...This show is fucking terrible but the voices are great.
...This show is fucking terrible but the voices are great.
That's the nicest thing you've ever said about me :')If someone said "hey ez, pick a show you think of when you think of Bread" I'd probably say Rick and Morty. Or Hookers on the Point.
Not tonight, I'm saving some trial hours for the weekend!bread dont listen to that clown he has horrible taste in comedy!
now whats say we play another game of madden
let's play some MCC ya bishGG Crimson and Pheeniks!
If only my boy Greg was there
GG Crimson and Pheeniks!
If only my boy Greg was there
I just got done playing!GG Crimson and Pheeniks!
If only my boy Greg was there
it took a full 4 man effort and some good meepo play to save ourselves from the "no mid meta" that Splat invented
it took a full 4 man effort and some good meepo play to save ourselves from the "no mid meta" that Splat invented
We did it!![]()
Where's the proof??Lmao apparently Sanjuro is a "milf magnet"
I was a little better in that last mode we played. I was just chucking grenades and shooting everywhere and getting kills. I'm garbage in TDM.
it took a full 4 man effort and some good meepo play to save ourselves from the "no mid meta" that Splat invented
Dumbest game ever.
So Best Buy has a good trade in for 15 right?
Can't wait to play some Madden and watch football.
$20 + you get a $10 coupon to be used on a future purchase
I think I need to watch this matchit took a full 4 man effort and some good meepo play to save ourselves from the "no mid meta" that Splat invented
I want NHL already.
Just 3 1/2 more weeks...
We need the PSN party limit to expand to 10, damn it.
Just 3 1/2 more weeks...
We need the PSN party limit to expand to 10, damn it.
$20 + you get a $10 coupon to be used on a future purchase
Wow. I should cancel my Amazon order then.
The things dreams are made of right here.I'm about to tell you the whitest story you'll hear today:
I just increased my membership level at the country club in order to get a reserved spot at the bar, complete with a little plaque with my name on it on both the bar stool and bar top.
I'm the best!
I'm about to tell you the whitest story you'll hear today:
I just increased my membership level at the country club in order to get a reserved spot at the bar, complete with a little plaque with my name on it on both the bar stool and bar top.
I'm the best!
Congrats on the privilege!
Pulled myself up by the bootstraps and now I have my own barstool. You too, can live the dream.
Setting yourself up good. My grandfather was a lifelong golfer, retired, ran the small pro shop on the course, lived in a house where the yard was connected to the greens. Golfed every day practically. Eventually died at the bar after a round.
My current life goal is to be Ty Webb. I'll end up Judge Smails though![]()
I bet he was a real milf magnet at that bar too!
Sounds like the perfect way to go out to me, as long as it's quick.
My current life goal is to be Ty Webb. I'll end up Judge Smails though![]()
Instead you've got the social grace of Carl Spackler and the intelligence of Spaulding.