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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA

Do you guys think Goodell will ban the Rams from the league for those fake punt shenanigans??

i wasn't aware fake punting when you were winning in your own territory was illegal in the NFL as it is in our league but if it is then there is a conflict of interest since jeff fisher is on the competition committee! i need an investigation done!


Fuck. GG man! So much bullshit happened for both of us in that game lol
GG. Your last drive was really frustrating. 3 balls thrown straight to defenders and none of them could hold on to it. Oh well, that probably knocks me out of the playoff race.

Edit: So when are we finishing the raid?
I couldn't believe Charles fumbled for the 2nd time in the game and you returned it all the way to take the lead with less than 2 minutes left. We were in FG range and could have pretty much sealed the win but I also thought the game was over when I had the 13 point lead with like 3 mins left.

Our progress resets Tuesday so we need to do it soon if we want to finish it.
This morning reminded me why I can't do Seasons in FIFA. I went up 2-0 really early on this guy and I could tell he was shitty cause he was uber aggressive on defense and just a line drive dribble and shoot person, using Barcelona. So I decided to be nice and just get out of the replays quickly.

Second half comes, he gets 2 bullshit goals, and pimps out the replays. I got my 3rd and of course I pimp out mine, and this was after like 5 other shots barely missed. And so we're in the 90th minute which is lasting FUCKING FOREVER, I'm playing keep away around his box, and then I make one shitty pass, and fucking Messi dribbles the entire length of the field and passes to Neymar to make some fucking ridiculous curve shot from the side corner of the box, ties the game. I'm pretty sure I had like 70% possession that game.

Just fuck.


Think I had my first 0-0 seasons game last night. Just in Div 9, 2nd game, but the dude kept lagging it up every time I had the ball. No way that was coincidence.

Literally every time. And then it'd be clear when he had it.

So far I've only played using Liverpool and lately the US team. Haven't had to face Barcelona with those.


Uhhhh, was just attempting to finally start scouting players and accidentally clicked the 'ready to advance'.
Able to clear that somehow?
I know I can't.
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