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Official Islamic Thread

Gomu Gomu

@Duck Amuck: endure my friend. Patience is the key to everything - as Islam tells us-. If you face trouble be Patient. If you're trying to learn something be Patient. If you are worshiping Allah be Patient. If you are trying to stay away from prohibited things ion Islam (alcohol for example) be Patient.

That, and don't forget, no matter what your parents do to you, Islam teaches you to always remember how your mother held you in her belly for 9 months, and gave birth to you, and her and your father were awake for years during the night because you were crying. And how they always managed to feed you and buy you clothes.. etc

Parents in Islam have a great place. No matter what are their religions or origins, they have done a lot of effort to raise you. So respect them, help them, do as they tell you (as long as they don't tell you to something against Islam).

You know, even if they haven't been there for you, and they have been treating you like shit. ALWAYS be nice to them, be patient. Because Allah sees & knows everything you've done, and being good with your parents is one of the best thing a Muslim can do in life.

Allah says:

“And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honor.

And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: ‘My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was young’”

[al-Isra’ 17:23-24]

alright now, as for how can memorize The Holy Quran : there is no specific way of course. However, in our schools, a cretin way/technique is used: to memorize the Holy Quran from the end up (after you memorize Al-Fatihah ).
To ease the reading process, the Qur’an is additionally divided into 30 equal sections, called a juz' (plural: ajiza). The divisions of juz' do not fall evenly along chapter lines, and often break from one section to another in the middle of a chapter. These divisions are done to make it easier for one to pace the reading over a month’s period, reading a fairly equal amount each day. This is particularly important during the month of Ramadan, when it is recommended to complete at least one full reading of the Qur’an from cover to cover.

So, when we first start to memorize Quran in schools, we start from the 30th Juz' and go up until you finish the whole quran.

Gomu Gomu

Duck Amuck said:
Huh? It's not such a big deal. I don't really care what she thinks. Haha.

My parents never treat me like shit either way. It's just a disagreement of interests. She doesn't LIKE that I converted, but since she's my mother and loves me, she doesn't want to stop me pursuing what's important to me.

Sorry Duck, I tried to speak generally :lol

Plus, I would really love to see pictures of that mosque you've been to. :D
Duck Amuck said:
Place was big. Quite brotherly, but much less compared to the one I go to around in my part of town. They had a huge basement where you do wudu. It was huge. The place is also very beautiful. It used to be a bank earlier in the 20th century. Really interesting designs and architecture. I mostly went because I wanted to be exposed to a more multicultural mosque, with a mixing of races. I saw some different colored faces, most definitely, but didn't exactly get much time to talk because a lot of them just stopped by during their lunch break from work it seemed. It was good to see other Black Muslims, though.

They're going to hold a blood drive on December 26, and I signed up. Anything I can do to help.

Sounds cool :D

I want to visit a larger Mosque maybe a short trip to NYC I could find a big one?

I am SNOWED in today I have not been to my local mosque for a week now :(

it is still snowing and since I have been sick all week I cannot risk walking the 20 minutes

Duck you have never seen a black muslim? I guess I am very lucky to be in Connecticut and close to NY since my local mosque is very very mixed. I think I met people from all over I think that is what I found the most fun. I met a few African Americans, I met white americans, but the rest of the brothers are from all over Africa Middle East - India everyone seems to have a completely different personality too :D so its like a good mix to test your humility and charity

Since I was born in Haiti most of the west africans insist on speaking french with me which I had not spoken for over 20 years

Houston is a big city (4th largest in the US) I have been to Houston and Dallas I hear Dallas has a large community as well I wish to visit again to visit mosques

I hate snow now
you know I have been looking all day for Muslim Artists / Painters... not just regular Islamic Art

I'm just trying to see what is halal or acceptable for a muslim to do with Art

I am a huge Japanese manga fan and found a video on youtube of a Libyan manga artist from the UK now I am trying to find some of her books I would like to see what her stories are about

I want to find manga books by Asia Alfasi

any other artists you guys know of?


Oh snap, Himu...er..Duck Amuck get banned :O

I'm currently searching a good book about history of Caliphate era. Can somebody give me suggestions?


Junior Member
vareon said:
Oh snap, Himu...er..Duck Amuck get banned :O

I'm currently searching a good book about history of Caliphate era. Can somebody give me suggestions?

Umm... I would suggest Al-Bidaya wal Nihaya (The Beginning and the End) by Ibn Katheer. One of the volumes of that book deals specifically with that time period.
Duck is not back yet?

I just came back from visiting a Masjid in Queens NY

I had an amazing week

and I memorized my first surah in arabic before my month goal Allah is merciful
Anyone seen this? This is supposed to be Holland:


The Czech Republic has its turn with the EU leadership and it commissioned a series of sculptures based on broad stereotypes. The rest do not have any Muslim references, but are sometimes just as crude.

Whoa, while I don't agree with his motives, it is still sound advice to think twice before joining a faith out of love.


The leader of the Catholic Church in Portugal has warned young women not to marry Muslims. Cardinal Jose Policarpo of Lisbon said Christians should learn more about Islam, and respect Muslims, but "think twice" about a marriage across religious lines.

"The advice that I give to young Portuguese girls is: Be careful with love, think twice about marrying a Muslim," said Cardinal Jose Policarpo of Lisbon on Tuesday evening. "Think seriously because it brings loads of hassle, and even Allah can't say where all that will end."

It's Vatican policy to discourage Catholic women from marrying Muslims. But Policarpo's comments, made in a public forum on Tueday and later aired on Portuguese TV, have caused a ruffle of controversy in his small nation, which has about 40,000 Muslims, according to Muslim leaders in Lisbon. Many are from neighboring countries in north Africa.

"I know that if a young European of Christian background marries a Muslim," Policarpo said, "as soon as they go to his country, they'll be subject to the regime of Muslim women. Just imagine it."

Portugal is an 85-percent Catholic nation of about 10 million people. As a rule there is no friction with its small Muslim minority. But Policarpo -- a cardinal tipped as a contender in the 2005 conclave that elected Pope Benedict -- seems to have followed the Vatican's example of saying provocative or impolitic things about Islam. In a speech in 2005 Pope Benedict quoted a 14th-century Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Paleologus, who suggested that Islam was "spread by the sword."

On Tuesday Policarpo said dialogue with Muslims was "difficult."

"It is only possible to dialogue with those who want to have dialogue, for example with our Muslim brothers dialogue is very difficult," he said. "We have taken the first steps, but it's extremely difficult -- because for them, their truth is the only way."

Islamic leaders in Portugal so far have not responded, but a spokesman for Portugal's episcopal community, Manuel Marujao, said the cardinal was offering "realistic advice" rather than "discrimination" or "contempt for another culture or religion," according to the Catholic news agency Ecclesia.
yeah but you're the only one posting instigator

hmmm me marry a christian girl?
Nope I can't do it.

edit: "...not even Allah can't say" ? wat /facepalm

ice cream

Whats up islam thread?

Anyway, anyone tell me how many Rakahs to pray for each pray of the day? I could search google bu i dunno i cba...
ice cream said:
Whats up islam thread?

Anyway, anyone tell me how many Rakahs to pray for each pray of the day? I could search google bu i dunno i cba...

Fajr 2
Zuhr 4
Asr 4
Maghrib (sunset) 3
Isha 4

unless I have been lied to the above should be right

I still do not understand why one cannot pray extra rakas between ASR and Sunset (the brothers told me that would be like praying to the Sun God) I am ready to fight someone for this one... I was doing two rakas at the masjid during this time and the bros came to me after asking me what was that you were doing? I said praying to Allah

they said I should not pray during that time. Something about sun worshipers meh

If my intentions are only towards Allah alone why should I give a damn what time sun loving fools pray?
I'm going on an overnight trip to Boston... I forgot the arabic word for the trip but its when a group of brothers visit other masjids to pray and invite people in the local area they are visiting

I already went on a trip to Queens NY but I did not sleep over. This one is a weekend trip I have to buy a sleeping bag or something Boston is cold and I am not sure how warm the masjid will be or if we will sleep at brothers homes

I want to buy a watch that has 5 prayer alarms and a compas :D


Wow amazing ! A muslim thread ! This could go on forever. Islam's teaching is very stuffy. Many many, I mean many things can be discussed :)

Posting and discussing on this thread can be an excellent exercise of mind. Actually, I see it as a perfect complement to Kawashima's Brain Training.

Anyway, I haven't read the thread. Was there anything intelligent said in the last 50 pages ?
none of the regular posters of this thread have been posting for weeks I gave up and went to some Islamic forums but they just don't do it for me like GAF :D
Kenka said:
This.. this is a awesome business idea. I have to tell Swiss companies about this possibility

its been done before Casio did a line with prayer alarm and digital compass pointing to the direction and 1000s of cities so local prayer times are already on there

there is a line of watches from I have found made by a company in Saudi Arabia very nice getting one later this week inshaAllah

edit: http://www.onlineislamicstore.com/azanclocks.html


Smiles and Cries said:
its been done before Casio did a line with prayer alarm and digital compass pointing to the direction and 1000s of cities so local prayer times are already on there

there is a line of watches from I have found made by a company in Saudi Arabia very nice getting one later this week inshaAllah

edit: http://www.onlineislamicstore.com/azanclocks.html

With the evergrowing muslim population, those items could prove to be a very healthy source of money in the short future. All those manufacturers are japan-owned ? Geez, I'm wondering what Swatch and the others are doing... there are damn lot of opportunities here.
Kenka said:
With the evergrowing muslim population, those items could prove to be a very healthy source of money in the short future. All those manufacturers are japan-owned ? Geez, I'm wondering what Swatch and the others are doing... there are damn lot of opportunities here.

Al Fajr is Saudi owned www.alfajr.com

the thing about watches for muslims made by other companies I would think they would see it as limited since they love using metals such as gold Islamic Law forbids men from wearing gold... I have been looking and some brothers seem to have ignored many things I have been reading about
Gaza demonstrates that democracy is not a solution for the Muslim Lands
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
As Israel openly and flagrantly destroys all signs of Hamas rule in Gaza both military and political, and concurrently commits indiscriminate slaughter of innocent children and women, democracy in Muslim lands is another salient unintended casualty.

It has mattered little to Israel, and its cheerleaders in the west, that Hamas deployed the democratic ballot (and not the bullet) to oust ruling Fatah from power in Gaza in 2006. Hamas and Fatah subsequently came to blows with killing and deaths on both sides, eventually polarising Muslims in Palestine.

The west and Israel like to claim that democracy accords them some innate moral authority over other nations yet together they have manifestly subverted Hamas’s democratic right to rule Gaza. It is clear that for the west only those democrats, like Mahmoud Abbas, that can be manipulated, controlled or coerced are acceptable.

Gaza is not the first example of where democracy has failed Muslims. In Algeria the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) tried to bring Shariah through democracy, won the first round of elections in December 1991 and was poised to win power when the Government, overtly supported by France and the west, cancelled the decisive second round of elections. A civil war then ensued among Muslims with hundreds of thousands dead.

Democracy is Pakistan has delivered nothing but inept and corrupt Government time and time again. The present democratic Government has colluded with the west to attack and kill its own citizens, compromised the country’s security and sovereignty and has been an abject failure in looking after even basic needs of its near desperate people.

Secular or Islamist democracy has repeatedly failed to deliver any significant positive change for Muslims. Democracy is a political tool used to manipulate and water-down any fundamental challenge to the secular status quo. The democratic vision is a divisive vision where the Ummah remains carved up as separate states. It polarises and pits Muslims against Muslims often with deadly results. Ultimately, democracy is in direct contradiction to the idea of Ummah and Islamic unity.

Allah says [TMQ]
And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah’s favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided. [Al-Imran:103]



Whoa nice to see some newly converted muslims,assalam alaikum wa rahmet allah wa barakatoh :D

I think I need some help,I feel like Im not as devoted a muslim as I used to be,I still believe in allah and his prophet,I pray five times a day and it doesnt bother me I like it actually,its just some of the teachings,I dont think I was taught right for some reason,Im raised through wahhabism,and well their sheiks are kind of contradicting,any hadith that they dont like is automatically a weak hadith,and most of those hadiths are positive to women(I dont know why these sheiks are against women).

And I understand not having sex till I get married,but I already had sex and am OK with doing it more,Ill be careful and make sure Im protected,so why not?

can someone help me out.
Wrath2X said:
Whoa nice to see some newly converted muslims,assalam alaikum wa rahmet allah wa barakatoh :D

I think I need some help,I feel like Im not as devoted a muslim as I used to be,I still believe in allah and his prophet,I pray five times a day and it doesnt bother me I like it actually,its just some of the teachings,I dont think I was taught right for some reason,Im raised through wahhabism,and well their sheiks are kind of contradicting,any hadith that they dont like is automatically a weak hadith,and most of those hadiths are positive to women(I dont know why these sheiks are against women).

And I understand not having sex till I get married,but I already had sex and am OK with doing it more,Ill be careful and make sure Im protected,so why not?

can someone help me out.

salaam alaikum

sex before marridge is forbidden brother. The Quran is clear about this and so is the Sunnah. Remember that Allah is the most forgiving though. If you ask for forgiveness from your heart Allah will forgive us all for our sins inshallah.

Allah (SWT)'s order in the Quran to stay away from Zina.

"And those who invoke not any other god along with Allah, nor kill such life as Allah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse (zina) and whoever does this shall receive the punishment. The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace; except those who repent and believe and do righteous deeds, for those Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful." (al-Furqaan #25, ayat #68-70)

"And come not near to unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a faahishah (a great sin) and an evil way." (Sura Al-Israa # 17 ayah # 32)

"Nor come nigh to adultery for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils)." [Qur'an 17:32]

"The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication - flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of the Believers witness their punishment." [Qur'an 24:2]

"Those who bring the charge of adultery against chaste women but cannot produce four witnesses to prove the charge, give them 80 lashes and their testimony should never be believed." [Qur'an 24:4]

"Abd-Allaah ibn Masood (RAA) said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (SAW), Which sin is worst in the sight of Allah? He said, To make any rival to Allah, when He has created you. I asked, Then what? He said, To kill your child for fear that he will eat with you. I asked, Then what? He said, To commit zinaa with the wife of your neighbour." (Reported in Sahih Al-Bukhaari, Hadith #492 and In Shaih Muslim, Hadith #90).

this hadith is nice..

We were with the Prophet while we were young and had no wealth whatsoever. So Allah's Messenger said, "O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty, and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power. (Al-Bukhari, Book 62, Hadith 4)
Wrath2X said:
Whoa nice to see some newly converted muslims,assalam alaikum wa rahmet allah wa barakatoh :D

I think I need some help,I feel like Im not as devoted a muslim as I used to be,I still believe in allah and his prophet,I pray five times a day and it doesnt bother me I like it actually,its just some of the teachings,I dont think I was taught right for some reason,Im raised through wahhabism,and well their sheiks are kind of contradicting,any hadith that they dont like is automatically a weak hadith,and most of those hadiths are positive to women(I dont know why these sheiks are against women).

And I understand not having sex till I get married,but I already had sex and am OK with doing it more,Ill be careful and make sure Im protected,so why not?

can someone help me out.

You need to move to a less conservative country. There was a topic once about casual sex and Turkey was among the top 10 worldwide in that category. Liberal attitude about sex, still Muslim, but not overbearingly so.


kobashi100 said:
salaam alaikum

sex before marridge is forbidden brother. The Quran is clear about this and so is the Sunnah. Remember that Allah is the most forgiving though. If you ask for forgiveness from your heart Allah will forgive us all for our sins inshallah.

Allah (SWT)'s order in the Quran to stay away from Zina.

"And those who invoke not any other god along with Allah, nor kill such life as Allah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse (zina) and whoever does this shall receive the punishment. The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace; except those who repent and believe and do righteous deeds, for those Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful." (al-Furqaan #25, ayat #68-70)

"And come not near to unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a faahishah (a great sin) and an evil way." (Sura Al-Israa # 17 ayah # 32)

"Nor come nigh to adultery for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils)." [Qur'an 17:32]

"The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication - flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of the Believers witness their punishment." [Qur'an 24:2]

"Those who bring the charge of adultery against chaste women but cannot produce four witnesses to prove the charge, give them 80 lashes and their testimony should never be believed." [Qur'an 24:4]

"Abd-Allaah ibn Masood (RAA) said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (SAW), Which sin is worst in the sight of Allah? He said, To make any rival to Allah, when He has created you. I asked, Then what? He said, To kill your child for fear that he will eat with you. I asked, Then what? He said, To commit zinaa with the wife of your neighbour." (Reported in Sahih Al-Bukhaari, Hadith #492 and In Shaih Muslim, Hadith #90).

this hadith is nice..

We were with the Prophet while we were young and had no wealth whatsoever. So Allah's Messenger said, "O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty, and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power. (Al-Bukhari, Book 62, Hadith 4)

Alaikum Assalam.

Im aware of the daleels and hadiths my brother,but still I dont see that much of a problem,back then no condoms,no safe sex so I understand how the "virgin until wed" thing worked back then,but I cant see how it works now.

Believe me I read the quran many times and I love it,and I can see how it works for everyone,but something just doesnt work for me and thats it.

You need to move to a less conservative country. There was a topic once about casual sex and Turkey was among the top 10 worldwide in that category. Liberal attitude about sex, still Muslim, but not overbearingly so.

I feel this is my problem,I live in one of the most conservative countries in the world,and Im a rather liberal person so thats kinda of a problem,but at least I dealt with it by having sex with actual girls,I cant tell you the disgusting shit the other guys do.


Will Eat Your Children
I have questions about doctors and other people working in medicine like surgeons. Does the quran say something about this topic? I'd like to know how they are viewed. I remember seeing on Scrubs God hates doctors because they prolong people's lives when God wants them to pass away.

Also, I figured plastic surgery (cosmetic) is haram because you change the way god made you. However, if someone is a burn victim or something else happened to him to disfigure anything (reconstruction). Any rulings or teachings on that? What about people that are born with certain disfigures, or other genetic stuff. Let's say someone's legs are stuck together, and you change him so he has a chance of walking.

Sorry if this is out of place here but I'm really bothered with these issues for a few days straight now and people don't seem to have much knowledge about this issue around here.
Wrath2X said:
Alaikum Assalam.

Im aware of the daleels and hadiths my brother,but still I dont see that much of a problem,back then no condoms,no safe sex so I understand how the "virgin until wed" thing worked back then,but I cant see how it works now.

Believe me I read the quran many times and I love it,and I can see how it works for everyone,but something just doesnt work for me and thats it.

I feel this is my problem,I live in one of the most conservative countries in the world,and Im a rather liberal person so thats kinda of a problem,but at least I dealt with it by having sex with actual girls,I cant tell you the disgusting shit the other guys do.

The Quran was revealed for all mankind though. We cant say because it was 1400 years ago that some of its teachings are not relavent for today. Thats what the christians have let happen with the teachings in the bible.


Teetris said:
I have questions about doctors and other people working in medicine like surgeons. Does the quran say something about this topic? I'd like to know how they are viewed. I remember seeing on Scrubs God hates doctors because they prolong people's lives when God wants them to pass away.

There isn't any problems of that kind in Islam, they used to dissect bodies way before West did (because it was forbidden by the Pope).
You have Al Zahrawi for example, who is called the father of surgery.

Also, I figured plastic surgery (cosmetic) is haram because you change the way god made you. However, if someone is a burn victim or something else happened to him to disfigure anything (reconstruction). Any rulings or teachings on that? What about people that are born with certain disfigures, or other genetic stuff. Let's say someone's legs are stuck together, and you change him so he has a chance of walking.

Everything of that is allowed (except cosmetic I think).
kobashi100 said:
The Quran was revealed for all mankind though. We cant say because it was 1400 years ago that some of its teachings are not relavent for today. Thats what the christians have let happen with the teachings in the bible.

No, we can say that.

It's not because the Quran says it is incorruptible, eternal word of God that makes it so. You can choose to believe in it literaly, that's your choice, but someone is not any less of a Muslim if he disagrees with you on that point.

And Christians didn't let it 'happen', most chose not to believe in it anymore. Modernity hit the Western world much earlier than in Muslim world which made strict biblical teachings incompatible with where society was going. Christianity is not dead either, but it had to adjust to a modern wold.


Wrath2X said:
Alaikum Assalam.

Im aware of the daleels and hadiths my brother,but still I dont see that much of a problem,back then no condoms,no safe sex so I understand how the "virgin until wed" thing worked back then,but I cant see how it works now.

Believe me I read the quran many times and I love it,and I can see how it works for everyone,but something just doesnt work for me and thats it.

I feel this is my problem,I live in one of the most conservative countries in the world,and Im a rather liberal person so thats kinda of a problem,but at least I dealt with it by having sex with actual girls,I cant tell you the disgusting shit the other guys do.

you could've at least dealt with it by masturbating like everyone else does :lol

I'm pretty sure there are many other reasons why adultery is forbidden. Not just the pregnancy and STD issues. I'm guessing you've heard this one before, but you wouldn't want your sister or daughter to sleep around so why do you accept it for the girls you sleep with? And I don't know about you but I'd prefer if my future wife didn't sleep around with other men before marrying me. And she would most likely expect the same from me. That said, Adultery causes a lot of social problems like divorce and families breaking up. Also, if you're from where I think you're from, half the people there wouldn't even get married if they were allowed to sleep around freely.

And I feel your pain bro, we're only human and we all have many "needs" (not just sexual). Some people fulfill these needs by getting married early (which many believe is the best solution), Some just wank it till their late 20's. Whereas other people vent by committing adultery or worse.

in the end god is most merciful and most forgiving. But think about the people who might be effected by this sin. a few more years of celibacy till you find the right person won't hurt you.

sorry for this wall of text bro. but I just wanted to vent. hopefully it helps.


kobashi100 said:
The Quran was revealed for all mankind though. We cant say because it was 1400 years ago that some of its teachings are not relavent for today. Thats what the christians have let happen with the teachings in the bible.

I agree in that the Quran still stands today,and it can solve all problems,its just that I was curious what an actual sexual relationship with a women would be like,and I dont mind doing it again,the only things that could scare me off of it would be pregnancy and STDs,and those can be avoided,all the other things I dont mind actually.

you could've at least dealt with it by masturbating like everyone else does :lol

Ive been masturbating for a while,but that doesnt mean I dont want no pussy every so often.
Wrath2X said:
Whoa nice to see some newly converted muslims,assalam alaikum wa rahmet allah wa barakatoh :D

I think I need some help,I feel like Im not as devoted a muslim as I used to be,I still believe in allah and his prophet,I pray five times a day and it doesnt bother me I like it actually,its just some of the teachings,I dont think I was taught right for some reason,Im raised through wahhabism,and well their sheiks are kind of contradicting,any hadith that they dont like is automatically a weak hadith,and most of those hadiths are positive to women(I dont know why these sheiks are against women).

And I understand not having sex till I get married,but I already had sex and am OK with doing it more,Ill be careful and make sure Im protected,so why not?

can someone help me out.

Don't worry, buddy! You can follow whichever rules you like! Interpret them however you like! Remember: Some guy made this shit up, so why shouldn't you? You can bend anything the Qu'ran says like Beckham (peace upon him)! If you do wrong I'll forgive you. And if I can forgive you so surely can God. Because God is all merciful. He insists you follow all the rules. But he is all merciful. All. Merciful. That's really great, because in layman terms it basically means you can get away with anything if you ask for forgiveness afterwards. There's an old proverb where I come from: Fuck'n Repent! Fuck'n Repent! Hallelujah!
Smiling Bandit said:
Don't worry, buddy! You can follow whichever rules you like! Interpret them however you like! Remember: Some guy made this shit up, so why shouldn't you? You can bend anything the Qu'ran says like Beckham (peace upon him)! If you do wrong I'll forgive you. And if I can forgive you so surely can God. Because God is all merciful. He insists you follow all the rules. But he is all merciful. All. Merciful. That's really great, because in layman terms it basically means you can get away with anything if you ask for forgiveness afterwards. There's an old proverb where I come from: Fuck'n Repent! Fuck'n Repent! Hallelujah!

Ok, you used to bring some nice debate into this thread, but now you're just sort've being an ignorant troll...
SuperAngelo64 said:
Ok, you used to bring some nice debate into this thread, but now you're just sort've being an ignorant troll...

I'm sorry for that, it's just that all this never leads to anything anyway. It's so weird to read these things, how people choose to believe and select a faith for themselves or how someone else might only abide certain rules and bend others. This seems so absurd on a rational level. For the life of me I can't understand people who behave like that. How can you go conform with such contradictions? Is your mind really just drowned in emotion?

And you can point this out, again and again but as far as I remember no one ever changed their opinion about it. Nor do they give you any new real insight into their own feelings and reasons. So you can only go into such a thread and repeat what's been said numerous times before. And feel bewilderment as you read the discussion on the subtleties of their faith. All these little funny rules and their interpretations and everybody knows he's right.
اA letter from Gaza

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

My dear sisters and brothers I wanted to take this opportunity to send you a message from the sisters and brothers in Gaza. Please hear our situation and tell everyone that you know and don't know.

When the Zionists attacked us on 27th December 2008, they not only attacked Hamas, they not only attacked the Muslims of Gaza, they attacked Muslims everywhere. They attacked Islam in the hope that they will weaken it and ultimately destroy it and ummah of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم.

And they will never stop here. They want the beloved Al Aqsa, they want the West Bank and believe me when I tell you that they want the whole of the Middle East.

But they will never succeed. They will never remove the light of Allah inshAllah.

Our situation is dire but our iman is strong Alhamdulillah, even though we have no water to speak of, and when we do, it is polluted and diseased. We have no money to buy mineral water. When we find the money those that sell it say that it is too dangerous for them to travel out to get new supplies. We have no gas, and have not had for the last four months. We cook the little food we have on real fires that we have learned to prepare.

Our men have lost all of their jobs. They spend their days at home now. My husband can spend a day just going from place to place just for the basic need of water. He usually returns empty handed. There are no schools, no banks from which we can withdraw our money. Few hospitals are open for our wounded. You are constantly aware that you risk your life when you go out and when you are indoors. They give us a curfew between 1-4pm. We can go out, they say, in safety to get your supplies, but that is a lie. They have often used that opportunity to add more shuhadaa to their list.

We eat one day rice and one day bread. Meat and milk are a luxury. They are using chemical warfare in the areas which are on the borders. They are killing us by bullets and tanks and B52s, but they are also killing us slowly by starving our children, inflicting indescribable diseases with their chemical warfare and laughing as our suffering becomes prolonged and unbearable.

All this and we are being told that people demonstrate all over the world. MashAllah the fact that you go to embassies and leave your homes makes us feel truly that we are not alone in our struggle.

But you go home at night and lock your door. We cannot do that. I have to leave my home on the second floor every night and stay with my sister on the ground floor. Should there be an attack, it's quicker to leave from the ground floor.

But the ummah is asking where are the Muslim armies? Where is the victory? And where is our true leader who will save us from this death? Where are the armies of Salahadeen Ayubi? Do not look to the UN, they recognised Israel in 1949 as a state and sealed our fate as it is today. Do not turn to America or Britain, did they not invade our ummah in Iraq and Afghanistan. Call the armies in Egypt, in Syria, in Turkey, in Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. In Bangladesh, in the Gulf, in Indonesia and in Libya where are they? Are they content to watch women scream for their help as they bury their young children? Are the screams of their sisters and brothers falling on deaf ears? We have a right to eat and drink in safety and security. We have a right to laugh and live in hope, do we not?

Yes we are tired. When we hear rockets and bombs and see planes that fly too close to our building, I scream with my young son and my husband feels helpless. The brothers will know what it must be like to feel helpless to protect the honour and lives of your family. It kills something of him inside. We often wonder when will they sell our land cheaply, will it take one thousand or two thousand deaths. We wait to see. The Israelis have started to plan where their settlements will be in Gaza. This is what we have become.

In all this there is no one but Allah سبحانه وتعالى that can save us. Don't forget us because you are all that we have now. Your sadaqaat is not reaching us, and when they open borders it only reaches a few who can do nothing with it because we risk our lives just to buy food. They will kill anyone, anyone even if he is a five year old child carrying food for his family. We want to live from the sweat of our men, not from the sweat of others because we are dying.

Keep up the work of Allah and pray and work for the victory that will come soon and rescue our ummah everywhere inshAllah.

May Allah سبحانه وتعالى make us steadfast in our deen, during struggle and during ease. Ya Allah bring us the victory soon and re-establish Islam as the authority by which we live, Ya Allah send us the sons of Salahudeen, the army of Islam to rescue Mohammed's صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ummah from the oppression under which we live. Ya Allah protect our children and remove the zionists from our land. Ya Allah witness today that we account our rulers, we pray that you return our true leader the Khaleefah soon. Ameen.

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Your sister umm Taqi
Smiling Bandit said:
I'm sorry for that, it's just that all this never leads to anything anyway. It's so weird to read these things, how people choose to believe and select a faith for themselves or how someone else might only abide certain rules and bend others. This seems so absurd on a rational level. For the life of me I can't understand people who behave like that. How can you go conform with such contradictions? Is your mind really just drowned in emotion?

And you can point this out, again and again but as far as I remember no one ever changed their opinion about it. Nor do they give you any new real insight into their own feelings and reasons. So you can only go into such a thread and repeat what's been said numerous times before. And feel bewilderment as you read the discussion on the subtleties of their faith. All these little funny rules and their interpretations and everybody knows he's right.
Wait people are hypocrites? Damn what a surprise. I'm sure you live up to your own moral standards flawlessly. Damn I wish I could be like you.


Smiling Bandit said:
I'm sorry for that, it's just that all this never leads to anything anyway. It's so weird to read these things, how people choose to believe and select a faith for themselves or how someone else might only abide certain rules and bend others. This seems so absurd on a rational level. For the life of me I can't understand people who behave like that. How can you go conform with such contradictions? Is your mind really just drowned in emotion?

And you can point this out, again and again but as far as I remember no one ever changed their opinion about it. Nor do they give you any new real insight into their own feelings and reasons. So you can only go into such a thread and repeat what's been said numerous times before. And feel bewilderment as you read the discussion on the subtleties of their faith. All these little funny rules and their interpretations and everybody knows he's right.

This kind of behaviour is the sympthom, not the cause
hopefully someday people will just realize how silly all of this is.
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