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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA


Yeah, not a fan of getting rid of Robertson/Greene.

And to go back a season, we should have paid up for Robbie. It was an astronomical number, yea, but he is still an offensive force. He's also pretty good defensively when he cares which he wouldn't after securing that deal but whatevs.


Bob when do you want to play?

Later tonight? I have a birthday party to go too after work. Otherwise I can play tomorrow night.

When is his Tommy John going to be?

Very glad he is not coming to the Yanks.

Also, Cashman needs to get his head out of his ass.

As Yankees fans, I guess you guys understand the challenge of shelling out for a big name pitcher and not having him play most of the season. Can't worry about that though!
As Yankees fans, I guess you guys understand the challenge of shelling out for a big name pitcher and not having him play most of the season. Can't worry about that though!



Restrained hate post incoming. I think 97% of this new DLC is pure garbage. I will set aside my grievances in terms of them destroying their entire economy after getting everyone to use as much of their resources as possible upgrading the now redundant items. But I find it really hard to overlook just how little was added to the game. Bungie bills the DLC as expansion packs and I personally cannot believe the sheer audacity and disrespect required to legitimately sell that marketing line. This is DLC in its rawest virtually valueless horse-armour form. There is no expanded content, everything is a copy paste job. I wish I was lying but if you've played the game you know I'm not. Both strikes are bottom of the barrel and the one that's cross platform is by far the worst strike in the game. (dust palace not withstanding). It's a run through 2 story missions copy pastad together with a palette swapped enemy (fallen instead of hive), culminating in a terrible standoff in front of the door to a janitors broom closet. There is one door that opens up a new area that is 3 rooms big, an area that was on disc because it had been thoroughly explored prior if I'm not mistaken - for the rest of this new legendary strike you run through the same old cosmodrome you've run through 2003030020209 times. The other is the black garden copypastad mirrored with the nexus boss at the end. Xbox owners can't even play this, even though it's slightly more enjoyable than the broom closet strike. I'd say they're missing out but they're not really.

The three new missions are in areas you've previously been to as well just slightly extended. They offer up no actual storyline that's logical or sensible or fits into anything really and the whole thing honestly barely qualifies as being coherent. No plot points are resolved, no progress is made it's literally just treadmilling in place. In essence they added spawn points for enemies and called it a day. I'd be dissapointed if these missions were free and tied to some event, but I'm even more dissapointed that they aren't and that they cost $17.50.

Eris is another faceless vendor that jabbers at me while I press buttons to discern what kind of grind I'm in for next. The questline leading up to the strikes is beyond terrible as well, doing the 3 missions is fine but I really did not feel the need to go grind 25 more lvl 8 knights in cosmodrome, it's fucking insulting that they consider that an activity worth engaging in. The bounties are literally the same shit but worse because you're doing it again, you're going to the same exact area, killing the same exact mobs for the same exact reason you did previously. Only now all of your previously found loot has been obsoleted in one fell swoop, not just some items but literally all of them. Every single item, all of the guns from the old raid are terrible and outclassed by random legendary drops now. They basically spread crota's arse end open over all of your old stuff and turned it into shit. It's like the midas touch but with shit instead of gold really.

So there you are running the same bounties to level up some new shit you just bought found because it's immediately better than anything you own regardless of the effort it took to attain said gear and in the back of your head you realize that you've done all of this before. It's a terrible feeling really, I never question what I'm doing with my life more than I do when I'm playing Destiny.

I'd quit honestly, I think about it everytime I play this game but I don't. I know why I don't though, and I think it's not because this game is great or addictive, well designed, or impeccably balanced because it's not. It's because for the briefest of moments, one to three raids every week, this game becomes one of the best co-op shooters currently available. Unfortunately I hate everything I have to do (barring pvp) after the raiding stops. I have to do this if I want to keep up with my buddies, who are doing it to keep up with me, and it's fucking terrible. I love raiding, but I know if I don't crank up my lightlevel by doing the most inane bullshit treadmill in the world I'll be getting left behind for someone who did run the treadmill and has progressed past me. Currently I'm hanging in there, but I don't know how much longer I can keep hanging in through a week of almost joblike grinding to play half a day of fun stuff.

What say you, Brentech?
Wasn't the Destiny DLC the same price as the WoW xpac? I've only played the WoW xpac, but if what the post says is accurate, there is about 10000x more content in the wow expansion.

Now if only Ferny would play it...


I don't really know, I might not even be that high. I just dinked around in it and haven't touched it since the summer. I'll install it on my office ps4 tonight so we cna play together. I like the cactus!


Is WoW still segmented into different servers? If so, what server do you guys play on?

That doesn't matter anymore, I'm pretty sure you can invite anyone to your group no matter what server they are on and do stuff with them. You can't trade items or anything though
Is WoW still segmented into different servers? If so, what server do you guys play on?

Servers don't matter anymore. I'm on a different server than Somnia but I did a raid with his guild last week. The only thing that matters is faction, but everyone chooses boss ass horde anyway. Except for Soka.


intangibles, motherfucker
Servers don't matter anymore. I'm on a different server than Somnia but I did a raid with his guild last week. The only thing that matters is faction, but everyone chooses boss ass horde anyway. Except for Soka.

How long was the interview for you do be able to play with them.


Oh yea. I forgot you could do that. I actually faction changed to horde after my raiding days so I could play with some co workers.

Damn it, it's snowing.


I can never go back. A few years ago I may have, but I have little interest in what they have done with it, and enjoy not being tied up to one game. When I played it, I was never able to just casually play, lol.


I can never go back. A few years ago I may have, but I have little interest in what they have done with it, and enjoy not being tied up to one game. When I played it, I was never able to just casually play, lol.

Do it Brent! At least one raid and then you're free. It won't consume your life whatsoever


Even when I tried to play casually in like 2009 or 2010. I would find pick up groups and was able to complete the hardest difficulty of Lich king and all that.
Game turned into something too easy. Albeit, less time consuming

But thinking about games I used to play. I started wow like 6 months after official releases maybe. Before that, I played a the shit out of America's Army. Up until they ruined it with the 2.0 patch.
Anyone play that?



Nobody in the NBA has more losses than the Knicks, who after last night's fartbomb in New Orleans appear to be coming apart at the seams. Nine straight losses, Carmelo Anthony is considering sitting out for a while with a sore knee, Phil Jackson says the team has a "loser's mentality," and, oh yeah, players are pausing in the middle of games to schedule fistfights.

The New York Knicks were en route to their fifth straight loss last week against Brooklyn when a frustrated Tim Hardaway Jr. screamed angrily, "Get the rebound!''

Certain his second-year teammate was speaking to him, Carmelo Anthony approached Hardaway on the way down the court and used an expletive to ask Hardaway who in the world he thought he was talking to.

Anthony, according to sources, then used another expletive in telling Hardaway he was going to beat him up when they got into the locker room after the game.



More wonderful commentary on Destiny DLC expansion.


The reason this review doesn’t have a score or a summary is that we haven’t finished The Dark Below in its entirety. There are two main reasons for this: 1) we’re not high enough level to play the new Raid, and 2) we don’t want to.

The other thing which The Dark Below (re-)highlights is just how terrible Bungie are at boss battles. They haven’t changed their approach one bit since the main game and encounters are still just sticking you in a room and spamming minor enemies at you, as a larger boss wanders aimlessly around. In fact that’s pretty much Destiny’s approach to level design in general, and the second mission (which we did need co-op help to complete) is basically just two rooms filled with bad guys.

The PlayStation exclusive Strike is available straight away and again shamelessly reuses areas from the main game (the lead up to the Black Garden on Mars) while dotting a few enemy corpses around to make it seem different, and adding in the Precursor Vex from the Vault of Glass. It all culminates in a boss battle in, you guessed it, a small enclosed room – which the boss trundles up and down for half an hour while you slowly chip away at his health. The main Strike is even worse, not least because it can only by accessed by performing bounties for new quest giver Eris. And lo and behold the most efficient way to go about this (because it involves killing Hive Wizards and Knights) is to go straight back and repeat the same missions you’ve just beaten. This goes on for far longer than the story missions on their own (not least because you’re not told where your targets are for the Earth quests) and is just about the worst filler since processed cream.

The fact that we haven’t played the Raid means we can’t in good conscience give this expansion a score or normal review summary, but we think you can gather it wouldn’t be a very positive one. The palpable lack of ambition evident in the parent game is magnified here, and very little reason is presented for this expansion to exist – other than as an excuse to sponge money from fans.

It’s particularly offensive give the high cost and the fact that Xbox owners are denied the better (relatively speaking) of the two Strikes, and yet are expected to pay the same price. Oh, and as a bonus slap in the face the Weekly Heroic and Nightfall Strikes are, at the moment at least, both for the DLC. So suddenly those that haven’t bought the DLC have part of the game they have paid for taken away from them.

We were going to say that Bungie had made no effort at all in any aspect of the game, but that’s not quiet true. In terms of taking ruthless advantage of their fans they’ve left no corner unturned.

Sounds like a winner.
And to go back a season, we should have paid up for Robbie. It was an astronomical number, yea, but he is still an offensive force. He's also pretty good defensively when he cares which he wouldn't after securing that deal but whatevs.

I have to admit it is really weird not seeing the Yankees retain their home grown talent. People like to give the Yankees shit for buying up free agents (which they do) but during the 90s when they were really good they benefited heavily from a core they developed internally.

Letting Robertson go is a little more defensible because he's a reliever and locking them up to long term contracts is usually not a great idea. I don't fault them for not paying the same bananas amount of money that the Mariners did on Cano, they spread that money across multiple players (including Ellsbury who is pretty dang good) so its not like they lost him and did nothing.

As bad as the lakers are there is some enjoyment in watching Kobe and Nick Young play. The knicks just have nothing.

Also Staples Center plays Zelda music during Lakers games

Do the Lakers use the same organ player as the Kings?

Edit: Actually the Lakers/Kings organist is a dude, https://twitter.com/dieterruehle the Dodgers organ player is a woman. They're both pretty rad. I have to also say, I wish I had been able to stick with playing trumpet so I could've been in the Laker band. I knew some people who got invited to fill on it and they said its pretty awesome to be a part of.
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