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Official Islamic Thread


BocoDragon said:
Well I study Buddhism, and I'm not "a Buddhist", I'm just philosophical. That really has to do with how much you want a religious badge or label,...and I have to say that often Buddhists are far less "attached" to self-images than your average self-identified atheist ;)

edit (more):

It's definitely 99% of the traiditon intact in the west. The values of conduct are the same. The methods are the same. At worst, some of the assumed cosmology from earlier Buddhist cultures has been shaved off. Was it part of the original point of Buddhism, or were these just cultural assumptions of buddhist cultures? You tell me.

Can you enjoy Outkast without knowing its specific musical roots? Was it inspired by african beats or rock n roll? Who cares, right?

This isn't an appeal to authority... it is perhaps the ideal of culture.. an inspirational story, and a method for achieving similar results. Even if such a body of thought evolved organically over time, it is still worth understanding. This isn't about tracing a body of thought back to a true source... it's just a body of thought. The western ones are the heirs to this body of thought... it's hard to figure out where the "Buddhist" label would not truly apply? I personally think that those Japanese Pure Land Buddhists are not Buddhists... but is that my call?


Well, I certainly care what genre Outkast are when I have to arrange them in itunes! They may take influence from rock n roll, but I sure as hell won't file them under that!


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
lopaz said:
Well, I certainly care what genre Outkast are when I have to arrange them in itunes! They may take influence from rock n roll, but I sure as hell won't file them under that!
What about the techno remixes? where do they go??


Few Questions here

Why does woman rights pale in comparison to mens?
Why do people use Sharia law? and how can a law system as bad as this be called "Based on the Qur'an & hadith", for me this just paints a bad picture for the "western" world.

Why cant woman marry more then one man like men?, as men can marry more then one woman, What happened to all the treating woman equally!

Muslims allways say the "western" world is sex crazed because their woman flaunt men with their sexiness, but if you think about it, whos the person shagging 4 home wives (sex objects)

You say "western" woman are whores/slutty, well I must say which you must agree with as with using your logic, muslim men with more then one wife are sex crazed manwhores who cant keep it in one woman.

Muslim Country oriented questions
Is it true that a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man, if so why?
Can woman have Goverment jobs, if not why?
Can non-Muslims have Goverment jobs, if not why?
Can you publically demonstrate non-Muslim religious practices, if not why?
Which countries use Sharia Law?


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
do muslims listen to techno??

what genre of muzak do muslims listen to in general??

does my pink bunny exist, Muslim-GAFfers? if not, why?

how come muslim women can't date jewish/atheist/xtian/whatever dudes, but muslim men can dominate every women they lay their hands on?

what if I pull down a burka from a muslim woman??

do muslim women ever take off their burka clothing at all??

is there any female muslim-GAFfers?


Verano said:
do muslims listen to techno??

what genre of muzak do muslims listen to in general??

does my pink bunny exist, Muslim-GAFfers? if not, why?

how come muslim women can't date jewish/atheist/xtian/whatever dudes, but muslim men can dominate every women they lay their hands on?

what if I pull down a burka from a muslim woman??

do muslim women ever take off their burka clothing at all??

is there any female muslim-GAFfers?

1- The music question is very vague. There are muslims all over the world, different languages, different cultures, etc... But Arabs listen to Arabic Middle Eastern music, and western too.

muslims are supposed to marry muslims, and if they want to marry non-muslims it is highly recommended that they convert to islam. Muslim women can't marry nonmuslim men because then they would be under the authority of a nonmuslim ( a nono in Islam)

If you pull down a burka from a muslim woman and stare at her face you will get seven deadly diseases and turn into stone. (what kind of question is that ??? :p)

I have no idea if they take off their burkas. But I do know that some prostitutes dress up in burkas and then go and have sex.

A burka is a result of some stupid cultural tradition that has nothing to do with Islam.

A hijab is part of Islam. A burka is not.


Why does woman rights pale in comparison to mens?
Islam hates women

Why do people use Sharia law? and how can a law system as bad as this be called "Based on the Qur'an & hadith", for me this just paints a bad picture for the "western" world.
Any law system that is directly based on religion failes since you can't really change the laws, and as I learned in law class if a law system can't change is laws, it fails

Why cant woman marry more then one man like men?, as men can marry more then one woman, What happened to all the treating woman equally!

Again, Islam hates women

Muslims allways say the "western" world is sex crazed because their woman flaunt men with their sexiness, but if you think about it, whos the person shagging 4 home wives (sex objects)
Again, Islam hates women

You say "western" woman are whores/slutty, well I must say which you must agree with as with using your logic, muslim men with more then one wife are sex crazed manwhores who cant keep it in one woman.
Yes they are

Is it true that a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man, if so why?
Its true, Islam hates women.

Can woman have Goverment jobs, if not why?
There is nothing about the Quran about government jobs lol

Can non-Muslims have Goverment jobs, if not why?
Can't see why not

Can you publically demonstrate non-Muslim religious practices, if not why?

No idea, but I would guess you can

Which countries use Sharia Law?
All the bad ones lol


Guled said:
Why does woman rights pale in comparison to mens?
Islam hates women

Why do people use Sharia law? and how can a law system as bad as this be called "Based on the Qur'an & hadith", for me this just paints a bad picture for the "western" world.
Any law system that is directly based on religion failes since you can't really change the laws, and as I learned in law class if a law system can't change is laws, it fails

Why cant woman marry more then one man like men?, as men can marry more then one woman, What happened to all the treating woman equally!

Again, Islam hates women

Muslims allways say the "western" world is sex crazed because their woman flaunt men with their sexiness, but if you think about it, whos the person shagging 4 home wives (sex objects)
Again, Islam hates women

You say "western" woman are whores/slutty, well I must say which you must agree with as with using your logic, muslim men with more then one wife are sex crazed manwhores who cant keep it in one woman.
Yes they are

Is it true that a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man, if so why?
Its true, Islam hates women.

Can woman have Goverment jobs, if not why?
There is nothing about the Quran about government jobs lol

Can non-Muslims have Goverment jobs, if not why?
Can't see why not

Can you publically demonstrate non-Muslim religious practices, if not why?

No idea, but I would guess you can

Which countries use Sharia Law?
All the bad ones lol

how are you not banned?? You are a terrible troll


pewye said:
how are you not banned?? You are a terrible troll
FYI I'm also a muslim. Islam dose hate women. Directly or Indirectly Islam gives all the power to men and gives women the middle finger.


Guled said:
FYI I'm also a muslim. Islam dose hate women. Directly or Indirectly Islam gives all the power to men and gives women the middle finger.

If you really are a true and a good muslim then you wouldn't say that Islam hates women.

My friends wouldn't be too happy with what you are saying.


pewye said:
If you really are a true and a good muslim then you wouldn't say that Islam hates women.

My friends wouldn't be too happy with what you are saying.
look at my edited post. Islam dose hate women. Directly or Indirectly Islam gives all the power to men and gives women the middle finger.


Guled said:
If god is real (which I'm not saying he is or isn't) wouldn't he be a dictator "do what I say or you'll end up in hell forever"

So much for being ''muslim'', you're a terrible liar and failed.



Guled said:
look at my edited post. Islam dose hate women. Directly or Indirectly Islam gives all the power to men and gives women the middle finger.

I read your post. You seriously need to open a book or something. Did you read the Quran or some hadiths?? Are you really a muslim. o_O


Warrior300 said:
So much for being ''muslim'', you're a terrible liar and failed.

I'm far from a good muslim, but I fast, pray, and don't do anything really bad. If questioning my fate doesn't make me a muslim, then I guess I'm not one

pewye said:
I read your post. You seriously need to open a book or something. Did you read the Quran or some hadiths??

Yes I do, twice weekly. I even go to the mosque once in a while. Its your opinion to think differently, but thats how I feel


Guled said:
I'm far from a good muslim, but I fast, pray, and don't do anything really bad. If questioning my fate doesn't make me a muslim, then I guess I'm not one

Yes I do, twice weekly. I even go to the mosque once in a while. Its your opinion to think differently, but thats how I feel

So you consider yourself a Muslim but aren't convinced that God exists?


HotByCold said:
So zapages realized his misuse of "logic" and disappeared?
Shame though,I was curious to see his next response.

Had to go away for dinner and was working my supplemental application for pharmacy school...

I'll reply back to it. Just give me some time.


BocoDragon said:
It's a good question, like I said. When I think about it it makes me less likely to settle on a particular answer. It doesn't point towards theism, it points toward certain paradox. No one can claim to know the answer without an assumption.

Which can only answered through God as something created it as it is in the religious texts.

I think nature just is. I percieve no imbalance or missing piece that requires an outside cause. There might be one, but I see no obvious reason to presume it.

Nature is balanced, if it isn't then there is storms and natural destructions to bring the balance in the nature. But something has to overall control nature. Its just not winds and such. Basically what started the winds. They can't just form naturally. Some causes it, which can only can be explained that it is God.

I don't see why old books are proof of anything... it's that simple. Basically from what I can tell, once people started writing down the stories and laws of their tribe, they were taken seriously as traditions and authorities unto themselves, passed on through the ages.

But I know you would perceive the story of the Quran to be much different, even though it has followed a similar pattern to many holy books (even non-abrahamic ones). Rest assured, I am investigating Islam as if that were true, but I just don't find it to be obvious from any standpoint.... Do I have to be completely biased toward Islam to accept it? (as you say "as we are taught there is a loving and merciful God") Or will Allah hit me with a thunderbolt? maybe it's just not true? show me, existance.

Sure... What ever you say man... I have different perspective of how the Holy Quran was written that goes against sure. No human can judge another human being. So I can't judge as you a person.

Why isn't the universe outside of the cause and effect loop... negating the need for a first cause-God?

Because how can universe just be... It makes no sense logically as through science we humans have come up with the big bang started the Big bang. In the Holy Quran, it states that the Earth was spinning wildly and God stopped it from it going astray. But triggered the Big Bang? The only simple and coherent explanation is God.


Guled your an idiot. I am a muslim as well, and your answers are beyond shitty.

Why does woman rights pale in comparison to mens?
They dont pale compared to mens, they are practically equal to men. The reason why you dont see women being equal to men in islamic countries has to do with cultural ties and lack of understanding and misinterpertaion of the Quran.

Quran grants women equal rights.
Quran requires women to be educated.

In my anthropology class, there was a great article that examined why is it that different cultures grant women different rights? The author concluded that inorder for women to have equal rights, 2 criterias must be met:
-The resources of a particular group/nation/culture must EXCEED the needs of that particular group/nation/culture
-Society must ALLOW women to have equal rights.

United States is a perfect example how the resources exceed the needs of the society, and they grant women equal rights.
During the colonial period of the U.S. women were NOT granted equal rights, yet the women in the native american cultures were equal to men, and they were even matriarchs, and were regarded more wise then men. That is because the native americans had plenty of resources to meet the basic necessities of life,and their group allowed women to be equal to men.
Saudi Arabia is an example of how their resources are plentiful, but they do not grant women equal rights.
The eskimos, women are ENTIRELY dependent on men, due to the fact that resources are extremely scarce, their food is exclusively dependent on fish, and inorder to catch fish men are the ones who exclusively hunt them because men by physical nature are able to catch them. Cant women do the same? Yes they can, but not to the same degree as men (the author observed).

Why do people use Sharia law? and how can a law system as bad as this be called "Based on the Qur'an & hadith", for me this just paints a bad picture for the "western" world.

I do not know about sharia law, but i have read the quran and understand it pretty fairly (atleast in its basic themes and the reason why it was revealed in the first place) but the Quran CANNOT be the law, nor can hadiths (in my opinion), in the same way the bible and the torah cannot be the law. All the three divine books are meant as guidances to help mankind bring closer to understanding himself and God, and do good works. Quran explicitly states that religion is non-compulsitory but there are consequences to choosing not to believe (I dont mean going to hell). The basic theme of all men are created equal is there, but it also demands that islam is the most perfect religion out of all the religions. The quran is the ultimate record on what islam is and what happened in the previous revelations (gospel, torah,psalms), but it is to be interperted only as guidance, since the quran and the previous revelations do not tell you things like astro-physics, computer programming, organic chemistry, astronomy, calculus, and other scientific concepts. This is left for mankind to find out for himself.

Why cant woman marry more then one man like men?, as men can marry more then one woman, What happened to all the treating woman equally!
The reason why men were allowed to marry more than 1 woman was not due to sexual desires but to protect women. Keep in mind that if a man is already married to a woman, the woman has the right to deny the man from marrying anyone else. What the woman says supercedes what the man wants. Also, the hijab (head covering) is NON-COMPULSITORY as well. Women do not have to wear it if they dont want to, i will explain the purpose of hijab later...
Protection from what you say? During Prophet Muhammads time, men were the only ones who were engaged in war. It was the beleivers vs the non-believers, and many men died for the cause of islam. This left many women widowed, and since they were dependent on men, and they did not have rights yet in the same manner as men, this left them vulnerable. So they needed a legal binding, and this is the reason why God granted men to marry more then 1 woman. Keep in mind that inorder to marry more than 1 women, certain criteries must be met:
-The woman that he is already married to must give permission to the man to marry the other woman
-The man must have sufficient money/shelter resources to support the other woman
-The marriage serves exclusively the purpose of islam, and NOT for sexual desires, or social status.

Women cannot marry more than more then 1 man because there were not enough men for women to marry. Second, men are a dying species,..there is already a decline in the number of male births when comapred to female. Prophet Muhammad prophecized a significant decline in the male population due to wars and other things. He stated that there will be 1 male for every 60 females. Although they are not really religious reasons, i dont really know why women cannot marry more then 1 man. I think it has to do with inheritance, property, kin and lineage. Sorry for not really knowing the answer :(

Muslims allways say the "western" world is sex crazed because their woman flaunt men with their sexiness, but if you think about it, whos the person shagging 4 home wives (sex objects)

Women are not to be regarded as 'objects'. To do so is sin.

You say "western" woman are whores/slutty, well I must say which you must agree with as with using your logic, muslim men with more then one wife are sex crazed manwhores who cant keep it in one woman.
Thats true. men are just as much whores as women ( i think probably more so then women. i think there is a double standard)

Is it true that a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man, if so why?
That is true, because i guess its a patriarchical system. But a woman can make an effort to convert the man to Islam. If he was of any other religion, then his religion would supercede the womans islamic faith, that is why God doesnt allow women to marry a non-muslim guy. A muslim man can marry a non-muslim woman, but he MUST ALSO try to convert that woman to islam, but if she chooses not to, then his religion supercedes hers. Keep in mind the process of converting someone is through love, compassion and understanding. Not through force, fear and punishment. If it doesnt work out, then you are to part your ways gracefully in a loving respectful manner.

Can woman have Goverment jobs, if not why?

Yes they can. Benazir Bhutto was Pakistans prime minister
I have yet to see a woman president in U.S. (maybe Hillary?)

Can you publically demonstrate non-Muslim religious practices, if not why?

What do you mean by that?

Which countries use Sharia Law?

All the fucked up ones.

The purpose of Hijab

Keep in mind that the bee-keeper suit or ninja lady outfit bhurkas IS NOT ISLAMIC.
If women are to wear Hijab, it is to be comfortable and modest appearing.
The purpose of hijab is to force men to look at women in a respectable manner, with dignitity, respect, care and love. It is also to protect women from rape. Most women are not as strong as men, so unless if they have taken self defense class or martial arts, they are vulnerable. It is also in a way "dont hurt me sign". But men are ALSO to cover up their body parts in the same way as women INCLUDING chest and legs. The only thing they dont have to wear is a hijab which women have the OPTION of wearing.

You may be asking well if it trying to force men to treat women in a respectable manner, why is it that women who wear hijab are still sexually abused, or abused in general or mistreated?

Because humans are not perfect. The same way the revelations say "though shall not kill" people kill anyways, and every bad sinful event is to be dealt with in a case by case bases. The women who do wear bhurkas are mostly in poorer, war struck countries like afghanistan.


CHYME said:
It's a big problem. The first step to being a Muslim, or even a Christian or a Jew (AFAIK), is to recognize that God exists.
Is it really?
I thought religion was based on faith, not knowledge.
The better you are in believing something that you have doubts about existing, the better you are in being religious.


lopaz said:
If you say so?

So, has there been any historical evidence of the Qu'uran predicting something completely unpredictable in advance, rather than the clumsy retrofitting such as "the Qu'uran says the world was made in 6 days, and there are 6 stages to the Big Bang theory OMG PREDICTION"

ok... In the Holy Quran. It states that before end of time. The Jews will be gathered in Jerusalem.

Aside from this.

In some Hadiths, before the end of time:

In those dark times, Muslims will be in large number yet there would be corruption(terrorism), yet they will be powerless (Muslim countries are powerless to the west due to corruption). Also there will be divisions amongst Muslims, which you can see that Muslims are disagreeing with each other more and more due to nationalism and other factors all across the world.

lopaz said:
So, you're pretending to use logic, but actually saying "God is outside logic (cause and effect), so is not subject to logic!!!"

It is a subject of logic, because God is timeless/no beginning/no ending as it is stated in our Holy Quran. Therefore it is logically coherent due to God is timeless/no beginning/no ending.


Zapages said:
ok... In the Holy Quran. It states that before end of time. The Jews will be gathered in Jerusalem.

Aside from this.

In some Hadiths, before the end of time:

In those dark times, Muslims will be in large number yet there would be corruption(terrorism), yet they will be powerless (Muslim countries are powerless to the west due to corruption). Also there will be divisions amongst Muslims, which you can see that Muslims are disagreeing with each other more and more due to nationalism and other factors all across the world.


It is a subject of logic, because God is timeless/no beginning/no ending as it is stated in our Holy Quran. Therefore it is logically coherent due to God is timeless/no beginning/no ending.

For the millionth time, "The Qu'uran says so" is not logic.


CHYME said:
It's a big problem. The first step to being a Muslim, or even a Christian or a Jew (AFAIK), is to recognize that God exists.
Says who? While being a Muslim, I also like evidence. I have not seen any real evidence that he is real so I have some doubts. I don't see a problem with that. Also, your avatar is made of win :D


HotByCold said:
Is it really?
I thought religion was based on faith, not knowledge.
The better you are in believing something that you have doubts about existing, the better you are in being religious.

Blind faith is not what I'm suggesting. Faith through knowledge and logic is true faith. It seems true that a person who investigates religion through sincere means is more virtuous, more knowledgeable, and as a result, more pious than one who practices blind faith.


CHYME said:
Blind faith is not what I'm suggesting. Faith through knowledge and logic is true faith. It seems true that a person who investigates religion through sincere means is more virtuous, more knowledgeable, and as a result, more pious than one who practices blind faith.

Well it's not, as you stated, like anyone who has doubts can't truly call themselves religious. What if you're 99% sure?


lopaz said:

For the millionth time, "The Qu'uran says so" is not logic.

The Quran also describes the stages of the development of an embryo in detail. Something that wasn't scientifically done until the 17th/18th century.


lopaz said:

Yes, because its brief and clues on whats to come... But it gives you enough information to deduct what's occurring.

For the millionth time, "The Qu'uran says so" is not logic.

It may not be for a non-muslim. But for a Muslim it is, because the Holy Quran is God's word. No ifs and buts.

Also it is stated, we as Muslim are discouraged to question authority of ie. how angels do; what God is(nasbola), because we as Humans are not given enough information to create a logical conclusion.

Therefore it is God who created it because logically it can only be God because don't have enough information right now to deduct it.

Once again to reach God, you should learn and learn about the world around you. Basically knowledge is the key to reach God.


Zapages said:
It may not be for a non-muslim. But for a Muslim it is, because the Holy Quran is God's word. No ifs and buts.
Also it is stated, we as Muslim are discouraged to question authority of ie. how angels do; what God is(nasbola), because we as Humans are not given enough information to create a logical conclusion.

Therefore it is God who created it because logically it can only be God because don't have enough information right now to deduct it.

Once again to reach God, you should learn and learn about the world around you. Basically knowledge is the key to reach God.

That's not logic. It is wrong to say "we don't know enough to question something, so we must accept it as truth". Surely it's even stupider to accept as truth something you don't know very much about?


The Quran also confirms the big bang theory
The Quran also confirms life in other planets
The Quran also confirms the evolution of man/its different stages


pewye said:
I will share a link with you that will describe it better than I do.


Oh the hilarity :

""The three veils of darkness" may refer to: (l) the anterior abdominal wall; (2) the uterine wall; and (3) the amniochorionic membrane (Fig. 1). "

""Then We placed him as a drop in a place of rest."
This statement is from Sura 23:13. The drop or nutfah has been interpreted as the sperm or spermatozoon, but a more meaningful interpretation would be the zygote which divides to form a blastocyst which is implanted in the uterus ("a place of rest"). This interpretation is supported by another verse in the Qur'an which states that "a human being is created from a mixed drop." The zygote forms by the union of a mixture of the sperm and the ovum ("The mixed drop"). "

""Then of that leech-like structure, We made a chewed lump."
This statement is also from Sura 23:14. The Arabic word "mudghah" means "chewed substance or chewed lump." Toward the end of the fourth week, the human embryo looks somewhat like a chewed lump of flesh (Fig. 3). The chewed appearance results from the somites which resemble teeth marks. The somites represent the beginnings or primordia of the vertebrae.

COME ON :lol


MeowMeow said:
The Quran also confirms the big bang theory
The Quran also confirms life in other planets
The Quran also confirms the evolution of man/its different stages

That too...

Another interesting topic is that...

Humans on earth... Can there be other different type of humans type of creatures on other planets?

Its very interesting...


lopaz said:
Oh the hilarity :

""The three veils of darkness" may refer to: (l) the anterior abdominal wall; (2) the uterine wall; and (3) the amniochorionic membrane (Fig. 1). "

""Then We placed him as a drop in a place of rest."
This statement is from Sura 23:13. The drop or nutfah has been interpreted as the sperm or spermatozoon, but a more meaningful interpretation would be the zygote which divides to form a blastocyst which is implanted in the uterus ("a place of rest"). This interpretation is supported by another verse in the Qur'an which states that "a human being is created from a mixed drop." The zygote forms by the union of a mixture of the sperm and the ovum ("The mixed drop"). "

""Then of that leech-like structure, We made a chewed lump."
This statement is also from Sura 23:14. The Arabic word "mudghah" means "chewed substance or chewed lump." Toward the end of the fourth week, the human embryo looks somewhat like a chewed lump of flesh (Fig. 3). The chewed appearance results from the somites which resemble teeth marks. The somites represent the beginnings or primordia of the vertebrae.

COME ON :lol

I guess that is all you can come up with, a "lol" and two other words. Very mature


MeowMeow said:
The Quran also confirms the big bang theory
The Quran also confirms life in other planets
The Quran also confirms the evolution of man/its different stages
I would like to know more about that :)


pewye said:
I guess that is all you can come up with, a "lol" and two other words. Very mature

That's all it deserves. Stupid, massive leaps from vague statements to specific things. It reads like a Nostradamus website.
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