So I built a desk over the last couple weeks. Using a solid slab door as the surface and some 4x4's for legs, 2x4s for skirt. 80" x 30" desktop surface.
Was able to bring it up from the basement and into the office when my brother was in town this past weekend. It's pretty fucking awesome, but I'm still figuring out the best setup of where everything should be - and what's on what monitor.
Just moved PS4 and PC around for like the 3rd time now while shifting all the monitors (I also decided to go away from desk mounted monitor arms and just use their bases for now). Just bought some small, but nice desktop speakers because I hate having just headphones and monitor speakers. It's been killing me.
The current look has my PC behind left monitor.
Only reason I might eventually go back to monitor arm mounts is the wasted space in the corners.