in most faiths believing in that "one true God" is what is most important. I'm leafing through the Koran here at work and I continually see these distinctions between believers and nonbelievers. If it's such a sin not to believe in God, why would he only reveal himself to Muhammad and then shut up for hundreds of years never speaking again?

It seems to me that in the time of Jesus and Muhammad it would be fairly easy (at least compared to modern times) to make up incredible stories and get many people to believe them.


CHYME said:
You're saying that Othman was closer to the prophet than Imam Ali? Really?

I'm merely responding to Chrono's claim that Ali (raa) is closest to the Prophet (pbuh) because he is married to Fatima (raa).

Ali gets 1 daughter
Uthman gets 2 daughters
Uthman is 2x as close to Mohammed

This is illogical.

Gee, I don't know. Maybe because Shaltoot himself was a Sunni of Al-Azhar University, one of the most respected and storied institutions with regard to Islam. And maybe, just maybe, because this fatwa encourages peace and unity (see: an Islamic message) rather than the violence, oppression, and divide that Sunnis like you seem to encourage.

Take a look at effzee if you want to see how a Sunni of real integrity should view the issue of Sunni vs. Shia.

Shaltoot, being associated with Al-Azhar, doesn't make him an expert on Sunni aqeedah, or the differences between sects.

Why not bring up some quotes that were said by one of the four Imams of jurisprudence? They represent are knowledgable, are widely know, and are all accepted by Sunnis.


Futureman said:
Why has God provided such little evidence for his existence? It seems to me that in most faiths believing in that "one true God" is what is most important. I'm leafing through the Koran here at work and I continually see these distinctions between believers and nonbelievers. If it's such a sin not to believe in God, why would he only reveal himself to Muhammad and then shut up for hundreds of years never speaking again?

It seems to me that in the time of Jesus and Muhammad it would be fairly easy (at least compared to modern times) to make up incredible stories and get many people to believe them.

Thanks for getting the Qur'an out.

You see, G-d has endued us human beings with one thing that none of His creation has.

The ability to choose, and be affected by the choices we make. We don't simply act on instinct neither do we just do tings like computers. We are emotional creatures, affected and influenced by that which surrounds us. We feel when we do something, we think about why we did certain things. We contemplate on everything around us.

The truth is that Moses, Jesus, Muhammad all of them were real (no question because the grave and belongings of Muhammad are still here with us till this very day).

Every single thing they did was real, many have claimed to be prophets, but how much were recorded in History for what they did?

These men were extra ordinary, never asking from anyone but relying on G-d, they built and changed civilaztions merely by there actions, they didn't want to get remembered for how they looked like or were they came from rather what they did.

The personality of these men was something that the whole world till this day is amazed and astonished at. All of them had one thing in common. The firm belief and pure Love for The One True G-d.

What made these men icons of humanity?
Why would they go through the sufferings they clearly didn't have to, why would they stay humble till the day they died ?( well at least two of them lol)

They didn't engross themselves in the material live because this is temporary, this was the key to their success. Giving up the world to gain the true meaning of life.

Make no mistake, Muslims, Christians, Jews. They all have a certainty in the Day of Judgment. It is something that WILL happen.

And G-d wants you to recognize him through careful and thoughtful consideration, ponder on the world around you, think about it.

There are many things on earth that are too beautiful to be a coincidence.

A beauty isnt' she?

What if I told you that this car was made by coincidence, the different particles formed into one perfecty functional car?

I would be a madman wouldn't I?

Then what about this world, the human being, able to think and feel and the many other creatures on it?
G-d is definitely Real.


Futureman said:
Why has God provided such little evidence for his existence? It seems to me that in most faiths believing in that "one true God" is what is most important. I'm leafing through the Koran here at work and I continually see these distinctions between believers and nonbelievers. If it's such a sin not to believe in God, why would he only reveal himself to Muhammad and then shut up for hundreds of years never speaking again?

It seems to me that in the time of Jesus and Muhammad it would be fairly easy (at least compared to modern times) to make up incredible stories and get many people to believe them.

Remember that news story last week about the exploding star? That star blew up *before the Earth even existed*, it was just now getting to a point where we could see it. Sit on that for awhile, and realize there are some things just beyond human comprehension. Religion is a way for people to rationalize things like the size of the universe.

Assume that all the world's religions get more right than wrong, and then consider the possibility that what most people think of as God is actually an alien. It all kind of comes together if you think about it long enough.
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