No need to apologize. I would have at least deflected it if the game wasn't so weirdI'm sorry dude I wanted to see what you had. The only guys I wouldn't do that against are CB, Bob, FMT and Ram.
Damn, well I see why you were reluctant to go into details. No way to police something like this. This is very dissapointing though. I've complained in the past about man coverage being so ineffective against certain routes. I stopped complaining when I noticed some opponents getting effective man coverage against me in those same situations so I assumed there was something I wasn't doing right.
Oh well, I hate romo anyway, so all the more reason to recommitt to the run.
Pretty sure you can still do that mcniely. At least that's what I do when covering someone that gets the ball thrown to them.
Seems like holding Y at the snap turned my lbs in covg into retards. I had it happen against the ravens and pwill just stood still and the TE was open by 5 yards on a drag route but livewire didn't see it. Idk though ill test it out in practice on holding vs not holding!
So you do it all the time but it didn't work once. That explains how you got 6 picks off of me last time. No more!
Lol of course FMT was holding Y. I fucking knew it!
I've held Y and never made a secret of it. You saw that first hand with me switching with the ball in the air and picking you off 4 times!
But I don't hold it at the start all play every play. And now I won't ever again hold it at the start of the play. Didn't even think about it and if I knew it caused issues I would have made an effort to never do it
it really only effects me against linebackers who are trailing a TE or playing a cover 2 look where they just kinda warp to it. If you throw a ball against a DB that can be picked, it was probably a bad throw
Thats a lie because you ran twins last year when you knew it was an issue. Asshole.
I ran it 4 times in a year. The only play of consequence was a goal line td against you when you stacked the box and I audibled. Suck my dong biiiiiiiiiitch!
"I only cheated a few times!"
Your commissioner, ladies and gentlemen!
Twins were legal. And you're one to talk Ramirez jr.
Running up the score on the CPU over and over to boost your hollow stats. Then you always lose when it counts against human opponents in the playoffs!
Legal because you used them. Shit was as broken as Alex Smith's confidence.
Seems like holding Y at the snap turned my lbs in covg into retards. I had it happen against the ravens and pwill just stood still and the TE was open by 5 yards on a drag route but livewire didn't see it. Idk though ill test it out in practice on holding vs not holding!
I ran it 4 times in a year. The only play of consequence was a goal line td against you when you stacked the box and I audibled. Suck my dong biiiiiiiiiitch!
Is this serious?
It's no lie. I don't run twins much anyways and after I realized the cb didn't follow I didn't run it. All of those 4 times took place in season 1 within the first few weeks of the season. I think my last time using it was against the eagles which would have been week 4 of season 1.
bullshiiiiiiiit. get the fuck out of here. Ramirez wasnt even twins head 4 weeks into season one and i CLEARLY remember you using it against me in later seasons. You couldnt be lying more right now
bullshiiiiiiiit. get the fuck out of here. Ramirez wasnt even twins head 4 weeks into season one and i CLEARLY remember you using it against me in later seasons. You couldnt be lying more right now
Lol whatever you say bruh. Go find your crying after I got that goal line td on first and goal, it's the last time I used it
What's funny is the guy who just uses 5-6 of send-all-my-WRs-deep-I'm-running-it with-Vick on his last drive to beat me that first season is calling you out for cheese.
So to understand this Y previous Maddens you would hold Y to try and better secure a catch (whether you're the WR making the catch or the DB making the pick) and you would tap y to try and spectacular catch (one-handed INT). So what LJ is saying is that now holding Y will also help make you backpedal/run to the trajectory? Is this when you've got the defender selected? Or is it when you're playing D and holding it the entire time from the snap?
Play zone. Or QB Spy. Or QB contain. Or watch me yourself. What i was doing wasnt breaking the game. It was just breaking a lesser player that couldnt stop running 2 man out of the dime package.
That's fine for the first 2-3, but when you're out running my LBers and you know you're doing it from the moment of "hike", it's complete cheese. Regardless, plenty of people were running twins well into that first season.
lololol wait wait wait. So if im doing something thats working and NOT game breaking, its on ME to stop? Instead of you running the same defensive play all the way down the field?
ahahahahahahahahahahaha. If i didnt know better id feel like this was a joke.
Holding Y when the ball is in the air is the ballhawk feature
At least Crow runs designed QB runs, you just cheese it up when you feel that loss coming.
Okay this is getting out of hand, let's all just calm down.
I dont need to find shit. Thats the most ridiculous claim from you since you tried to cry about pumpfaking breaking the game because you were butthurt i kicked your ass. AT already backs me and we would be two of the people to know considering how many times we matched up.
Its time to retire old man. You are going real David Stern right now.
comment is trash
Its my fault that your DB's sucked and linebackers were slow? ahahahahahahaha this just keeps getting better. I feel Like Stephen A Smith laughing at Tiago Splitter.
You think Vick is highly rated in this game because of his accuracy? You think his scrambles in real life were designed? Nope. Alot of his big runs came from him making a linebacker miss while the DB's and/or safety's had their back turned on the play and he took off. You should have to account for Vick. Thinking you can do nothing about him and it be MY fault is the funniest thing ive heard in a while.