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Official Islamic Thread


daCuk said:
Sorry to ask you another question, but this is an idea that I have had on my mind for some months. Is it possible for a non-Muslim (like me) to visit a Mosque and just ask questions to the person-in-charge. I do not know if the "sacredness" (sorry if the word is inadequate) of the place will prevent a non-believer from entering. There is a mosque in my country (Costa Rica, predominantly Catholic) and I would like ot ask some questions to the believers about faith and way of life of Muslims, but I do not want to offend or break any rule. Sorry if this sound too ignorant from my side.

The oldest mosque in Dubai (I can't remember what it's called) runs a thing called "open hearts open minds" where they'll invite folk in and cover aspects of Islam and answer questions.

From my limited experience Muslims will welcome questions and curiosity about the religion.

Hope that helps a little.
slider said:
The oldest mosque in Dubai (I can't remember what it's called) runs a thing called "open hearts open minds" where they'll invite folk in and cover aspects of Islam and answer questions.

From my limited experience Muslims will welcome questions and curiosity about the religion.

Hope that helps a little.
Yeah we have open days here too. They are always a great event. Helps that most Muslim cultures have awesome food lol.

I feel like posing as a non-Muslim to go to the Turkish mosque's open day lol, just for some free Turkish food.
daCuk said:
Sorry to ask you another question, but this is an idea that I have had on my mind for some months. Is it possible for a non-Muslim (like me) to visit a Mosque and just ask questions to the person-in-charge. I do not know if the "sacredness" (sorry if the word is inadequate) of the place will prevent a non-believer from entering. There is a mosque in my country (Costa Rica, predominantly Catholic) and I would like ot ask some questions to the believers about faith and way of life of Muslims, but I do not want to offend or break any rule. Sorry if this sound too ignorant from my side.
Don't be afraid. You can walk into any mosque. Look up ones around you. When people are done with prayer, say hello to the worshipers and ask them if you can talk to someone knowledgeable because you want to learn about Islam. If the worshiper is a traveler, he probably wouldn't know. But if he's a regular worshiper, he can definitely point you in the right direction.


Man, NeoGAF needs a reputation system; there are a lot of cool guys on this thread I would give a thumbs-up for answering my questions.
I was having a debate with my fiancee about this issue that I found disturbing.

I asked her
"let's say after 10 years of being married, with me having treated you perfectly and done the very best to be a good husband, what if I don't believe in God or Islam anymore. What would you do?"

She replies
"I'd convince you and if you don't change your mind, I'll divorce you"

I then ask
"What if we had kids?"

She replies
"I would still divorce you because your a non-muslim and I wouldn't want a non-muslim raising my kids"

Had a pretty long debate about this and I was wondering wouldn't it be a sin to treat your spouse like that? Imagine the emotional investment involved in maintaining a marriage for 10 years and then having to face a divorce because of the lack of a person's faith. I know this would be incredibly unjust if people could actually get away with divorcing someone because of this.

Any comments or revelations?


I suppose from her viewpoint, a fundamental change in personality or ideology has occurred to the point that she cannot or is not willing to spend the rest of her life with that person.

It is also possible that she maybe using the divorce argument as a deterrent in the possibility that you were actually thinking along the lines. Its easy enough to conjecture and infuse our insecurities within our arguments.

There is also the possibility that apostasy, perhaps, doesn't come as easily to her as you.

edit: iirc Apostasy is a death sentence in a few Muslim majority countries; depending on where you are, this could factor in.


Cryptic Psychedelic said:
Had a pretty long debate about this and I was wondering wouldn't it be a sin to treat your spouse like that? Imagine the emotional investment involved in maintaining a marriage for 10 years and then having to face a divorce because of the lack of a person's faith. I know this would be incredibly unjust if people could actually get away with divorcing someone because of this.

No, it is not a sin. at least not from a muslim point of view.
You have to understand that in islam you don't primarily marry a woman/man because you 'love' her/him in the first place. It is all about devotion to god. your "job" or should i say your "purpose" living on this planet is not finding THAT one woman/man for you and living with her/him for the rest of your time - no matter what. It is more like finding someone in your life who you can relate to refering to god; someone who supports you praying to god. Offspring is also very important and you have to teach them at a young age how to devote to god. Sure it is always good if you have a partner who you also love from the buttom of your heart. but in the first place you love god and you have to appreciate that he created you. if your partner doesn't do the same thing you shouldn't be married to him/her. Bacause the purpose of marriage in islam is not primarily 'love' or "finding a soul mate" but the devotion to god with someone who you can relate to.

So if you marry someone in islam you should be really clear and sure that he or she is a muslim. you can even marry a christ or a jew but not an atheist but that is another story.
Salih said:
So if you marry someone in islam you should be really clear and sure that he or she is a muslim. you can even marry a christ or a jew but not an atheist but that is another story.

Christs don't come around too often.
The attacks in Norway could easily have been caused by Muslims. The initial reactions, when most presumed it was, reminded me; why would Muslims continue to use terrorism especially against innocent civilians even when prior attacks have damaged the Muslim communities globally, the name of Islam and everything associated with Muslims. This entire xenophobic obsession with Islam in Europe is their fault; it is has given legitimacy to it. It really boils my blood there could even be a single Muslim who would contemplate such a thing when they claim to be 'fighting back against persecution'.

I can't imagine what would happen if there were any more terrorist attacks by them. It is depressing and so frustrating. People are being killed and threatened for either doing nothing or being welcoming. Makes me sick


Meus Renaissance said:
The attacks in Norway could easily have been caused by Muslims.

I disagree very much...Norway doesn't have a foreign policy ala UK or America that literally supresses a nation and takes sovereignty away.

My initial reaction wasn't some muslim nutter...but rather possibly Mossad because Norway has been very pro-Palestinian state in recent months...and previously there were pushes within Norway to boycott of Israeli goods.

There is absolutely zero reason for an Islamic terrorist group to target Norway...for all intents and purposes it serves no political goals...zero/none/nada...

Norway is a pretty neutral state and has been mediator for multiple conflicts across the world for decades now...
F#A#Oo said:
I disagree very much...Norway doesn't have a foreign policy ala UK or America that literally supresses a nation and takes sovereignty away.

My initial reaction wasn't some muslim nutter...but rather possibly Mossad because Norway has been very pro-Palestinian state in recent months...and previously there were pushes within Norway to boycott of Israeli goods.

There is absolutely zero reason for an Islamic terrorist group to target Norway...for all intents and purposes it serves no political goals...zero/none/nada...

Norway is a pretty neutral state and has been mediator for multiple conflicts across the world for decades now...
There have been other attacks thwarted against Norway, by Muslims.

Norway is involved in various political situations that could form the basis for a justification for an attack.

Mossad? Really?


OttomanScribe said:
There have been other attacks thwarted against Norway, by Muslims.

Norway is involved in various political situations that could form the basis for a justification for an attack.

Mossad? Really?

Yes Mossad has done operations in Norway. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lillehammer_affair

Ofcourse Norway has a hand in political affairs but I would not say in the current geo-political climate Norway is a target...

In the past Norway has been targeted by Kurd and Iranian groups...but these are the only high level attempts I know of or can remember.

Those thwarted attacks are not as far as I know actual attempts of terrorism if you look at the language for these editorials they always use "suspected"...and after their arrests there are no more reports or information released...the reason why is because there is nothing to these arrests.
F#A#Oo said:
Yes Mossad has done operations in Norway. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lillehammer_affair

Mossad having agents and being involved in operations in Europe is nothing new. When I said 'Mossad? Really?' I was referring to it being more likely that Mossad was bombing and shooting up Norway, than it being some Islamists.
Ofcourse Norway has a hand in political affairs but I would not say in the current geo-political climate Norway is a target...
Why not?


Meus Renaissance said:
The attacks in Norway could easily have been caused by Muslims. The initial reactions, when most presumed it was, reminded me; why would Muslims continue to use terrorism especially against innocent civilians even when prior attacks have damaged the Muslim communities globally, the name of Islam and everything associated with Muslims. This entire xenophobic obsession with Islam in Europe is their fault; it is has given legitimacy to it. It really boils my blood there could even be a single Muslim who would contemplate such a thing when they claim to be 'fighting back against persecution'.

I can't imagine what would happen if there were any more terrorist attacks by them. It is depressing and so frustrating. People are being killed and threatened for either doing nothing or being welcoming. Makes me sick

I agree, there's no doubt muslims have played a major role in their perception. I do come across narrow minded idiots with conservative views. I shake my head when i see muslim women (rare) wearing gloves, to cover their hands!


OttomanScribe said:
Mossad having agents and being involved in operations in Europe is nothing new. When I said 'Mossad? Really?' I was referring to it being more likely that Mossad was bombing and shooting up Norway, than it being some Islamists.

I see...well it is more likely for Mossad than an Islamic group...at this point.

OttomanScribe said:

Logically it wouldn't make sense...and most importantly politically too.

What grievances can you think of Islamic group would have against Norway?...because I cannot think of any.
F#A#Oo said:
I see...well it is more likely for Mossad than an Islamic group...at this point.
Why? Why would Israel want a war with Norway of all places. It is one thing for Israeli agents to wack people in Norway, it is a whole nuther thing for them to start bombing places.
Logically it wouldn't make sense...and most importantly politically too.

What grievances can you think of Islamic group would have against Norway?...because I cannot think of any.
What grievences do Islamists have with the UK or Australia? Involvement in wars in Afghanistan and elsewhere.


Mossad bombs place...so I don't know what you are talking about...

Norway and the UK are not even on the same level for participation in Afghanistan let alone acknowledgement...most people don't even know Norway supports the war in Afghanistan. :D

The UK will continue to be under constant threat of bombing...and I'm sure Norway and other Nordic countries will face nutters (Stockholm bomber) and not the more organised terrorists of Al Qaeda with actual political intentions and workings that stretch many continents.

To go off on a tangent...The Stockholm bomber was radicalised in the UK...not in Sweden...and it's quite scary really...I see the anger of fellow muslims and the idea's they have (verging on something sociopath would probably do or think) but to know that someone actually made an effort to put it all into practice is totally scarey...

There is extremism in the UK and unfortunetly there is little being done about it and it's influencing people.


Meus Renaissance said:
The attacks in Norway could easily have been caused by Muslims. The initial reactions, when most presumed it was, reminded me; why would Muslims continue to use terrorism especially against innocent civilians even when prior attacks have damaged the Muslim communities globally, the name of Islam and everything associated with Muslims. This entire xenophobic obsession with Islam in Europe is their fault; it is has given legitimacy to it. It really boils my blood there could even be a single Muslim who would contemplate such a thing when they claim to be 'fighting back against persecution'.

I can't imagine what would happen if there were any more terrorist attacks by them. It is depressing and so frustrating. People are being killed and threatened for either doing nothing or being welcoming. Makes me sick
yes it's all the muslims fault. Because bigotry and racism were foreign concepts in Europe before the Muslims came.

I mean it's the same with the Jews. If they hadn't poisoned the wells they would have been massacred amirite?


Ashes1396 said:
Where are the jinn?

Jinn are another intelligent species preexisting humans but, from that the Quran seems to imply, they are made of energy or as it calls it "smokeless flame". Plasma perhaps? It's debated. They are also more advanced as they have been traveling in space way before us. Also they have their own civilizations.

"Surely he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you see them not" 7:27.

It's my opinion that either they are extra-dimensional beings which is why they can see us and we can't see them, or they are made of dark energy.

From dapla.org

"The matter that is visible and currently directly measurable is composed of particles that have been identified in the physicists’ “Standard Model”. However, the majority of scientists now believe that this “ordinary matter” makes up less than 5% of the universe. In fact, it makes up less than 20% of all the matter in the universe. The other more than 80% is composed of invisible matter that has been dubbed “dark matter” by scientists.

Dark Plasma Theory argues that this dark matter is present around our Solar System and, specifically, the Earth. Evidence shows that the Sun and the Solar System are under the gravitational influence of invisible dark matter in our galaxy. Dark matter particles have been raining down on Earth every day and night for the past 4.6 billion years. These particles are captured by the Earth's gravitational field. Furthermore, the embryonic Solar System also contained dark matter components. There are therefore many reasons to infer that there are low-density halos of dark matter particles interpenetrating the Earth - effectively creating (currently) invisible 'counterpart-Earths' that co-rotate and share the same gravitational field as the visible Earth. The Theory questioned in 2007 if the density of dark matter around Earth was underestimated.

Computations in 2008 by Stephen Adler of Princeton University and Xu and Siegel from the University of Arizona, suggest that the dark matter density in the Solar System and around the Earth exceeds the galactic halo density significantly and is much higher than previously thought. According to Jay Alfred's estimate, the visible Earth is gravitationally coupled to a Jupiter-sized dark matter halo. As dark matter clumped it created conditions for a dark biosphere to form. This dark biosphere gave rise to dark matter life forms and consciousness.

The Theory argues that dark matter is largely in the form of plasmas of exotic particles (including supersymmetric particles such as charginos and neutralinos). It has been shown in laboratory experiments over the past ten years that minimal ordinary plasma cell-systems can be generated in the laboratory. The Theory therefore suggests that minimal dark plasma cell-systems were generated within this dark halo/biosphere in the early Earth and predicts the existence of terrestrial dark plasma life forms which evolved from these minimal plasma cell systems. Furthermore, unlike chemical-based life forms, dark plasma life forms are compatible with life in a supersymmetric universe.

"A supersymmetric universe might be extremely elegant,
but the Laws of Physics in such a world do not allow for ordinary chemistry.
It’s not just the graveyard of universes: it spells the death of all chemistry-based life.”
*Leonard Susskind, The Cosmic Landscape, 2006*

These life forms would be as varied in scale, structure and intelligence as carbon-based life forms - as different as a microbe from a whale; a mosquito from a tiger; a giraffe from a crocodile; an ant from a human being. Their degrees of intelligence and awareness were as different as a centipede's awareness to the awareness and intelligence of homo sapiens. The taxonomy of these plasma life forms is wide and varied. Some of these plasma life forms have interacted with us in the past (intentionally or unintentionally).

The entities that we have loosely identified as ghosts, angels, jinns, demons, deities (for example the Marian apparitions in the atmosphere), aliens, biological UFOs, fairies and sightings of the recently deceased (on the surface of the Earth) are characteristic of these predicted exotic plasma life forms from interpenetrating dark plasmaspheres or counterpart Earths. They constitute an ecology of plasma life forms that evolved throughout Earth's history and sometimes formed symbiotic relationships with the carbon-based life forms that we are more familiar with. Homo sapiens evolved carbon-based bodies that formed symbiotic relationships with some of these plasma life forms (indicating a type of symbio-genesis). When the carbon-based bodies died, the bioplasma bodies (resulting from the symbiosis) continue their existence in the counterpart Earths.
Dark Plasma Theory is the application of plasma and dark matter physics to the study of dark plasma life forms and their corresponding habitats. Jay Alfred, an independent researcher, has been researching on plasma life forms since 2001 in the absence of institutional support or funding. He is the Research Director of Dark Plasma Life Research Organization and a Consultant at ARPAST (Arkansas Paranormal and Anomalous Studies Team), a science-based research group that studies anomalous and currently unexplained phenomena."


Last episode: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b012xnfn/The_Life_of_Muhammad_Holy_Peace/

The Life of Muhammad - 3. Holy Peace
Discusses his wives, the contextual reason for his marriages, sharia law (established 200 yrs after his passing) the adoption of verses for war by extremists and his eventual rise as ruler of Arabia, not by war but by Peace.

Quite remarkable how he claimed Mecca from the Meccans, how he approached them unarmed which then led to a signed treaty (the Meccans fought mutiple battles with him prior) and even when the treaty was broken by Meccans and blood was shed he returned declared amesty and forgave them all. Bloodless conquer.

His final sermon "No arab is above a non arab, no white is above a black and vice versa". In tribalistic Arabia, where links were based on family and close friends, this was unheard of. Got me teary-eyed i got to admit.

Some moments of derp from the more conservative muslims though. Trying to justify violence.


Prine said:
Last episode: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b012xnfn/The_Life_of_Muhammad_Holy_Peace/

The Life of Muhammad - 3. Holy Peace
Discusses his wives, the contextual reason for his marriages, sharia law (established 200 yrs after his passing) the adoption of verses for war by extremists and his eventual rise as ruler of Arabia, not by war but by Peace.

Quite remarkable how he claimed Mecca from the Meccans, how he approached them unarmed which then led to a signed treaty (the Meccans fought mutiple battles with him prior) and even when the treaty was broken by Meccans and blood was shed he returned declared amesty and forgave them all. Bloodless conquer.

His final sermon "No arab is above a non arab, no white is above a black and vice versa". In tribalistic Arabia, where links were based on family and close friends, this was unheard of. Got me teary-eyed i got to admit.

Some moments of derp from the more conservative muslims though. Trying to justify violence.

Amazing how someone who was so forward thinking and peaceful can be used to justify violence. Makes my blood boil.
Ramadan Mubarak y'all :D

I hope you have an awesome month. I'm going to be giving up foruming for this month insha'Allah, so I'll see everyone around after Eid.

Keep me in your dua insha'Allah :D


RiZ III said:
Jinn are another intelligent species preexisting humans but, from that the Quran seems to imply, they are made of energy or as it calls it "smokeless flame". Plasma perhaps? It's debated. They are also more advanced as they have been traveling in space way before us. Also they have their own civilizations.

"Surely he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you see them not" 7:27.

It's my opinion that either they are extra-dimensional beings which is why they can see us and we can't see them, or they are made of dark energy.

From dapla.org

"The matter that is visible and currently directly measurable is composed of particles that have been identified in the physicists’ “Standard Model”. However, the majority of scientists now believe that this “ordinary matter” makes up less than 5% of the universe. In fact, it makes up less than 20% of all the matter in the universe. The other more than 80% is composed of invisible matter that has been dubbed “dark matter” by scientists.

Dark Plasma Theory argues that this dark matter is present around our Solar System and, specifically, the Earth. Evidence shows that the Sun and the Solar System are under the gravitational influence of invisible dark matter in our galaxy. Dark matter particles have been raining down on Earth every day and night for the past 4.6 billion years. These particles are captured by the Earth's gravitational field. Furthermore, the embryonic Solar System also contained dark matter components. There are therefore many reasons to infer that there are low-density halos of dark matter particles interpenetrating the Earth - effectively creating (currently) invisible 'counterpart-Earths' that co-rotate and share the same gravitational field as the visible Earth. The Theory questioned in 2007 if the density of dark matter around Earth was underestimated.

Computations in 2008 by Stephen Adler of Princeton University and Xu and Siegel from the University of Arizona, suggest that the dark matter density in the Solar System and around the Earth exceeds the galactic halo density significantly and is much higher than previously thought. According to Jay Alfred's estimate, the visible Earth is gravitationally coupled to a Jupiter-sized dark matter halo. As dark matter clumped it created conditions for a dark biosphere to form. This dark biosphere gave rise to dark matter life forms and consciousness.

The Theory argues that dark matter is largely in the form of plasmas of exotic particles (including supersymmetric particles such as charginos and neutralinos). It has been shown in laboratory experiments over the past ten years that minimal ordinary plasma cell-systems can be generated in the laboratory. The Theory therefore suggests that minimal dark plasma cell-systems were generated within this dark halo/biosphere in the early Earth and predicts the existence of terrestrial dark plasma life forms which evolved from these minimal plasma cell systems. Furthermore, unlike chemical-based life forms, dark plasma life forms are compatible with life in a supersymmetric universe.

"A supersymmetric universe might be extremely elegant,
but the Laws of Physics in such a world do not allow for ordinary chemistry.
It’s not just the graveyard of universes: it spells the death of all chemistry-based life.”
*Leonard Susskind, The Cosmic Landscape, 2006*

These life forms would be as varied in scale, structure and intelligence as carbon-based life forms - as different as a microbe from a whale; a mosquito from a tiger; a giraffe from a crocodile; an ant from a human being. Their degrees of intelligence and awareness were as different as a centipede's awareness to the awareness and intelligence of homo sapiens. The taxonomy of these plasma life forms is wide and varied. Some of these plasma life forms have interacted with us in the past (intentionally or unintentionally).

The entities that we have loosely identified as ghosts, angels, jinns, demons, deities (for example the Marian apparitions in the atmosphere), aliens, biological UFOs, fairies and sightings of the recently deceased (on the surface of the Earth) are characteristic of these predicted exotic plasma life forms from interpenetrating dark plasmaspheres or counterpart Earths. They constitute an ecology of plasma life forms that evolved throughout Earth's history and sometimes formed symbiotic relationships with the carbon-based life forms that we are more familiar with. Homo sapiens evolved carbon-based bodies that formed symbiotic relationships with some of these plasma life forms (indicating a type of symbio-genesis). When the carbon-based bodies died, the bioplasma bodies (resulting from the symbiosis) continue their existence in the counterpart Earths.
Dark Plasma Theory is the application of plasma and dark matter physics to the study of dark plasma life forms and their corresponding habitats. Jay Alfred, an independent researcher, has been researching on plasma life forms since 2001 in the absence of institutional support or funding. He is the Research Director of Dark Plasma Life Research Organization and a Consultant at ARPAST (Arkansas Paranormal and Anomalous Studies Team), a science-based research group that studies anomalous and currently unexplained phenomena."
That is very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

And Ramadan Mubarak to all!!


Will Eat Your Children
Happy Ramadan to all, hope it won't be too hard on you all. I will be having my hardest yet with light not going down until after 21:30. Hopefully it won't affect my training schedules too much.

I'm excited to be reading tarawih again tonight :)


Ramadan kareem to all my brothers and sisters here!! My Allah accept all of our duas, salat, recitation of the quran, and whatever else we for his sake only!


Ramadan Mubarak everyone!

very spiritual month ahead of us.

also ... don't eat too much after the sundown. or else the whole purpose of fasting was for nothing. Eat moderately and pray alot.


Making a quick stop to wish you all a pleasant Ramadan. I also wish to express my sincere condolences to any Swedish Muslim up here in the north considering the ridiculous day and night cycle we have now (but maybe you guys can cut them some slack?) :p


Guess I should've posted in this thread instead of the Ramadan is coming thread :p

مبارك عليكم الشهر
Ramadan mubarak!


RustyNails said:

RIP. Could it have been a family feud?

I doubt it. Locally, I am hearing it might be a hate crime. :\

As Boonton, Teaneck, Paterson and Rockaway have a lot of Muslim population that have mosques there.

Really sad. :(


Zapages said:
I doubt it. Locally, I am hearing it might be a hate crime. :\
Article says...

Noorani was wearing traditional Pakistani clothing at the time of the shooting, but family members and police said they did not believe it was a bias crime.

Waj Khan, a cousin of Noorani, said in the 15 years he's lived in Boonton, he has never experienced any ethnic bias.

Investigate the husbands family. It seems it was a very deliberate and targeted attack.


SmokyDave said:
Article says...

Investigate the husbands family. It seems it was a very deliberate and targeted attack.

Dude, I know what the article said. All I am sharing what I heard in my area/local mosque. Stop giving me crap. Thanks.
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