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Official Let's Tap Thread of Future Tapping Game!

dallow_bg said:
I just picked this Best Buy copy up.

It's just a sticker, aka "pad". :(

Super bummed that I ran to Best Buy and picked this up today only to find a damn sticker. Sadness indeed - must play game immediately and rectify this situation pronto!

and Yes Boss and I are apparently on the same wavelength as I ran by the liquor store on the way back home :D May the tapping commence!


LOLOLOL It's not even a sticker it's literally a pad - worst "limited edition" ever.
Was looking through the manual and apparently owning Let's Catch automatically unlocks some game modes that require playing through to otherwise open:

Binary Mode: Clear the mode "Alchemist" in Silent Blocks

Additional 4 Songs for Rhythm Tap: Clear all Rhythm Tap Tracks with "S" or Higher

Ocean Mode in Visualizer: Clear "Visualizer" Mode "Gem Game"

sucks that it isn't anything more substantial not that I expected much regardless

IGN UK scored it an 8.5


I tried preordering this at Gamestop last week but their system wouldn't let me. Wouldn't let me preorder Dawn of Discovery for Wii either. Picked it up at Best Buy today. It is fun, but the "tap pad" is totally worthless. I actually tried to use it and it wouldn't register taps with the wii remote sitting on it. Used the actual game case instead and it worked fine.
Reviewed in new issue of Game Informer.

5.5 / 10

Second opinion: 3 / 10


I’m not going to mince words. This game is terrible. It’s not just that the mechanics work poorly – and believe me, they barely work at all – it’s that the concept itself is so dumb I can’t imagine how this game got approved in the first place. But, for the sake of argument, let’s imagine there is someone out there whose idea of fun is playing shallow minigames by banging on a Kleenex box. Even this fictional person would have to laugh at Let’s Tap’s sloppy control. Perhaps someone at Sega should have known that it’s a bad sign when it’s difficult to do something as simple as selecting options in the menus.

spangler said:
I tried preordering this at Gamestop last week but their system wouldn't let me. Wouldn't let me preorder Dawn of Discovery for Wii either. Picked it up at Best Buy today. It is fun, but the "tap pad" is totally worthless. I actually tried to use it and it wouldn't register taps with the wii remote sitting on it. Used the actual game case instead and it worked fine.
Yeah DVD/Game cases seem to work perfect and yes this tap pad is crap.

Reviewed in new issue of Game Informer.

5.5 / 10

Second opinion: 3 / 10
Got my issue, saw this review, promptly set the magazine on fire.

edit: Their review is the only example of people finding the mechanics of the game flawed. :p to GI the same people who took a shit on Rhythm Heaven as well.


Saint10118 said:
Yeah DVD/Game cases seem to work perfect and yes this tap pad is crap.

Got my issue, saw this review, promptly set the magazine on fire.

edit: Their review is the only example of people finding the mechanics of the game flawed. :p to GI the same people who took a shit on Rhythm Heaven as well.

GI is the same magazine that gave the first Fable a 10/10. They only review games for what they think their audience wants. This was confirmed in the clusterfuck that was the Paper Mario 2 review.


AniHawk said:
GI is the same magazine that gave the first Fable a 10/10. They only review games for what they think their audience wants. This was confirmed in the clusterfuck that was the Paper Mario 2 review.
I imported the game last year for Christmas, but haven't played it since earlier this year.

I can't even get close to my own scores, and STILL haven't unlocked the last 4 songs in Rhythm Tap. You have to S Rank all of the songs and so far I only have done a few of them.

I guess it just depends on how hard you tap for each circle what your score is. Blue is light tap, Green is a good tap, and Orange is a firm tap...

But what amazes me is how SEGA thought a game that primarily uses boxes to play on, would do well without including the boxes?

Anyway, here is a pic of my collection with the Let's Tap boxes I got with the Japanese version: http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/9924/wiicollectionoverview05.jpg


Yaceka said:

They gave it a 6.75 out of 10 and basically called it a game for children or whatever the popular knock against Nintendo games were at the time.

I still say the 10/10 is more damning. Kinda like the 9.9 for Jade Empire from IGN.


You're right, one person's opinion of a game five years ago totally invalidates two different people's opinions of a game today.

I'm not here to defend Let's Tap. I think the consensus at the end of the day will be that it sucks. I just wanted to point out that Game Informer is even more worthless. The reviews are there so Gamestop employees can point to them and say, "see? 10/10. And you can reserve it for only five dollars down."


You're right, one person's opinion of a game five years ago totally invalidates two different people's opinions of a game today.
Dude who gives a fuck what Game Informer thinks

Eurogamer: 8
Edge: 8
IGN UK: 8.5

Eurogamer, Edge, IGN UK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Game Informer
AniHawk said:
I'm not here to defend Let's Tap. I think the consensus at the end of the day will be that it sucks. I just wanted to point out that Game Informer is even more worthless. The reviews are there so Gamestop employees can point to them and say, "see? 10/10. And you can reserve it for only five dollars down."
Exactly. Although I'm inclined to disagree about the opinion of Let's Tap, but taking Game Informer seriously about anything is an exercise in gullibility.
AniHawk said:
I'm not here to defend Let's Tap. I think the consensus at the end of the day will be that it sucks. I just wanted to point out that Game Informer is even more worthless. The reviews are there so Gamestop employees can point to them and say, "see? 10/10. And you can reserve it for only five dollars down."

And I'm not here to defend Game Informer. However, going by your reasoning in this post, they would never give a bad review to any game.

Chumly said:
Dude who gives a fuck what Game Informer thinks

Eurogamer: 8
Edge: 8
IGN UK: 8.5

Eurogamer, Edge, IGN UK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Game Informer

Dude, it's just another opinion. Why are you letting it bother you so much?


And I'm not here to defend Game Informer. However, going by your reasoning in this post, they would never give a bad review to any game.

Here's straight from the horse's mouth, when the PM2 thing was going down:

Lisa and I both knew that our Paper Mario scores were going to cause controversy. Yes, we know that many people out there will love it. We also know that it is a well-made game. However, it also WILL NOT appeal to many people - I would safely say that more people will dislike it than like it. Why? Like we said in the review, it's a very kiddie game - it's target audience is clearly young gamers - I would say 10 and under. For that reason, we had to score it low. Remember, we aren't scoring games strictly on our personal opinions, we're also scoring them based on how much we think THE GAMING PUBLIC will like them. We've all played games that we personally disliked and scored them well because we've known that most people will like them, and we've also scored games low that we love, because most people won't enjoy them.


And I'm not here to defend Game Informer. However, going by your reasoning in this post, they would never give a bad review to any game.

Dude, it's just another opinion. Why are you letting it bother you so much?
:lol :lol :lol

The only person thats bothered here is you. People stopped using GI a long time ago to base decisions on.


Oh I see, only reviews you agree with are allowed in this thread. I noticed the OP hasn't been updated with the GI score either. Is this thread a discussion or an advertisement?

1up review: C+
:lol :lol :lol :lol

Do you work for Game Informer???? You must ( I notice you just completely ignored Anihawks post)

Dont worry the OP can put the 1up review in there to show different opinions on the game


nods at old men
"Game Informer is a fine publication."


Hy Saint, it actually is a sticker. I started to unpeel it to check.
Still, useless! :lol
dallow_bg said:
Game Informer is a fine publication.



Hy Saint, it actually is a sticker. I started to unpeel it to check.
Still, useless! :lol
LOL maybe as a sticker it will at least serve some purpose.


:lol at semi-thread derail. Number reviews are for chumps anyway! There I said it. (and Game Informer? Seriously?!) Anyway, if you're gonna like this game, you already know who you are and will buy it regardless. Its supposed to be a fun game to play with friends for goodness sake, relax guys.

So is there anyone who has actually played it yet and have any impressions to share?


Played it for 1 hour and there're really cool modes in the game. I'm still baffled that tapping works so flawlessly. :-o


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
It really is amazing. The only sucky thing is that I never got the glove for my original Wii remote, so I'm using the one with Motion Plus. It still works really well, it's just kinda big.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap...
Just picked it up! :)

Note for Canadians, Wal-Mart is selling it for $35 while it seems that most other places are selling it for $40.


nods at old men
Just wanted to "try" it last night and played for two hours!

Super responsive, pretty cool!
I used a DDR sized game box. :)
don't listen to GI, they gave paper mario 2 a 3 or some shit. this game is great AND only $30. I don't know how you can bitch at that.
Picked this up last night...didn't have a chance to mess with it much but so far i love it. $30 seems like the perfect price. Rhythm Tap was my favorite game but I do want to try Bubble Voyager a little more, it kicked my ass handily the one time I gave it a go. Probably my favorite thing about the game is just the entire aesthetic...the music, the graphics, the entire presentation just hearken back to Dreamcast-era Sega to me. I am really interested to see what else Prope makes.
DigitalA1chemy said:
Picked this up last night...didn't have a chance to mess with it much but so far i love it. $30 seems like the perfect price. Rhythm Tap was my favorite game but I do want to try Bubble Voyager a little more, it kicked my ass handily the one time I gave it a go. Probably my favorite thing about the game is just the entire aesthetic...the music, the graphics, the entire presentation just hearken back to Dreamcast-era Sega to me. I am really interested to see what else Prope makes.
Totally agree about the overall aesthetic of the game - so much color! Can't wait to have some friends over tonight for some Tappin' and 1v100.

On an additional note, confirmed Hitler writes for Game Informer

Yes Boss!

Totally unique game. Really has the class of some of the old Sega Dreamcast games. It is so surprising how sensitive the Wiimote can be!
Yeah, I was shocked by how sensitive it was to the tapping.

Fun game. Surprisingly so. I agree with most of the reviewers who have said that this is easily one of the best minigame collections on the Wii.

Each of the five activities are fun, which is a rarity in games like this.
Danthrax said:
GameSpot finally got off their lazy asses to post a review of Let's Tap: http://www.gamespot.com/wii/puzzle/letstap/review.html?tag=topslot;img;1


The Good

* Unique control scheme
* Quirky gameplay
* Multiplayer is great fun
* Interesting visual style.

The Bad

* Needs a wider selection of games
* Not all modes control well
* Rhythm game features forgettable songs.
Thanks! OP Updated.
Hell must have frozen over if Gamespot gives a game like Let's Tap a 7.

Played the hell out of this game this weekend and trying getting S-rank is a herculean task. Never would have imagined I'd hear/say "man my tips hurt" so much in my entire life.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
I have completely blown my month's budget... but I'm really tempted to get this. :lol


I know reviews are all opinion but..

Danthrax said:
The Bad

* Needs a wider selection of games
* Not all modes control well
* Rhythm game features forgettable songs.

This is just a flat out lie.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Saint10118 said:
Hell must have frozen over if Gamespot gives a game like Let's Tap a 7.

Eh, it's GameSpot, they're almost as bad as Edge about lowballing scores compared to any other review outlet.


Got the game yesterday with two boxes, played it all nite long with two friends...
just WOW, what a charming, adorable game!!
It's such a fucking blast to play, marathon and the space mode are pure win. And i love the tower one as well.

Great, great game, it's one of the funniest multiplayer experiences i've had in the latest years... too bad it bombed, really.

Oh and it does look beautiful indeed, it just oozes with style.
Honestly, yeah, I never expected this game to be as much fun as it is.

From the jump, I loved the style and the concept, but the jaded gamer in me expected either a) the games to be only worth playing twice tops or b) the tapping to not be responsive enough to keep it from being frustrating.

My expectations were shot to hell on both counts. We need more games executed as well as Let's Tap, party games or not.


It's such a shame Sega decided not to support this little gem... It could have been advertised both as a perfect and atypical game for everyone and as an unusual party game for hardcore gamers (since you get so fucking competitive while playing it...t's really a blast cause you get involved and start tapping too hard and fuck everything up...).

I really feel sorry for Naka-San, this game is definitely GOOD and deserved far more attention. :(
Support it GAF!


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
game is rad.

it also somehow makes me sad from the absence of rez on the wii.
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