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Official Islamic Thread


Karakand and warrior300 thankyou for this discussion as it is very enlightening... as of late I have been in great dislike of my ignorance concerning the various religions of our world and it is interesting to learn more.


Karakand and warrior300 thankyou for this discussion as it is very enlightening... as of late I have been in great dislike of my ignorance concerning the various religions of our world and it is interesting to learn more.

Aye buddy what about me? (terrence and phillips voice lol)


Jirotrom said:
Karakand and warrior300 thankyou for this discussion as it is very enlightening... as of late I have been in great dislike of my ignorance concerning the various religions of our world and it is interesting to learn more.
I've enjoyed reading a good chunk of this thread too. I take a lot of Islamics and Middle Eastern history classes for my major at university but that's almost always in a secular historical context and the one professor that goes beyond that is an Ismaili so I don't really get much of a Sunni slant on anything (which is pretty problematic).

As for me, well my clique could never hold down an official thread of their own so I have to participate here. :D


Count Dookkake said:
DSWii60, you should be able to talk about your favorite myths without slandering others. I mean, I understand it is difficult to argue something that goes so far against all evidence and reason without occasionally having to improvise some new material, but please, keep my family out of it.

Why are you so interested in incest? Why do you project your interest onto others?

What does Allah think of your incest fantasies? What about your siblings? Do they know what goes on in your head?

I am genuinely sorry you were raised by misogynists. Whatever happened to you was not your fault, but it has nothing to do with me. I understand that a culture that prizes mummifying women might have a problem with commercialized (and consentual) nudity, but your depraved fantasy (whether it is the product of your genetics, your family, or your culture) is yours alone. It is not a reflection of me.

If religion stops you from raping your female relatives, then I guess it isn't entirely useless since I can't imagine the level of discourse being raised by the creation of your inbred children.

Like racing cars, amirite?

Take a chill pill dude, I was referring to your tag and not trying to slander you. Maybe I shouldn't have, so I'll apologise.

It is a shame you think of Islam in that way, if you read some of my posts in the Islam thread you'll realise I was actually standing up for equality for women whereas others weren't.

I apologise for my joke, perhaps it was a bit tasteless, but if you read my post again you'll realise it was tongue-in-cheek.

Edit: Just realised, I got you confused with Doom_Bringer, sorry about that.


Instrigator said:
Let me get this straight, you complain about the suppression of competing versions of the story of Jesus, yet are perfectly fine with the single account in the Koran that doesn't match any gospel we know of (so far anyway)? Not only that but you have the gall to complain that Constantine chose parts convenient for his empire, but assume the Koran got all the right, uncorrupted accounts of biblical stories, including the suspiciously convenient switch from Isaac to Ismael (Yišmaʿel) as favored son?

Well, if you think about, even the gospels don't match each other.

Gen 22:2 And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.

It can be argued that the Torah got it wrong since Isaac wasn't his only son. It could have easily been Ismael instead since he was born first.

Edited: Also, it wouldn't be convenient with a supposed switch from Isaac to Ismael, since it wouldn't really establish anything new. Mohammed (pbuh) would still be a prophet and his message wouldn't have been discreditted and the Jews are still since in the Qur'an as the chosen people, for at least a short while. Even if we assumed that a switch occured, there is no motive for it to be there.


Karakand said:
This is one of the reasons I have a problem with the sola scriptura movement.

I'm not too familiar with the term. What is sola scriptura and what does that have to do with the contradicting gospels?


Hadji said:
I'm not too familiar with the term. What is sola scriptura and what does that have to do with the contradicting gospels?

I think that it means that the Bible is considered self explainatory and a set-in-stone authoritive word.

Just like some people only follow the Qur'an adn ignore the sunnah of the Prophet(saw)


Warrior300 said:
I think that it means that the Bible is considered self explainatory and a set-in-stone authoritive word.

Just like some people only follow the Qur'an adn ignore the sunnah of the Prophet(saw)

Ah, sounds like a couple of Muslim Gaffers I know. =p


Hadji said:
Ah, sounds like a couple of Muslim Gaffers I know. =p

lo; Remember the hadith about the shepherds competing in the tallest buildings?

The prophet said that at this time, the Muslims will be the highest they have ever been in terms of numbers, and a few days ago ISlam was announced the biggest single denomination religion in the world. A day or so after the shepherd, started competing (I'm sure you heard about that it was even here on GAF)



Warrior300 said:
hey man, can I ask you what faith you follow?
Catholicism... but for me it's more of an expression of my cultural identity than a religion. (I have an unresolved crisis of faith.) Though I will say what few moral beliefs I do have (that I don't necessarily follow very well) were shaped largely by my time with the Church.

I did 6 years in parochial school as a kid and sometimes I feel guilty that my parents wasted tens of thousands of dollars so consider my providing of non-expert opinions here a form of penance. :lol

Hadji said:
I'm not too familiar with the term. What is sola scriptura and what does that have to do with the contradicting gospels?
Basically it means all you need is the Christian Bible to be a "good" Christian. (It's one of the main differences between Protestantism and Orthodoxy / Catholicism.)

Since you know that the Gospels contain different sets of information, you can see how that position is somewhat problematic.

Warrior300 said:
Just like some people only follow the Qur'an adn ignore the sunnah of the Prophet(saw)
The Qur'an is a much more practical holy text (in the sense that many topics are expressly laid out) and you guys can see why it's necessary to have things like sunnah or hadith. Just imagine what it's like with a messy book like the New Testament. :lol


Warrior300 said:
lo; Remember the hadith about the sheperds competing in the tallest buildings?

The prophet said that at this time, the Muslims will be the highest they have ever been in terms of numbers, and a few days ago ISlam was announced the biggest single denomination religion in the world.

I believe all the minor signs have occurred or are occurring right now :p Look at any of them and tell me they haven't occurred. Now we wait.


Karakand said:
Catholicism... but for me it's more of an expression of my cultural identity than a religion. (I have an unresolved crisis of faith.) Though I will say what few moral beliefs I do have (that I don't necessarily follow very well) were shaped largely by my time with the Church.

I did 6 years in parochial school as a kid and sometimes I feel guilty that my parents wasted tens of thousands of dollars so consider my providing of non-expert opinions here a form of penance. :lol

Basically it means all you need is the Christian Bible to be a "good" Christian.

It's one of the main differences between Protestantism and Orthodoxy / Catholicism.

The Qur'an is a much more practical holy text (in the sense that many topics are expressly laid out) and you guys can see why it's necessary to have things like sunnah or hadith. Just imagine what it's like with a messy book like the New Testament. :lol

Nice, catholic. I grew up around a lot of catholic friends, I always considered only catholics as the true Christians (like many muslims). Only found out about protestants when I was 14 or so :p
Can I ask you something?
In what respect do Catholics hold the Pope? What's his postition?


Karakand said:
Catholicism... but for me it's more of an expression of my cultural identity than a religion. (I have an unresolved crisis of faith.) Though I will say what few moral beliefs I do have (that I don't necessarily follow very well) were shaped largely by my time with the Church.

The Qur'an is a much more practical holy text (in the sense that many topics are expressly laid out) and you guys can see why it's necessary to have things like sunnah or hadith. Just imagine what it's like with a messy book like the New Testament. :lol

Oh! I like you! =D

Actually, I've always had more respect for Catholics than Protestants because they wouldn't go around interpretting texts in order for them to seem more "real". I remember reading about the Eucharist and how both sects interpretted that.

What are your thoughts on transubstantiation?


Linkhero1 said:
I believe all the minor signs have occurred or are occurring right now :p Look at any of them and tell me they haven't occurred. Now we wait.

My friend who is a sheikh in saudi, told me that there would be a major split very soon. That would be the next step.

Many Muslims would just forget about there faith,others will hold fast to it.


Warrior300 said:
My friend who is a sheikh in saudi, told me that there would be a major split very soon. That would be the next step.

Many Muslims would just forget about there faith,others will hold fast to it.
I can see that split happening. Now that I think about it I actually see it happening now. There are a lot of muslims here in California that aren't following their faith. It's pretty sad if you ask me. Luckily I'm on the right path :)


Warrior300 said:
In what respect do Catholics hold the Pope? What's his postition?
To oversimplify horribly, he's Christ's representative on Earth and is supposed to lead the faith in his absence.


Karakand said:
To oversimplify horribly, he's Christ's representative on Earth and is supposed to lead the faith in his absence.

wow, so what do you think of it?

I'd take it that horrible means wrong :p

Now ask me a question. If you want to.


Question for both Christians and Muslims: What are the similarities/differences between a Pope and a Caliph both in terms of spirituality and duties on earth? I'm just curious.


Sandman7 said:
Question for both Christians and Muslims: What are the similarities/differences between a Pope and a Caliph both in terms of spirituality and duties on earth? I'm just curious.

A Caliph can't forgive nor reward, he is only a man nothing more.

The caliph has no divine authority, anyone can be a Caliph. The caliph is just like a president, only usually more humble :p

Allah refers to the whole human race as caliphs, i.e. those who preform the Law of G-d on earth. Humans are responsible for the earth and everything on it.


Warrior300 said:
Allah refers to the whole human race as caliphs, i.e. those who preform the Law of G-d on earth. Humans are responsible for the earth and everything on it.


Do you mean, "kulukim ra'in wa kulukum mas'oolun an ra'eeyatih?"


Hadji said:

Do you mean, "kulukim ra'in wa kulukum mas'oolun an ra'eeyatih?"

No I meant :

Inni ja'ilu fil Ardhi khalifa.

When Allah says "behold I am about to create a khalifa( means generations succeeding one another/ or succesor) on earth".

when the angels ask Allah " Why do you create that which will shed blood, while we glorify your Holy Name?"

and Allah says " I know that which you know not"


Warrior300 said:
No I meant :

Inni ja'ilu fil Ardhi khalifa.

When Allah says "behold I am about to create a khalifa( means generations succeeding one another/ or succesor) on earth".

I'm curious, where did you get that interpretation from? I'm talking about "generations succeeding one another".


Hadji said:
I'm curious, where did you get that interpretation from? I'm talking about "generations succeeding one another".

Abu-bakr used to be called Kalifatul-RasulAllah meaning sucessor to the Prophet, now about the verse, I think that it says something like one after another in the next part( My arabic is crap)
From a sheikh called Anwar Al-awlaki, very famous among the youth.

I'm not an arabic speaker, I can't even write it, although I can read it it.

But that's the way he said it to be


Warrior300 said:
Abu-bakr used to be called Kalifatul-RasulAllah meaning sucessor to the Prophet, now about the verse, I think that it says something like one after another in the next part( My arabic is crap)
From a sheikh called Anwar Al-awlaki, very famous among the youth.

I'm not an arabic speaker, I can't even write it, although I can read it it.

But that's the way he said it to be

Well, the word khalifa in the verse is a singular word not plural. It seems as if the verse is talking only about Adam (raa) and not all of mankind.

I heard some Anwar Awlaki stuff. I'm also aware that he is extremely popular with the youth. I'm personally not much of a fan though. I'm much more old-school. =p


Hadji said:
Well, the word khalifa in the verse is a singular word not plural. It seems as if the verse is talking only about Adam (raa) and not all of mankind.

I heard some Anwar Awlaki stuff. I'm also aware that he is extremely popular with the youth. I'm personally not much of a fan though. I'm much more old-school. =p

thanks, I think I got the wrong verse on that one, I'll get to that one soon though. As Anwar explained it very clearly.


Hadji said:
What are your thoughts on transubstantiation?
Hey, if it makes drinking wine on Sunday morning socially acceptable, I'm all for it.

Jokes aside, one has to accept many things as True in order to accept transubstantiation. I myself am unsure (for reasons already discussed) but if you believe Jesus could walk on water, cast out demons, raise the dead (including Himself!) or feed a huge crowd with a little bit of food I don't see why it's so absurd to believe He could alter the nature of bread and wine... or that this practice could continue after the Resurrection.

At the same time I can see the argument against it to some degree (Jesus often spoke in metaphors). But like I said earlier, you can argue almost anything in Christianity. :lol

Warrior300 said:
wow, so what do you think of it?

I'd take it that horrible means wrong :p
I meant my explanation was bad (in that I cut out a lot of stuff to make sure you got the important stuff). :lol

As for what I think of it... I think it's a flawed institution like most institutions runs by humans. It's been deplorable, a symbol for the fight against wrong (you still in here Instigator? :D) and downright absurd. Jesus bowed out without creating an earthly kingdom and told everyone to prepare for the coming divine one. Well in the interim guys have had to get their hands dirty. Some of them remembered to be Christlike too and some of them didn't. I can't really do anything about that.

If you had asked me this a couple of years ago I probably would have been more critical since I did a lot of my Christian service in high school around Catholic Worker but over the years I've kind of gotten more cynical and thus accepting of the nature of the institution. The only mass I've been to in the last several years was one when the previous Pope (John Paul II) died!

Sandman7 said:
Question for both Christians and Muslims: What are the similarities/differences between a Pope and a Caliph both in terms of spirituality and duties on earth? I'm just curious.
The Papacy is closer to the Imamate (the Shi'i alternative to the Caliphate) in nature. (In the sense that the role is a marriage of religious and secular political authority, not the cosmology stuff.)


Hadji said:
Sorry for the late response, I just read it.

Why would I want to defend that anyways? Did you think I was pro-Taliban?
I have no idea what your political thoughts are vis a vis the Taliban. My response was mainly directed at Mango Positive's assertion that Islamic modesty laws are solely targeted at women (they're only *mainly* targeted at women).

However I am curious as to what you think about this specific incident.

After all the Taliban enforced

* a Quranic directive for men to be modest
* used a definition of modesty derived from the Sunnah
* weren't harsh in their enforcement of the Shariah. Just threw them in jail and shaved their heads.

So I am wondering what exactly they did wrong in your view?

Karkand you already know how straightforward the Quran is compared to previous revelation and you also know the extreme amount of importance we give to the idea that the Quran is the unsullied perfect final word of god to his creation.

Firstly nothing human compiled like the Sunnah can hope to match that level of authenticity. I give the Hadith as much credibility as I give the New and Old Testament as there are no divine guarantees to their acceptability.

Secondly as the Quran is so practical in its nature the only thing the Hadith are useful for is filling in the relatively gaps left by it. The amount of hate and division and bloodshed these gaps have caused is frankly insane. And all due to *fallible* *human* *HISTORY*


Karakand said:
Hey, if it makes drinking wine on Sunday morning socially acceptable, I'm all for it.

Jokes aside, one has to accept many things as True in order to accept transubstantiation. I myself am unsure (for reasons already discussed) but if you believe Jesus could walk on water, cast out demons, raise the dead (including Himself!) or feed a huge crowd with a little bit of food I don't see why it's so absurd to believe He could alter the nature of bread and wine... or that this practice could continue after the Resurrection.

At the same time I can see the argument against it to some degree (Jesus often spoke in metaphors). But like I said earlier, you can argue almost anything in Christianity. :lol

I meant my explanation was bad (in that I cut out a lot of stuff to make sure you got the important stuff). :lol

As for what I think of it... I think it's a flawed institution like most institutions runs by humans. It's been deplorable, a symbol for the fight against wrong (you still in here Instigator? :D) and downright absurd. Jesus bowed out without creating an earthly kingdom and told everyone to prepare for the coming divine one. Well in the interim guys have had to get their hands dirty. Some of them remembered to be Christlike too and some of them didn't. I can't really do anything about that.

If you had asked me this a couple of years ago I probably would have been more critical since I did a lot of my Christian service in high school around Catholic Worker but over the years I've kind of gotten more cynical and thus accepting of the nature of the institution. The only mass I've been to in the last several years was one when the previous Pope (John Paul II) died!

The Papacy is closer to the Imamate (the Shi'i alternative to the Caliphate) in nature. (In the sense that the role is a marriage of religious and secular political authority, not the cosmology stuff.)
Can I ask you your honest opinion on Muhammad(saw)?

Baring in mind that he :

Taught us to love Jesus and respect Jesus. He saw him as a predecesor and his brother( I showed you the family tree).

We muslims, we can't deny any prophet, so whatever happens, we have to defend Jesus, and Moses, with our very lives.

What would be the reason why you ( and every one else) deny Muhammad(saw)?
I just want to see what the other people think, debating won't do anyone good, rather understanding each others views and thoughts will.

After all Muslims and Christian will be the only ones fighting off the anti-christ until Jesus comes back.


There is no contemporary Caliph, the Shia Ayatlollahs are the closest thing to a Papacy and there are a few major differences.

First there are more than a dozen Grand Ayatollahs around unlike the single head that is the Pope, secondly Ayatollahs are far more like Shiah PhDs in theology on steroids than the hierarchical Papacy. They have different views on things, for example Khomeni and Sistani have/had completely opposed views on how involved in politics the clergy should be.



Azih said:
There is no contemporary Caliph, the Shia Ayatlollahs are the closest thing to a Papacy and there are a few major differences.

First there are more than a dozen Grand Ayatollahs around unlike the single head that is the Pope, secondly Ayatollahs are far more like Shiah PhDs in theology on steroids than the hierarchical Papacy. They have different views on things, for example Khomeni and Sistani have/had completely opposed views on how involved in politics the clergy should be.


Was the underlined intentional?

I think the Shia system is quite good, you can follow whichever Ayatollah you want depending on how conservative or liberal you are, and trust me there is a very wide spectrum of views.

Just as a point of interest, how exactly do the 4 major Sunni schools of law update their laws i.e. how was it decided that e.g. smoking is not allowed when it first came out that smoking is harmful for you? Do you have a group of scholars who are the most knowledgeable in your school of law who make decisions or is their like a one person who decides everything? Sorry my question is a bit long-winded but I think you guys can understand what I mean.

And also, how do the law schools differ? I know Hanafi's are most numerous where I live, but which are the most liberal schools and what are the major differences between them?


DSWii60 said:
Was the underlined intentional?

I think the Shia system is quite good, you can follow whichever Ayatollah you want depending on how conservative or liberal you are, and trust me there is a very wide spectrum of views.

Just as a point of interest, how exactly do the 4 major Sunni schools of law update their laws i.e. how was it decided that e.g. smoking is not allowed when it first came out that smoking is harmful for you? Do you have a group of scholars who are the most knowledgeable in your school of law who make decisions or is their like a one person who decides everything? Sorry my question is a bit long-winded but I think you guys can understand what I mean.

And also, how do the law schools differ? I know Hanafi's are most numerous where I live, but which are the most liberal schools and what are the major differences between them?

Personally, I don't follow a specific school of jurisprudence. Actually, I barely know anyone that does. That's probably because I like in the U.A.E. Most people in the G.C.C. don't follow a specific school and avoid taqleed.

I do know that pretty much every Sunni country has a mufti. However, the mufti isn't seen as a marj'i that we necessarily must follow. There are always conflicting points of views when it comes to jurisprudence and we just stick to whatever we feel is the most correct view. Hanafis are somewhat different though. They are the only group of people that I know that have members that practice taqleed.

The four schools of jurisprudence aren't really more liberal or conservative than each other. It would be hard to say who is stricter since the four imams came from a close time period and have somewhat of a similar religious background. They all studied from each other too, technically. I also can't say that there are any major differences. Fiqh is a very minor thing compared to aqeedah, so to me, it doesn't seem like their differences are really worth mentioning. If you want to take a detailed look at the differences, then I suggest "Al-Mughni" by Al-Nawawi.

By the way, in Shi'ism, once you choose your Ayatollah, can you disagree with them in certain matters, or must you stick with every fatwa they make?


Hadji said:
By the way, in Shi'ism, once you choose your Ayatollah, can you disagree with them in certain matters, or must you stick with every fatwa they make?

Thanks for the answer.

Once you have chosen your Ayatollah, you can disagree with him in matters that are not related to fiqh. Even in matters of fiqh you can either agree with the fatwa or you can be cautious. Let me explain what I mean with an example. Say a person has a doubt about his prayer, he could either finish his prayer and perform whatever action his Ayatollah recommends (e.g. Sajdah Al-Sahw - that's what we call it anyway) or he could end his prayer and then repeat again just to make sure.


the lol was completely unintentional I assure you. Though really it might be just my family or something more general with Pakistani Shias but we never really bothered with Ayatollahs at all.

Speaking personally I really dislike the idea of any sort of taqlid.


DSWii60 said:
Thanks for the answer.

Once you have chosen your Ayatollah, you can disagree with him in matters that are not related to fiqh. Even in matters of fiqh you can either agree with the fatwa or you can be cautious. Let me explain what I mean with an example. Say a person has a doubt about his prayer, he could either finish his prayer and perform whatever action his Ayatollah recommends (e.g. Sajdah Al-Sahw - that's what we call it anyway) or he could end his prayer and then repeat again just to make sure.

I get what you mean. That cautious alternative doesn't really seem like disagreeing with a fatwa to me.

In the first part of your answer you said that you can disagree in matters that are not related to fiqh. Like what?

Azih, are you a Shi'ite or a Qur'ani?


Hadji said:
Azih, are you a Shi'ite or a Qur'ani?
In terms of family I'm Shia, not particularly so in terms of beliefs. I don't think I've ever really heard the term Qurani before and I can't look it up on the wikipedia. You know what my views are so you can categorize me however you wish.


Azih said:
In terms of family I'm Shia, not particularly so in terms of beliefs. I don't think I've ever really heard the term Qurani before and I can't look it up on the wikipedia. You know what my views are so you can categorize me however you wish.

I always figured you to be a Qur'ani (hadeeth rejector) from your previous posts. I guess being from a Shi'ite background does play a big part in that. How do you feel about authentic Shi'ite hadeeths?


Hadji said:
I always figured you to be a Qur'ani (hadeeth rejector) from your previous posts. I guess being from a Shi'ite background does play a big part in that. How do you feel about authentic Shi'ite hadeeths?

How do Qur'ani's pray?

I mean, you need the ahadith to know how to....


Warrior300 said:
How do Qur'ani's pray?

I mean, you need the ahadith to know how to....

Well, I've received two answers from different people.

One is that people saw the Prophet (pbuh) praying, so basically, since it was an action, it should be accepted. Only problem with this argument is that the actions of the Prophet (pbuh) fall into hadeeth.

The second one, is RiZ III's opinion, which is that the method of prayer isn't important, because if it was so important, it would've been in the Qur'an.
So I thought this was the best place to post this, because it's really general but does relate to the official topic at hand.

I'll be general because I really don't want to get into the details.

A girl I know is being forced to marry some guy this summer right after she graduates from HS. Of course she doesn't want to, she doesn't know the guy and won't see him until the marriage probably.

What exactly are her options at this point?


koshunter said:
So I thought this was the best place to post this, because it's really general but does relate to the official topic at hand.

I'll be general because I really don't want to get into the details.

A girl I know is being forced to marry some guy this summer right after she graduates from HS. Of course she doesn't want to, she doesn't know the guy and won't see him until the marriage probably.

What exactly are her options at this point?
Leave her family and cut them off completely so they don't honor kill her or pressure her into the marriage. Either that, or go through with it and spend the rest of her life having her spirit crushed and being relegated to little more than baby making chattel.


koshunter said:
So I thought this was the best place to post this, because it's really general but does relate to the official topic at hand.

I'll be general because I really don't want to get into the details.

A girl I know is being forced to marry some guy this summer right after she graduates from HS. Of course she doesn't want to, she doesn't know the guy and won't see him until the marriage probably.

What exactly are her options at this point?

Its Islamically wrong for a marriage to force two individuals to get married. She should approach her parents and tell them that its Islamically wrong what they are doing and support it with surrahs and hadiths. She should say that culture and Islam should not mix. Unfortunately in most cases it does not work that way.

If that doesn't work, she should be allowed to her future groom through the telephone or chat online with him. Another possibility is to just have an engagement, where they can go on a date with chaperon(an elder family member, ie. father/mother) ie. halal dating.
Zapages said:
Its Islamically wrong for a marriage to force two individuals to get married. She should approach her parents and tell them that its Islamically wrong what they are doing and support it with surrahs and hadiths. She should say that culture and Islam should not mix. Unfortunately in most cases it does not work that way.

If that doesn't work, she should be allowed to her future groom through the telephone or chat online with him. Another possibility is to just have an engagement, where they can go on a date with chaperon(an elder family member, ie. father/mother) ie. halal dating.

Well, the thing is that she doesn't want to marry him at any cost. Especially because she isn't ready to be married at this point, let alone a forced marriage.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
koshunter said:
Well, the thing is that she doesn't want to marry him at any cost. Especially because she isn't ready to be married at this point, let alone a forced marriage.

she should run away.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Hadji said:
I always figured you to be a Qur'ani (hadeeth rejector) from your previous posts. I guess being from a Shi'ite background does play a big part in that. How do you feel about authentic Shi'ite hadeeths?

What's that supposed mean? Shias follow hadiths just as much as Sunnis do, it's just we don't accept primary Sunni sources.


Junior Member
koshunter said:
Well, the thing is that she doesn't want to marry him at any cost. Especially because she isn't ready to be married at this point, let alone a forced marriage.

As mentioned forcing a marriage is wrong according to Islam. She could try explaining this herself but there's a good chance her parents won't take any notice of her. So she could try and get someone "officially" recognised for their knowledge of Islam such as an imam or a scholar to explain this to her parents for her.

If her parents are set on forcing the marriage, then she's facing the choice of losing her future or losing her family. If she chooses the latter then it's also likely she may have to run away as well.


koshunter said:
Well, the thing is that she doesn't want to marry him at any cost. Especially because she isn't ready to be married at this point, let alone a forced marriage.

yeah, in this case its the Culture, its got nothing to do with Islam, forced marraiges are a no no and wrong.
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